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I am of the long standing opinion that the existing PK song is fucking BEANS (negative) and the song "That's Life" is wayyyyyyyyyyyy more fitting. I even made this concept video on it in early 2023m but I have been silenced and railroaded preventing it from being implemented. https://streamable.com/kpfyf011 points
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I know we're way closer to the 90s than we are the 80s, but video arcades were still fairly predominant up until consoles really took off in the early 2000s. We could add to the 80s theme by adding a video arcade whether it'd be public or a private racket / business. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1528767279 https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/arcade-machines-2-realistic-arcade-gaming Most of this stuff is public, will obviously need a lot of development to make it work with all the current systems, but if it's a private business license you can apply for, maybe there can be an unused building made for this kind of thing like an arcade. Either: A) It's public, and people can play and the way it'd work is after so much score, like let's say their final score is around 1000, this would give them a "100 ticket" item (could use the casino number plates if you wanted to, or create a custom ticket model, either or really) in their inventory. 10,000 score, "1000 tickets" etc, etc. They would then go to the vendor / npc in the building and sell them for real money like oil companies do with their barrels of oil. B) If it's a private business, it'd be the same thing but the family / business would be the only ones with access to the NPC and can sell tickets and give the person a large cut of however many tickets they gave them. (up to the business and / or the law however they want to make it work). In the end, this could be very legit. People can do their VR chat RP in the arcade, shoot the shit while playing Galaga or some other game, while others who are more serious and want to continue conducting their illegal business and running their shipments don't have to hear "skibidi rizz" and "gmod" / other ooc terms every corner they take. This could isolate a lot of those people to the video arcade if done well and free up a lot of OOC traffic on the streets, while providing another potential legal way for businesses to make money. (I don't know if this is the correct addon I've linked above, but this is what I would guess the games would look like as the addon as well as this video was uploaded a long time ago).9 points
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You were PKed for 2 reasons, both of which occurred in a short period of time. A long term made man vouching that you lockpicked inside of our own hotel Carrying and waving a firearm, with a scratched serial number and while not holding a license, around our most active property First is obviously an issue and the second is blatantly against family rules, as well as just not being how we want/expect anyone in the faction to act. Especially at a property that is at times heavily observed by police, although I think that should go without saying considering you seem to understand the size of the faction. A large part of this life is keeping anything illegal that you do lowkey, out of the view of outsiders in order to prevent attention/heat being brought to the family. These 2 things in such a short period of time led to one of the Don's trusted making the decision to whack you out of the faction. Here is the agreement you accept whenever joining a faction, warning of what may come. Ultimately it just didn't work out and I wish you luck in whichever faction you end up staying in.7 points
In-Game Name(s): Sergeant Cassandra Cassano, Dizzy "Daisy" Gigglesnort, Maria "Mac" Morello, Ariel Serce, Lorenzo De Luca Steam Name: Yummekoo Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199486961583/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:763347927 Discord Username: yummekoo Age: 17 When did you first join the server: Around mid/late March of 2023 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 1mo 2w 18h 14m Time Zone: CST (An hour behind EST) How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 5-7 hours a day Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No but I am willing to learn. Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yep ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: I like to help out and to resolve conflicts. I have been on the server for a while and I'd like to help the community out a little bit more. I believe I could use my time to help benefit the community. I spend a lot of my time on Diverge and trying to help people and being staff would help out a lot of people. People always get agitated when a staff member doesn't take their ticket after a minute or two so I am trying to help relieve some of the burden on the staff team. I am hoping if this application gets accepted then I can help out with tickets or whatever I am needed to help out with. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I have a lot of free time and I spend most of it on the server. I feel that the amount of time I spend on this server could greatly help take tickets when needed. I have an open mindset and can think fairly quickly when in stressful situations. I can learn quickly and can adapt to different situations depending on what's given to me. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): I haven't ever had any other staffing experience. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No, I haven't been banned. I probably have one note on me for not using the correct prop in a RP situation but besides that no. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: I believe I am pretty well known in the community. Some people like me but some don't. Overall, my reputation is fairly neutral from my perspective. Some people say that I'm quiet or some people say that I'm helpful. I help out a lot with PD paperwork and other sorts of things. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: My favorite moments on Diverge is when Shamrock would host his concerts. I would be there most to all of the the time he would be hosting one. Shamrock and I would go around Little Italy or some other places and he would be singing Mexican music. My second favorite was when Beuford broke character https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iS6xVxmHvcBa_S1Uq?invite=cr-MSxQdTIsMTkxNDMyOTEzLA Shamrock https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iRp5Ulr63Lmiwc6e4?invite=cr-MSxlZzUsMTkxNDMyOTEzLA Shamrock https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iJGwHHkWGlqIVGKoM?invite=cr-MSwyNTQsMTkxNDMyOTEzLA Beuford Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Mangos Dopeasroe xDutchCat Vast ("I'd love to see you get into an argument with a random minge") Nubs itsnebs ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If I see the RDM I would clip it and send it in staff chat since I cant make tickets. I can't handle the ticket since I witnessed it and to avoid possible bias toward the situation. If someone makes a ticket for RDM and I hadn't witnessed it then I would go on-duty and deal with the RDM ticket accordingly. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would collect as much evidence as I can by clipping it. After I collect a good amount of evidence I would bring it to UA and they can deal with it however they'd see fit. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would take the ticket if nobody took it already and collect as much evidence from the logs and the clip provided to me so that there wouldn't be any assumption of bias. I would just treat them as any other person who RDMed and give the correct punishment even if I knew the person.6 points
Name of Character: Israel "Joker" Goldberg SteamID: STEAM_0:1:199103270 Your Discord ID#: 363418635470897154 Date of PK: 1/12/2025 Reason for PK: There was a don's orders set on somebody in the faction so we were all set active, it just so happened that I got RDM baited when everybody was active. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I, one, had nothing to do with the Don's Orders, nor was I aware of all of us being active, and I was RDM Baited after telling the person that killed me to stop fucking with my Hi-fi. The rule broken was RDM Bait. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jtEHbT1AZL-WZhWxd?invite=cr-MSxiV2IsMjQ5MTQ3ODUzLA Note: I would like to say I am filing this appeal on his behalf because of a problem with his steam and forum website. For my input of the situation I would just like to say that he was not aware of the situation and wasent aware that she was active. At the same time it was said that she wanted to be set active to take down another member on purpose but someone who was aware about it. Also the template that was pasted was all written by him.6 points
5 points
In-Game Name(s): Brandon Sinclair, Lieutenant Isobe Takeo, Frederick Herrington, Pleo Scrabapple, Falpbo Tootbag. Steam Name: nubs Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199143914363 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:591824317 Discord Username: nubsniping Age: 18 When did you first join the server: 25th April 2023 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 2mo 1w 2d 18h 55m Time Zone: GMT How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: I'm free a lot of the week all weeks. so quite a bit Have you read the rules?: yes Do you have a working microphone?: yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: I am not but I would be willing to learn it Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: yes What is your motivation/reason for applying?: I would like to try out new things on diverge and assist in anyway I can, I know the rules quite well and how to handle scenarios in a decent way, I enjoy playing the server and wish to be apart of it more, most of the time when I'm on and have an issue staff are slow to take tickets and help people and I think I'd be able to help people at a quick pace with anything they need, I can be serious when I'm needed to that's why I think id fit the role for staff quite well. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I've been playing diverge since April 2023 I believe that's a long enough time to get good knowledge on the server and the people on it to start helping more, while I'm not massively known on the server I would like to say my name is out there, you should choose me for the staff team because I get on at weird times some of the times where no staff are on and people are still making tickets and need help. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Although I have never been staff it's something I've looked at a lot of times and was wanting to become staff and learn all of the stuff needed for it. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: I have been banned on the server twice the first ban was from monte it was for RDM POx3, Minge, Lying to staff it had also been appealed and accepted I believe, the second ban was from anzati where I had shot 2 taxi drivers after they had been running/ into peoples cars making them fall over the reason I shot was because they had made someone I knew fall over multiple times I just didn't have his name causing it to be RDM POx4. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: I wouldn't say I'm well known in the community but I would say I'm pretty liked throughout the people who do know me the only people that come to mind when I think of who knows and likes me are some of the commission where they dislike me due to a situation that had happened, my reputation is pretty good not many people dislike me to my knowledge. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: I'm not going to lie my favourite moment on diverge was probably the 911 event where the plane had hid world corp causing fire to spread throughout the building right before the big map change. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Greenghost, Zqrxz, Byte, fox, Duetts, Itsnebs, DopeAsRoe, Shittor Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: I would make a ticket or tell someone in staff chat because if I was involved in the situation I wouldn't be able to take a ticket of it as it would be taking my own ticket and people could say I would have a bias towards the player that had rdm'ed and if no staff are on then there's nothing else I can do except wait. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would get clips of them abusing and gather all of the evidence and report it to higher staff member than the person is giving all of the evidence against them to the higher staff member. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would proceed with appropriate punishment if they had broken a rule they would deserve the punishment if it's proven to be true, they should know the rules and what not to do.5 points
It does suck to think that cops can just run into harmful fights and general situations without caring about their life even though the premise of PKs with the roleplay of your life on the server is "disregard for your own life/not valuing your life" and that would fall into such. However, the cops on the server end up in these harmful fights more frequently than a criminal character does and cops are typically the target of random harmful fights by minges or when they are initiated by an illegal offense by a criminal character -- it wouldn't be fair for them to be at risk for every harmful fight as they are frequent. The issue at hand is risk. The cops on the server already have a lot of PK power, it is to add risk to the criminals but what is adding risk to the cops? Just corruption and if they go undercover. I believe the only plausible argument could be a few-day hospitalization (temporary pk). Perhaps adding additional requirements if the temporary PK will apply if the situation involves the raid of a property alongside a warrant? So the frequent raids that do sometimes happen if probable cause is applied without a warrant having to be issued (this normally happens in the ghetto and the townhouses due to minges or sloppy criminals) wouldn't have a temporary PK applied as it simply wouldn't be fair because of the consistent frequency of that specific harmful fight. Some inspiration from HL2 Combine RP servers can be considered as those servers have it where you get banned/kicked off the combine character (a cop character) for a short period when you die.4 points
Billboard image design contest, ever seen all the in-game billboards? Think you can make a nice looking one, or a slick reference / funny joke? Hereby announcing a contest for you to submit some billboard image designs. The winners will have their design added onto a billboard on the map and the best one out of all added designs will win a 25$ Gift card to a service of their choosing. Specifications: Image needs to be exactly 406 width x 220 height (do not include a border) Should be creative / funny; bonus for any references you can make Should include some sort of wear and tear filter to make the image appear as if it has been exposed to the elements Submit your entries in replies to this thread. (You may submit multiple) Please keep all replies here strictly to entries, any non entries replies / discussions or low effort troll entries will be removed. Feel free to react to entries you like the most.4 points
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I know all the muggers or car thief's are going to say no instantly but wait. Currently lockpicking is boring its just a bar like unlocking and locking a door adding a feature like a little minigame where you have to pick an actual lock like in the fallout games or in Skyrim it would add more depth to locking picking and make it more fun to do as a whole and would stop someone lockpicking your car or townhouse or hotel room with no effort overall i think this is a win win on both sides.3 points
I feel that it is unfair and unbalanced during police raids, once raids are over with; if someone in a criminal faction gets killed they are the only ones who are Pk'd. Meanwhile Police that are "shot and killed" they are only sent to the hospital, having consequences for heavy rp situations such as Raiding a property will enhance roleplay. Since it will call for more accurate tactics rather than bum rushing the room being shot and killed and still being able to return to the scene. Police have the resources and capability to do something different than just being "heroic officers in hospital after being shot... oh and lol the only person dead is this criminal!" It is understandable if this is the case while regular street arrests and the person decides to pull out a gun and fire and car chases with the police, but in a case such as raids pks for officers should be considered.3 points
