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Everything posted by KingJewMonaclu

  1. Your discord got hacked.... and they made a UA ticket contesting your ban... and then spammed me with gay monsters inc porn? Or are you implying your discord got hacked *right after* you made that UA ticket..... to which the first thing the hacker did was specifically message *me* gay monsters inc porn....
  2. Alright, so it would appear that you were banned at approximately the same time as another user, who spammed me with the weird porn. That other user also so happened to make a UA ticket prior to your ban appeal post claiming to have been the one banned for prop abuse. I after having seen you listed yourself as not having a discord, had come to the incorrect conclusion that it was you. I apologize for this misinterpretation of the situation
  3. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  4. you actually just got done spamming my DMs on discord with a gif of the uh, hit movie Monster's Inc character "Sully" using the character "Mike Wazowski" as a fleshlight with his giant monster penis. So, we're good on this one.
  5. The time period we give is to insure that nobody who accidentally disconnects or lagged out or crashed gets incorrectly banned. It's not applicable in your situation.
  6. Okay typically yes, however you were screaming how you were going to call an admin, and then screamed how you were going to "just leave" if you were arrested. Then you got tased, and what do you know, you left. Clear intent, open and shut case.
  7. I'm a big fan of this, but I think there might be game mechanic issues for it.
  8. I've been thinking a lot recently about the current climate in Diverge. It's getting kind of old using the same boring forum layout. We should switch it up, I think it would boost forum activity and provide players with a fresh website experience.
  9. I mean it'd be a bit silly, realistically everyone around you should hear everything said on your radio by other people anyway.
  10. How do you have 25 POs in a year, and why should we think this is the moment you clean up considering your last ban was 20 days and you're *currently* banned?
  11. Yeah, so I was the admin who pked you (clearly), and I was also the admin that pked your original character Pope Francis. You remade the character with the same name, which is *explicitly* not allowed. Then when given an opportunity to correct this, you refused to do so. So, you got PKed. The character had to have been less than an hour old. You cannot use the same name, and if you keep using the same name we're going to continue to give you the option to correct it or face repeated pks.
  12. I liked it when mr. soprano came out and he was all like "i'm gonna soprano!" and then he sapronoed all over the place. Second favorite was when the cop was comforting a kid who was in an accident and he was like "u no kid, every no has its sapro". Classic tv show never seen it
  13. Your flag appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The blacklist will be lifted from your account shortly.
  14. I'll give you your pet flags back on the condition that if you abuse your pet flags i'm gonna reban you. Deal?
  15. Okay so, I'm the administrator that approved this PK and I'd like to clarify a few points that I think are being lost here. Firstly, you were pked by takahashi. Secondly, the reason listed was because you were minging and disregarding high command. You leaving the french was not the issue, it was that takahashi decided that you were too much trouble and decided to kill you. In regards to your comment stating "nor have i gotten a warning for such never lost a finger or anything PK is the LAST OPTION", it's just a recommendation. There's little oversight over don's orders, and you can relatively be pked for any reason, as long as it's not explicitly against server rules. In this case, just them thinking that you were a problem was enough to cause your death. This is important to remember in the future, as joining a faction comes with inherent risks.
  16. Hi, I was the admin who had *originally* verified and approved your pk. At the time that the orders were given, I verified that the orders were given within 2 weeks of you having left the faction. They were, and it was approved. However, you had neglected to be on that character very often, or otherwise were not online at the same time as the people who had given the orders on your life. Due to this, it took an extended amount of time for the PK to be actually carried out. However, they found you were in city today, and were able to successfully perform the PK. I will under this post the specific rules regarding leaving a faction.
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