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Everything posted by KingJewMonaclu

  1. yeah shes 100% not 12 years old, and I told you to knock it off. And you didn't. Which constitutes a global rule, harassment. So, it was extended to a permanent ban.
  2. *takes a draw from cigarette* Monetize dancing like fortnite
  3. Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted. Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.
  4. Hi, banning admin here! So, to really put into perspective your behavior today, I'd like to note that you were shot and killed approximately 20 times TODAY in random businesses around the city. You kept making RDM tickets that were unsubstantiated, which put you on our radar. So, we watched you. And then we watched you drive a whole car into one of the businesses, abandon it, and then make ANOTHER ticket for RDM when they shot you for it. When I banned you for NiTRP, it's because you weren't roleplaying. You were being a nuisance, and trying to get people into trouble when they killed you for being a nuisance. This is not the behavior that we want on our servers, and I noted in your ban that you had 3 Prior Offenses for the same conduct of minging and having no intent to actually roleplay. Please take this time as a period to self reflect, and decide whether or not you intend on actually getting into the roleplay of the server.
  5. 1. You guys were using alt chars to do the pk, that's what was being discussed, that was the gimmick 2. Yes, duh. Any faction. 3. You were not banned for being in a group chat with the rizanos. I was made aware of the rizanos discord and group chat long before you guys actually broke the rules so heavily forcing me to ban you. You just straight up avoided the actual ban reason here. 4. I literally hardly remember the guys name, pretty sure he came in after I left 5. I did do that, it was funny you had your group chat leaked twice. 6. No idea what that's even referencing. Fact of the matter is that I stepped down from the jews, point blank, full send. The bias for the jews claim doesn't work too well. I main the PD, I have a lawyer in the bonannos, I have an associate in kosher. I'm not going to disregard tickets for an entire faction because I at one point was the Don of that faction. I didn't disregard tickets when I *was* Don of that faction. Fact of the matter is, I'm a Super Admin. End of the day, I'm trusted to not be biased, and I take that trust very seriously. Your post went from apologetic, recognizing your actions, and requesting an un-pk to a sad attempt to make me look like the bad guy. You said it yourself, I did what was in my rights as a staff member. Your post actually looked good before that reply you made. Shame.
  6. Hi, I'm the admin that pked you. My reasoning for this PK is as follows: you were metagaming and coordinating PKs using alt chars for the purposes of couping a kapo of Kosher Nostra to gain power. This obviously could not stand, as it's metagame, power game, and against the rules. When this was brought to my attention, the very obvious question came which was "how do we prevent you from further targeting this faction." Obviously the result was pking your character. You showed you couldn't be trusted to play nice and follow the rules, and risk your own character in this pursuit of power, so you lost your character. Point blank, you broke the rules MAJORLY. You broke the rules to gain power on a character without dealing with that pesky RP. We couldn't trust you to continue to have that character with the information that you have, and thus removed the threat of further targeting. Remember this on your next life and try to do better, but I believe the PK should stand because it should be a reminder to you that you NEED to follow the rules, and to prevent you from trying to snitch or use info you have on that character to damage the faction you were attempting to coup.
  7. "I had made a minge character"
  8. There's already protections in place, it's called paying attention
  9. silly goose used the same last name on two characters, making it appear as though he used the drug racket. overturned.
  10. You weren't pked for posing as an oil worker. I'm the admin that set you PK active. You had don's orders put on you for leaving the cassanos without permission, and being that you had used their drug racket, they had every right to kill you for leaving.
  11. KingJewMonaclu


    hey pls stop leaking my photos. ur just mad im superior. niggas cant even get in my head
  12. KingJewMonaclu


    buddy you literally RP as a chinese person
  13. Why do you write like you're translating the appeal through 3 different languages to english? Also, I explained pretty well on the original ban appeal. You could've left the group chat, you could've reported it, but this is so normalized for you that you didn't. You still don't even admit that it was wrong to be running a group chat that's doing the same shit that you were banned for already. There's no apology here. This hardly a dispute. You can't even muster a basic "hey I fucked up a second time, im sorry." I hope in your next appeal you actually put in effort. Check your spelling. Don't act like you're a victim. Apologize. Or, if there's something to actually dispute about the ban, dispute it. But the "all I said was lmao how can I get perma banned for that" doesn't work. You were caught in a metagame mugging group chat A SECOND TIME like IMMEDIATELY after being banned. Couldn't even wait for the dust to settle.
  14. Fuck, shit, @Pendred he found out we're working for the commission! Shut it down!
  15. So, to make it clear, players can definitely report you an hour later. Doesn't matter how long of a time has elapsed since the incident, any player can file a report. Your RP, acting like a terrorist is not RP. You're just running around minging. It's not clever. It's never been clever. However, due to the removal of one of your prior bans, I'll reduce this. But let this be a stark warning, that you should RP in a serious manner. Not running around starting confrontations and stabbing people. If you want to RP as a muslim, at least take a note from the Laventine family's book and get serious about it. Don't go looking for confrontations, try to actually take on the character and do it in a way that isn't just you being a fucking annoyance to everyone around you (as you have been). Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be reduced to 4 days.
  16. KingJewMonaclu


    You were PKed by your faction (dons orders) for allegedly leaking their radio to the police. The validity of this claim is irrelevant, as dons can order your death for little to no oversight. The mere belief that you were doing this was enough. Unfortunately, this is the risk of being in a criminal faction, which is explained in a popup when you join a criminal faction, to which you have to select "I understand the risks"
  17. https://medal.tv/?contentId=ikoqz6hE6atZQppHE&invite=cr-MSxCM0UsMjA5MzM2Nzc3LA&spok=d1337QMi6Wuz You were stabbing people randomly rping as a terrorist or some shit, dumb idea
  18. mans appealed and said "its cuz its summer im bored"
  19. i can confirm this story, i was the computer tech. its about time i come out and admit this. i tracked down pizzle's hometown, and broke into his home and downloaded windowsvirus.exe. i then got a job at a local computer repair shop in his neighborhood, and placed yardsigns in his neighborhood advertising it. it was only a matter of time till he called. when he did, i was sure to be the one to take it. he was out of the house when i went to repair it. perfect. i logged into his steam, opened gmod, connected to the server, and did all the things i want to do but can't, all under his name. i then went on his discord and tried to tell them who i was, but they didnt believe me. this has been eating at me for a while now, and it feels good to get off my chest.
  20. "When it was happening the second time, I was fucking pissed , I had been backstabbed when i could've been told not to and i would've chilled out, so i was fully onboard with the gang Avenging Me & Rizo. Hell I even Shot ideas in the way. All I'm asking is to not be permabanned ." Too little too late. You, after being banned for metagaming and plotting pks in a discord group chat, then proceeded to start plotting again. Literally no sense of self reflection, no remorse for your actions. You don't belong here.
  21. you know i actually had not seen this part lmao
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