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  1. Character Name: Duke Prince SteamID: 76561199160377663 Discord ID# limb03 Reason For Ban: Minge, NITRP Length Of Ban: 4 Days Reason For Appeal: The ban was unfair, my friend and I were simply drifting around since we are racers and I accidentally hit Frosty, afterwards, he called me a retard and asked for my insurance. My friend and I were simply playing characters in roleplay and I responded "I don't have any, sorry" and left to continue drifting. Afterward, my friend almost hit him with his car and Frosty said, "Are you retarded?" after insulting my friend we started mocking Frosty because he started, its New York during 1988 and we aren't the type of guys to let that slide, so we started ramming him with our cars. After no warning besides "I wouldn't continue doing that if I were you." He disappeared ruining our immersion, then banning us without any sit or explanation. Why Should I Be Unbanned? Although my actions were jarring I acted in character to Duke Prince and smoked the man disrespecting me and my boy, If Frosty was in character then he should have gotten another staff member to take control of the situation if he deemed it minging and NITRP. After carefully examining the clips of (Chuck Fidel)(In character name) and mine (Duke Prince) I see that we went a little harsh on Frosty, but knowing my character better than anyone else, I was roleplaying as a gangster and member of the Polish family. As the new CO-CEO of Mike Rison Enterprises owned by (Muhammed Bali), these next couple of days are the most crucial for the development of our company, I promise to try my best to create a positive experience for everyone that I play Mafia 1988 Roleplay with. Thank you for reading my appeal sincerely Dooky Prince. MY FRIENDS CLIP: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2fBYAUwM9_tCjW/d1337LV3Ye7f?invite=cr-MSxYanksMjI0OTkyMTU2LA MY CLIP: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2fBYCodczQzV3k/d13379Dg8W8G?invite=cr-MSxZZzEsMjM0NjM5NzQzLA
    3 points
  2. +1 this guy is great and has good intentions but may smell like wonton soup
    2 points
  3. Name of Faction: Cassano Crime Family Number of Members (Minimum of 5) 25 active 100+ Conservatively Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Italian Crime Family Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Italian Name of Character running the faction: Paolo Cassano Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): mitch0101 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47358017 Your Server playtime: 1mo 22h 52m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...MDMyMDkyLA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...Q1MzUxMDgs Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Depending on the properties we own will decide on what type of events we host but, in the past, we hosted music nights at the club car meets at the motel and parties in the lounge. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DlVADR3s_Tw4NZbDIORDxWbCPeKfrAbImpJMAhPVf98/edit?usp=sharing
    1 point
  4. in-Game Name(s): Cheng lee, Sergent James O`Cray, James Jameson Steam Name:Morty_Sigma Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199231189197/ Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:635461734 Discord Username:morty0364 Age:17 When did you first join the server: Around a year and a half ago Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 3mo 1d 14h 44m Time Zone: est How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 3-4 hours a day Have you read the rules?: yes Do you have a working microphone?: yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: no Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * The Reason I'd like to apply is because of the fact most staff don't take tickets after they meet the quota. Many people including myself have experienced long wait times when there are clearly staff on to take tickets. There were many times I was RDM'd and I would make tickets having to wait 30+ minutes or even at times not getting my ticket answered. I personally don't want people having that sort of experience anymore. So my motivation is to change the speed tickets are taken or at least at the rate they are taken. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * I believe that I should be considered over other candidates because of the fact I'm on so much. Sure there are many people who have lots of game time but I'm actually interacting with people when online. I provide a great experience and interact well with any person I come across, even those I don't really get along with I deal with in a very reasonable way. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): No I do not but I'm willing to learn and try my best to become a great staff member. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: yes, twice for metagame and twice for rdm, I dont have a excuse for my bans I was doing dumb things it has been a few months close to a year since my last ban and I try my best to follow the rules Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * Yes I am a well-known guy in our community. Many people would say I'm a funny guy and others would say I'm somewhat of a bully. But at the end of the day, I'm always helping out my peers. And I would even say people like being around me. