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  1. -put on a suit -go out and buy some raw cocaine -process it into 10 baggies, selling 9 and using one yourself -get arrested for drug trafficking -the cop ignores you so you get released -beat a man in a white shirt to death because a short italian told you to -go back to your motel -get on your laptop and open garry's mod
    2 points
  2. Preface This guide may contain heavy gambino bias and some of the facts and information may differ depending on which Italian faction you join. This guide will serve as my basis for the standard of Italian mafioso roleplay. Character DO NOT be the ambitious Italian guy who will do anything to get made. Thats like 99% of people shits overdone and ass. The first thing you should be developing when getting into any character is the why you do what you do and what led you to live in this life of ours. tldr be unique in your character and have things about you that differentiate you from the rest of your organization so your not all carbon copies. Expectations The whole idea of a mafioso is having honor among thieves. While this level of respect exists, keep in mind you are still a criminal, and you will do what's in your best interest to succeed. When you join a family your life is in your don's hands, and you follow your families' rules knowing the consequences could be an early vacation. You are also expected to be an upstanding member of your crew doing tasks such as, crew deals, recruitment, running properties and protecting the lives of any made man. Little Italy This area of the map is your turf (most of you probably have an apartment on that street), you spend most of your time here and will protect that street from any chaos that runs into it. The properties your family owns are typically on this street making it the hub of most Italian rp. When strolling through little Italy you represent your organization so wearing clown outfits or non-roleplay friendly clothing items, acting special needs, causing issues for no reason, or anything that may cause people to look at you and lose brain cells is a good way to get ostracized by your respective family. Structure (Up to many different interpretations so take it with a grain of salt) Associate At this point you are fresh into the family. Associates are trusted very little and stuck with the shitty tasks that carry little risk to the organization. This step is where first impressions are made and will set the level of expectations moving forward. This is also typically the stage where the family decides if you belong with them or not and if the latter occurs your organization may send you on a permanent vacation back to Italy. Senior Associate This stage is where they have decided that you belong in the organization but aren't sure if they can trust you to take up more responsibility and embody the ideals of the family in your daily actions. This rank marks the turning point in your career where you will have to put your loyalty to the ultimate test. This test differs from family to family but it all shares one common feature that will determine if you reach the next position or not. Made Man You are now officially apart of the family. You cannot be harmed, disrespected, or threatened by anyone abiding by the laws set forth by the families. Being made symbolizes moving passed working for the family and now truly becoming apart of that family. This is the point in your career when you can take up your own racket and begin to make a name for yourself. A lot independence and trust is given to made men and in return their loyalty should be unquestionable. This also means that any attempt to leave the family must result in death in order to not tarnish the vows you have taken. Right Hand/Lieutenant The first true command position you can take up within the crew. You set the example for the rest of the crew and in the Caporegime's absence you assume the role of leader of your respective crew. Right Hand/Lieutenant is a thankless job, while you take up as much responsibilities as the capo you get very little credit for the work you put towards the crew. The goal of this position is if the caporegime was killed the right hand/lieutenant would take up all the duties without needing a formal transitional period. Enforcer One of the most trusted positions within the family. The enforcer is in charge of upholding the rules of the family and ensuring the health of safety of the Don and his bosses. The enforcer is in charge of setting up vacations for anyone who could pose a threat to the family. Depending on the family they may be involved in things such as espionage, shakedowns, loan sharking, etc. While the capos and other crew management act as the gears for the family the Enforcers act as the WD40 that keeps the cogs turning. Being trusted with how people take vacations is a serious job and can pose one of the biggest threats to the family as a whole. This position should not be given lightly and those who have earned this position must have a seasoned understanding of how the family operates. Caporegime The most important position within your family. The Caporegime runs a crew and ultimately runs the day to day of the family. They are in charge of a huge portion of the faction and has the important job of deciding which Associates are fit to move up and which don't fit the standard of the family. Caporegimes are also typically in charge of a property ensuring its activity and safety throughout the day. Another key thing with this position is the opportunity to handle issues within and outside of your family with sit downs. Within the families Caporegimes may meet to settle disputes or handle minor issues that could occur normally. However, outside of the families the Caporegime needs to defer his issue to his higher ups due to those organizations not following the same set of rules that are upheld within this life of ours. The caporegimes are also in charge of Kick Up commonly referred to as dues, union fees, taxes, rent, etc. The capos collect all of the kickup and receive a cut of the income every cycle to handle crew costs. The goal of the caporegime is self-sufficiency of his crew, if the capo is able to not lift a finger and still have fully functional crew than the caporegime has succeeded in his job. Street Boss The Street Boss is directly in charge of the caporegimes and their crews. They monitor recruitment, income, and quality of the crews and set goals for their capos to push toward. They also serve as the bridge between high command and crew management making sure the vision set by command is being emulated by the actions of the crews. When a caporegime is vacant and their right hand/lieutenant cannot fill their shoes, the street boss assumes the position until a new caporegime can be found. Families may have an extra position such as senior or head streetboss, these positions are typically a waste of space and are just an excuse to have more people in high command. (eat shit faggot) Consigliere This position is typically in charge of diplomacy and act as the chief advisor to the Don. While the day-to-day requirements of this position are low, it provides the flexibility to set up events between families and create mutually beneficial opportunities between them. (I am leaving out a lot of information due to how different this position is depending on which family) Underboss This position is similar to the right hand/lieutenant position but on a much bigger