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  1. Name of Faction: Kirov Bratva Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 36 and growing Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Family Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Russian Name of Character running the faction: Artyom "Art" Pavlova Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): tobins Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:526506620 Your Server playtime: 1mo 3w 2d 6h 20m = 1288 Hours Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): Businesses We plan on opening businesses that divert from the typical restaurant or social club that 90% of the factions do in the server by opening unique business with their own opportunity of RP such as a Security Firm to help us stand out and attract people to our buildings so they have an enjoyable time instead of drawing straws to decide what restaurant they will go eat at. But for instance in the building there will be consultations with clients and many /me commands during the appointments. The main goal of our businesses is to retain people inside of them and keep people engaged for extended amounts of time as compared to a grab and go store to enhance roleplay. The goal of the Security Firm is to allow people (civilian or connected) the ability to enter the building and hire security for various events if it would be a dinner party at their own property or simply coming with them to a deal (Legal or Illegal) so the scale of the security can be matched in certain packages for the clients needs. Another shell company we intend to operate is an Insurance/Financial Institution in where people can pay a monthly fee to insure your items which could be suits/weapons and of course insurance fraud might cause to be an issue but clients will be chosen carefully to ensure it doesn't happen. This will add a new blend of businesses that will be unique and yet to be seen. This will set us apart from other factions and will put us as the only people in the market so it wont be oversaturated by a bunch of people trying to recreate due to how generic it is. Faction Goals Another goal that we want to meet is to provide a neutral meeting ground for faction sit downs. For instance if the stakes are high and neither of the factions can trust going to eithers property we can provide a service with security for both factions for a respectable fee so we can be engaged with factions in a positive aspect. Security for such events would include but not limited to: Pat-downs, meeting mediators, armed security inside, and lookouts around the block in civilian clothes. A meeting mediator will be sat at the meeting table to help the parties come to put forth an unbiased opinion to help reach a reasonable conclusion. Running clubs were a big part of Russian organized crime in America and we plan to reflect this in game by either acquiring the nightclub or the pharmacy and utilizing The Den. Though this is rather generic, we still want to keep the values of real life to generate an authentic experience. Bouncers will be used and a membership based system will apply for different tables in the club for separate perks with an option to rent out the nightclub for private events. Apparel Apparel is a key component in defining a faction and this is planned to be portrayed by distinguishing people affiliated with the faction (associates) from full fledged members of the Bratva. This will be shown by affiliated members wearing less formal clothes when in public. And full members wear darker toned formal attire as to not look like a traffic signals and to give off a serious demeanor when conducting business or running a property. The proper execution of enforcing apparel policy will build respect between the different ranks and be more comparative to real life. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): To promote activity and keep people engaged is a big goal for our faction as we bring innovative RP to the server. We plan on actively engaging with each other and other factions by bringing some new events with a twist on them. A few we had in mind are below. Security Challenges A fun event we plan on doing to help people train securing buildings for the security company is utilizing Security Challenges by having members protect our property, a townhouse, an allied property, etc. Security personnel are challenged to protect the building from invaders with paintball guns. This will build strategy and provide a shooting training for members as well as just be a good time in general for everyone involved. Shooting Competitions Shooters compete in a shooting range environment to shoot targets (watermelons or busts) with a semi-automatic weapon and the winner is decided by who completes the course the fastest. Missing a shot will add to the shooters time. This will be a fun new way for people to get used to fighting in 1st person a lot more and give people something to look forward for. Constant Deals We intend to constantly have crew deals running for members to look forward to as well as supply members with risk free connects to ease their grinding and minimize getting scammed, mugged, etc. Family Outings By connecting with our members by constantly going out to dinners, server events, or simply walking around with each other as a group and participating in activities with create a stronger bond with our members and will hopefully retain more members. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rank Translations for Italians! Pakhan = Boss/Don Sovietnik = Consig/Advisor Direktor = Underboss Derzhatel Obshchak = Street Boss Brigadier = Capitan/Caporegime Leytenant = Lieutenant Vor = Solider/Made man Assosoyats = Associates Торпедо = [REDACTED] Byki = [REDACTED] Our faction is comprised of former faction leaders that are looking to create a strong and unique Russian faction and do it properly Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YY90c7Ql9zcg8cVyoBbc2n6Kdl9H_oPHD-6yUapTEbk/edit?usp=sharing
    18 points
  2. I know we're way closer to the 90s than we are the 80s, but video arcades were still fairly predominant up until consoles really took off in the early 2000s. We could add to the 80s theme by adding a video arcade whether it'd be public or a private racket / business. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1528767279 https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/arcade-machines-2-realistic-arcade-gaming Most of this stuff is public, will obviously need a lot of development to make it work with all the current systems, but if it's a private business license you can apply for, maybe there can be an unused building made for this kind of thing like an arcade. Either: A) It's public, and people can play and the way it'd work is after so much score, like let's say their final score is around 1000, this would give them a "100 ticket" item (could use the casino number plates if you wanted to, or create a custom ticket model, either or really) in their inventory. 10,000 score, "1000 tickets" etc, etc. They would then go to the vendor / npc in the building and sell them for real money like oil companies do with their barrels of oil. B) If it's a private business, it'd be the same thing but the family / business would be the only ones with access to the NPC and can sell tickets and give the person a large cut of however many tickets they gave them. (up to the business and / or the law however they want to make it work). EDIT: Instead of a ticket system you could also just utilize the coin exchange machine. Let the business set the price for coins and they can collect the cash the vendor generates. In the end, this could be very legit. People can do their VR chat RP in the arcade, shoot the shit while playing Galaga or some other game, while others who are more serious and want to continue conducting their illegal business and running their shipments don't have to hear "skibidi rizz" and "gmod" / other ooc terms every corner they take. This could isolate a lot of those people to the video arcade if done well and free up a lot of OOC traffic on the streets, while providing another potential legal way for businesses to make money. (I don't know if this is the correct addon I've linked above, but this is what I would guess the games would look like as the addon as well as this video was uploaded a long time ago).
    16 points
  3. Name of Faction: Supreme Team Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 14 + more interested potential players. Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Organized Crime Syndicate. Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Mainly African American & Hispanic but diverse. Name of Character running the faction: Rolo Mcgriff Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): #dRe12345 Your SteamID: 0:0:43101749 Your Server playtime: 2mo 2d 9h Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): depending on the properties we own - Community Park / Local Gym / Recreation Center - Custom Clothing and Vehicle Salesmen - Soul Food Buffet (All You Can Eat) / Kitchen - Studio - Guinness Book of World Records : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GiB2g2SYmmuq3AsG9ttDBV3tSfLmZkXAeH4YWbnYaW0/edit#slide=id.g2811cb09bc9_0_17 - Southside Olympics: Shooting Stone Tossing Cycling Triathlon General Sports General Athletics Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): -Events & Challenges within the faction and outside the faction, i.e. Civilians and other businesses in the city to let people meet other players in the city, as well as promote events hosted by other businesses. Events would depend on the properties we own, or can rent. Drive-in Theatre Basketball/Handsoccerball Tournaments Car Soccer Man Hunt Cooking Contest- two teams can compete cooking/serving the judges in a timely manner. The Chefs would have 1 minute to collect their ingredients and provide a 3 course meal to the judges. - Achievements within the faction to earn “custom” rewards -Re-Occurring deals between Allies and Neutrals -Active Community center where people are encouraged to socialize with others making new connections equipped with facilities such as a gym/sports center (Depending on the property we obtain). -Hiring Contests with cash and custom prizes -Weekly rotation on sports games (I.e. Football one week paintball the next etc.) -Each sporting event will be sponsored by the city's businesses and a multiple-choice poll open to the public on what event the city wants to see more Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): Backstory: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Tn-5_sUy2dJCEQOPb5qGCuhH8BGNt4-pvGez3TO1TP4/edit?usp=sharing
    14 points
  4. I'm not sure why this isn't a thing but just doing a (for example) /itar to speak Italian through radio so everyone and their Mother can't hear what anyone has said on your radio channel. I would assume this wouldn't be too hard to implement.
    13 points
  5. I am of the long standing opinion that the existing PK song is fucking BEANS (negative) and the song "That's Life" is wayyyyyyyyyyyy more fitting. I even made this concept video on it in early 2023m but I have been silenced and railroaded preventing it from being implemented. https://streamable.com/kpfyf0
    13 points
  6. 13 points
  7. Name of Character: Jarquavious Reginald III SteamID:STEAM_0:1:178155888 Your Discord ID#:Simplevibes47 Date of PK: 03/06/2025 Reason for PK: Breaking Fear rp (But i disagree) FearRP Rule 12 Breaking Fear RP while being detained by Police. If the police are detaining you for a crime and you break FEAR rp by pulling a weapon on them the NYPD are still within their right to react in self defense. This can and will be considered initiating a violent confrontation with police EVEN if you never managed to fire the weapon. Why should you be un PK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: This makes no sense i never shot to a officer and could barely hear him over the 12 people talking in conjunction. I was pked for not following a order that i could not hear at all . as shown in the video i was shooting the active shooter trying to protect my safety .(in the video i am the one with a jew beret and a jew security outfit and black beard i get shot in the back of the head by 3 cops as shown) ) If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jPu4ZYalKpOeon_uL?invite=cr-MSw3NWgsMTk3MTkzNTEwLA
    12 points
  8. This has probably already been suggested, but I dont recall. But it would be a nice feature that would help save the tedious seconds whether Im cooking, moving stuff in or out of my bank, or in my case taking oil shipments out of the crate. Hopefully this is something that could be implemented. Thanks for the read.
    12 points
  9. In-Game Name(s): Leonardo Colombo, Lieutenant Alexander Price, Doriano Carcano Steam Name: Kewl Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199082231349/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:560982810 Discord Username: kxwl Age: 16 When did you first join the server: April 10th, 2023 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 3mo 3w 6d 23h 5m Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 2-3 hours on weekdays, more on the weekends. Weekdays could vary. (More, not less) Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer What is your motivation/reason for applying?: I’ve spent a pretty good amount of time on the server and applying for staff has been something I’ve considered for a good amount of that time. I’ve had lots of fun in my time on the server, and I’ve got a lot more ahead of me. I want to join the staff team to help moderate the server and ensure that the rules are properly followed. I know how frustrating it can be to have your fun ruined by some guy who just bought the game 10 minutes ago and managed to get a gun, or your local crashout who just got demoted from Senior Officer to Officer and decides to start mass rdming, and I want to help ensure that there’s less bad actors on the server. I haven’t been staff before, so I figure that helping out is the best way I can give back to all the people who have made this possible, and try something new at the same time. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I’ve been playing the server for well over a year now, and ensuring that I abide by the rules is something that I’ve been meticulous about; it’s one of the reasons I still to this day have no notes/warnings or bans. Violating the rules can be the difference between a fun RP scenario and complete chaos. That’s the main reason I’ve made sure that I understand and follow them very well. My solid and very thorough understanding of the rules is a quality that is very useful to have before becoming staff, as the main thing I’d need to learn is how to enforce them instead of thoroughly understanding them on top of that. As I stated above in the yes or no questions, I sadly don’t have experience with SAM or Nutscript commands, but I’m a rather quick learner and I could easily pick up on how to use them efficiently to carry out staff duties. I would also say that I’m a rather level-headed person and I rarely, if ever at all, get frustrated or annoyed to an extent that would interfere with my judgement. I believe that’s a necessary quality when dealing with staff sits that can possibly get hostile really quickly. A calm and collected mind is something required to make a proper and appropriate judgement on staff matters. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Unfortunately, I have no previous experience. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No, I have not. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: I would say that most people would have heard of me from either my police character or criminal character if they haven’t met me. I’ve spent the majority of my time in both the police and the criminal aspects of the server, and I have occasionally done some legal rp, usually as a private lawyer. Due to the positions I hold/have held, there’s a good chance even those who haven’t met me or heard too much about me have heard of me by one of the nicknames of my characters. I have had my police character, Alexander Price, for a long time and I reached the rank of Sergeant in ESU around the time when I had made my criminal character that I still have today, originally named Leonardo Russo. If you have read my character list already, it’s pretty blatant what faction I joined on that character, and if you know who I am, what I’ve achieved since then. I’ve been a supervisor in every currently existing bureau of the police and currently reside in the Internal Affairs bureau as a Lieutenant. In regards to those who really know me or have interacted with me before, I would say that it’s probably easier to name the people who would think ill of me than those who don’t. In short, I would say that the majority of people have heard of one of my characters before if they haven’t met me, and I would think that I am generally liked by the majority of those who know me outside of my characters. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: 6/14…. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Adam, Morty ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: Assuming that the victim already made a ticket, I would first ensure that I’m not in any RP scenarios before dealing with the RDM. After I’m done with any ongoing RP, I would swap to my staff character, properly go on-duty, and take the ticket/deal with the RDM. Of course, if there are any other tickets or issues that need to be addressed by staff, I would do it now before I go back on my other character as to have them dealt with so that people don’t need to wait for an unnecessarily long time and because I wouldn’t be busy with anything else at that moment. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: If I truly believed that this staff member’s actions were undoubtedly intentional abuse, I would immediately notify a higher ranking staff member/UA/management of what I believed was occurring. I would specifically say that while I strongly believe the staff member is abusing consistently, I might not currently have substantial proof that is enough for action to be taken against them. Most people would just silently gather evidence and then forward everything as one big report, however I believe that if the proper people are notified right away, evidence might be able to be spotted that wouldn’t have been found otherwise, and an investigation into said staff member’s conduct can be launched easier and sooner, overall giving the abuser less time to do damage. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: An important factor to remember in situations like this is that people are inherently biased, even if they aren’t trying to be. Your mind might sway your thinking and make you lean towards a certain decision due to bias without you even realizing it. If a ticket was made against someone within my faction or a friend of mine, I would refrain from taking it, unless absolutely necessary. If I took a ticket and found out that it was against someone who I think I might even possibly have bias towards, I would notify other staff members in the staff chat that I think I shouldn’t handle the issue and arrange for someone else to handle it, or at minimum get a second opinion before handing out any punishments. I would refrain from getting involved in the actual sit if necessary to completely remove any possible bias. If there was a situation where a ticket was made and I believe that I might have a biased opinion, but it’s at a time where I would be the only staff member on for a long time, like 5am or some weird time, I would handle the matter as unbiased as I can. However, just to ensure that the decision I made wasn’t biased, I would send all relevant information and evidence to another staff member higher than or equal in ranking to me, so I can get a second opinion.