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: The Christmas event were santa gave drugs and class 4s Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Boomroasted, caboose, h4xx3z,toast,Mangos,darkfire,fox ------------------------------------------------- Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: if someone were to get RDM'd while I was off-duty and I wasn't involved with it I would ask/wait for them to make a ticket. And deal with it in a professional way. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: What I would do is gather as much evidence as possible and report them for abuse. And if I didn't get evidence of it I would alert the higher staff team to be on the lookout for that person A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would not be biased towards a situation like this, I would let another staff member take the ticket to avoid any chances of the situation being seen as biased and if no-one was available I would then take the ticket and try my best to deal with the situation and gather all available evidence and make a decision from there
    1 point
  5. Name of Faction: Southside NYC Health and Hospitals Corp. (Southside Health for short) Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 11 Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Medical and Health/Business Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Mixed Ethnic Backgrounds Name of Character running the faction: James Noell Hurt Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): cameraman_medic Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:163338293 Your Server playtime: 3 Weeks, 1 day, 8 hours, 32 minutes, I have been playing since February of 2021. Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page?: Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us?: Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): EMS and Health Staff can provide medical care to any player in the game who asks for it. For example, let’s say someone comes to the ambulance saying they’re exhausted and keep throwing up. EMS could provide care during transport by assessing the patient’s vitals, asking medical questions, giving the patient a vomit bag, placing a cold pack on his/her neck, and giving an IV with fluids. Then the RP can be established even further in the hospital where security works as intake, searching the patient for weapons, handling any paperwork that medical staff don't need to handle themselves and EMS and hospital staff work to figure out the problem more thoroughly, giving the patient the proper medications, a diagnosis, and any surgery that could be needed. Paramedics either patrol in the ambulance or stay stationed at the company's delegated medical center awaiting calls and patient contacts. Health staff stay within the medical center to perform surgeries and give diagnoses. Security handles the safety of all personnel and handles most of the clerical paperwork. We have no intentions on attempting to add any Role Play that drastically changes how things are done in the server unless UA and the state ask that of us. We can also maybe provide a legal racket for organ/bone event items where only people that RP along get it as a reward Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): We provide medical coverage at events such as boxing matches and large public gatherings, do free medical exam events, do general hiring events, and events where we sell medical equipment such as a working wheelchair dupe that we have and more that are in the workings. Organization Backstory: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q-q_YfL3Y8lTVlTMLee9tDn5wxeyM9AijBVDojihv10/edit?usp=drivesdk
    1 point
  6. Your Character or Steam Name: Steam: BIGTIMETONY, Char: Chuck Fidel Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:720109735 Your Discord ID#: bigsmoke710. Reason for ban: Minge, NITRP Length of ban: 4 Days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): My Friend crashed into a guy who called us a retard multiple times, so I rammed his car a few times and he got upset and I was instantly banned no sit or nothing. I understand that is probably bad but I have a clean record after 1 week of playtime and I think its dumb to get banned for hitting a car slower than can cause damage especially without a warning. Why should you be unbanned? :I think its wild I didnt atleast get a warning. Im pretty sure the admin was the char in this scenario but I have no way of knowing that when I think its IC Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2fBYAUwM9_tCjW/d1337OQxX32f?invite=cr-MSx2SFosMjI0OTkyMTU2LA this is the clip of me getting banned I personally find it pretty dumb but honestly just lmk what you think
    1 point
  7. Good guy, used to be a beast cop but now he's a smelly Chinaman. +1
    1 point
  8. Check a look at the state vs local penal code. Committing state crimes (which are the crimes listed in my examples) carry much more severe punishment than local crimes. Also you are making less money so by using the extra revenue stream you are putting yourself at risk of life imprisonment facing state charges rather than local drug charges.
    1 point
  9. Ain't no way you on this path..... +1 let him be apart of the pendretti crime family
    1 point
  10. forgot to add this would also make the AGs office do things regularly.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. +1 I am all for more people who are knowledgeable and not completely brain-dead. I believe that you will do some good for the staff team.
