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Everything posted by KingJewMonaclu

  1. So to put it pretty blankly, This is pretty obvious abuse of a game function, and its really dumb to not only record yourself but also to post it. As for claims that the appealer broke any rules, really no evidence to show that. Obviously you can't just blatantly do this kind of thing, and I'd try first person next time. Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted. Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.
  2. Heres a full timeline for you: 1. Fragz is 14k, kosher and diamond, and friends with someone called Tiffany Scholar from Takahashi. Jxy knew this, as he sent us DMs where he legit immediately asks this. 2. Fragz creates a gambino character. Specifically. Creates the character, runs straight to the gun store to get hired. 3. Fragz and Tiffany (on her alt) start bolstering his money, giving him drugs and (probably unintentionally, but will be looked into) item transferring from his main char 4. Fragz is fully aware of the functionality of the gun store, as indicated by his text logs, which means it makes no sense to go to the streets, especially specifically the garrison. 5. 6/3 he makes his first ever gun purchase, shortly after creating the character, to sell to Tiffany. 6. He then starts stocking up on TEC-9s for absolutely no apparent reason after you guys get ubanned for racket abuse. 8. About a day and a half/2 days later He runs to the garrison trying to "sell those skorpions" and kinda hangs out waiting for something 9. Jxy loads up his alt, runs over and tells him you want to buy tec-9s 10. very quickly talks him into a $20,000 discount (quite literally said they sell for 32k a shipment and then went the ah jeez yeah i can do a 1k profit margin route) 11. You come over, jxy switches onto his main char, gives you the money for the TEC-9s 12. You, and without any kind of interaction with this guy make this deal. He didnt talk to you, you didnt talk to him. 13. He gives you a bunch of TEC-9s for a $20,000 discount. 14. All this occurs right after you *just* got off a ban for buying TEC-9s from an alt char for a $20,000 discount. 15. The grand total that you pay him is $11,666 a shipment. 16. You're also just whitelisted to Lucchese pending your cooldown. You're transferring to Takahashi on your Aria character (the one that bought all these tec-9s), presumably to sell these and continue racking in insane amounts of money off of another factions racket. It's pretty obvious that you and/or jxy knew this person prior to these transactions. Yes, there was a "negotiation", but it was so brief and then instantly dissolved into no talking or interaction with eachother, and you yourself didnt talk to him at all. Like I said the very first time you got banned, using an alt char, buying another factions racket for literally insanely cheap prices from an alt character is immediately bad and an abuse of the system. When you immediately after getting unbanned With the updated rules, you should have seen and considered the fact that it clearly says " Using the persons alternate character to circumvent Roleplay and trading with the faction directly, thereby preventing them from collecting profits from the trades through meta/powergame. If the sole purpose of that character is to sell weapons/drugs from the racket without any roleplay involved. These deals often orchestrated OOC'ly through metagame." You also state in your appeal that "I was introduced to a random person off the sidewalk as a guy from Lucky arms who i didnt expect to be in any way related to HT." and then at the end say "To clarify why I did not recognize this new person who is not Takahashi related, still being an issue, despite him being 14k he said he was currently inactive on that char so I figured his MAIN was currently a gambino. I had no reference of how long he had been in, but from what I knew he was selling to people on the streets - so I wanted to give him more opportunity on this current character for the time being." - So I'm not exactly sure at this point if you totally didnt know him or how he was related to HT, or knew him but thought that he had left 14k to main gambino.
  3. ...don't have knowledge of? You were standing right there when the link was posted in the chat. The only other people were the cops. You were arrested. You were mad at me. The document said "fuck hamir abdul". I didn't have to do too much detective work to figure out who was behind this one.
  4. KingJewMonaclu

    Ban Appeal

    Guy, you literally went into the evidence room, stole a metric ton of drugs, and went back in on another character, stole more, transferred it to your buddy and then deleted the character. Did you think we... wouldn't notice a large amount of drugs missing? Like it'd slide under the radar?
  5. This is NOT a place for us to discuss as a community the specifics of this appeal. Stop commenting.
  6. I was the staff member that banned you. 5 POs for Mass RDM is *insane*. I can see like once. I can even see twice. But five times? That's just an actual habit.
  7. we goated fr fr
  8. you guys get pked by rockefeller employees and then go back for round 2 immediately 3 days after and pk them. yeah, duh. can't be doing that.
  9. Hello, I'm the admin who banned you. You, specifically just on your emilia character (though you did a lot of it on your prior character, hershel, too) were in the gambinos to sell your faction guns for a ridiculously discounted price. You over the course of a couple days had been given $150,000 to supply 47 TEC-9s to your faction. Your only purpose for being in gambinos was literally JUST to use their racket to sell your faction TEC-9s, whereas if they actually went to a real gambino player and bought from them, they wouldn't profit nearly as much. This is racket abuse. You can't whitelist to factions just to supply your main faction with stupid amounts of profit by abusing their racket.
  10. So like I had explained to you over DMs, i'll kinda break it down for you here. Kalena, who is a takahashi main, whitelists into another faction. She proceeds to sell you guns at basically the vendor price she buys them for from the NPC. You then sell those tec-9s at the garrison for full price. This is racket abuse. You can't have one of your workers whitelist into a faction to supply you with their guns to sell at a massive profit. That's the only purpose she was in the gambinos for. She did nothing but supply your faction (her faction) with guns to resell for extraordinary profit. You had to have been fully aware that you were receiving wayyyyy more TEC-9s than you paid for. You gave her (just on her emilia char, i haven't even included her hershel char because there was just so much of this done) approximately $150,000. She gave you approximately 47 TEC-9s, using a shared bank account. This was a very clearly large operation and you probably made some hella money off it. I can't imagine anybody not stopping and thinking why they're getting really rich. If you had done things legit, and actually purchased TEC-9s from the Gambinos at full price, you would've had to have paid her approximately $470,000. You immediately profited 300 grand in the span of a couple days.
  11. 1. just use your bank illegally 2. faction leaders could do this for people 3. darkrp ahhh nigga
  12. I dont even know what you're getting at here. You pulled a gun on him, demanded money, and then he killed you. You're pked. Textbook pk.
  13. @Toastconfirm, did he just do a /me? or is this guy fronting and he was having nasty ass frothy sex rp with a dude?
  14. Have you ever thought to yourself "Man, getting this shipment off the barge isn't providing me nearly enough time with my thoughts, and opportunities to self reflect!" Well worry no more! It's my strong belief that we should on the new map change take the normal distance to the barge, and essentially just double it. What would that look like, you ask? Well I've created a rough design for the new changes! This, is the original map for the new map: What it would look like with some *minor* alterations is:
  15. were you bein a retard?
  16. mans cannot follow a format Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  17. bluds actually retarded Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  18. bro what Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  19. bro why were you banned for ERP in the first place
  20. what the fuck are you talking about
  21. KingJewMonaclu

    Pk appeal

    Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
  22. Your flag appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this blacklist to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
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