    12 points
  10. If it's not too much work on Halloween for one day only or for one server restart cycle, we switch the map to the old gmod TTT minecraft server map. I think a lot of our best memories on gmod were made on that old map and it would be really fun for Halloween to revisit it. We could all go to the wooden house, (different factions can lay claim to a traitor trap) we could pvp around the light house and the nether, have a diddy party in the traitor room and cops could arrest people and lock them in the test chamber. I don't think we would need to do much work besides spawning a gun npc, an atm and a car spawn and just let TTT take natures course from there.
    12 points
  11. Quick one, will probably make a few more
    11 points
  12. Preface This guide may contain heavy gambino bias and some of the facts and information may differ depending on which Italian faction you join. This guide will serve as my basis for the standard of Italian mafioso roleplay. Character DO NOT be the ambitious Italian guy who will do anything to get made. Thats like 99% of people shits overdone and ass. The first thing you should be developing when getting into any character is the why you do what you do and what led you to live in this life of ours. tldr be unique in your character and have things about you that differentiate you from the rest of your organization so your not all carbon copies. Expectations The whole idea of a mafioso is having honor among thieves. While this level of respect exists, keep in mind you are still a criminal, and you will do what's in your best interest to succeed. When you join a family your life is in your don's hands, and you follow your families' rules knowing the consequences could be an early vacation. You are also expected to be an upstanding member of your crew doing tasks such as, crew deals, recruitment, running properties and protecting the lives of any made man. Little Italy This area of the map is your turf (most of you probably have an apartment on that street), you spend most of your time here and will protect that street from any chaos that runs into it. The properties your family owns are typically on this street making it the hub of most Italian rp. When strolling through little Italy you represent your organization so wearing clown outfits or non-roleplay friendly clothing items, acting special needs, causing issues for no reason, or anything that may cause people to look at you and lose brain cells is a good way to get ostracized by your respective family. Structure (Up to many different interpretations so take it with a grain of salt) Associate At this point you are fresh into the family. Associates are trusted very little and stuck with the shitty tasks that carry little risk to the organization. This step is where first impressions are made and will set the level of expectations moving forward. This is also typically the stage where the family decides if you belong with them or not and if the latter occurs your organization may send you on a permanent vacation back to Italy. Senior Associate This stage is where they have decided that you belong in the organization but aren't sure if they can trust you to take up more responsibility and embody the ideals of the family in your daily actions. This rank marks the turning point in your career where you will have to put your loyalty to the ultimate test. This test differs from family to family but it all shares one common feature that will determine if you reach the next position or not. Made Man You are now officially apart of the family. You cannot be harmed, disrespected, or threatened by anyone abiding by the laws set forth by the families. Being made symbolizes moving passed working for the family and now truly becoming apart of that family. This is the point in your career when you can take up your own racket and begin to make a name for yourself. A lot independence and trust is given to made men and in return their loyalty should be unquestionable. This also means that any attempt to leave the family must result in death in order to not tarnish the vows you have taken. Right Hand/Lieutenant The first true command position you can take up within the crew. You set the example for the rest of the crew and in the Caporegime's absence you assume the role of leader of your respective crew. Right Hand/Lieutenant is a thankless job, while you take up as much responsibilities as the capo you get very little credit for the work you put towards the crew. The goal of this position is if the caporegime was killed the right hand/lieutenant would take up all the duties without needing a formal transitional period. Enforcer One of the most trusted positions within the family. The enforcer is in charge of upholding the rules of the family and ensuring the health of safety of the Don and his bosses. The enforcer is in charge of setting up vacations for anyone who could pose a threat to the family. Depending on the family they may be involved in things such as espionage, shakedowns, loan sharking, etc. While the capos and other crew management act as the gears for the family the Enforcers act as the WD40 that keeps the cogs turning. Being trusted with how people take vacations is a serious job and can pose one of the biggest threats to the family as a whole. This position should not be given lightly and those who have earned this position must have a seasoned understanding of how the family operates. Caporegime The most important position within your family. The Caporegime runs a crew and ultimately runs the day to day of the family. They are in charge of a huge portion of the faction and has the important job of deciding which Associates are fit to move up and which don't fit the standard of the family. Caporegimes are also typically in charge of a property ensuring its activity and safety throughout the day. Another key thing with this position is the opportunity to handle issues within and outside of your family with sit downs. Within the families Caporegimes may meet to settle disputes or handle minor issues that could occur normally. However, outside of the families the Caporegime needs to defer his issue to his higher ups due to those organizations not following the same set of rules that are upheld within this life of ours. The caporegimes are also in charge of Kick Up commonly referred to as dues, union fees, taxes, rent, etc. The capos collect all of the kickup and receive a cut of the income every cycle to handle crew costs. The goal of the caporegime is self-sufficiency of his crew, if the capo is able to not lift a finger and still have fully functional crew than the caporegime has succeeded in his job. Street Boss The Street Boss is directly in charge of the caporegimes and their crews. They monitor recruitment, income, and quality of the crews and set goals for their capos to push toward. They also serve as the bridge between high command and crew management making sure the vision set by command is being emulated by the actions of the crews. When a caporegime is vacant and their right hand/lieutenant cannot fill their shoes, the street boss assumes the position until a new caporegime can be found. Families may have an extra position such as senior or head streetboss, these positions are typically a waste of space and are just an excuse to have more people in high command. (eat shit faggot) Consigliere This position is typically in charge of diplomacy and act as the chief advisor to the Don. While the day-to-day requirements of this position are low, it provides the flexibility to set up events between families and create mutually beneficial opportunities between them. (I am leaving out a lot of information due to how different this position is depending on which family) Underboss This position is similar to the right hand/lieutenant position but on a much bigger scale. The underboss handles the day to day of the faction to meet Don's vision for the long term. Whenever the Don is not present, the underboss assumes the position and his actions would be treated as if they came from the don himself. This position also handles most delegating of responsibilities ensuring one-man isn't doing the entire job. The Don This position sets the vision for the entire family every soul is bound to this man his decisions are absolute. The most important job of the Don is to prevent echo chambers and information silos. Ensuring the faction doesn't become an echo chamber of the same ideas is what makes or breaks a faction. Stagnation from something like an echo chamber quickly becomes decline that is extremely hard to bounce back from. To stop an echo chamber, you need to pursue new ideas and ventures and not rely on the same method completely for all actions. Secondly, preventing information silos such as surrounding yourself with yes men who are afraid of challenging the ideas of the don creates a situation where minimal brain power is achieved. You want ten heads thinking on an issue rather than 9 heads agreeing with the idea of 1. This is not and should not be a hands-on position, relying on your command is the first step to success as a Don and most failures arise at either relying too much on yourself or relying on people that aren't qualified for their position.
    11 points
  13. +1 those de leon niggas are a bunch of mugging chars
    11 points
  14. Name of Faction: Cartel De tijuana Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 5 and slowly growing Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Famillia Cartel Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Mexican Name of Character running the faction: Carlos Arellano Felix Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): thatghostmatt Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:586499021 Your Server playtime: 1mo 1w 5d 16h 6m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): Images and videos not published sadly. but we planned on starting daily public gatherings, open mic nights, comedy shows, and much more. possibly block parties if everything is goes well. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): once we get hands on a building, me and my friends (people apart of cartel de tijuana.) want to host weekly events with everyone in the city, like ufc based fight nights, bar gatherings, possibly open a building for socials and wedding parties, possibly evening cookouts for anyone in the server Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LZYBKcrHbL3JfFuM0b-0cEm1uW-K3PyqIYInuK6k6fc/edit?usp=sharing
    11 points
  15. was looking at the hardware trading npc and noticed the gasoline, would be cool if after a pk you could cremate it, brings the risk of attracting attention because of the fire but it'd also allow you to burn away evidence if successful. could add a way to put the fire out if police get to it before everything is fully burnt away too!
    10 points
  16. Fairly simple, I think all of the static properties, billboards, vending machines, chest tables, phone booths should be purchasable by players and they should be extortatable, used for control and managed as passive income investment properties. I have mapped the city to give an outline of what that would look like based upon the city streets and arbitrarily assigned numbers to the specific city locations, I'm willing to do work such as to take pictures of each location to create a purchasing catalog. If there is any interest in pursuing this further. Attached is a map of the city with North being on North Road and everything I could think to map https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r7WgFt9OxMQKln5erBWmlCFh4lkXsghf_aGznFa0tI0/edit ( Addresses ) Further I suggest the following: Phone Booth = Used to connect to eachother for calls, preset numbers for the phonebooths and number dialable. Mail = Mail system, send clothing items in the mail. Supporting custom clothing and makes sense to compliment bank transfers for purchases. Newspaper = Recent PK Messages/ Setable by staff.