    1 point
  13. +1 I have known morty for as long as i've been playing. he's a great roleplayer, person and friend. I can see him being fair minded as staff and he already has a good work ethic. He'd be a great addition to the team
    1 point
  14. +1 for the torta slayer
    1 point
  15. This guy gets no hoes at all, +1
    1 point
  16. You were in Hylics Discord talking shit about Diverge and talking about your PK on Susan. You are one of the many little rats who thought Hylics would take off, and now you're trying to crawl your way back. You lied to a member of staff to get a faction whitelist to a faction you hadn't been hired into and used that to mug Susan, you also metagamed the fuck out of the mugging. You're chatting so much shit on your appeal it's kinda funny. You knew it was Susan and you were gloating about it until Pendred reversed it and banned you. Susan had the Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite model, everyone on the server knew it. Don't try and weasel your way out of it by making up absolute lies because your autism prevents you from remembering the circumstances that got you banned in the first place.
    1 point
  17. For starters, you asked some pretty dumb questions in staff general, that show that A. You are out of the loop on things, I mean if you dont have the time to read the very short map FAQ announcement then your cooked if you become a faction leader. ( when is map coming??? ) B. You’re not able to answer basic questions without consulting for help. ( can I be German and asking what an organization backstory means, Like come on man ) C. That you think you get special privileges because your staff ( asking if you can get a building assuming you’re going to get accepted ). Furthermore your essay has the reading and writing level of a 4-6th grader and you have done the bare minimum of 255 words for your backstory without even making a document. You have 1 week on the server, not enough time to run a faction at all, I’m fairly confident you have no high command experience, but feel free to share if I’m wrong. Over all, you seem to not be super knowledgeable on the servers current state as well as just general things. You lack experience and time, have put in low effort to this application, and you are a furry. Have a good rest of your weekend, I look forward to your response!
    1 point
  18. something like a shift right click like in minecraft to add anything in the ATM would be great
    1 point
  19. +1 good rpers and a good faction before
    1 point
  20. Sean's a hater!!!! +1 this would go hard
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Name: Carpenter SteamID: STEAM_0:1:567863431 Discord ID: carpenterxo Reason for Ban: Pendred put “Retard.” Length of Ban: Permanent Reason for Appeal: I don’t know the precise reason why I was banned. I would have asked but I was instantly banned from all the Discord servers as well so I could not make a ticket. I assume it was because I killed Susan Medici, but to my knowledge, it was a fair PK. Pendred did touch a bit on the reasons why I was banned under Susan Medici’s PK appeal. He notes “Circumstances leading up to this situation are irrelevant, I'm not going to allow someone who is an extremely dedicated, active member of the community have their experience impacted by someone who has demonstrated to be neither of those things, who doesn't contribute to the community or roleplay and just wants to inflict harm, for no other reason than being a spiteful dog. He can be banned alongside this.” This would not be a problem if it was true, but it isn’t. First, I don’t see how the circumstances are irrelevant. That’s how a situation should be judged. Second, he says I was not an active member or dedicated. Because I do not know Pendred personally, I assume he just thought that I was another minge and was trying to ruin the server. But I had been a player on Diverge for quite a while and most definitely engaged with others. From being part of Luchesse at first, to Bonnanos, the Police Department, and then my most prominent character Paul Cerrito was pretty well-known throughout the Colombo Crime Family. I also created the Maple Street Crips with some friends and that stayed around for a while. I was also a member of staff for a short time. With all that said, I was definitely active within the community. I don’t think a possible mistake I made should regard me as a “spiteful dog” and calls for a permanent ban. If I did legitimately break any rules, I apologize, but I think a lot of this could have been a misunderstanding and doesn’t warrant a permanent ban. Why Should You Be Unbanned: I’ve been banned for a little over half a year and many friends have tried to get me back on. Now that it’s summer, I’d like to play again because I did genuinely enjoy the server. For any rules I did break, I apologize, and I feel that the 6 months+ I’ve been banned has probably covered it.
