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Everything posted by KingJewMonaclu

  1. My brother in christ don't abbreviate whatever word you chose to describe player models
  2. "Best step out the way before you catch a glock"
  3. While I don't remember *exactly* what you did the day I banned you, I can say with a complete confidence that you were being a minge. You have a grand total of 22 notes/bans over the course of the past 6~ months. You are the definition of a low quality player who shows no signs of reform. Furthermore, this appeal sounds like it was written by a sulking 12 year old angsty middle schooler who's mad at his classmates for not liking him.
  4. cannot follow a format Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  5. weed doesnt give visual effects in real life, why would it in the game. what would those visual effects even look like. what are you smoking.
  6. I dont know why you're piping in, at your height a 2 foot drop is deadly
  7. you'd be breaking your legs on the curbs you fat bitch
  8. There should be a threshold for fall damage breaking your legs. Like, maybe if you take half your health to fall damage it just breaks you legs. People just kinda parkour in chases willy nilly. Lets add some risk to those jumps!
  9. how did you misspell my name twice
  10. This was deemed a retaliatory attack due to existing escalations between De Leon and Takahashi. The individuals involved in this conduct have been disciplined and this PK is reversed. Furthermore, FearRP was invalidated multiple times. You have to maintain direct sight with a gun out to have someone under fear RP. if you run away, or turn away, or the lights go out, fear RP is no longer established. This was a rocky pk from the start. Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted. Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.
  11. Thank you for your post. Rae has deposited $2.00 into the cashapp listed in your payment plan. We appreciate your contribution to the faction, and hope you have a great day !
  12. @Marziidisagreeing with anything is enough to make me a fan
  13. There's no indication really in this video that the player is hacking. Hitting shots towards the head without a crosshair could just be a stroke of luck. Also, you just so happened to miss all of your shots somehow. End of the day, you shot at police and were also bad at it, and you died as a result. You knew this behavior was risky, and still chose to do it. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
  14. You just couldn't aim. You shot at everyone there.
  15. I'm the admin who banned you. You ran into the PD opening fire on everyone inside. You were also pked anyway, so you've got your wish. Being new isn't an excuse for not knowing that you shouldn't run into the PD with a shotgun and try to shoot anything that moves. Read the rules when you join a server.
  16. fuck search bars, add pages so that shit doesn't crash new hires who are learning how to get the faction car
  17. KingJewMonaclu

    PK Appeal

    Being in a faction, you accept the risk of being pked by your don for any reason. In this particular instance, they thought you were a snitch, and decided to dispose of you. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
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