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Everything posted by KingJewMonaclu

  1. "told me to not appeal or anything because he would just deny it but yea im high asf" Literally when was that ever said. Also, my official response: You were banned originally for metagame, having one PO already in the past for metagame. Specifically, you were attempting to coup a kapo spot for a faction, using alt chars to target him for a pk, and to "replace him" with either you or another one of you. This group chat, pretty quickly, was leaked, as well as in depth video recordings of your conversations regarding it. Then, today another group chat leaked that you were apart of. While your only interaction in the chat was a singular message, you're metagaming. You're in a group chat, watching people, and potentially assisting people in committing the same thing you were banned for. You, having just been banned for being a part of a PK group chat, which, was literally called "PK Club Top Secret", should have realized "Oh this is probably a terrible idea to be a part of" and either reported it or at the very least left it. You neglected to do either, and remained involved in it. This showed to me that you had no intention of any form of reformation for your actions, and ultimately led to your complete removal of the community. You show yourself to be the bottom of the barrel type of player that will commit offenses and feel no sense of shame or regret for his actions. Furthermore, you literally have written which legitimately is the worst appeal that I've ever seen. You've opted in for the good old fashioned "Monaclu has always had something out for me" method, completely ignoring your actual transgressions. You are a manchild who is incapable of self reflection, or the ability to place blame where blame is due. You.
  2. no that was me that did that. i just wanted to see what u got hiding under there
  3. Your bad internet doesn't mean you get a pass. Consider upgrades. If you have connectivity issues maybe skip shooting at cops. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
  4. sorry, we still have children playing Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  5. Name of Character: Malik "Malice" Monroe SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41437658 Your Discord ID#: Monaclu Date of PK: 7/16/24 Reason for PK: Automatic by system Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I was RDMed. There were 2 people set pk active to kosher because they had mugged me. I was running around and stumbled upon one who immediately opened fire on me. Which is RDM. No escalation rules were followed, I did not attempt to attack her, i simply walked in on her and she opened fire. RDM negates a pk, especially when it just occurs because it's automatic for the PK system. Furthermore, the person who actually saw me didnt actually see me shoot his friend at all. Apparently his friend died, and I was just standing there with no gun out. Which means they walked up and saw me with no gun, knew nothing of the situation, and then proceeded to shoot me. Probably discord call. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ihy8mioMgqMYAj8yp/d1337XNzxdZq?invite=cr-MSxQOVosMTkwNTQ2OTI3LA
  6. I was on stage giving a speech and i was randomly shot by a player???? I didnt die so i dont have his char ID but can something be done?
  7. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/igjlmo3NDq6jiqMTn/d1337j2MfzXe?invite=cr-MSxiTHEsMTkwNTQ2OTI3LA since the responding admin is too dumb to specify that it wasnt a random char ban
  8. I'm the banning admin. You stole the items from the PD (no idea how you got in), the rules are very clear. Read the rules first before you go breaking into the PD. Obviously the room filled with lockers is not for you. Furthermore, you immediately sold the items as fast as you could. You obviously knew you did something wrong and wanted to get off them quick.
  9. everyone between maggy finch and hamir abdul rn
  10. I cant let maggy finch beat me. Starting a new operation now (Operation dont-get-fired-for-entrapment)
  11. As uhhh, the guy who made Kosher Nostra, i uhhh i dont think thats a good idea. I'll be paying people to protest this idea.
  12. Being that there's no evidence that you knew about their illegal stuff, and hammer said he didn't tell you who the boss was or what racket you had, it's safe to say that this pk is invalid. In matters like this, especially on consideration that the player had been in the faction less than 4 hours before pk, we have to keep in mind that you can't pk new hires who aren't aware of your illegal activities, and you may be asked to provide proof that they did know. On consideration of the admission that this guy wasnt even told what racket they had, and that he was only in the faction for 4 hours, and the fact that he never once used the vendor, this PK will be accepted. The knowledge that he had of any illegal activities is void, just in case, and obviously he won't remember being pked. He will just be unwhitelisted from the faction. Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted. Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.
  13. -1 should've played with tower
  14. Hi, So I reviewed the evidence provided, and I've come to a few conclusions. 1. You definitely metagamed 100%, your buddy deleted the clip of you guys metagaming 2. You metagamed while running over a cop to prevent your friends arrest 3. You killed like a bunch of people in the process of doing that So, denied. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  15. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  16. This may help with your particular situation, love.
  17. great, you can bring that cake to your pity party cuz no
  18. So, a couple of things here. Namely, you could've avoided literally all of this if you didnt become a bumbling idiot and got defensive. You LITERALLY talked yourself into losing your pet flags. Because realistically no rule was actually broken here, except for you bumbling on and digging your grave for no reason. In terms of prop block, you weren't actually prop blocking because people could still walk through. The only thing affected were cars, and it's not an actual road. That being said, I want to make it clear you dont own that alleyway. I'll return your pet flags but next time an admin pulls you dont act silly. Your flag appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The blacklist will be lifted from your account shortly.
  19. Hi, I'm the admin that banned you. From the video, you can see that the players were driving a vehicle, and made a left. Then, when they went to make a right at the tunnel, there was a simple collision. It would appear that the bind they have to "strips weapons and comms" (which is a common joke bind) is irrelevant as you weren't close to them. This literally looks like they accidentally hit you. They then proceeded to drive away from you, and you gunned them down as they were leaving so any role of "trying to kill you" would be obviously untrue. If they had negative intentions for you, one would think they'd get out and attempt to hurt you. This seems like a major stretch, the evidence just does not corroborate with this story at all.
  20. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  21. I'm the member of UA that extended your ban to perma. I evidence provided to me, and the testimony of the staff member who was dealing with you, and came to the same conclusion that you deserved to be banned. However, I noticed you had an incredibly large amount of POs. Specifically, over the course of about 2 months you've received 7 bans and 8 notes. There's no way that a reasonable person could actually get in trouble that much unless they were really trying. My favorite note from your list is "ticket misuse, wanting to play chess, and making tickets about becoming the 'alpha wolf' and gooning" You are the definition of a low quality player, and I decided that we just in general did not want you here. You clearly show no capability of reformation, and provide nothing to the RP of the community.
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