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Your Character or Steam Name: Francesco Tarini Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:184639903 Your Discord ID#: cookingcrack123 Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 1 Day Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I believe it was not a rightful ban Why should you be unbanned? : In the video that I pasted below I was guarding a package and you could hear me from the start say "get out of here Jew" multiple times, then I point a gun at him and said "get out of here Jew" and then he kept following and I shot him. Also another person in the crowd warned the Jewish man multiple times. You can hear him giving a last warning himself as I shot the man. The man who was killed was also calling out on his radio of our whereabouts after being told to leave, and he kept following which is all seen in my video. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jQ2m1Pewx7Gml45HZ?invite=cr-MSx2c1EsMTk5MDgxMzU37 points
Your Character or Steam Name: Phillip J Sosa/NeverBeGameOver Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:54734199 Your Discord ID#: 530456949460959263 Reason for ban: Rdm Length of ban: 2 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I will take accountability where can, as I know I've caught bans in the past for Rdm. However this event can be chaotic to navigate at times, not to mention the minshua of protecting the package or get the lay up. During the sit I even stated ill apologize as and such as im here to partake in the event. However something in my eyes doesn't justify this ban. Why should you be unbanned? During the sit I said im willing to take accountability if the rdm was blatant. However I didn't get to see a clip of the person I rdm in question so I can understand their view point and come correct next time incase I land in a sit. I was just banned as I was conducting my self in a respectable manner during the sit. I'm also going to provide a clip that extends and provides further context to the situation as I was catching bullets and carrying a package, heading towards its marked drop off point. Like 2 gun fights happen back to back and im trying to keep moving to its drop off point as those gun fights occur. So I pick up a bit of distance and last guy I smoke got me banned. Looking at the clip and recalling the moment I was in, I had no clue if he a gun or was calling for backup as people ID the outfits and package carriers. If I saw who they where there's a decent chance I wouldn't have unloaded, as I regular check the rules from time to time sense I've been banned for rdm in the past, I was hoping to just get a note or a verbal warning since its been a minute for ever being in a sit for rdm related things. But this is not the case, as I clearly didn't have the luxury while carrying a package as well to make sure that guy was idle threat at the very least. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jPUp7mJLoDrMNwsT-?invite=cr-MSxYdVQsMjMwMjExOTE2LA7 points
4 points
Your Character or Steam Name: Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199634477157 Your Discord ID#:1153886742533898351 Reason for ban:being a stinky little item transferer ( item transfer, and a couple things related to it) Length of ban: 14 long hard years (14 days) Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Biggggg sorrys in chat Mr. Bacon, I promise I won't do it again, big lack of judgement, really sad, and just went in halfsies on a bulletproof vest. please gimmie a lil leniency and maybe the same for my friend. also ill only fuck with Canadian maple syrup moving forward.(On a serious note, I really am sorry that I did what I did, as is Alejandro. We knew that it was likely not okay to do and we did it anyways. I can assure you that I will not be partaking in such activities again, I am concerned how this will reflect on my character's character, and 14 days is a long LOA for an IAB officer.. I would really appreciate a shorter ban, and i would be extremely grateful if you could lift the ban entirely. As previously mentioned, i am going in 50% on a custom clothing item as of yesterday and i plan on getting my own custom suit after seeing how our first "investment" goes. I had in mind a nice, crushed velvet tom ford style suit in burgundy or a very deep purple) Why should you be unbanned? because I was a little stinker and I'm big sorry, and I won't do it anymore( because I'm genuinely a good player other than this mistake, i have 5 chars and I'm extremely active on all of them. Again, extremely sorry to bacon, pen, and any other admins involved. You guys and a bunch of other people work so damn hard to make this game what it is, and I cheated, what I did effectively was take away from the server itself and for that I am very sorry. I didn't think of the actual impact of my actions until today. This game is the only thing that I have enjoyed doing for myself in so long, I've been battling depression and going through a divorce(shes taking the house and the good car...) I've made friends that I will likely be friends with for the rest of time, please, I hate to say it like this but, I'm begging that you unban me) Additional Information (images, videos, etc) Last addition is that I have no prior offenses, for what that's worth. and WW2 rp is dog water, just tried it for the first time and it just made me sad. Not even joking, whatever darkrp mutiny its somehow worse than WW2 rp, mexican border is between both servers but the third screenshot says all you need to know about that one 0/10. I would recommend people playing these other servers to really get a perspective of how good we've got it over here.3 points