scale. The underboss handles the day to day of the faction to meet Don's vision for the long term. Whenever the Don is not present, the underboss assumes the position and his actions would be treated as if they came from the don himself. This position also handles most delegating of responsibilities ensuring one-man isn't doing the entire job. The Don This position sets the vision for the entire family every soul is bound to this man his decisions are absolute. The most important job of the Don is to prevent echo chambers and information silos. Ensuring the faction doesn't become an echo chamber of the same ideas is what makes or breaks a faction. Stagnation from something like an echo chamber quickly becomes decline that is extremely hard to bounce back from. To stop an echo chamber, you need to pursue new ideas and ventures and not rely on the same method completely for all actions. Secondly, preventing information silos such as surrounding yourself with yes men who are afraid of challenging the ideas of the don creates a situation where minimal brain power is achieved. You want ten heads thinking on an issue rather than 9 heads agreeing with the idea of 1. This is not and should not be a hands-on position, relying on your command is the first step to success as a Don and most failures arise at either relying too much on yourself or relying on people that aren't qualified for their position.
    1 point
  3. Well yes less playtime in this server however he has manged different a factions before and with my 2 years of experience in this server I truly think he brings a lot to the table plus with new interesting ways of RP to help excite more people rather than grinding for custom outfits 24/7 with the same old stuff. I believe this faction can change a lot of ways to bring more RP into the server.
    1 point
  4. During my time being apart of the Diverge community (particularly in my time as staff) I have read almost every faction application that has come through and seen a lot of similar flaws in applications that people fall into. So I've taken it upon myself to create a guide for all of you who are thinking about applying for your own faction. It will be broken up into points for TLDR and a write up after for those of you that are interested in bettering their application. Don't take this as gospel, or the be all and end all of making an application. This is just my take on it. I will probably update it over time too. Pre-Application Things you should get right before even making the application. You need experience to be a don/boss/leader Whilst being a leader of a faction can be fun, it can also be quite taxing. Everybody that joins your faction will be looking at you to guide them and to provide the bare basis of roleplay. You are the glue that holds the faction together. Whilst some first time Don's are can flourish in the role, it is highly encouraged that you get some experience in playing the server before becoming a Don. Learn the skills, learn how the discords work. A higher play time can only be better for your application. Write down your ideas I find it highly beneficial to write down your ideas before you start writing an application. What kind of faction do you want to run? what names do you have in mind? any backstory ideas, even fun and interesting RP ideas. Anything you write down can be referred to. I found this really helpful when I made my own application, when I was hitting brick walls - i could refer back to my notes. DO-NOT's Things you should avoid when writing your faction application Don't use AI to generate your application The use of AI in a faction application is a nono. Some people spend hours on their applications, and to use AI to generate your application is a big slap in the face to the people who have really worked hard. However using AI as a tool can have it's benefits. If you start getting a bit of writer's block, using AI as a tool to give you some ideas may be helpful, but do not copy it verbatim as that won't get you anywhere. Don't copy other applications Copying another application and changing a few words is entirely pointless. Make your application your own creation. Use other accepted applications as a benchmark, reading those and understanding why they were accepted will be very helpful. Be overpowered When writing your application consider that if you're accepted you will likely start small. There isn't much point in writing a backstory that you 'run the streets of NY'. DO's Things you should do or consider when writing a successful application Be unique in your faction name and heritage We get it, it's 'Mafia RP', the most popular heritage is going to be Italian, but try to think outside of the box. Whilst Italian can be an interesting pick and offers a great range of RP. There are organised crime gangs in every part of the world, so if you have a good idea... why not make it into an application? the freedom you can have whilst picking a unique heritage is only as far as your imagination can take you. Spend a lot of time on your backstory Your backstory is critical to your application getting accepted. Think about your roots, your heritage and your faction name. Be creative, think outside the box or consider using a real gang that has existed, that way the backstory is all ready for you to review and put into your own wording. In my opinion a good backstory should answer these questions: - Where the faction comes from - The name of the faction - The main players - What got you into illegal operations - How and why you landed in New York (If you're a jamaican faction, why are you in New York) Write up a nice backstory and read it through a couple of times, and pick out anything that doesn't make sense or doesn't feel right and rewrite it. Have someone else read it. Use images Images aren't a requirement when making an application, but they help greatly. Not only do they break up potential walls of text but they can help show the reader exactly what you're talking about. I've seen some great applications where people have made scenario's inside the game itself. You could use real images of mobsters, or pictures of places etc. Come up with some unique roleplay examples Now you've got your backstory written up, come up with some good examples of what roleplay you would bring to the table. What separates you from all of the other applicants and current factions in the server. Some great examples are things like, what business you want to run, what events would you like to host. Make sure you meet the word count The backstory section has a minimum word count of 250. Make sure that you at least hit this. Anything after that is a bonus! the more expressive you can be, the better tha backstory will read. Common Pitfalls A few common mistakes or things that make an application look worse off. Declaring what drug you want in your backstory Try not to declare what drug your faction is in, in your backstory. There is no guarantee that you will end up with that drug if your application is approved. Grammar and punctuation Try to use proper grammar and punctuation in your backstory. It shows that you've spent time on your application and you actually care about the people who read it. Repetition I've seen so many applications where people repeat certain things and it makes the reader check out. For example, a lot of the time people will repeat the name of the boss. In one case the name of the boss appeared in the backstory over 24 times, it just looks kind of sloppy.