    10 points
  17. Your Character or Steam Name: Daviss Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:62247713 Your Discord ID#: davis3 Reason for ban: MVDM | NITRP Length of ban: 4 Days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology Why should you be unbanned? In my two years of playing Diverge Networks, I have never been banned till now. I think everyone has made mistakes on the server and I was under the false impression of this situation being a no harm no foul. I never intended to kill anyone just take them on a little joyride in the bed of my truck. I never mugged, restrained, or truly attempted to kill anyone. It was mainly my friend and I just joking around trying to mess with our friends on other characters to create some funny rp scenarios. Obviously, things got out of hand where we messed with some randoms, and it got taken a little too far. I won't ever do this again and I apologize to anyone whose roleplay experience I ruined. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
    10 points
  18. In-Game Name(s): Tom"Mr.V Sanders , Senior Officer Jerome Samson, Yi Sun Sin . Steam Name: FiresideCone34 Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198814586778/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:427160525 Discord Username:firesidecone34 Age:21 When did you first join the server: 08/01/2022 Total playtime on our Servers: 2mo 2w 1d 11h 44m Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 5 hours a day Have you read the rules?: Yes I have read the rule many times over 2 years. Do you have a working microphone?: yes I have a good microphone Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes I understand Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No I'm not Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: yes I acknowledge that ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: *As a dedicated player over the years I've always wanted to know/experience how it is working alongside the staff team, as well as being a moderator, which can give me another perspective on the server than just being a criminal or officer. Another reason I am applying is to stop the rampant amount of metagame and RDM that happens in the city, I see it happen all around when I'm playing and it happens way too often to my liking. When I'm playing around the city it can be repetitive doing the same thing over and over and I'm trying to break the cycle and help the community in the best way I can. As a dedicated player I am tired of the time it takes for a moderator or even admin to take my tickets my goal in joining is to help relieve the burden on the staff team with the amount of volume of tickets being made. On the downtime of the server there are many points where people think it's okay to break rules and with my play schedule, I am able to moderate even at those times. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: As a player, I am a non-biased person and shall keep my personal grievances and opinions out of my moderating duties and judgments on the player base. I have no moderating experience but it's better to have someone learn new than to retrain someone's bad habits like rules/commands from other servers they have previously been in. I am a long-lasting player who is dedicated to this server and my schedule will allow me to have ample time to moderate and keep the rules being applied at all times. As this is the only server I play I have no future plans on leaving to go play on a different shit server which means I can be spending all my free time here helping as much as I can. In my faction, my position lets me get used to being in command but also listening, and mediating problems that may occur during sit's / tickets Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position, and how long): No I have no previous staff experience but I'm willing to learn Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: , 23 Sep 2022 Failmug | NITRP | Low quality ,user , 06 Dec 2023 Power Game | Fail RP, 24 2024 Metagame | NLR, 24 May 2024 ltap, failrp . Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * Me as a player I'm a very friendly old man who loves to talk to the community I am known as Mr.V, throughout the whole city I help people with being a Lawyer and getting people out of wrongful reasons. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: My POV:https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i3de51ClkbvDbKqe6/d1337O9gh0a9?invite=cr-MSxOcHgsMTYyODM1MzY0LA There POV:https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i3ddYQ02j3aXmhs4m/d1337tJzNEaW?invite=cr-MSxPUFosNjEyNjA5MTUs Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Z67H, TacticalSpringroll, BoomRoasted, Logan ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If I'm not the one being RDM'd and I'm not involved in any way I would clip it and wait for a ticket to come in. I would accept the ticket and proceed to TP them to the Box, asking them what happened in the situation for more context. and bring the other person who allegedly RDM'd ask for their reasoning and go off by all clips provided to me I would also go off the person's notes to give a proper punishment. After if found guilty I would properly give the person their punishment based on PO's. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would clip the conversation/situation and I would report it to a fellow staff member of equal or higher rank to the person abusing providing context/Clips. A member of your faction/friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: As a staff member i'd try to keep any form of the bias away from my dutys so I would either ask a fellow staff member to take over/ spectate to insure non-bias. If no staff are on besides me I would clip the whole interaction
    10 points
  19. is this ur way of coping with getting pkd twice
    9 points
  20. I know Bingus will see this, shout out to that guy but sorry, your mansion is useless. The governors mansion takes up a large portion of the map and adds next to nothing for Roleplay and has been used in less events than you can count on your hands. The old townhouses created an area for people to own their own property and created fun roleplay. World Corp. also was another option for player owned property and some fun roleplay was held there. Either of those two options would add areas for roleplay and more people coming out of their properties to interact with each other more, also another place for cops to patrol. Remove Bingus's mansion and give us more townhouses or World Corp. in its place! Also people are mentioning that the Theater is useless, I agree, I haven't ever seen it used for anything other than drug deals. Remove it if it means more townhouses or bringing back World Corp.
    9 points
  21. In-Game Name(s): Senior Public Defender Neddy Carrigan, Officer Freddy Winston, Teddy "Shizuoka" Kai, Conner Honor Steam Name: Z67H Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198407670292/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:223702282 Discord Username: z67h Age: 18 When did you first join the server: Beginning of this year In March Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game):1mo 3d 22h 4m Time Zone: PDT How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: Most likely and realistically 3 hours a day at minimum up to 8 hours Have you read the rules?: yes I have Do you have a working microphone?: I do have a working microphone Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): I understand Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: I am not Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: I do understand ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * My reasoning for applying is because I am wanting to help the community in any way I can, from being a help IC (Public Defender) to (OOC) a staff member. I have invested some time into the server and I'm just wanting to broaden my experience in the server as a whole. I have previous experience being a member of staff on a different server and I enjoyed my time being so and I am wanting to reexperience that again. I have a extreme amount of free time that could be allocated to taking sit's and other duty's of a staff member. I'm tired at the amount of time it takes for a simple ticket that could be solves in seconds i don't want other player's to wait for a simple ticket that could be done easily Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * the first reason I should be considered is because of the amount of time I can potentially put to doing ticket's. the second reason is because i have experience on both sides of rp from it being legal rp to criminal rp which can help me see both sides of any situation that may come up. the third reason is I am willing and eager to learn and help in anyway I can towards the community and the server. The fourth is I have experience in dealing with other player's mingy and not from my previous experience from my time being a previous staff. the final reason I should be picked as a staff member is I'm willing to be lenient and the patience to deal with people being uncooperative and acting dumb in sit's im the type of person to look at the big picture Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): I do have previous experience as a member of staff in a sever called smoke's.gg it is a darkrp server i was a tmod for around 3 months it didn't work out since it felt like my time and work wasn't being appreciated from the amount of time i was putting in and the mixture with school in my life Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: I have not been banned Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * I'm known in mutable ways in the server i would say I'm well known, I am the owner of the custom item fentanyl a lot of people know me as the fent wizard, or any of my iconic names Neddy, Eddie or teddy. on my other character Neddy I'm known for being a silly lawyer but when it comes down to it I am a decent choice for representation in law rp. my reputation is pretty good I would say a have a good image in the server from my interactions with people around the city. I think people think of me as a laidback guy who helps other's in situations and am not always serious at time's but can be if needed to be. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ihvhO2rBeGkhB4YHW/d1337iIip0wL?invite=cr-MSxUVkEsMjE3OTcwNTE3LA Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: DopeAsRoe, Real Waladang ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: i personally would not take any action towards it if i am involved with the situation and notify other staff member's but if the situation doesn't involve me I will wait for a ticket to be made for the rdm and if I am the one to take it I will ask for a second opinion to ensure non bias and take action by looking at their notes and previous bans. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: i would inform UA of the situation and give context to the situation and provide proof of said abuse A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I avoid taking the ticket if no other staff member takes the ticket i will chat is admin chat to ask a other member of staff to take it if the ticket is still not taken after 30 minutes, I will take it and ask for someone to watch the sit to confirm non bias and if no other staff is on I will record the whole situation and sent it to a fellow staff member as well as the context and any proof sent to me by any of the people in the sit for their opinion during the sit I will try not to be biased as much as i can and proceed like a regular sit by checking the proof of the rdm and make a decision based off of bans/notes
    9 points
  22. Hey guys, had a suggestion. Not sure of how difficult the implementation would be though. Idea: Add a channel in the discord which creates and entry for /event messages which can be read and taken as IC information and be able to act accordingly as sometimes PK messages can be missed. Pro: - It make it so that factions could see who's been PK'd ICly. - Would make it easier for players to find scheduled events, i.e 'this event starts in 30 mins'. - Could add a better element of RP into the mix, if people pay attention to the channel. - Great to be able to look back at PK messages Con: - Maybe potential metagame?
    9 points
  23. Name of Faction: Black P stones (BPS) Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 30 Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Black Street Gang Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): African American Name of Character running the faction: A-Rab Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): ioulios Your SteamID: 76561198237463474 Your Server playtime: 2 mo 4 w 15 d Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): At the moment there a lot of people pushing for gang rp within the server primarily with the new ghetto. Our aim is to make that more straightforward, and hopefully try to cut out a lot of the minginess with having an actual whitelisted group running the area. We have already converted a lot of random black minge characters to being part of BPS, and with that they are listening more and actually doing RP instead of walking into Little Italy and gunning up people for no reason. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): As said above our unique RP is just that we would be a one of kind as the only black gang on the server. There hasnt been any full blown gangs like this in a long time so this would be fresh rp for a lot of people, getting jumped in, doing bbqs with our group, running bare knuckle fights with our guys, playing basketball, over all just hanging out in the ghetto. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a3sc47oKoVBF6jyoRtHvOVzzrqxV-f2HHghMUZPz2lk/edit
    9 points
  24. Name of Faction: Cassano Crime Family Number of Members (Minimum of 5) 25 active 100+ Conservatively Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Italian Crime Family Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Italian Name of Character running the faction: Paolo Cassano Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): mitch0101 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47358017 Your Server playtime: 1mo 22h 52m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...MDMyMDkyLA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...Q1MzUxMDgs Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Depending on the properties we own will decide on what type of events we host but, in the past, we hosted music nights at the club car meets at the motel and parties in the lounge. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DlVADR3s_Tw4NZbDIORDxWbCPeKfrAbImpJMAhPVf98/edit?usp=sharing
    9 points
  25. In-Game Name(s): Matteo Medici Steam Name: justcallmeryan (old account) /gmailuio Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/justcallmeryan/ (old account) / https://steamcommunity.com/id/gmailuio/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:92166790 (old) / STEAM_0:0:52950924 Discord Username: justcallmeryan Age: 22 When did you first join the server: Feb 2022 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 76+ days across both accs Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: I am on every day, depending on ticket need ~3-4 hours a day Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * I have been a member of this community for a little over 3 years now, with many ups and downs throughout my time here the community and unique setting of this server has always brought me back. I wish to contribute to the community in a non-divisive manner. I enjoy the server and most that comes with it (would be better if james was perm'd). I have done all that I can as faction leadership and believe the best way for me to contribute to the server is by contributing to the staff team by ensuring that players are having a good experience. And I saw an announcement about staff and thought why not. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * My time and experience on the server set me apart from other canditates. I also have quite a bit of free time on my hands to dedicate to staffing and play varied hours (as early as 6am to as late as 2-3 am depending on how bad my sleep schedule is). I would be bringing the perspective of a player who hasnt been staff while having been apart of the community for 3 years. a different perspective of an an experienced player Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): -Ice- darkrp (2016) about a year Vortex gaming swrp (2017) few months until srv shut down CAG swrp (2017) 6-7 Months until srv shut down some ww1 rp server in 2018-2019 Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: Yes, on 2 occasions, the first one has been removed so i cant find the ban reason, the second one is a 1 week ban for Amrdm after an unfortunate turn of events that turned into an unauthorized raid Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * It's been a decent bit of time from when i was "well known" some of the old members that know me from my time as don have polarized views but i believe most look back at that time and say it was fun (even though none of us knew how to make a proper UA escalation ticket) What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: Probably my time as head of Olympus, though it was riddled with conflict the political intrigue of it all was very entertaining for those involved. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: lucid_mangos nubsniping fox.lua yummekoo 4Lights ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: Make a staff ticket detailing the situation, if no staff are online either dm someone to see if they are available or make a player report with the situation documented You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: Document their behavior and report to appropriate staff/ appropriate channels A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: If other staff are online allow them to take the ticket first, if none are review the evidence and if needed ask for guidance from a higher ranking staff member, obviously taking a ticket against someone you interact with on a regular basis can constitute bias but if done right all parties can feel like justice has been served.
    8 points
  26. Leather gloves, wool gloves, fingerless gloves all types of gloves in the clothes stores, whether these skew prints or not is up to management ofc for balancing but gloves are long overdue in clothes stores
    8 points
  27. this guy is still making applications???? give it up
    8 points
  28. I miss the Town houses!!! or if we could've have more apartment houses. But have them as only temporary use. Like the ghetto. Meaning no company can own them.