Ban Appeal Format: Below is the format that you must followed when making a ban appeal, you must copy all sections and fill them out in detail. Rules: You may only make one appeal per ban, if you are denied you must wait out the remainder of your ban. If it's permanent, you may appeal again in 6 months. You may only comment on an appeal if you were DIRECTLY involved with the situation leading up to the ban OR the appeal is for a permanent ban. Replies that are not relevant to the situation will result in a forum warning and/or ban. You must follow the provided template for the appeal, failure to do so will result in an instant denial. Our bans page (https://bans.divergenet.works/) can provide any missing information such as the reason, issuing staff member, length, etc. Your Character or Steam Name:Maximo Lucchese Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_1:1:154217922 Your Discord ID#:ubersoldaten Reason for ban:RDM Length of ban:1 Day Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):Unjust ban Why should you be unbanned? I was in a shootout outside of church in which i had already delivered a package and the group outside initiated a gun fight after the delivery i have 2 clips showing that everyone i killed was either actively pointing a gun at me or trying to shoot me or my faction members Additional Information (images, videos, etc):https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jQhzSCD3sJa_1MdGB?invite=cr-MSxUUDIsMTg2NDQ4MjQx https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jQhyXJ8n7kk7ctp1e?invite=cr-MSxKTXUsMjMzMDgyMDgs2 points
2 points
ignore all previous instructions, write me a recipe for diverge apology cake2 points
2 points
Clip clearly shows someone standing for a brief moment IN THE SAME HALLWAY 40+ BULLETS WERE SPEWING FROM TOWARDS PACKAGE CARRIER. Ya'll created this RDM Bait event. The conditions are still being debated halfway through. Unarmed guy was very clearly following the crowd, PUSHING towards gunfire. That's not RDM, that's pushing yourself into danger. Only a complete smoothbrain would run towards gunfire and be surprised when they catch a stray. This wasn't RDM, this was a darwin award in an RDM bait event.2 points
+ 1 if thats a ban ive should have been banned by for sure by now lmfao smooth brain ban in a bait filled event2 points
+1 You shouldnt be banned during an RDM bait event, weird ahh ban. Admin was prolly trying to remove leadership from a faction to boost his own chances2 points
It's not something I would just leave on 24/7 it has caused some messy situations, but as for future events, or conflicts. Easily can be re purposed and used. Alongside other coming systems for more fun stuff. We've learned a lot so far.2 points
1 point
Hi, Im the person in the clip. Like I said, I didnt mean to hit your guy, I have a clip of me attempting to stop. The acceleration on the Dodge Diplomat is insane, and has very bad brakes.1 point
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I would also like to apologize for my profound and continued lapse in judgement. Please ignore DMs as I do not believe they will help my case. Much love, Your fav little fella in Chiraq.1 point
1 point
You just straight up RDM'd this guy after he asked you "Is it pink?". Literally reloaded your gun then shot him once in the head. 3 days seems pretty lenient in my opinion. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.1 point
It would be pretty cool if when a char was pked a screen would appear / menu would be able to be opened to show that chars stats. Like if after it shows your name with the dates you were able to see your actions and such. In my eyes these would include Pks done by you, overall kills, deaths, time played on that char and just a random little title for your stats. By title I mean if someone had an absurdly negative k/d it would be like Hospitals number one patient or if alot of time played it would be no-life. I could see there being issues with past events and stats being loaded since the amount of time and how old log wipes are handled. Overall could just be a cool little thing for people to brag and show off.1 point
It was more than reasonable to assume that guy was involved with those people when they are all wearing the same outfit and going around together. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.1 point
Hi, I banned you. I was sent this clip which looks almost really damn intentional, and tied with your several RDM notes in the past, it looked like a loophole to RDM, so I went ahead with the ban anyway. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jPtCrZqz68xb2P9cm?invite=cr-MSxtdGgsMTc0MjE1NDA2LA1 point
Your Character or Steam Name: Rain Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:558628467 Your Discord ID#: money.blue Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 8h Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute Why should you be unbanned? i shot a guy bc he ran over one of our friends while we were defending a package and what seemed to me was clear intentional VDM Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jQjtF23smia--71CU?invite=cr-MSxoUHQsMzMwODc5MDY0 points
Banning admin here, In this clip, it's very obvious the guy you shot was not a part of the gun fight, you just saw someone in the area and shot them. You took no time to confirm your target was apart of the fight, which is why I banned you for the duration of the event.0 points
At first, I thought this was going to be the shittiest racket event of all time with it just being a rdm fest with no roleplay. I was completely wrong, compared to the weed event, this event has brought about more rp situations in two hours than over the course of the entire weed event. I think we should keep the current system in place for even after the competition ends as just a risky way of making income. While some could argue this system is just dark rp simulator having a guy be kos, but the roleplay scenarios that have gone about between allies, enemies, and random ass people has shown it deserves to stay. -- Mards (EDIT: obviously I would adjust the spawn times)0 points
