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Everything posted by Canadian-bacon

  1. Looks as though you were banned on a different alt that you did not disclose so it still registers you as banned... I will reverse this but the obvious lesson is don't alt.
  2. Honesty is a virtue
  3. Read these: https://divergenet.works/forum/8-rules/ Take this: https://forms.gle/M1Vjd1NSEQwBmth96
  4. Read these: https://divergenet.works/forum/8-rules/ Take this: https://forms.gle/M1Vjd1NSEQwBmth96
  5. People should not be giving you any attention, this will affect your brain negatively as it develops.
  6. Thank you for applying for a faction. Unfortunately your application has been denied. We do not believe your faction or application is sufficient enough to be accepted. You may re-apply with the above issues rectified, when re-applying keep in mind that a well written application with good grammar, and a detailed backstory will help in getting accepted.
  7. Read these: https://divergenet.works/forum/8-rules/ Take this: https://forms.gle/8dc1MFo1nyNhYJGw7
  8. Just curious ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. This has nothing to do with your ban from here but I want to know which game you got booted off that made you come back here since you got nothing else to play rn.
  10. Consulted with the person. Resolved. Don't do dumb shit Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.
  11. I don't have much information on the ban but I think you posted a picture of someone's face
  12. 11 Total bans You first joined on September 7th, 2021. You accumulated 31 days of playtime. Not Including this current ban you have spent 31 days banned. You spent the equivalent of 100% of your time played banned. Read the rules, you will be perma banned again if you break them. Consult this as well
  13. No, re-appeal when you want to be honest about the alt'ing attempts.
  14. I don't recall the situation 100% but you had some sort of crash out about something, got perturbed someone calling you a name, spammed discord and made threats. got perma'ed ingame, then joined the discord on an alt discord, made a ticket trying to get your alt steam whitelisted, checked your connections and saw 7 accounts total. Something like that
  15. It has been some time, but what's changed?
  16. The bit about accidental log in, it was obviously intentional attempts at evasion, I'd just prefer if you appealed in an hones manner.
  17. CONSOLE Ban length changed to permanent due to ban evasion attempt on SteamID, STEAM_0:0:140510001 2024-09-12 03:10:22 CONSOLE Ban length changed to permanent due to ban evasion attempt on SteamID, STEAM_0:1:81443040 2024-09-12 03:19:49 You tried logging in on two other accounts brother.
  18. Scratch that... no need to clarify, it's in there!
  19. Mind you I think the rules regarding that are pretty clear but I'll be further clarifying them none the less.
  20. I want to be very clear. You posted the rule 4 yourself. You may not perform criminal acts. The obvious rule intention is corrupt cops can't just run around committing crimes (theft/mugging/murders) etc Police officers may not openly commit crimes. Police Officers may not mug. Doesnt matter if they are 'corrupt'. Things corrupt cops CAN do (as listed in the rules you screenshotted). Working with a criminal faction to leak information, accepting bribes to ignore crimes, etx.
  21. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.
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