    0 points
  23. Name of Faction: The Mountain (Der Berg) Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 6 members including me Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Family Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): German Name of Character running the faction: Emma J. Marie Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): furryhxe69 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:545082407 Your Server playtime: 1w 1d 1h 17m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): I was thinking we own a Pawn Shop where we buy and sell goods. Guns, Clothing, gear, etc whatever you got we will buy it. We will provide the server with a Pawn Shop to sell what they don't want anymore in exchange for money or something we have in stock as long as it matches with the thing they gave us in price. And on the side we will sell Cocaine. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Well with our Pawn Shop I would love to have like Black Friday events that will have things on sell for half of their price. And on those days my employees that did their job all week would get something for free for a award. Like clothing or even extra money we may also do some party night on Saturday evenings with gambling, food, etc. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): Emma was just a young girl born from a German mother and an American dad in California. One day she saw a cool looking hat in a pawn shop called Joe's Pawn and Rug but her parents did not like pawn shops and thought they were a scam for the poor. But Emma thought differently; she thought they were an opportunity for the poor to help them get things that are too expensive for them. So Emma dreamed of making a pawn shop of her own one day and by the time she hit the age of 18 she set out to do so. Meeting after meeting with banks and other business people she finally got that at the age of 20 years of age she had everything she needed to start up a pawn shop and she named it The Mountain or in German Der Berg. Emma was happy she was proud of herself but she may have all the money and the building she needs for the pawn shop but not the employees she she contact friends, family and random people if they want a job it was hard but she found a couple of souls that was willing to take that job and help Emma get a working pawn shop. It was a hard journey but Emma managed to do it all from meetings to getting people to work here. That is how Emma J. Marie made her dream to own a pawn shop a reality and she was proud of it.
    0 points
  24. Trolling montages must come to end one day...
    0 points
  25. 0 points
  26. "Why is there barely a reward dor passive legal money?" BECAUSE, like i said there is no RISK to that play style. Why do illegal shit if legal is profitable? You took a year break? Your first join date is May 5th, 2024. You came back on a different steam account?
    0 points
  27. Sorry to burst your bubble pal… but the only cocaine y’all gon sell is either processed to a NPC like the majority of the server does or flipping secondhand bricks for no profit lol. I feel like it’s very important for someone to be a decent Capo at the minimum in order to be considered for FL or even a HC position as it truly does teach and prepare you for the role- and even then you could still end up being a useless Don with a dead faction. Honestly if you barely even tried to go hard in the paint with the application itself, then you probably aren’t qualified to begin with. -1
    0 points
  28. This was my thinking, in all honesty. Would be a huge QOL improvement
    0 points
  29. Even double clicking an item to automatically transfer it to a container (crate, other person's inventory (when mugging), ATM, car trunk, etc) would be way better
    0 points
  30. Name of Faction:#007 Number of Members (Minimum of 5):8 Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc):Street Gang Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc):AAZmerican Name of Character running the faction: Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210):lubaba24 Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:710040755 Your Server playtime:maybe an week or two Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No):YesYes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No):Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred):Alot of chill gang terttiory stuff and more rp experience for cops more thug shit and real ganster boy shit and just an whole lotta gang shit Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above):Dont take disrespect on the block posted never get bitch and always have the boys back and jus ride Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images):In the city theres alot of fighting and where im from in the trenches we were broke and all friends everyone else had an gang and i thought iut would be cool if i had one so me and the boys created an gang for money and to protetc the block it was passed down as i saw others making money so we all teamed up anbd doubled the money and because ima thug i run the block and cant be caught alone as im the big homie and respect me at all cost and get payed and just be dangoures
    0 points