    8 points
  29. Name of Character: Dr. Waldo "Squeaks" Fizzywanker SteamID: STEAM_0:1:116617909 Your Discord ID#: dopeasroe Date of PK: October 25, 2024 Reason for PK: "Disregard for his own life" Why should you be unPK'd? I was in the middle of a police chase and when I surrendered they cuffed me then went to drag me but since I was being dragged, I couldn't move, and drowned. What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I just couldn't move because I was being dragged in water If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iX6N5oFQplTqWmMCo/T0pEZsoCOzN6?invite=cr-MSxtQ1gsOTcxNTgxODQs
    8 points
  30. In-Game Name(s): Matteo Velardi, Corporal Giovanni Armani, Emma Fritz, Kiyoshi Sato, Valentino Accardi Steam Name: ItsNebNebs Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ItsMeNebNebs/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:157132656 Discord Username: itsnebs Age: 18 When did you first join the server: Sep 30th 2022 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 1mo 1w 1d 22h 45m Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 3-5 hours daily. Have you read the rules?: Yes, I have. Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, I do. Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes, I do. Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes, I am. Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes, I do. ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * Part of my motivation for applying is because I have played on Diverge for a little less than 2 years at this point. In that time I have noticed at early hours in the morning with school starting back up there isn't always staff on, this is something that could help to be mitigated if I am deemed a good fit for staff. A couple other reasons I would like to be staff is because I personally have seen people abuse their prop permissions, RDM, and other issues and I would like to help prevent those things from happening. As well as during peak hours of the server I would be able to help with taking tickets to help other staff members be able to RP, and get ticket times lower. I also would just like to be able to help the server stay safe, and help for RP to continue in a smooth and safe manner. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * Some of the reasons you should consider me over other candidates is because I have multiple server experience, as well as I've been a member of Diverge for just under 2 years at this point. As well as I have not had many run ins with staff except a couple times for fairly minor issues. I would also do my absolute best to prevent any bias from happening including making sure to review all evidence, and facts provided during a sit, and making sure that everything is handled fairly. Another reason I should be considered is sometimes during the late hours(est) when some staff may not be online, or in the early hours(est), I will be online, and able to provide help to those who need it. On top of my past experience, I have had generally good reactions on my staffing abilities on other servers, and I hope that this position on this server will also allow me to prove I am as good as others have told me. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Yes, Zephyr Imperial Semi-Serious RP(Star Wars) Moderator ~3.5 months, Elitelupus(DarkRP) Operator (Moderator Equivalent) ~4 Months. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No, but I have 2 notes, 1st for RDM, and a 2nd for Metagaming. It's been roughly a year since my last note. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * Although I may not be as well known as some other people in the community, I would still say I have had my fair share of interactions with people. I would say that my interactions, and reputation have been fairly positive with everyone. I would like to think that people like me as a person, and do not have issues with me, or anything like that. I am aware that my one note may raise some worries, but other than that all interactions have been positive, and good rp for everyone involved. Like I said before I would like to think other members of the server like me as a person, others may not, but I am hoping that with this position I can try to help change their outlook on myself, and other past interactions I have had that may not have been that favorable. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: When someone crashed into my Monaco and it proceeded to blow up and killed me. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Byte, Duetts, jaecob, jj. ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If they opened a report on the person I would go on-duty, ask for the proof, and inform them that I also witnessed the situation, if it is seen as RDM they could receive a note for RDM, or possible ban depending on PO's, or have another staff member take the ticket if they are already on duty. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would tell them that what they are doing is against the rules of staff, and being respectful, if they continued I would get proof, and if it came to it I would make a report against them to UA. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would do my best to allow another staff member to take the ticket, or have another higher up watch me to make sure no bias is happening, I would make sure I have sufficent evidence, and checking logs, and if neither shows that they did anything wrong I would let the reporter know, and if they believed to be any bias, or a rule broke I would ask another staff to handle it.
    8 points
  31. We currently only have the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X which is a 2 slot phone in the Inv. I would like to recommend the Motorola 9800X which came out in 1989, Which I know is a year later in-game time However we already have a bunch of stuff from the future in the server anyhow. Perhaps the cost in the store could a premium to justify the size. 9800X 8000X
    8 points
  32. In-Game Name(s): Samuel "Sammy" Berenbaum, Officer Muhammed Ashala, Vimal "Mighty" Patel, Wong Wang Steam Name: Skyzerbefr Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SkyzerBeFr/ Steam ID: 76561199230189062 Discord Username: Skyzerbefr Age: 17 When did you first join the server: late 2022 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 4w 1d 9h 55m Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: < 40 hours per week Have you read the rules?: Multiple times yes. Do you have a working microphone?: Indeed Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Indeed Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Absolutely Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Absolutely yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * It has been over a year since I last played the server. I will say, this server is fun and indeed breathtaking. I feel that my time, knowledge and overall personality will bring a benefit to the staff team. I will bring dedication, speed and favoritism to my fellow staff. I will make it seem fun and enjoying for all when I am doing my duties as a staff member. But overall I would like to say that my wellbeing will be different from when I first joined the server, because I have greater knowledge, higher maturity and overall an unbiased mind. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * Starting off, I don't feel that my application should be considered more acceptable then others, but really just an opportunity for higher ups to see a high potential for an amazing staff member. I feel that my application should be considered more then others for the following reasons. I am a dedicated person, well rounded, and a good problem solver for whatever comes my way. Others may doubt these things but I say otherwise because I can say my time in this server is enough to know what can and will happen in this server at all times. But as my consideration should be high, I think that all applications should be looked just the same as mine besides the amount of +1s or -1s that come to play. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): I was a super admin for a popular server Elitelupus and an admin for a Fallout server. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: Yes, Ltap. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * I would say I am well known as I am in the Jewish faction. People know me for my energy, kindness and overall dedication to help others. I feel my presence is known wherever I go and people feel comfortable when I am around. I like to make others feel like they know me as family and as far as a brother. I want everyone to still continue feeling this type of way and want to overall make people trust me to help protect them in this server. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: Finding friends that I consider family and making everyone feel safe! Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Pyro, Pizzle, Monaclu ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: First clip it and secondly have a conversation with the dude to not do that. I would let a different staff member handle it by making a sit with all the proof I have so there is no bias sit. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: Make a staff report on the forums and put all the evidence I have with any witnesses that may be involved. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would consider this a bias way of handling things. But I am deemed a not bias person and will handle things the way the always will be. Regardless of if there friends or faction members, I will do anything and everything to make the sit as unbiased as possible. --------------------------------------------------------- Edited to make it easier to read. Your welcome new readers.
    8 points
  33. ^ Dumb spam the person above
    8 points
  34. Name of Faction: Brown & Sons Co. Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 7+ Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Legal Oil Company Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): American background; though all races/ethnicities will be hired. Name of Character running the faction: John Brown Jr II Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): baselsamarah Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:708116014 Your Server playtime: 3mo 6 day 23h 1m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): My top priority will be ensuring the sale of oil daily, and creating a legal faction/company completely neutral and uninvolved with any faction conflict/politics. Members of every faction is welcome and encouraged to join/participate. I hope to also shine a light on Law Firms and Security Firms, giving them an actual platform, a form of compensation, allowing for RP and hopefully bridging a gap between the legal and illegal aspects of RP. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Hella oil sales, events related to Gambling such as game shows, Sports-betting and Paintball matches available to the entire server to participate, that will take place on various faction owned properties (with permission) to gain mutual positive attention, Introducing a mega-company that would induce IC RP with lawyers, government personal, members of PD, members of illegal factions regardless of "conflict/politics". Another big plus is the extensive yet simple discord server, that will be extremely supportive for newbies to Faction Leaders. The wind blows a brochure into your face… (only works on pc) Long Backstory
    8 points
  35. Name of Faction: The O'Hara Family Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 21 & Growing Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Family Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Irish Name of Character running the faction: Pat "Hammer" O'Hara Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): hammer2905 Your SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199389840138/ Your Server playtime: 2 Days, 17 Hours, 25 Minutes / Previous Account STEAM_0:1:155776249 23 Days, 3 Hours, 0 Minutes and 17 Seconds (25 Days, 23 Hours, 25 Minutes) Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): The O'Hara Family, will provide many unique roleplay experiences, one of those being an authentic Irish pub experience. The pub will have a unique Irish atmosphere, filled with authentic native music, entertainment(football/rugby matches), and a 100% purebred Irish menu. Patrons will be able to experience a purebred Irish pub from the streets of New York City. There are many pubs/bars located around the city, but none will be at the quality of ours. The Irish are second to none. Additional unique roleplay experiences the O'Hara Family will add to New York City would be the introduction of authentic fighting sports, such as boxing, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, and Muay Thai. Car meets and car shows would be another addition to unique roleplay experiences. The addition of the O'Hara family would be the biggest faction addition Diverge Networks has ever seen. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Events that the O'Hara would use to promote activity within our faction and to keep people interested would be our 100% purebred authentic Irish pub, our fighting games that include boxing, mixed martial arts, kickboxing and Muay Thai, in addition regular car shows and meets. Furthermore we would organized themed nights celebrating various aspects of Irish culture, such as whiskey tasting events to fight nights on a regular basis. These events would get all diversity groups interested from the African-American to the Jewish. By curating a diverse array of events and activities that reflect Irish culture, the O'Hara faction would be a massive addition to roleplay in New York City. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N4KM2wBpnTsF5osGq1Ay9IknJffgsXnwUkdXJCGdEfI/edit#heading=h.hbb3c5hbiqmq Extra Note: I was Advisor for Flanagan's for around 3 years and also ran the Dragons Head Triad in 2021 Dragons Head Triad Application: https://divergenetworks.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=1380 Original Forum Account: https://divergenetworks.com/forums/member.php?action=profile&uid=1713 More Photos:
    8 points
  36. These are the 6 pillars of character. I learned this in elementary school. I would like to share this with you to learn. Thank you.