what were you munching on at the beginning of the clip? I believe this is credible to your appeal.3 points
Hello, let me start by going through you appeal. Context So to start I will say that I am not disputing the fact that I did, and do consistently use a menu that contains ESP and Aimbot. Admitting to cheatings - I have been playing GMOD for around 14 years and have been using it as a platform for RP for around 8 of those. In the 8 years I have been roleplaying, from DarkRP to 42 RP to Africa RP to Syria RP and now to Diverge, I have in some way used a “cheat”. I am sorry to say, for players that are newer, its a very common thing to do. - This is the same logic people use to cheat in multiplayer games since its inception. Just because you can, and you might be able to get away with it, doesn't mean you SHOULD. It is NOT a 'very common' thing to do as most players do infact play within the rules. As the fear of consequences and lost value for said game. There is a minority that do cheat, which is why staff always needs to be vigilante and the rules are very clear when they are caught. It should never be a surprise to anyone how the GSP found you hiding in a bush on 42RP. Some high command members use them, some don't need to because their entire guard unit, or at least certain members of it have them enabled. - Again admitting to cheating, albeit in another server. This is Mafia RP not a place for white flower enthusiasts. If another community has a problem, they must deal with it. To me it is never acceptable. This is not an excuse, and I promise I will get to the proper appeal in a moment, but I am providing context. The point I am making is that I can be criticized for using them, I can be told it's a lame thing to do, but there MUST be some level of understanding that some uses of cheats are objectively “bad”. - It is only bad if I used these stolen credit cards for fraud, or if I toggled on the cheats. You are not infallible and even if you were, there is no way for us to know they, so it must be taken as; they will be used maliciously. If I inject a cheat with the intent of using it to obtain an advantage over another player, I am using it in a malicious way and potentially harming the RP experience for the playerbase. In many cases throughout my time on GMOD though, this was never the intent and their presence in my game was merely a product of me being too lazy to close the injector. - Cheating is not innocuous. It is harmful to the game space, kills servers, kills games and kills communities and is a quick way to piss a lot of people off. Running your ESP in the background is always malicious, not matter if you're using it in that present moment. Fact is, you never know when it might give you an advantage. APPEAL Recently, I decided to take a journey to a different area of RP than I am used to. While I have enjoyed RPing as a government official for the past couple years, I wanted to try something new. On that journey, some cool guys (and one woman) from one of the Italian factions hired me as a waiter in their establishment. As someone who enjoys serious RP, I take the role seriously and enjoy running the restaurant. - I am glad to hear that you take the RP very seriously and I'll give you credit, where credit is due. However, it is a shame you don't take the 'game' very seriously. This is not just role-playing, it is an RP GAME and you can't ignore the game aspect and do only the RP- while using cheats to give you an advantage in the GAME. In fact, most of my playtime over the days leading up to my ban was simply me working in that restaurant. In that time, I took part in 0 violent interactions except one interaction where I was RDM’d and never really left the restaurant for any reason beyond picking up some shipments or selling oil. So while I apologize for having the cheats injected, I simply want to express that I never had any intention of using them to gain any advantage over other players or harm the experience of others in any way. - Violent interactions can come at any moment. Someone comes and causes shit, you toggle your aimbot or see him behind a wall before he does anything. You were running ESP in the background while 'picking up and selling oil'. Meaning you can observe anyone around your shipment using a third party modification, giving you an advantage over other players, ie the definition of cheating. I don’t need them in order to play the game the way that I do. On one character I was a government official who doesn't even own guns, so I have little to no use for them. On the other, I am a waiter, who hardly leaves a restaurant. Again, I apologize for breaking the rule and there is no excuse for me having them, but I would never and have never used them to procure an advantage over other players, find players I could not find (I dont think ive ever even had to do this), or used it to win gunfights easily (I dont get into gunfights). - "..In the 8 years I have been roleplaying.. I have in some way used a “cheat”. I am sorry to say.." - "never used them to procure an advantage over other players". Referring to my previous statement. It is always malicious. You say you don't get into gunfights but the mere fact of having a cheat menu open INCASE. Again, makes you a cheater. ) I am humbly coming to the UA to ask for some leniency. I don’t believe I am special, or above anyone else to the point I can just do whatever I want. I