  31. Name of Faction: Medellín Cartel Number of Members (Minimum of 5): Tuco bosomanca, Mike dave, fredrik jackson, hanrick jacobson, ceek mack johson, Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Triad Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Mexican Name of Character running the faction: Tuco bosomanca Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): fernadoshotdog Your SteamID: 76561199362888615 Your Server playtime: 90 hours Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): The unique roleplay we bring to mafia RP is that we are a bold faction and will be very powerful in military arsenal. we will also be crushing our enemies and will be the top faction. We will also fight back against the police and not be afraid to pull the trigger. We hope to be pushing many drags like cocaine extremely fast since we are a cartel. we also may host public executions as a event for crushing our enemies. you also can expect faction wars way more often to stir the pot. we would also like to open a casino but that will take a while. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Events that we will do are random raffles to select people who will receive a bonus also we will send new comers on hits to see what there like. we also will provide them startup money and whoever brings the most money in as a kickup will receive a promotion or special opportunities exclusive to them. they will also be able to lead the public executions as a honor to the faction. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): The Medellín Cartel, led by the notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar, was one of the most powerful and feared criminal organizations in the world during the 1980s. Originating from Medellín, Colombia, the cartel dominated the illegal drug trade, particularly cocaine, and expanded its operations globally. In the pursuit of further expansion and profits, the Medellín Cartel made a strategic move to establish a presence in New York City, one of the largest and most influential cities in the United States. In the 1980s, New York City was facing a significant rise in drug-related violence and addiction. The demand for cocaine among the city's population was skyrocketing, creating an ideal environment for the Medellín Cartel to establish a lucrative market. The cartel recognized the potential for massive profits and sought to capitalize on the growing demand. To spread their operations in New York, the Medellín Cartel employed a variety of tactics. They established alliances with local criminal organizations and gangs, offering them a steady supply of cocaine in return for their distribution networks and protection. These alliances enabled the Medellín Cartel to penetrate the city's drug market rapidly and effectively. The cartel's operations in New York were not limited to drug trafficking alone. They also engaged in money laundering, using legitimate businesses such as restaurants, nightclubs, and real estate ventures as fronts for their illicit activities. By blending their illegal operations with legitimate businesses, the cartel was able to disguise their profits and avoid detection by law enforcement agencies. The influx of cocaine into New York City had profound societal consequences. The city experienced a surge in drug-related violence, as rival gangs and organizations fought for control of the lucrative drug market. The Medellín Cartel's presence intensified the already-existing gang violence and contributed to the destabilization of certain neighborhoods. Law enforcement agencies were faced with the daunting task of combating the Medellín Cartel's operations in New York. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and other law enforcement agencies launched extensive investigations and crackdowns to dismantle the cartel's network. This led to high-profile arrests, seizures of drugs and assets, and the extradition of key cartel members back to Colombia to face justice. Despite the efforts to combat the cartel's operations, the Medellín Cartel's presence in New York remained significant throughout the 1980s. The immense profits generated from the drug trade allowed the cartel to infiltrate various sectors of society, corrupting officials and influencing politics. In conclusion, the Medellín Cartel's decision to expand its operations to New York City in the 1980s was driven by the city's high demand for cocaine and the potential for massive profits. Through alliances with local criminal organizations and the use of legitimate businesses as fronts, the cartel established a strong presence in the city's drug market. However, this expansion also brought about increased violence and societal upheaval. Law enforcement agencies worked tirelessly to dismantle the cartel's network, but their presence remained significant throughout the decade.
    0 points
  32. Name of Faction: Veterans Motorcycle Club Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 8 Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Motorcycle Gang Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): No specific ethnicity Name of Character running the faction: John Bregman Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): cantrellz Your SteamID: 76561199440804019 Your Server playtime: Not home right now but its above 3 weeks Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): Unlike Sons of Silence, we would actually go out riding on motorcycles in numbers. We would not have many allies aside from some cartels Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): We would often go out riding to show numbers or "flag up". We would have street races, we would go bar hopping as a group. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): Growing up in New York City, young John Bregman was exposed to many things at an impressionable age. With his mother being an alcoholic and his father a criminal, he never had a stable home. He was in and out of group homes from his younger years. But by 15, he was living with his Father, Greg Bregman. Greg was not a great man, but a decent parent. John was a very mature and tough 15 year old which is attributed to the rough streets of NY he grew up in, so Greg brought John along on some not-so-great activities that he participated in. Greg was in a motorcycle gang called "The Widow-makers". John's father was the Vice President of the club, so he was very respected. Around the time John was 17, John was made a patched member after around a year and a half of doing favors for his Dad and friends and pulling scores. Things were going pretty good, until one night, John and some other members were going to a large drug deal with a local Cartel. Upon arrival, instead of meeting Mexicans with duffel bags filled with 25k each, they were met with FBI and DEA agents, guns drawn. 7 members were arrested that night including John, but one of them got off on a deal. It was never known to John who it was, but his fellow "brother" ratted on the entire club. Club President Rusty Duvall was sentenced to 25 years in prison for a sleuth of charges due to the information given which was pretty much a death sentence due to his old age. Greg was sentenced to 8 years for orchestrating the deal as well as violating his probation, and having an unregistered firearm. And for John, he was sentenced to 4 years, 1 year in Juvie and the other 3 in a prison. With almost half of the members in prison, the Widow-Maker MC had become defunct. Just 2 weeks before John was going to be transferred to an adult prison, he was struck a deal by the Head Warden. He was given the opportunity to get out of going to prison, under the condition he go fight in Vietnam for the Marines. He accepted the deal faster than the drop of a pen. He had a sense of confidence because he had been told that he would mostly be sitting around in a base waiting for something to happen, but boy was he wrong. He was put on the front lines of the jungle going on the offensive to attack the VC. After 2 grueling weeks of being under heavy fire in the armpit of the world, he finally had made a few buddies. One night, the platoon split up for a patrol. John was with four of his friends when they were met with the most feared scenario in the Jungle. They had hit a VC trap, and as fast as the trap was to catch them, was how fast the VC was to come swoop them up and bring them to a POW camp. John and his buddies spent 3 and a half weeks in near hell, being burnt by iron rods, having teeth pulled, being tortured, forced labor before they devised a plan. They had gotten sticks and sharpened them and then they pounced on a lone guard while he was having a smoke, and they stole his rifle. They soon had taken down a few more guards with the gun and before you knew it all 4 guys had guns of dead men. They were moving and shooting through the camp, and they finally escaped into the foggy jungle, even freeing a few other POWs in the act. They returned to their base all disgruntled, but they were soon taken care of and put into the infirmary. While being treated for their brutalized limbs and deep gashes, the commander of the base approached them all with medals. They were recognized as heroes. At this time, many soldiers were being recalled back to home gradually to withdraw from Vietnam, and due to their trauma and injuries, they all were apart of that group. The group vowed to stay in touch, and coincidentally, they all came from NY. When they returned home, they did not get the heroes return they expected, in fact the complete opposite. They were spit on, cursed out, people refused to serve them food. All 5 of the guys burned their uniforms and any memories of the war they had left. After coming back home, it is very hard for Veterans to find work. So, John resorted back to his old lifestyle. He started his own MC, and invited his former brother in arms to join him. Not only was it going to be a criminal organization, it was going to be a club for Veterans dealing with the same issues to be able to lean on eachother. Veterans MC was born. The boys were growing in name and size, and they began a Heroin trafficking racket. After their name had got out there, some of John's former friends from the Widow-Maker MC had reached out, and due to John's trust in them they were welcomed into the MC, and eventually, upon his release, Johns father was made apart of the Club as well as the VP of the club and Johns right hand man. The Veterans MC was fully up and running by 1980, and had pretty much merged with the Widow-maker MC, which was great because they older Widow-maker guys like his Father who served as great advisors, and young, strong, combat experienced men like John. John promised to himself, he would not let his club dissolve like Widow-makers, and that they would be a tight-knit brotherhood who would forever run the streets of NY.
    0 points
  33. won’t be accepted never has been never will
    0 points
  34. +1 great prior experience with these guys, have more roleplay than some of the current factions in this server
    0 points
  35. +1 this faction seems so new and definitely will bring a lot to the server. yeah guys a new generation of Italians…
    0 points
  36. +1 Viagra was created in Wales btw
    0 points
  37. +1 Cassanos was formerly on this server and its predecessors for over 3 years. In that time we amassed a large community many of which now want to come back and play diverge again. The upcoming update just builds on that. We will strive to provide solid rp and a positive impact as we formerly did.
    0 points
  38. +1 we defo need more italians in the city.