    8 points
  37. did you win a great victory at 16? didn't think so pal, shut up
    8 points
  38. Legend For majority of the time common sense applies. Do not try to look for loopholes in the rules. If you are unsure if something is allowed or not (it probably isn't if you have to ask), feel free to ask an Administrator. Not all rules are listed here, it would be impossible for us to list every scenario or example. This will be updated as new precedent needs to be set. Staff have final say. If you are told to stop or not do something, do as you are told or risk punishment. Use CTRL+F to search for specific keywords and find the rule you're looking for Roleplay Abbreviations: RP = Roleplay IC = In-Character OOC = Out of Character PK = Permanent Kill/Character Ban Rule Abbreviations: Minge = Someone who refuses to follow roleplay Metagame = Using Out of Character information In-Character RDM = Random Death Match, Killing Players without valid reason ARDM = Attempted Random Death Match, Attempting to Kill Players with valid reason NLR = New Life Rule RDA = Random Arrest NITRP = No intent to roleplay FearRP = Valuing one's life in a realistic manner. VDM = Vehicle Deathmatch, Killing People with a Vehicle Powergaming = Forcing unfair actions against another person using OOC means (See powergame rule section) FailRP = Anything that would not make sense within roleplay. I.E. using Garry’s Mod features to get out of a situation LTAP/LTARP = Leaving the server to avoid punishment/role play POs = Past Offences The rules are subject to change as the server evolves and new updates come out. We highly recommend you record situations in order to cover your bases when roleplaying and following server rules. Understand that staff cannot act upon an alleged rule break without concrete evidence or having witnessed it themselves, they will often have to ask for evidence or check logs, 'witnesses' are non admissible. Harassing our staff team will not change this requirement. The concept of 'down time' or 'low player hours' does not exist. We have a plethora of players from all different timezones who want to experience the server as is. The rules are enforced 24/7, being online when less players are on does not give you permission to break server rules. Table of Contents ■ General Rules ■ Character Rules ■ Life Rules ■ Fear Rp Rules ■ Mugging Rules ■ Killing Rules ■ Metagaming Rules ■ Powergaming Rules ■ Vehicle Rules ■ Robbery/Raiding Rules ■ Faction Rules ■ Media Player Rules ■ Prop Rules ■ Property Rules ■ Police/Government Rules ■ Corruption ■ Arrests ■ Prisoner Rules ■ Undercover & Plainclothes Rules ■ Judges/Courts ■ PK Rules Link General Rules Use common sense, if something seems like it would be wrong, don’t do it. Do not RDM/CDM/RDA/Minge/Metagame/FailRP Do not abuse/exploit Do not use any 3rd party software. This includes Macros; to bypass or abuse AFK systems or any other systems that give you advantages. Do not abuse any in-game systems or functions that give you unfair advantage. If you find a server glitch that can abused to obtain an advantage or item/money with no effort it is your obligation to report the issue as opposed to abusing it. If abused this can result in serious punishment. Anything that you say in mic or chat/do in-game actually happens in roleplay Do not bait someone to shoot/RDM/RDA you Do not bait Police to shoot/arrest you. Do not make 911 bait calls. Don't punch minge or initiate arguments to harass someone. Staff Members word is FINAL if you have a dispute with a staff member’s decision. Bring the complaint up with higher staff or via forums Micspam is prohibited. You may only ever do play music from your mic if you are in a vehicle and it is time period appropriate. Don’t not abuse your flags or other donator perks. This can result in removal of flags and a ban. Donators are not immune to the rules Do not LTAP/LTARP. If you initiate an RP situation or are in an Admin sit you may be punished if you decide to leave the game/switch characters to avoid punishment/roleplay. If you crash be sure to message the handling admin or type in the discord. Otherwise try and reconnect right away, admins may wait up to 5 to 10 minutes for someone to reconnect. If you're unsure if it's LTAP/LTARP wait a minimum of 10 minutes before disconnecting or switching character. Do not impersonate others, or lie to staff members for ingame ranks/items. All protest/Riot events require pre-Admin approval. Unapproved events will be considered minging as it causes issues with the police factions preventing them from roleplaying. If you are punished/banned do not attempt to evade the ban by joining on an alternate account. This will cause your ban to be extended to permanent. All bans are appealed on our forums, following the appeal formats. Do not Cop Bait just because you are bored. Likewise; interfering with things like arrests, traffic stops or crime scenes that you have no RP relation to is considered minging/cop bait and staff may punish you how they see fit. Character Rules You must have chosen a roleplay name (First name , Last name. Nickname/middlename is optional) If an Admin deems your name to be fail they may change it with discretion at any time. (Fail names include, slurs, non name nouns/verbs, having only a single first name, names of famous characters/persons) You may have up to 2 characters. (Donators receive more) Your description must be serious, and describe your character You cannot use IC info in OOC scenarios and vice versa. (META) You must remain in Character at all times; and may not break character to avoid an RP situation, this can be considered LTARP/FAILRP. You may not create a new character with the name of an old character that was PK'ed. Nor are you allowed to roleplay as the son/brother/father/family member etc. of any of your past characters. Your characters should have zero relation to each other. Likewise you may not transfer money or items between any of your characters in anyway. Nor are you allowed to act as the middleman for someone else's item or money transfer. Transferring items or money between two of your characters is not permitted under any circumstance. You may not have more than one character that's prominent in both criminal and legal organizations. What constitutes being prominent will be applied at staff discretion. You cannot use a second character to assume a role you were just pk'ed/removed from. (Mob boss, commissioner, etc) You may not remake your character with the same name in order to change your appearance / description to avoid Identification. This is considered Meta/powergame. You may not have a minge/non-serious character for 'messing around' You may not have a character for the express purpose of mugging/raiding as a means to avoid consequences on your main character. If you're roleplaying as a corrupt Police Officer who is working with a Crime family you may not have a second character in that family as that could lead to metagame/using a cop char solely for the benefit of the crime family. Life Rules You must value your character’s life. This means that you naturally do not want your character to die. (FearRP) Breaking this can result in a PK at the Staff’s Discretion You MUST follow NLR after every death. You will not remember anything from the last 15 minutes before your last death in RP. Nor can you return to the same RP situation. You are not actually dead unless it's a PK and are otherwise put in the hospital and will recover. Any footage / IC evidence like photos or video from a camera from the last 15 minutes from your point of death are also wiped and invalidated, UNLESS the area is covered by valid CCTV and the tapes are properly retrieved by someone who did not die in the situation. (See Evidence Section Rules for detailed information) When Police are killed in a situation or Police operation, like a traffic stop, shootout or hostage situation, they must also abide by NLR and not return to the area for 15 minutes, only in cases where AFTER their 15 minute timer is up and the situation is still ongoing and other Officers who have not died in the situation request additional backup, they then may return. (This does not apply to criminal gangs) The radius or size of the NLR can vary but generally it means do not return to the same building / area you were killed. Do not loiter just outside the area and do not go seek the same players to create another situation. Do not spawn and take the exact same route to find them either. Attempting to abuse the NLR system or skirt around the rule is not permitted. FearRP Rules While under fearrp it's recommended you oblige by the commands of your captor, if you attempt to escape or pull out a weapon to fight back but are killed that would display a disregard for your own safety, a calculated risk you took which failed, resulting in your PK. (In some circumstances a PK does not apply, view pk rules for more information.) This means it is NOT a rule violation to break fearrp but if you are killed while breaking it there is a possible IC consequence of being PK'ed. Breaking FearRP or showing disregard for your own life which results in death; this means if you kill yourself in an attempt to avoid an arrest or mugging, intentionally drowning or falling to your death to avoid detainment, or even having a friend or faction member kill you while you are detained are all considered a 'disregard for your own life' and can lead to a PK. If you're holding someone under Fear RP and issue them orders/warnings not to do something and they disobey you may kill them. However, one single warning/order will not suffice, multiple warnings in a very short time span will also not suffice, you have to give them adequate time to react. You must have a valid reason to place someone under fear RP (Valid Mugging, Valid Kidnapping or any Valid Kill reason); placing someone under Fear RP without reason or just in order to bait a PK is not permitted and may result in a ban or character removal (This can include any mugging or kill reasons. When doing this you are at risk of possible PK if killed) You must have a valid reason to kidnap someone. A valid kill reason (see killing rules) is required to kidnap someone / ransom someone. You may not randomly kidnap or ransom people, it will just be considered a mugging and you then must abide by mugging rules. Kidnapping someone follows the mugging initiation rules meaning you are subject to a possible PK if killed during a kidnapping attempt. If the person with the weapon puts it away or turns his line of sight (Meaning the user has turned completely away and is not even slightly facing you. Usually at an angle of larger than 90 degrees), fearRP becomes null and you may take the window of opportunity to retaliate with little to no risk. (Does not apply if multiple weapons are pointed at you) Continually putting yourself into fearrp scenarios in order to to PK people, or 'PK hunting' / being 'PK hungry' is not permitted (Mass Muging, baiting, shootouts on alt characters). If an Admin feels like you're doing things intentionally for no regard for actual roleplay they may deny your PK requests or issue according punishments. For FearRP to apply with a knife the perpetrator must be within stabbing distance. If you are holding a weapon actively in your hand then fearrp does not apply and you may retaliate (even if it is on safety, E+R) If you are at a more than a reasonable distance you may escape without risk. (Generally measured as about a block away, or any other reasonable distance where you could duck into cover.) Fearrp no longer applies when you shoot and damage the victim, they may retaliate without risk. Breaking Fear RP while being detained by Police. If the police are detaining you for a crime and you break FEAR rp by pulling a weapon on them the NYPD are still within their right to react in self defense. This can and will be considered initiating a violent confrontation with police EVEN if you never managed to fire the weapon. When attempting to FearRP a driver or passenger inside a vehicle you must be within 5 feet of the car, your weapon must be pointed at them as you issue commands for them to exit, and the car must be completely immobilized, either pitted, unable to move or in a parked and blocked position. FearRP does not apply to individuals in a moving car. FearRP applies to cops differently than other players. Cops are routinely put through situations where they must draw their weapon, therefore fear RP applies differently to them; FearRP is only applicable to cops if they are incredibly outnumbered. It is reasonable for a law enforcement officer to attempt to reach for their weapon if there is only a few individuals. However we are aware of individuals attempting to mug or PK cops using FEAR rp, as a result most instances of fear RP against a cop will not result in their pk. It would be illogical to pk cops for doing their job or being targets of fear rp or mugs as it is not realistic to be mugging police officers, especially when players do it from the safety or luxury of alternate/mugging characters. As a result pking a cop for fearp is VERY rare, and only applies if the officer shows a MASSIVE disregard for their life, it's ultimately up to the handling administrator's discretion. Do not go into a situation against an officer expecting them to be pk'ed. Mugging Rules Be cautious! If you are killed while committing a mugging you have the possibility of being PK'ed (Permanently killed)! You may not mug in a public place, you can, however, pull a weapon on them and bring them to a secluded area to rob them (This can only be done when there is no one else around. EXAMPLE: The victim is alone at night in the middle of an empty street. You initiate a mugging with your firearm and take them to an alleyway so no one stumbles upon the crime. You may not perform the mugging in the street, which is a public area.) - You may only pull them a reasonable distance (To the closest secluded area). Forcing them to follow you or pulling the victim long distances / across the map / crossing into public areas & streets is illogical and can be seen as fail mug. Your secluded location should be the closest, within a reasonable distance. Secluded and non public areas include; Alleys, dark corners, abandoned buildings and areas void of other players or NPCs. You may NOT perform mugs in the Hospital, Police Department or Town Hall buildings as these are government buildings and considered public areas. You may NOT mug in front of NPCs as they are considered witnesses in RP. You may not bypass this rule by attempting to 'pull them away under fearrp' in front of an NPC. Do not target people using NPCs/ATMs. This includes camping NPCs. In a similar vein you may not camp shipments to mug the owner. Use this map as a general guide to understand where you can mug on the spot and where you can initiate a mug when no one is around to pull them into a secluded area / empty building. The goal of this image is to help reduce fail mugs. It is a good guideline to follow, all rules listed in this section will supersede the map and staff have the final say regarding what is or isn't fail mug in a sit. You may only kill the victim if they DO NOT comply with your demands. Victims that comply are to be left unharmed. Likewise you may only make realistic demands, this means you can’t demand something unrealistic that the victim cannot deliver in order to kill them. Give them a realistic amount of time to comply. Don't order them to do something then shoot them < 5 seconds later, they barely have time to comply. This includes asking them to drop sums of cash they don't have, or ordering them to drop items from their inventory, as the mugger you are responsible for bringing the necessary restraints to steal items with. Forcing users to drop clothes/items because you're unable to tie them is not pk'able You may mug one person / singular group of people every 15 minutes. Mugging again immediately, before allowing the timer to expire will be considered Mass Mugging. Realistically you must lay low after mugging someone. There are several ways you may initiate a mugging, the following actions can be considered initiation of a mugging: - Attempting to Zip tie someone [Does not apply if you BAIT