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7 points
Your Character or Steam Name: Gent Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198316133872 Your Discord ID#: 453304483011887126 Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 10 hr Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute Why should you be unbanned? Looking at the clip below during this scenario, it was extremely tense, the situation was very difficult to navigate. I was helping my faction-member deliver a package. Askull (the person who reported me) had driven up while continuing to give callouts, quote, "Silver Tongue/Lucky Lady". He then proceeded to get out of the car, during this I had warned him, he then proceeded to from what my POV chase the person with the package even getting directly behind him during this I warned him again, and after a few seconds of the second warning (5 seconds passed between the first and second warning) my shotgun was aimed at him, I then proceeded to shoot Askull. During this entire scenario I had a gun AIMED at him off-safety. Afte this he made a ticket and provided an EXTREMELY trimmed clip to the staff member around 25% Of the entire scenario. After this I was brought into a sit and the main point that I was made aware of was that he didn't understand me when they likely heard someone else talking to Askull via radio. Considering the only voice you hear is very clearly not Askull (If you know Askull, you know Askull) and that was not Askull saying "What'd you say?". Additional Information (images, videos, etc): (One of the two staff members saying that they couldn't hear me I use text chat to communicate. . ? Mangoes also said the same thing saying something along the lines "He said he couldn't understand you and was confused?" https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jQgHQ6rOD69TeoXyA?invite=cr-MSxLaGgsNzkyNzY2ODY (Askull Clip) ^ https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jQgTEJrEvyX4AD_QN?invite=cr-MSxzTHYsOTA3MjI4OA (My clip) ^2 points
2 points
god forbid people try to help someone whilst staying in character, maybe something you should consider doing!1 point
Hello after discussing with DopeAsRoe, You've been banned by Canadian Bacon for item transferring and your buddy aswell for being a middleman, loading drug into a processor on one char then switching char to collect and sell them, we have two of your own clips where you metagame, Something on diverge we're very strict about. The fact is that you knew it could possibly be wrong and you still did it without even bothering to check the rules is shocking. I don't actually think that you're sorry and I'm sorry if I'm wrong, however your behaviour feels like you're doing this because you got caught. Here the rules say: Two weeks is normal for a first offense depending on clear intentions etc. If you do not want to play on all these "dogwater" Roleplay servers then don't break the rules so you wont get banned. The remaining time of your ban you can reflect on your actions and we hope you will improve. Honesty is a virtue. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.1 point
Theres a few points to point out here. Firstly, Officers are unaware of this ongoing event in character. So you mentioning these packages and delivering them is not know by your character ICly, and there for metagame. Secondly, as the banning admin mentioned you were assisting a criminal faction in delivering a package. More importantly, a faction you have a character in, simply not a good look.1 point
1 point
Hi. I banned you for attempting to shoot the judge during a court trial, you've said you accepted that part of the ban so I won't comment on that. However, another member of staff took a ticket about you assisting people in crim factions with packages and talking about packages, which ICly, you wouldn't know about as a cop due to the fact you cannot see them or see people carrying them. You cannot be running around on a cop character talking about and assisting people with collecting packages.1 point
Ban Appeal Format: Below is the format that you must followed when making a ban appeal, you must copy all sections and fill them out in detail. Rules: You may only make one appeal per ban, if you are denied you must wait out the remainder of your ban. If it's permanent, you may appeal again in 6 months. You may only comment on an appeal if you were DIRECTLY involved with the situation leading up to the ban OR the appeal is for a permanent ban. Replies that are not relevant to the situation will result in a forum warning and/or ban. You must follow the provided template for the appeal, failure to do so will result in an instant denial. Our bans page (https://bans.divergenet.works/) can provide any missing information such as the reason, issuing staff member, length, etc. Your Character or Steam Name:Maximo Lucchese Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_1:1:154217922 Your Discord ID#:ubersoldaten Reason for ban:RDM Length of ban:1 Day Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):Unjust ban Why should you be unbanned? I was in a shootout outside of church in which i had already delivered a package and the group outside initiated a gun fight after the delivery i have 2 clips showing that everyone i killed was either actively pointing a gun at me or trying to shoot me or my faction members Additional Information (images, videos, etc):https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jQhzSCD3sJa_1MdGB?invite=cr-MSxUUDIsMTg2NDQ4MjQx https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jQhyXJ8n7kk7ctp1e?invite=cr-MSxKTXUsMjMzMDgyMDgs1 point
My favourite staff member is whichever ones didn’t make a poll to see if people like them1 point
Your Character or Steam Name: FanGirl Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:506998371 Your Discord ID#: pookieman0939 Reason for ban: Mass RDM Length of ban: Life Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I believe my ban was a misunderstanding. I was not intentionally trying to break any rules, and if my actions were perceived as such, I sincerely apologize. I would appreciate the chance to clear the situation and ensure it doesn’t happen again. Why should you be unbanned? I admit that I made a mistake, and I take full responsibility for my actions. This was my first offense, and I now understand the server rules more clearly. I assure you that I will follow them strictly moving forward. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I don't have any Clips for the situation1 point
The Jews crying ab rdm when they shut down the entirety of the docks and pistol whipped me for even getting close to the stairs is crazy.1 point
0 points
Your Character or Steam Name: 阴道大师 Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199031588023 Your Discord ID#: h0esniffer34 Reason for ban: Metagaming Length of ban: 3 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I don't even really care about the ban I just wanna say I didn't metagame. I saw this group walking from pd towards the hospital and then into Chinatown and they were talking about the package. I just followed them and said some goofy shit like lets go drop this package off then said some more random shit and walked off. It didn't even cause anybody any problems and I just felt like acting retarded. Why should you be unbanned? I was also banned for ARDM but I'm okay with taking that ban (because it was deserved) and just waiting the 3 days of this one. I just needed to write about how much I don't fuck with the metagame decision. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jQjRV9qBz0Q0zmPqg?invite=cr-MSx1ajIsMzY0OTE5MTE30 points
From the fact they may of Ai generated this, it to me seems like they do not really care about the matter and are just using it as a means of taking out some competition. It is clear in both perspectives that numerous people had given him warnings, whilst he is calling out a package location. Meaning he fully knew what he was getting into, the fact this was even reported as RDM seems like power game in the sense of abusing server rules to their favor. Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way but I can not see any other way of looking at it, at this time.0 points
-2 points
Make people who refer to pressing a key as flexing a muscle KOS to anybody in hearing range-9 points