apologize for my usage of them and swear I never used it to harm the RP experience on Diverge. - Saying your not special, makes an implication that you are special. The fact is, yes you are special. You had done a lot in the gamespace, you have build a lot of legal RP and it is a shame that you did such a thing while being so valuable to the community. It has always been my goal to create RP and enjoyable experiences for the community and I understand that this event was antithetical to that end. If granted the opportunity to be unbanned, I would pledge to never utilize those cheats on diverge ever again. In reality, the issue of me even having them injected at that time was avoidable and is something I can remedy very easily. Thank you for your consideration. - You don't promise not to cheat, you don't even promise to get rid of your cheats. All you promise is you'll 'never use[d] it to harm the RP experience on Diverge.' and 'never utilize those cheats on diverge ever again'. According to your own rules and your own beliefs. While saying prior that you cheated for 8 years in gmod, this is not reassuring to me. tl;dr having ESP open in the background is always cheating regardless. You admit to cheating for years, you don't promise not to cheat or get rid of said cheats, but imply the fault is gmods and communities faults and it is so very common enough you can deflect blame. If you read any appeal for cheating they will all say that one line. 'It is super common bro, not my fault.'. ~You admit your guilt here. However, I don't believe, that you believe you are guilty.3 points
I feel like gun stores should be given the option of buying single weapons from their NPC. For example lets say someone wants to buy an akm which is 40k a shipment but they only want 1 meaning that the average joe will make a loss on that sale and have the burden of trying to sell the other gun Overall I think it would balance the income for gunstores and also give people more of an option on weapons because they won't get turned away for only wanting to buy 1 gun It would also benefit all the gun stores because they won't have to dedicate banks to back stock which could turn into legal problems for them due to the 10 gun limit (15 with collector)3 points
You are the biggest fucking loser I’ve met on diverge. Rather talk to Pun Gun for an hour straight while being dismembered by Dexter. Insufferable twink.3 points
Been on my mind for a while, but I think it would add a little theme building to the game if the music was more ethically/locally pertinent to the faction you served before you died. At least the option to have it added (for a fee or not), or decided by Community Manager. E.G. If you die as a dirty spic (my faction for example) you hear a song such as Que No Quede Huella by Bronco (1989). Or perhaps if you die as a Russian gang member, Песня о друге - Из к/ф "Путь к причалу" (Song About A Friend - From the Film "Path to the Pier")3 points
if i save up the 10k needed for the cheapest car as a new player, i finally get that bitch and i cant spawn it im quitting3 points
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Ban Appeal Format: Below is the format that you must followed when making a ban appeal, you must copy all sections and fill them out in detail. Rules: You may only make one appeal per ban, if you are denied you must wait out the remainder of your ban. If it's permanent, you may appeal again in 6 months. You may only comment on an appeal if you were DIRECTLY involved with the situation leading up to the ban OR the appeal is for a permanent ban. Replies that are not relevant to the situation will result in a forum warning and/or ban. You must follow the provided template for the appeal, failure to do so will result in an instant denial. Our bans page (https://bans.divergenet.works/) can provide any missing information such as the reason, issuing staff member, length, etc. Your Character or Steam Name: Jay Dukes Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:594937625 Your Discord ID#: guapo.al Reason for ban: lying to staff to exploit Length of ban: 1 day Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute Why should you be unbanned? So i was scrolling through my medal clips and found a clip of me getting rdmed and losing a mac 10 a year ago and decided to make a ticket about it because I know It never got handled because i got perma banned around the same time. So I get into the sit with the guy and told him i got rdmed showed him the clip and he was confused why he couldn't see the persons id who killed me so I started to laugh and told him it was a year ago and just wanted to see if I would still be able to get a comp. So then a minute after I got banned for "lying to staff to exploit". Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jxlc58VhQFew2JmCR?invite=cr-MSxZc2MsMjAwMDI0NjYwLA clip3 points