people into tying you by saying they may or by stealing their items, therefore forcing them to tie you to retrieve them.] - Holding someone at gunpoint with the intention of mugging them - Holding someone at gunpoint to pull them to a secluded location for a mugging - Holding someone at gunpoint and ordering them to drop cash / items Note that you must have a valid reason to place someone under FearRP (See FearRP rules), initiating a mugging is a valid reason to hold someone under fear RP. That being said, you may not avoid punishment of dying in a mugging by claiming you were only holding them at gunpoint and not mugging them; since that would then invalidate the fear rp reason and become fail RP, at which point you'd be subject to the same punishment as if you died in the mugging. When can you kill someone in a mugging for it to be considered a PK? - You must FIRST, properly initiate a mugging (See Mugging Rule 9.) - They attempt to flee while you have them at gunpoint/fear rp. (Does not apply if you disengage fear rp. See fear rp rules) - They attempt to fight back while you have them at gunpoint/fear rp. (Does not apply if you disengage fear rp. See fear rp rules) - They attempt to move or avoid being restrained while you tie them under fear rp. - If they disobey direct orders multiple times (while under fear rp) which leads to complications in the mugging. ex: Refuses to stay still and moves one or two steps at a time to try and escape, refuses to stop talking leading to someone over hearing the mugging. - They do not obey a reasonable demand in a reasonable amount of time. ex: Ordering them to follow you (while under fear RP) and refusing to move after several requests and a reasonable amount of time to obey, effectively stalling the mugging to be discovered. There are other instances where killing someone during a mugging will not result in a PK. - Such as not giving the person reasonable time to react to your demands - Ordering them to use certain game functions they don't have to comply with or making unreasonable demands (Drop items/cash, hit f7, give me your f3, commit suicide, etc) - If you disengage fear rp and they attempt to flee or fight back - You fail to specify that they are being mugged/fail to properly initiate a mugging - A fail mug location or mass mugging Mass mugging in order to to PK people, or 'PK hunting' / being 'PK hungry' is not permitted. If an Admin feels like you're doing things intentionally for no regard for actual roleplay they may deny your PK requests issue according punishments You may not make a character for the sole purpose of mugging, for example if you are pk'ed for mugging and simply create a new character and continue the same actions. It shows you have no regard for actual roleplay. You may not kill or attack people for stumbling onto your mugging or witnessing it. Mug in secluded locations to avoid being seen. You may tie the victim and rob them of the items in their inventory. You may NOT mug AFK users who are busy interacting with an NPC/ATM. There is an AFK script that will prevent truly AFK persons from being mugged. IF you go AFK in the middle of an alley and get mugged before the script kicks in that is your fault. Once you have finished mugging a user who has complied completely with the mugging you must flee the scene and abandon them. -This means you may NOT kill or cripple them unnecessarily. (Shooting them once is not crippling. But leaving them to bleed out is) -And you may not take them as hostage/kidnapping without a proper RP reason; mugging is not a valid reason for ransom. You may not mug the same person more than once within a span of 30 minutes. Scamming is permitted. Scamming is defined as taking their items / money and running away, stealing it. Agreeing to a low price / trade and later regretting your deal is not a scam. A scam will be treated similar to a mug making you a target for hits. You may scam in front of NPCs. You may not kill someone to scam them (RDM). If you fail to escape the scamming situation the victim may force you at gunpoint (fear RP) to drop the items stolen, in this instance it is not considered a mugging (no PK risk to victim) nor is it power-gaming, failure to comply or attempting to escape and being killed will result in a PK. (Stealing dumb items like food/bandages or anything that's really cheap, ex: under 2k, will not be considered theft / scam. To the Admin's discretion) If you disconnect within 15 minutes after you scam/mug, or disconnect in order to scam you can be PK'ed or banned by staff for LTARP. If you intend to intervene in a mugging as an unrelated third party (you are not the mugger or mugging victims) then you must abide by server killing rules; i.e. you may not perform vigilante justice and must have a group member connection or F3 of the person you are saving in order for the kill on the mugger to be considered a PK. While intervening, provided you are not being mugged or held under fear rp yourself, you are not at major risk of pk. If a mugging violates these rules it is deemed a 'fail mug' and the victim is not subject to a PK if killed. Should the mugger be killed during a fail mug they perpetrated the handling Administrator may choose to still PK them as a result. Killing Rules You may not randomly kill someone without proper reason. (RDM) You may not kill someone or escalate a confrontation to murder just for verbal disrespect/argument. -However if someone continues to disrespect you, you may physically intimidate or hit them. (Fists, melee weapon) As continued disrespect could realistically start a fight. The user then has free choice on how to respond/retaliate. If they choose to flee you may not kill them. a. If the user is attacked they may flee and return later (5 minutes maximum) to exact revenge on the assailants as described under killing rule 6. b. If the user is subject to an active threat via knife or gunpoint they can choose to retaliate or instead leave peacefully. However they may not return later to attack them without sufficient reason as the previous situation had already ended. In regards to how a user is allowed to react to verbal threats. There are two types of threats, an 'Active Threat' and a 'Idle threat'. Users may kill for an active threat but they may not kill for an idle a threat. The difference between the two is situational but will always pertain to if the person making the threats has a weapon in their hand. For example, someone pointing a gun at you and threatening to kill you. This is an Active threat. Someone saying they will kill/beat you in an argument or conversation. (Unarmed, weapon on safety etc) that is an idle threat. You are allowed to react to an Active threat in that moment (Not later when the situation is over). For a more clear example of Idle threats, active threats, insults and fights. See the following video (Disclaimer: Initiating arguments just to attack someone when they return your insults or taking any comment as an insult and immediately escalating to hitting them can be considered baiting as proper escalation / the spirit of the rule is not being followed) If someone is loitering/following/harassing you you may give them warnings to leave you be, if they ignore several warnings and continue you may attack/kill them. (One warning will not suffice, multiple warnings in a very short time span will also not suffice, you have to give them time to react.) You may kill someone if they have refused multiple requests or commands under gunpoint to leave your private/faction property. (See Laws and Penal Codes. Murder is a crime!) You may kill in self defence or in defence of your partners/faction/property. When you've been attacked by an aggressor and survive (you did not aggravate or bait them to hit you) you may return with a weapon to kill them. You may not kill someone for hitting your vehicle with theirs, light bumps/small accidents are normal and can happen. However you may kill them if they continue to target your vehicle with theirs or ram you multiple times, intentionally attempting to swerve and hit you/your vehicle. Likewise if someone runs you (pedestrian) over / hits you with their car intentionally you may kill them. However, if it was an accident or incidental car clipping and was not intentional, be reasonable and don't kill them. You may not attack/start confrontations with people in order to kill them when they defend themselves. This is considered baiting. You may perform hits/kills for cash provided that the REASON for the hit is a valid killing reason; listed in these rules. Hits may not be placed or performed for no reason, nor may it involve any metagame or NLR. For a valid hit to be placed the person placing the hit must have a valid kill reason against the victim. The person accepting or performing the hit needs to ensure there is a valid reason to the hit or else it is considered RDM. Both the person placing the hit and the person doing the hit may be punished for RDM if the hit is fail or for an invalid reason. You may not kill people for witnessing you commit a crime. You can threaten them to ensure they do not report it but you have to be 100% certain that a user has ratted to the police before you can take violent action against them. -Likewise you cannot kill someone for looking like the person you meant to kill/you cannot kill innocent bystanders. Be 100% sure you are shooting the right person Initiating a shootout or violent confrontation with Police can lead to a PK. Killing or attacking an Officer after initiating a violent confrontation leaves you PK active from officers for about 15 minutes. Generally we want people to not immediately go for the gun when dealing with Police, as a result if you escalate a situation to a shootout and lose you can be punished via PK as your character was killed. This does not apply if it is the Police that fired first or escalated to a shootout. You may not kill/escalate against someone based on Inventory sounds, there's no way to know if a user has equipped a gun, unequipped a gun, loaded ammo, equipped a fishing rod or even who that sound came from without it being considered a form of meta. In regards to criminal on Police violence. Criminals who open fire on police and are killed in the shootout can be subject to a PK. This is to instill a realistic consequence when engaging in shootouts with Law Enforcement as well as to encourage more users to RP or utilize Law RP to avoid legal trouble instead of immediately resorting to violence. In the same vein there are still times when you can't shoot police and it would be considered RDM. You may not KOS Police for no reason. They must be specifically targeting you or a faction member for arrest/takedown. You may not kill Officers for simply pulling you over or writing you a traffic citation. You may not kill Officers for giving you a lawful order. (Leave the area, put that away, Identify yourself, etc) You may attack Officers if they attempt to Arrest/Detain you or a member of your group, knowing that an arrest or detainment would lead to a FELONY charge (Having illegal guns/drugs/etc.) You are PK active after shooting/killing an officer. -What is considered an attempt to arrest / detain you: Attempting to handcuff you Verbally telling you, you are being detained / arrested ("You are being detained", "You are under arrest") Firing their tazer at you Pointing their gun at you and ordering you to surrender/stop moving/get down/turn around. (Fear RP basically) (Telling you to LEAVE is not an arrest/detainment) Asking you for ID / Licenses is NOT a detainment / arrest; nor is simply questioning you, giving you a lawful order or threatening to arrest you. ("Leave or you will be arrested") (etc.) A Group member is defined as the following: They are a member of your faction They are rolling with you. (You MUST have their F3) You may not attack Officers or interfere when they are detaining someone you do not know. Defending your group members does not apply to Officers inside PD or if your group member is detained inside PD cells as that constitutes a PD raid which are not permitted. (Prison breaks are unrealistic and are not allowed) Generally you shouldn't invite conflict then try to hide behind the rules when you're killed. This can also be considered baiting as described under killing rule 6. Intentionally instigating someone or goad them into breaking a rule. Metagaming Rules Do not speak of in game matters in OOC Do not use OOC terms in IC Discord is generally considered OOC unless it is owned by Diverge Networks, and has the channel clearly stated as IC. I.E: [IC], [In Character] All Discord Voice Channels are considered OOC. Any 3rd party Voice / VOIP program is considered OOC while in the server. In order for you to communicate with other players you must use in game chat or voice functions, we added radios for this exact reason. Coordinating anything IC in a third party voice program is metagaming and will lead to a ban and/or a void of an RP situation. You may use Discord to request a lawyer or use discord to organize meetings or flag ups by naming a date, time and location. Attempting to use OOC chats to communicate things which should be clearly labeled IC is not permitted, you can receive a punishment for this OR the OOC communication can be considered IC by upper staff and is therefore admissible to continue an existing roleplay situation. You cannot call for help while being mugged/held under fearrp in discord or any other 3rd party service as you would not realistically be able to contact others while under fearp/tied. You cannot use an OOC reason to PK someone. Leave beef on the server, this is a video game. You cannot use OOC things / terms as a means to get out of an RP situation. Anything on mic is IC. Use /looc or /ooc when you need to speak of ooc matters ingame. Anything said in game (not in /ooc or /looc) is IC and must be treated as such. You cannot use/pass IC information of one character with another one of your characters, that is meta. Criminal factions are known about and often high ranking members of these organizations are very recognizable, the name and structure of these organizations is often known about through local rumours and news reports. They are an open secret and knowing the name of a faction or who the leader is is not necessarily metagame. Admin sits are not considered IC and any information obtained and used in RP can be considered META. It is considered Meta for Police to attempt to arrest people for talking to blackmarket/illegal NPCs. Police do not "have knowledge" the NPC buys drugs and it's not a reason to detain or arrest users approaching it. (Camping the NPC). Ways to Identify someone IC'ly: -You have their F3 -They Identify themselves to you, verbally giving you their full name / unique nickname -Someone who has their F3 Identifies them to you -You have viewed their ID card or searched their person (See Police rules section) -If someone has committed an offense against you (Act of violence, mugging, etc) you may recognize them based on their voice, character descriptions and clothing for up to 30 minutes afterwards (Without having their F3). Players may change clothes or lay low during this time to avoid recognition. Powergaming Rules Powergaming is described as forcing a scenario or roleplay onto someone against their will, usually in violation of the rules. Using other game mechanics to powergame can include, attempting to force players to do things outside of the server, forcing players to commit suicide, forcing players to commit crimes, forcing players to RP or /me's against their will, forcing players to give their f3, etc etc, Being removed from a situation or being critically involved only to return on a second character and utilize a rank or position to continue the roleplay. If you were removed from an RP situation on one character or are involved on a character do not return on a second character in an attempt to continue or influence it. You may not invent evidence to force a roleplay nor may you take OOC matters into IC You may not abuse the /roll to powergame situations. Forcing someone to drop items at risk of PK is not permitted, if you are mugging someone it is your responsibility to bring restraints to search their inventory. You may not