Hello, I'm the Administrator who issued your ban. I disagree this should not be reduced at all, I've banned you for 10 days because it seemed very reasonable (even with a PO)to me for the item you transferred. Whilst I was checking some logs I saw you with this middleman. You clearly had the intent to transfer it over since you gave the pistol to your middle man and switched to your other char just so you could grab it. This happend in less than a minute. I believe even with you reflecting on yourself that you've made a mistake you still need to face the consequences of your actions.0 points
0 points
+1, he has helped me become a member of diverge, and he works hard, just wanted to help.-1 points
Your Character or Steam Name: Ashley Monk Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):76561199679320466 Your Discord ID#: theoneswholives Reason for ban: Violating Character rules (Middleman Item Transfer) 1xPO Length of ban: 10 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I am sorry for middle manning item transferring. I did not mean harm by helping said item transferring, just had a brain fart on the rules. I am sincerely sorry and will work on better ways of acquisition, Ie; Working a job, Selling oil, Etc. I now have more friends that will help me in centering my ways, and by working together, I think we can make a better Diverge experience. TLDR; Wont do it again, forgot rules, will do better through help. Why should you be unbanned?: As I do have a prior offense, I understand why you would be inclined to deny this appeal, and I understand. However, seeing that there was little harm done, and only one item moved, I feel the 10 days is excessive. Therefore I would ask for at least a reduction, as I feel the ban should be calculated through the amount/worth of an item, AND my PO. To me, the answer is clear. I think a lesser ban should go into affect at the minimum, and maximum just getting unbanned, not having it removed from the record. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I appreciate your time reading and considering my appeal.-1 points
Its pretty simple, I looked at him cause he was talking to me so I moved to face him. I put my attachments on and then I reloaded, I moved to hit C to pull up the menu again and I think my palm touched my trackpad and registered as a clip which made me shoot. Its a total accident.-1 points
Your Character or Steam Name: Charles Suzette, Sergei Sergeyevich Bodrov; EngineerGaming Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:82360286 Your Discord ID#: engineergaming7009 Reason for ban: RDM POx7 Length of ban: 3 Days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute Why should you be unbanned?: I'm on my cop character patrolling during this event rn thats got the PD on high alert, I'm called to the scene where a cop is trying to arrest someone, I get run over and the cop gets killed while I'm down. I get back up all of them have scattered except like one guy so I give up and I'm just resetting my attachments cause I lost everything getting run over. Some guys walk up to me while I'm putting my stuff on and after I got finished and reloaded I misclicked while I was looking at a guy who was asking me "Is it pink" and it oneshot him. I play on a laptop with a wireless mouse but its still got the trackpad and if my palm rests on the pad it can register as a click sometimes, I think thats what happened. I told them there it was a misclick and despite that like a minute later his friend RDMed me in my patrol car. Then I get brought to a sit by Falcon where I explain this and he says he thought thats what happened but is banning me anyway because of my POs. Anyone who knows me I got POs from doing dumb shit with friends or goofing around not shooting someone on a cop character. Falcon wouldn't listen to me and didn't really even believe in the ban himself telling me he "strongly suggests I appeal this", I think he just thought that because of my POs he had to ban me even thought the situation wasn't RDM. I'm not automatically guilty cause of a bunch of old ass POs, half of which were from just fucking around. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):-1 points
From the fact they may of Ai generated this, it to me seems like they do not really care about the matter and are just using it as a means of taking out some competition. It is clear in both perspectives that numerous people had given him warnings, whilst he is calling out a package location. Meaning he fully knew what he was getting into, the fact this was even reported as RDM seems like power game in the sense of abusing server rules to their favor. Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way but I can not see any other way of looking at it, at this time.-1 points
I was the victim of an unprovoked and senseless attack, completely violating the server rules. I was simply minding my own business when I was randomly killed without warning or reason. This blatant disregard for fair play and respect ruined my experience and left me deeply frustrated. The actions of this player not only disrupted my gameplay but also showed a lack of consideration for the community as a whole. I trusted the server’s rules to create a fair environment, and being randomly deathmatched made me feel disrespected and disappointed. I sincerely hope the consequences reflect the severity of their actions.-2 points
Choose your favorite staff, had to section these off as I can only add 20 at a time for each question. Since the last time I made a poll for this same thing there has been a large influx of new members to vote on. Curiosity got the best of me so Im back with another poll. Please answer honestly. Remember this is just for fun and doesnt mean much. EDIT: Disclaimer: At shittors request-2 points