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Your Character or Steam Name: ExodusMal Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:560310320 Your Discord ID#: 851958288773152799 Reason for ban: "Freak" (ill explain below) Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology Why should you be unbanned? I want to start off by saying I apologize for any inaccuracies, this all occurred a long while ago and so my memory of it isn't the best. Essentially what had happened was I was talking to a friend about something random one day and they randomly sent me a picture of some guy and claimed it was Pendred. I didn't believe him and in the process of trying to prove him wrong, I decided to be extra about it and went ahead and asked a couple people if they knew if the photo was actually him or not. To be completely honest, I have no recollection as to why I even went asked around, it was unnecessary and stupid. I had absolutely no intention of invading your privacy Pendred and I apologize for making you feel as such (regardless if it was actually you or not I know what its like to have your personal info spread and it sucks) it really wasn't cool of me to do so even though you and I never saw eye to eye, it was wrong. I simply didn't consider how bad it looked and the damage it could've costed but now I see my error. On another topic, I want to point out that after getting unbanned from my first permanent ban I never once got banned again until this, or warned for that matter (from what I can remember) I was really trying to roleplay and follow the rules my second time around and the fact that I had a clean record after that proves as such. Anyway, everything aside, I would really like to come back and play on the server again thank you. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):3 points
Your Character or Steam Name: Darnell Johnson Jr. Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:196663487 Your Discord ID#:frenchtwo Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 3 days Reason for appeal (dispute): There was no ticket made about the RDM but Z67H made the ticket for getting ran over with a car and dragged to the ice, let alone me and luca had no problem with killing each other. Why should you be unbanned? There was no ticket made for RDM on my behalf or luca's behalf and the scene was full of minges fucking with the body. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jteqS45OvELbrD9kd?invite=cr-MSxiZEQsMjE3OTcwNTE3LA the fuck you expect me to do when I'm dealing with 15+ minges.3 points
To help void the need of using google docs and to streamline everything and make it more efficient, I suggest bringing an in game way of processing arrest that is some how linked to the discord instead of using google docs. e.g actually using the computer to write up and "file" plea deals or CCs and with plea deals using some UI like pressing f1 and cops having an unique tab filing everything without the need for tabbing out. I guess the same way we can /checkrecords or pressing C and checking records - having the ability to "give plea deal" which then opens a template etc. I also suggest this as it could also show arrest which are done through the bailiff and not be dependant on pleas. Hopefully the idea of using the templates we have can be possible as all it would be required to integrate templates etc. And I also suggest an internal clocking in/out mechanism I am aware some cons could be: 1. major overhaul would be required 2. Could cause lag with the potential high volume of data in the database so would need a means to optimise it etc or work around it. 3. could require the overhaul of how things happen particularly with plea deals etc.3 points
Had an issue yesterday where multiple cops surrounded the door at my property and illegally door kicked it. Due to there not being a /me in the chat I am unable to identify in character who kicked my door down. This led me to having to call staff to figure it out. Please fix this if possible. Thank you -- Daviss2 points
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2 points
brother i was there for the almost the entire thing it was either take a plea deal for 46 years or go to court waste a month of your life then get PK for 70 years you had 2 Makarov's PMs, 1 Tec-9 (no serial), 1 Remington Model 870 (no serial), 1 file, & last but not least 1 heroin brick. (2 points
Name of Character: Eddie "Big Nuts" Lizano SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198367369589/ Your Discord ID#: .rizo Date of PK: 1/12/ Reason for PK: mugged and shot Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated? Y You may not mug in a public place, you can, however, pull a weapon on them and bring them to a secluded area to rob them (This can only be done when there is no one else around. EXAMPLE: The victim is alone at night in the middle of an empty street. You initiate a mugging with your firearm and take them to an alleyway so no one stumbles upon the crime. You may not perform the mugging in the street, which is a public area.) this whole secenario which is in the mugging rules is almost identical to my situation btw. Before I was being mugged by ix_crazy_xi and his friend, I was chilling with Banana Man, or better known as Whitey. We were walking down the tunnels towards the car dealership, and then these two pulled up in their car with their guns pulled out and then proceeded to say, “Put your hands up!” The funny thing is one of them died from their own car by either an explosion or some other thing. Right after this, I was shot by ix_crazy_xi, and he says it’s because “I didn’t put my hands up.” But I don't have a keyboard with F1-12 keys because it is only a 60% keyboard, so I just stood there and accepted the mug but was shot anyway. I didn’t move or make any aggressive actions towards him. This was crazy PK bait, and he knows it. This was not random and 100% targeted. I did not clip it because I believed, “No shot that ix_crazy_xi calls the ticket after his boy died." So I just got off. I get on tonight to find out I’m PKD. this also shows the same friend who died by his car came back to the spot to flick up. Steam Community :: Rizo this also shows the same friend who died by his car came back to the spot to flick up. https://imgur.com/a/514x98f2 points
2 points