abuse the unconscious mechanic to isolate people for muggings or hits, do not intentionally force people into an un-defendable game state (unconscious ragdoll) to then drag them into a secluded location for a mugging, the victim has no chance to defend themselves. Vehicle Rules Traffic laws are enforced by the NYPD. Being pulled over for ticket is not a valid reason to shoot and kill cops. Do not randomly VDM. Do not intentionally run over users for no valid reason, targeting people on sidewalks, cross walks or in traffic stops for no valid reason is VDM. If you accidently run someone over in the street it won't be considered VDM if the staff member deems the opposing party at fault. If you see someone in the street and intentionally aim to run them over or fail to attempt to avoid them it will be considered VDM regardless of them being in the street or not. Do not intentionally minge your vehicle by targeting players or cars at random for ramming. This also includes running around parking lots damaging cars/tires for no reason other than to bait. Do not prop abuse cars to destroy them. Do not intentionally explode cars in order to kill people. Blowing up a car that kills a large group of people is still Mass RDM. Do not blow up vehicles without proper reason. This includes randomly shooting and exploding parked cars / parked police cars. This can be considered baiting or just general minging. Robbery/Raiding Rules If you are killed during the robbery/raid it will result in a PK. Those defending against a Robbery/Raid are NOT pk active. (Except against a Police Raid or if Fear RP is broken) In order to defend against a raid you must be in the faction that owns the building, hired as security for the building or the room you/your faction is renting is being raided. A robbery is defined as forcing your way onto a property with the intention of burglary or theft (or just to gain access, can be considered a raid), lockpicking a door open or barging in with weapons while there are occupants inside or when the occupants step out. Squatting on a property is not considered a robbery. You may enter stores/domiciles you believe have items inside in order to steal them. You may access the doors using lockpicks. Any occupants inside fall under the mugging rules section. You cannot attack/rob the same person/location/store for at least half an hour You can only rob a new place every 15 minutes. (From the end of the previous robbery). This is to prevent people from mass robbing with no RP. If staff notice you are mass Robbing / locker rolling they may deny you or even punish you depending on context. You may rob stores/homes without staff approval You cannot rob/raid the Police Station. F2 Buyable properties like Ghetto or Townhouses are on considered valid renting of a property. The name on the door is not metagame to use by PD as it is a matter of public record. Police must have VALID reasonable suspicion OR an active arrest warrant on the renter in order to raid the room. They may NOT raid it whenever they feel like it. Police cannot raid without a warrant. A Judge/DA must sign this warrant. -Exceptions apply if they have witnessed a severe felony, or someone is in distress, then they may use probable cause beyond a reasonable doubt to raid. -A report of a potential crime isn’t enough to warrant an armed police raid unless Officers obtain evidence of a crime or life threatening situation is occurring on the residence. -An anonymous tip, or a tip of any sorts does not warrant a raid. You need to get a warrant before entering any property unless you have directly observed a crime happening. Faction Rules If after acceptance, your faction falls below a certain number of active people, or you yourself become inactive, the individual in charge of factions may remove your faction at their discretion, the least active faction is always at risk of removal. Factions not following server rules will be terminated. Factions may only own up to a maximum of two properties. Properties can be seized by police or government within RP reason (Crime scene/raid/failure to pay taxes/etc) If we notice properties or fronts not being used we reserve the right to notify you of such and take the property away. Don't own the maximum amount if you don't have enough active men to hold the property. A faction with 10 active people doesn't need to own 2 properties. Faction changes/rebrands can be requested and processed in support tickets, however these rebrands and restructures will incur a massive cost due to the underworld changes that must take place. Factions that are newly accepted and added to the server will have a 2 week grace period where they may not be taxed or war'ed. This is to prevent metagame/powergame and general abuse to give all players a fair chance. (This does not apply if the new faction demonstrates provable aggressive behaviour towards a particular faction) If you are in a legal faction you may not openly commit crimes, if you want to do that get a criminal character. You may not use an alternate character or an alternative character of a friend to abuse a faction racket. Racket Abuse: Punishable by both ban and/or PK is the act of metagaming or powergaming to circumvent the racket system to obtain items from another faction's racket to benefit your character / group. For instance, if the faction has set a trade blockade and your friend uses their alternate character to trade with you anyway or to give you items from the opposing racket for free / discounted cost to sell for a profit. Using the persons alternate character to circumvent Roleplay and trading with the faction directly, thereby preventing them from collecting profits from the trades through meta/powergame. If the sole purpose of that character is to sell weapons/drugs from the racket without any roleplay involved. These deals often orchestrated OOC'ly through metagame. By giving unfair access to the other faction's racket and reducing the exclusivity of the racket items by selling them at heavy a discount so you may directly compete with them using their own stock but reaping 100% of the profit. (Buying shipment items at a 1:1 ratio) If you do have another character that is legitimate and used for roleplay but you do not want sales to a faction you are in on another character to be misconstrued as Racket Abuse then do not give large discounts. (Unconscious bias plays a role). Instead do not sell the items from the racket less than 0.10 of the listed sale price set by the faction leader(s). [Example: If the faction sells a Benelli M3 for $25,000 and shipments at $48,000 do not give a larger than 10% discount. Making your minimums $22,500 and $43,200) If no price is set or listed then the minimum sale price should be 1.75x the amount of the vendor price. [Example: If you buy 4 Glock 17s for $5,250 in the vendor then you must sell them at a minimum 1.75 x 5,250 = ~$9,185 shipment or ~$2,300 single] Media Player Rules Media Players are in-game TVs and Screens that users can interact with to view and play videos on. Users can gain access to Media Flags if they donate for the Media Flags. You cannot use anything that does not fit into RP for the 1980s. Certain things that go into the 1990s is also acceptable (Music and such that fits the 80s theme but was made in the 90s is acceptable) Do not play any inappropriate or sexual content. This WILL lead to a permanent ban. Be mature and responsible with it, if you are found abusing it, it will be removed If staff says not to play a certain video, do as they ask. If you have an issue, appeal to a higher staff member. Refusing to listen may result in a ban. Prop Rules You may not propkill, propsurf, prop block or prop climb. Prop block includes blocking perfectly reasonable entrances or back entrances to buildings / doors. Players may not block or obstruct streets or major traffic ways without proper reason. Prop climb includes spawning props out of nowhere in order to reach areas you wouldn't be realistically able to get up to. Do not spawn moving prop dupes without prior approval. Staff will have final say if your prop boat/trailer is permissible. No flying or floating prop vehicles / machines / mechanisms. When building dupes or decorating properties the props must be realistic and aesthetic. Players may slightly extend their property with props by a reasonable amount (Admin discretion) Breaking these rules will result in a ban or removal of PET flags. Extensions to buildings can be done in RP if you seek building permits from government Officials. The map is very intentionally designed that certain fences are climbable and others are not, using a prop (even a ladder prop) to bypass and 'prop climb' over objects or previously impassable barriers is not permitted, especially since there isn't roleplay to have it set down. (Exceptions are made for props integrated onto properties with permits via the DOP) Many people do not see issue in using props to flip their cars or get them unstuck, and a majority of the time it isn't very problematic, however it is considered prop abuse to do so in an active RP scenario. Do not free your car using props if you are in a Police chase/fleeing a hit/dropping off drug deals or any RP scenario where a disabled car affects the outcome. Do not spam or place unrealistic/floating 3D text screens. Property Rules Do not prop block perfectly reasonable entrances or back entrances to buildings / doors. When building dupes or decorating properties the props must be realistic and aesthetic. This is NOT DarkRP. We don't build elaborate prop 'bases' to defend against raiders. As such any 'DarkRP' type prop builds can be removed at Admin discretion (shooting slits, one way props, floating barriers, elaborate hallways, kill zones, force crouching area, forced jumping area, non obvious no collided entrances/props or anything unrealistic to a legitimate property) Players may slightly extend their property with props by a reasonable amount (Admin discretion) Extensions to buildings can be done in RP if you seek building permits from government Officials. Extensions may not block or obstruct streets, alleys or major traffic ways. Factions may own up to a Maximum of TWO properties. Faction buildings may be passed down upon owner death (pk). Don't spam buy doors which are F2 ownable. (for instance you cant own multiple rooms in the ghetto in order to deny others from moving in) Property taxes are collected weekly by the Planning Department. Failure to pay means the building can be seized. Roleplay centered buildings will be subject to activity checks, this means RP centered buildings (LeGrande, club, shops, bars) must be used by the factions to generate RP, if not they will be seized and given to players who can. The NYPD and Federal agencies can serve search and seizure warrants signed by a judge, when a property is seized the doors are changed and the owner must go through a court of appeals to regain control of the property. When a building is firebombed it is taken by the city for repairs. The owner then pays the repairs to gain access to it once again. To firebomb a factions building you must have proper reason and proof of reason. (Transgressions against your faction, rival racket, Attempted Murder /Murder , failure to pay tax) Minor reasons like disrespect, empty threats or warnings, etc is not enough to firebomb a building. Firebombing a building is an escalation of conflict and can lead to PK attempts which can lead to faction wars. (See PK Guidelines). Firebombings are not a secret. They are an open challenge of power and territory, the faction you firebomb will be aware you did it. Only UA can approve a firebombing as it is a direct escalation to potential war. Make a Support ticket in the Discord. All property ownership is displayed as final here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d9Ahvdqqaig04xlLHQlKK0HxAkicjy9NH9asbSq5jpU/edit?gid=670012358#gid=670012358 Police/Government Rules You must remain in character at all times Giving guns/cars to criminals will result in a permanent ban from the server If you are a corrupt cop/government, it does not give you justification to RDM other members of the police/government . Being Corrupt does NOT mean you are doing criminal acts, that means working on the inside of the PD with criminal factions. You cannot just openly commit crimes on that police character. If you want to be a criminal, make a criminal character. As soon as you put yourself in a corrupt situation it is possible to be PK'ed. (See Police Corruption section!) Officers may not execute suspects, they must make an effort to arrest a suspect when possible render aid to a bleeding suspect. You can't kill someone if they are no longer an active threat between a reasonable pause. If you believe an Officer isn't doing their job correctly this isn't always a staff issue. You may join the NYPD Discord in order to file a complaint against Officers to their superiors, or sue the the Police in RP for compensation. You may not plant evidence on people to have them arrested without Admin approval. This requires corruption rp in conjunction with a criminal faction who have proper reasons to frame or PK that person. Police Officers are to NOT investigate or participate in RP situations that they are involved in, witnessed or reported on a second character as any inter-character cross over can be viewed as Meta. You cannot use your IC position in order to OOCly harass someone. Abuse of Power/Guns/Arrests will result in removal from your job and possibly a ban. State Officials like the Governor or state Senators may not be corrupt under any circumstance. Important positions like the Comptroller may not be corrupt either, the comptroller represents a larger array of property infrastructure and management who's corruption would be a detriment to the functionality of the server, therefore the comptroller may not be corrupt. Initiating a gunfight or violent confrontation with the police and dying will result in a PK. When you kill Officers you are PK active for 15 minutes This does not apply to players who hit officers with their fists (Unless they Murder them) This applies when a person shoots / melee weapons police for a valid reason or for a non valid reason (Traffic Ticket/insults/escaping a felony chargeetc) This does not apply if the Officer initiates the gun fire or escalates the situation to violence. Officers may not execute suspects, they must make an effort to arrest a suspect when possible render aid to a bleeding suspect. Police Corruption: Being Corrupt does NOT mean you are doing criminal acts, that means working on the inside of the PD with criminal factions. You cannot just openly commit crimes on that police character. If you want to be a criminal, make a criminal character. As soon as you put yourself in a corrupt situation it is possible to be PK'ed. You may not false arrest people or invent crimes they didn't commit. You may not plant evidence on people to have them arrested without Admin approval. This requires corruption rp in conjunction with a criminal faction who have proper reasons to frame or PK that person. You may not enact vigilante justice. You may not perform hits. You may not mug people or commit any other obvious general crime as stated in the first line of this sub section. You may beat suspects or use excessive force. (At the risk of potential PK retaliations if it's continued or targetted) (Do not beat them to Death, this is RDM) You may accept bribes, letting people into areas or scenes they shouldn't and other undercover corruption that may apply. (IA may investigate and suspend / Fire Officers) You may not distribute confiscated weapons/drugs/contraband or anything obtained from your police locker for reasons of balance, powergaming and metagaming Officers ranked Captain+ are considered NYPD High Command and are not permitted to be corrupt You may not act corrupt for a faction you are apart of or are allied with on different characters. Using your rank to abuse or meta for a family you are apart of or are allied with on other characters is strictly forbidden and can result in severe consequences for anyone involved. SOP violations are not corruption, corruption means breaking the law. An action that does not break the law but