    1 point
  5. What's your discord I got a server being made you can join in and help out
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. this guy is still making applications???? give it up
    1 point
  8. In-Game Name(s): Operative Christian Johnson, Senior Public Defender Derek Denzel, Tommy "Bullets" Rizano and James "Whitey" Joseph Steam Name: ThatBananaGuy23 Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199159116434/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:599425353 Discord Username: BananaMan Age: I am now 20 When did you first join the server: About a year and a half Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 2mo 4d 8h 14m Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: Few Hours a day Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiar with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * This staff team is quite appealing as I would be able to take part in some activities on the server. I always have a great time on the server and have no intention of leaving and I also want to progress further by applying for staff. I have been an active member in other servers that are ridiculously time consuming, which I was glad to do, and I therefore wish to come in and do the same for Diverge. I picked up staffing and Nutscript on other servers which I think I can apply to help this community. I simply wish to join the team and assist the members while doing my utmost in handling the assigned duties. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * I work effectively with people and assist them whenever they have an issue with another game player or have simpler questions like, how to play the game or general issues concerning the server. Communication is easy for me, and I greatly understand the rules. Whenever I choose to take off for an extended period, I always ensure that other staff have been made aware of this in advance. I am also very adept at what I term as ‘damage control’ since in any game or chat room there will always be people whose ideal may simply be to spoil other people’s enjoyment and I can remain calm irrespective of how irksome the individual is. In a nutshell, I will be able to cope with anything that is thrown at me, my main aim would be to enhance the existing experience and also ensure that rules are adhered to. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Atomic Networks (DarkRP) As a Mod for 4 months. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: Yes, My first one was 2024-02-16 22:36:42 for RDM and my second one was on 2024-05-16 21:52:34 for RDM Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * I think I am well-known in this community. I have been in multiple factions over my time on this server, and some say I might have a bad reputation because, nearly when I first started playing this server, I was kind of a minge and I made a bad staff app. Since my last staff app, I started to take this server way more seriously and began making my way up in factions, and I did—I made it to a Kapo in the Kosher Nostra, and I am a Street Boss for the Irish. I have also been in the NYPD since I started playing the server, making it up to an LT, an ESU SGT, and now working in detectives, so I am well-known in the community. I’ve worked hard to improve my reputation and prove my commitment to the server, earning respect from many members. My focus now is on continuing to contribute positively and showing others the value of persistence and dedication. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: There is so much but here are some clips that were funny to me! https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iOxG6JwwnEN01bCAo?invite=cr-MSx5aGEsMTMwMTAxMTI1LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1z2dMTPjdE4Oto?invite=cr-MSxtaEUsMTMwMTAxMTI1LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1zYbPMN1EsW_pf?invite=cr-MSxJSUYsMTMwMTAxMTI1LA Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: DopeAsRoe (Admin) ------------------------------------------------- Problem-Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs you and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: I would clip it and ask in the in-game staff chat for another staff member to take my ticket and tell him what happened and give him the clip. If no other staff is online/on duty I will make a player report on the Forums. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would get as much evidence as possible like clips/photos of them abusing, once I have enough evidence I would make a staff report form on the Forums. A member of your faction/friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I will let another staff member know of this and let them take the ticket, if there is no other staff online/on duty I will take the ticket review the clips/logs, and punish if necessary. My friend or not if you break the server rules you are going to get a punishment.
    0 points
  9. It isn't months long for sure however I think I have a good idea on what to expect as a Don. Moreover I have previous Leadership experiences alongside having people who knows what they're doing. Thanks for the feedback tho we're still trying to raise it up!
    0 points
  10. 0 points
  11. Half of them do nothing anyway ur fine
    0 points
  12. Give it time and this number will end up decreasing. It's hard for like 5 supervisors to take care of 20+ officers,Cadets and Probies. At some point the cop number will decrease as is shown by frequent discharges
    0 points
  13. maybe dont to dumb shit in public dumb nigga
    0 points
  14. I play cop mostly I think its gay there is 30+ PD online at the same time
    -1 points
  15. ts was ass -1 only real niggas rp how they want to in wop families
    -1 points
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