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Everything posted by KingJewMonaclu

  1. Mugging char is because you started *raiding* on an alt char, which I imagine you thought was really smart because it "wasn't mugging", but mugging or raiding using alt chars is just still referred to as a mugging char. And yeah for the PD raid you walked into the lobby and opened fire on like 4 or 5 cops, if the cops get inside the PD it's a no no.
  2. yeah, its kosher nostra
  3. Eh yeah, cop could've just like tased you, had the perfect opening to actually apprehend you and just kinda gunned you down
  4. https://medal.tv/?contentId=iGE6uZrJRsIsj1OMB&invite=cr-MSxJU0csMjA4NzU1NjMwLA&spok=d1337salsE0y you asked a lady for a job and then proceeded to beat the shit out of her with a baseball bat
  5. Ban length is admins discretion, and I see no issue with the ban length, considering if you were as he stated being very confrontational in the sit room and constantly arguing with him. Sometimes being agreeable and recognizing ones choices works to ones benefit. While we take POs from prior years with a grain of salt, it definitely can be used against you in the sense that you have a pattern of repeated behavior, and it would appear from recent notes/bans that the pattern is reappearing. Either you cleaned up your act for a while, or you just quit playing the server for a while. Either way, you need to reel it back in. Please review the rules during this 2 day span.
  6. Unfortunately, while your character was new, you did in fact partake in illegal activities within the criminal faction. With this in mind, the rules apply normally, to which the leader of the faction can kill you for borderline any reason. Your don decided that you were a problem, and decided to kill you for it. This is an inherent risk of joining a criminal organization, and is something you should keep in mind for your next character.
  7. Unfortunately this is an inherent risk of joining a criminal faction. The faction believed you were bringing too much heat to them, and they decided to kill you for it. This is within the rights of the faction leader and is something that you should be cautious of in your next character.
  8. ok so there's a template thats available that we need you to follow. just edit your post (3 dots at top right of your message) and follow the format.
  9. just say you tried to ban evade and it was dumb and then we might be nice
  10. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
  11. you and your buddy were driving around hitting people repeatedly, and i watched you guys drive into the 10+ people at trattoria TWICE in a row, and also your name was apple sauce.
  12. Picture this: You're an officer of the NYPD. Half of the criminals you try to catch run at super speeds and you physically can't catch them. You can follow them in a car, but by the time you get out of the car they're gone. They always end up in the same place; the ocean. There, they're untouchable. Now, picture this: You're an officer of the NYPD. You have a criminal you're chasing on a felony charge, big case potential. He's running way too fast for you, you're going to lose him. BUT WAIT! You've just so happened to prep for this moment by purchasing an Adrenaline Shot from the NYPD locker for like $10,000! What a change of dynamic! It has the same exact effects of cocaine; except it's legal for police officers to carry and utilize! Now you don't have to decide between keeping a baggy of cocaine for yourself and risking it all for your cases, or letting most of your criminals get away! But I hear you. "Why not just tase them before they realize whats happening?" "Why not shoot them in the leg?" Tasers don't hit half the time, it's a challenge to land a shot. Every criminal who's on cocaine knows to keep their distance anyway. If you shoot someone in the leg, you're gonna get raped in court. "Load rubber rounds!" - That still means they get to shoot back at you and end up dead without risk of PK. Make it happen. Please. For the NYPD.
  13. So, let me clarify a few points. 1. You were mugging with a guy named Carlos "Lil Peanut" Blanco, however you were both using alt chars. Why don't you mug people on your actual main characters? Throwing a little time into an alt char so you can mug people doesn't mean it's not a mugging character. It's just that you've been banned for mugging characters in the past and have thought yourself as finding a way around the rule. Mug on your actual characters that you're scared to lose. 2. You've been pked 6+ times in the past few months, most of those characters also being named "Spintavion" and mugging people and getting in shootouts with police. 3. You and your buddy, both from De Leon used alt chars to fund his main de leon char. You did not use your de leon char because you're scared of getting pked. You chose to use your spintavion character because it's less risk and you've put less effort into it. 4. The proof is literally in you, taking someone who you're mugging with on alt chars, and putting their main de leon char as having access to the ATM to which you store stolen items. 5. Point blank, it's staff discretion here. Obviously you were acting as a middle man and assisting in this item transfer, obviously you have a history which indicates it wasn't some oopsie daisy mistake, and you were banned and pked for it. Next time, mug on your de leon character, or one of your other actual faction characters that you're scared to lose. You put other peoples main characters at risk when you mug them, and the playing field isn't even the way you're doing it.
  14. nah bro just type /w you wild
  15. yeah im just gonna kinda copy and paste from your last appeal I've had to explain this way too many times for you to not get it. I was going to unban you, we already unbanned memespoon, but we were waiting on you to not schizo post about me being your elite hater out to get you guy. However it would appear that you're just completely incapable of self reflection in any form, and I can only imagine that it reflects who you are as a person. However, being as you're incapable of self reflecting let me make something perfectly clear. I'm going to unban you. I can't wait for you to finally come to your senses about your actions and self reflect and write it down, so let me just say this. You're on very thin ice. Don't repeat your actions. Don't be in group chats for IC purposes. Play by the rules. You mess up, the ban is reinstated and you lose your chance.
  16. i collect them like pokemon
  17. what if i just remember ur name forever cause im not dumb
  18. Why though, would I forget your name after 5 minutes
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