violates the NYPD SOP is not considered corruption. Corruption PKs: You are found guilty by court via evidence A faction/rival faction PKs you with rightful reasoning You must have a reason to arrest/kill someone; you may not kill/arrest for these following reasons: Disrespect Minor Traffic accidents Defamation Spamming Jaywalking Littering Non violent actions/Non serious crimes. It's a video game man Arrests: If a weapon is drawn, the police have the right to detain you until they confirm that the weapon is legal, then they have to let you go. The arrest must be for a valid reason. If they take your LEGAL weapon for no just reason, this is stealing and is against the rules. You may not be arrested for things that would be simple traffic tickets or warnings, jaywalking, littering and other small petty crimes are not detainable. Nor may you be arrested without reason. Officers may not execute suspects, they must make an effort to arrest a suspect when possible render aid to a bleeding suspect. You can't kill someone if they are no longer an active threat between a reasonable pause. Not all arrest procedure failures or mistakes / wrong doing done by a Police Officer is a violation of server rules, most actions can be handled IC in a court of law or reported to the IA who may dismiss the officer in question. Miranda rights do not have to be read the moment you are detained. Police may choose to read them later at the station. (Failure to read rights is an IC issue) Police must charge a suspect within 30 minutes of detaining them. If they have failed to do so the suspect must be released -The Officer has 30 minutes, from placement into cells, to read off the charges to the suspect (the crimes they are being charged with) and offer them a plea deal. From that point the suspect may choose to accept a plea or take it to court. Once the suspect is transferred into the prison faction they may disconnect sans repercussion. -This does not apply if the suspect refuses to talk / acknowledge the charges being given to him. (Going AFK, minging, etc) -This timer is extended when there is discussion or interrogation, with council, to include the questioning. Example: Lawyers may not argue the charges and/or talk to the cop and prevent them for listing the charges by speaking over them or distracting them in order to game the system and hit 30 minutes -Police may charge a suspect whether a lawyer is present or not, the presence of legal council is not required to charge someone and the officer should present the charges, preferably via chat, as quickly as possible. -After the suspect chooses and is transferred to the penitentiary faction the Officer has 24 hours to file a criminal complaint with the DA's office who will prosecute, at which point a judge ticket will be made with the defendant. -If a judge ticket has not been made after 24 hours of your arrest please inquire with the DA's office or through a staff ticket -Suspects who refuse to give their discord ID for coordinating a trial may have their lawyer represent them over discord instead, they must confirm that they want this as the lawyer will have full control -Suspects who refuse a plea deal, then refuse to give their discord nor do they wish for a lawyer to represent them over the discord ticket waive their right to fair trial (as it then is impossible to schedule one). The DA's office may present the evidence to the judges, present the suspect's refusal to participate in the court process and a decision can be made by the judge based on evidence then and there. (Refusal to accept plea is still entered as a not guilty plea but refusal to participate in a trial or trial scheduling removes their ability to defend themselves) Police may not force you to sign a plea deal. A plea deal is your choice and can only be signed with consent. (include a /me signs plea deal) Police may not sentence you with the jailer NPC if you have not signed a plea deal or been sentenced by a Judge in a court of law. Officers who do so are committing RDA and should be reported to staff. It is considered Meta for Police to attempt to arrest people for talking to black-market/illegal NPCs. Police do not "have knowledge" the NPC buys drugs and it's not a reason to detain or arrest users approaching it. (Camping the NPC). In a similar vein they may not camp shipments to arrest the owner, using the name on the box or the fact that they use meta knowledge knowing the shipment has drugs/weapons is not permitted. Ways to Identify someone IC'ly for an arrest: -You have their F3 -They Identify themselves to you, verbally giving you their full name / unique nickname -Someone who has their F3 Identifies them to you -You have viewed their ID card or searched their person. -If someone has committed an offense against you (Act of violence, mugging, etc) you may recognize them based on their voice and clothing for up to 30 minutes afterwards. Players may change clothes or lay low during this time to avoid recognition. -You have probable cause to give a lawful order for the person to identify themselves. (Ex: You are searching for a "Jimmy Ken" and you ask a man on the street his name. He replies "Jimmy" You now have probable cause to order him to Identify himself and check his ID) -The person has a past arrest / criminal record making them identifiable to law enforcement. (Known to police) -They match a suspect description or partial name in a local granting you permission to order them to identify themselves. (This DOES NOT mean you may search everyone around a crime scene) -If you feel you were wrongfully searched or identified you may file a ticket with a judge. Evidence: Police will often collect evidence via screenshot. In order for this evidence to be usable in IC you must use the Camera item which automatically prints a message in chat. (To Include the message in the pictures you may have to take multiple photos) In order to record with a camera item you must perform a /me. Once performed any footage recorded for the next 15 minutes by the camera can be considered valid IC evidence. Once the timer expires another /me must be performed to start a new recording. (spamming /me's can invalidate the validity of the evidence.) When recording with a camera item any footage recorded by the camera when physically in your hands is admissible IC evidence. If you switch weapon (to keys) while recording anything that happens while the camera is not out is not considered valid. Once you switch back to the camera item the recording resumes and the footage from that point is valid again. If killed any footage / IC evidence like photos or video from a camera from the last 15 minutes from your point of death are also wiped and invalidated, UNLESS the area is covered by valid CCTV and the CCTV tapes are properly retrieved by someone who did not die in the situation. When killed a recording captured by a camera item is considered destroyed and the last 15 minutes of footage is lost forever, it may not be recovered. The Police Department/Town Hall/Hospital/ATMs all realistically have CCTV cameras. This means any individual's recording taken from these areas would be admissible IC CCTV footage evidence. Independent Business owned CCTV holds footage up to 7 days before being overwritten on, unless deleted CCTV located on NYPD/Town Hall/Hospital/ATMs holds footage up to 31 days before being overwritten on. It is stored offsite by the State and DOP and cannot be deleted. Audio is recorded within the visual range, but whispers (/w) are not captured CCTV footage can only be deleted by the property owner's faction (Unless restricted) A proper /me is required in order to delete or retrieve footage. Example: /me Deletes footage from 3/19/87 16:00:00 EST-20:00:00 EST -CCTV may be accessed if you're inside the property / the proper area CCTV angles are defined by the Department of Planning. To see all active CCTV angles or to apply for installation contact the DOP directly. In the event an officer is searching or removing evidence off a person inside the holding cell area in the Police Department, CCTV would realistically capture what items are being taken off the defendant making most, if not all, videos/images from within the cells to be IC admissible. Court Discord: https://discord.gg/4fecwReaWA Evidence can be deleted with Admin approval (before you attempt to delete it) if done properly in RP. Provided that it isn't password protected and no backups exist. (Players must make a backup in RP) Prisoner Rules When you are arrested you must endure the arrest process. If you disconnect before you either; sign a plea and are sentenced with the jailor NPC or are given a court date and transferred to the prison faction and do not return within 10 minutes, this will be considered LTARP and you can be banned/pk'ed for it. If you don't have time to roleplay the lengthy law side of things don't commit the crime. If you crash you should message your arresting officer, you can contact them in the NYPD discord. You may contact a lawyer or receive a public defender to represent you. It is permitted to use discord to contact a lawyer while incarcerated provided that they meet and discuss your case ingame. You may not be sentenced without a plea or guilty verdict. Contact staff if this occurs. If you disagree with your arrest reason or view it as some form of corruption this can be handled IC. Staff should only ever get involved in arrests if the officer in question is actively breaking server rules. You must be charged within 30 minutes of being arrested (Read the Arrest rules in the Police Section). This does not apply if you are speaking with your representative or are AFK/stalling to run the timer. You may disconnect / switch character one you have been sentenced or are transferred into the prison faction awaiting trial, ask the officer to untie you or a staff member to charkick you. You may handle most law roleplay, such as launching lawsuits or appealing a felony in the court discord. If the officer never added you to your court ticket contact staff to have the issue sorted. Once you have been arrested/sentenced/are awaiting trial there is no being broken out of prison. Prison breaks are not a thing here as it breaks the natural flow of law RP. Undercover & Plainclothes Rules Being undercover is defined as your police character being moved out of the NYPD faction in order to perform investigations, in order to infiltrate a criminal organization. Officers undercover outside of the NYPD Whitelist do not have the same privileges to perform arrests, pks nor do they receive protections from being PK'ed. You may not make a second Character to be undercover/your own informant as this is metagame/powergaming. When collecting evidence undercover you must demonstrate you did it correctly in RP. You will be expected to provide proof via things like '/me hides recording device under my shirt' or '/me takes photograph' etc etc. While performing active undercover operations you can be PK'ed at anytime. (Drug meets/busts, infiltrating factions, etc) Officers are put undercover to infiltrate a faction, not to use the permission to see /rumour as a means to set up random unrelated persons and deals, they are infiltrating one specific faction for the purpose of taking that faction down, all of their undercover work MUST pertain to actions/information they obtain from working the faction. Factions may PK you after you have left your undercover position if they are able to prove that it was you who infiltrated them. It is recommended to notify the appropriate staff with proof when you have properly infiltrated a faction. This is to reduce the claims of metagame and allows us to verify your secondary characters to make sure you are following the rules. Plainclothes is defined as being in the NYPD faction but not wearing any clothes that identify you as a NYPD from a distance. (No uniform/badge visible) The only bureau actually permitted to engage in plainclothes/undercover operations is the Detective Bureau. All other bureaus must be in a uniform when conducting on duty policing, or are permitted to a one time plain clothes/undercover use for a special operation by PD high command. Detectives must have a valid reason to engage in plainclothes operations, otherwise they should not be patrolling in plainclothes, they should equip their badge or a regular uniform. Officers / Detectives in plain clothes or identifiable plain clothes (wearing a suit with the badge item) should wear reasonable clothing. Meaning eccentric, expensive or custom suits that look silly or unbecoming of officers can be considered a uniform/dress code violation. IC issue. Officers from other bureaus may only wear plainclothes if they are off-duty. This is an aspect of police RP where officers go perform other passive RP that is not policing. Off-duty officers may not respond to calls less they be considered plainclothes, note that violating the plainclothes directive or any uniform guidelines outlined here is an IC issue, but there are some OOC implications. As such, Officers who are patrolling in plain clothes or respond to a situation in plain clothes may have certain restrictions on their ability to PK. For example if you a plainclothes officer attempt to confront a suspect from a distance and they open fire on you without the knowledge you are a cop (as you are not identifiable from a distance) and you kill them, it will not be a PK. - This does not apply if you are close enough for them to see your faction name and made the conscious choice to open fire afterwards. Otherwise issues with plain clothes are quite rare. Simply do not patrol as one. (It is cringe) Judges/Courts Judges are an unbiased object of Justice meant to be able to enforce the law via sentencing that can amount to a PK. Judges must be 100% unbiased and operate their trials by reviewing evidence and procedures as dictated by the Chief Judge. (Unified Court System) Judges may not be corrupt without UA+ Approval. Judges may not commit crimes on their government characters, if you want to be a criminal make a criminal character. Those that do may be removed from their position at any time by staff. You must obey the judge in the courtroom Interrupting a court session by minging/not using common sense will result in a Contempt of Court or other punishment by staff. A Judge may deny court if the user requesting has broken server rules. In these cases you should contact staff. If a Judge begins a trial that can result in a PK they must notify an Admin beforehand to ensure someone is online to do the PK. The Judge may decide if it is a Jury court or not. They may also decide if the trial is public or private. The DA or (District Attorney) and ADA (Assistant District Attorney) is also a core function of the Justice system and is not permitted to be corrupt. This includes dropping valid charges / creating fake ones or leaking information. Judges/DA/ADAs are expected to disclose a list of their alternate characters and associations and must excuse themselves from cases or prosecutions of people or factions they may be associated with on those alternate characters to ensure their is no bias at any point in the legal process. If you are not involved in a private court case, you are not allowed to attend, unless specifically asked by the prosecution, a judge, or the defense. To practice as a Lawyer you must have passed the DVN BAR exam. Any and all Successful lawsuits against the Police Department / City / State Governments may not exceed a maximum possible court awarded relief of $100,000 PK Rules In regards to compensation. Staff are not required to give compensation to players who lose items to accidental deaths or rulebreakers. Players run the risk of losing items and accept that fact when they hit the EQUIP option on the item / weapon. Players are only ever entitled to compensation if the reason for their item loss was due to a server bug/glitch at which point Upper Administration will step in to approve their compensation Playing on the server means you agree to our rules and ToS. Punishments are to be issued at the staff member’s discretion. You are responsible for securing your account, 'my friend/brother did it' is not a permissible excuse.
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