    -1 points
  39. I think about mafia game garry mod alot but cant forget where #007 got made from #LLDaGuyz always achiving new highets even while yall looking down on me keep protecint the gang and ima keep do what i do #LLThaGuyz i do this for you !! #007 Go be the biggest one ay i promise cant get on gang and rep it so i had to bring the memiors were we orginate from!! Congrats to myself for being the first Member Ranker Person to hit Loyle Capo am I the next Legend? ALways out did niggas that why they hate congrats to me big #007 shit str from 1007block w the members
    -1 points
  40. Have you ever thought to yourself "Man, getting this shipment off the barge isn't providing me nearly enough time with my thoughts, and opportunities to self reflect!" Well worry no more! It's my strong belief that we should on the new map change take the normal distance to the barge, and essentially just double it. What would that look like, you ask? Well I've created a rough design for the new changes! This, is the original map for the new map: What it would look like with some *minor* alterations is:
    -1 points
  41. -1 (idk you really, I’ve never met you before personally so I’m judging you just based off the application, you having staff recommendations is a good sign though as well) you have two priors for metagaming. Not 1, but 2. This to me seems as a massive red flag, as well as having 2 priors for RDM as well, that’s not a great mixture looking at it. Also feels like not too much effort was put into the answers for a few of the questions. oh also you’re opening statement badmouthing staffs ticket numbers is a red flag for me. There’s better ways to word things like that. Also certain tickets like RDM and Metagaming tickets take considerably longer than a whitelist or PK ticket, there’s several factions into why tickets take long sometimes, hence why one of my reasons to apply was to try and mitigate that problem, giving more players another staff member to take their ticket being online all the time also IMO isn’t a separating quality to consider someone, it just shows you have a lot of time on your hands, but that’s about it.
    -1 points
  42. After being banned half the server already forgotten me they forgot about #007 and even my in game name they forgot what i brought and what i did for the community i do too much for this community like my time and streamer support no one congratsulate me not even thanks me. Day 2 of being banned im stuck in the dark with my thoughts thinking about things i wish i forgot something i cant explain on the internet losing my insanity the constant voice and thinking in my head of many things this game helped those thoughts because i liked the server i liked the people but someone had to mess it up for me and get me banned person who got me banned even quit the server after i got banned @RemHope you feel very good about yourself for leaving me with my never ending thoughts in my head that this server clamed down. As Much as ive tried and did for this server just for an admin to be bias and ban me off an 15 sec clip not even an min clip i bring this community together i acutally bring the livelihood to the rp rethink about my ban. I know guys as an real street gang leader i cant show emotion but it comes down im not the monster im not the bad guy i just wanted money in game for my gang i wanted my boys to eat and thrive and live but sad trust is i failed #007 im sorry maybe in another timeline we can meet again and i can be the leader of the gang just one more one more time and the thoughts overthinking and voices in my head will soon find another garry mod server i can be myself and have fun in without being bothered or banned or even have admins fucking throw my marjiauan plants around i hope in another time line the #007 thrive in the name of Jeriah Smith The Forgotten. The End Of An Legend.... Or is it whats next will #007 faction get accepted or not HAHA untill next time we meet again youll see next time we meet again.
    -1 points
  43. Probably will go inactive like the rest of them did like 3 and a half years ago. -1
    -1 points
  44. Never forget the moments i brought. Diverge Networks' Garry's Mod Mafia server was more than just a game to me; it was my sanctuary, my passion, and a significant part of my heart. Every moment spent on the server was filled with camaraderie, strategy, and a deep sense of belonging. The intricate dynamics, the thrill of executing the perfect heist, the bonds forged with fellow players – these experiences were irreplaceable. They shaped my daily routine and brought unparalleled joy to my life. However, the sudden ban, inflicted by a decision from one individual in Canada for reasons I still can't comprehend, has left a gaping void in my life. It feels as though a part of my soul has been torn away. The pain of this loss is not just a fleeting moment of sadness but an eternal, gnawing ache that I fear will never subside. It is a constant reminder of my failure to hold on to something that meant so much to me, something that was a core part of my identity. The Great Faction #007 was not just a group; it was a brotherhood. The final words and the last camaraderie shared within this faction now echo like a melancholic song in my mind, a reminder of better times. Our shared victories, our moments of laughter and triumph, all seem like distant memories, now overshadowed by this profound sense of loss. This isn’t just about being banned from a server; it’s about losing a part of myself. Diverge Networks’ Garry’s Mod Mafia server was my everything, and now that it's gone, I feel as though a piece of my heart is missing forever. The eternal pain of this absence is something I must learn to live with, though it feels like an insurmountable challenge. If you see this, Pendred, please unban me. I am committed to improving rapidly and will prove myself worthy if given one more chance. My intention was always to keep the community active and vibrant. Everyone deserves a second chance, and I am asking for mine now. With a heavy heart, dear nunbug. I’ve been banned by candian for no reason only because he was bored of me sorry i couldn’t say good bye to the people i met. Final Goodbye
    -3 points
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