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In-Game Name(s): Callum Hazard, Dr. Marco Bernardi, Adriano Beneventi, Cara Gambini-Altowini, Elizabeth Herrington Steam Name: Coconut Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198188397459/ Steam ID: STEAM:_0:1:114065865 Discord Username: C.oco Age: 19 When did you first join the server: 2021-march Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 7m 3d 5h 33m Time Zone: GMT/BST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: too much... (5-6hours daily) Have you read the rules?: yes Do you have a working microphone?: yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: yes Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: I would like to help the community once more and better the server for the general playerbase. I want to encourage others to rp and keep within the rules to improve their experience as well as others. Now that I have a little more time, I can push toward better the community and enforcing the rules. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I have a lot of experience in diverge though my times in rp roles and staff roles. I understand the rules and can give a clear-cut guide on how to follow them and to better yourself. My knowledge of the server and how to perform as a staff member is what elevates my application. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Twice On Diverge. Mod and Admin in total id say around 7months. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: Yes 1 hour Prop climb back in 2021 Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: Id say I'm well known in the community through a handful of chars. Id say my reputation is pretty good with the majority of the player base. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: Either the start of diverge or Miami. Miami was a breath of fresh air that should 1000% come back in the future. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: N/A ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If I'm not involved in any ongoing rp situations that I cannot leave, then I would switch over to my staff character and take the ticket using the very amazing ticket system. Id then proceed with the RDM ticket as normal, getting BOTH sides as well as any evidence. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: Keep an eye on them getting any evidence that I can gather, then handing it to a member of Upper Administration for them to use accordingly. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: Id first look at all the evidence and get both sides of the story. If my faction member was minging around then I would give him the correct punishment. I'd do this by checking his previous bans and notes for me to get more information on his history. If he had notes for RDM and Minging Id, I'd punish him accordingly.2 points
Im the guy that wrote the orders, you were PKed from the family for constantly disrespecting friends in other families and our own. It was brought to my attention when multiple made members were complaining about you specifically your captain. He told me you were incompetent and just a troublemaker in general, we have strict rules that you accepted when entering the faction and you knew that. You were given very clear warnings when an enforcer gave you a shakedown/beating and then in the same month I myself and another high command member also handed out the same punishment. (This was your second character with us where your last character was whacked for the same thing)2 points
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I don't recall much of the situation either, just that you prop climbed. I have no problem with you getting your flags back, and believe they should be reinstated. However if you're caught abusing them again, you'll have a much harder time appealing.1 point
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You can do them out the Doms Deli Van open the back door, hop in, start shooting out the back1 point
+1 good rper sadly he’s British tho but everything else about him is good. Knows the rules. Doesn’t have a job. I think he would be prefect for staff if he wasn’t a Brit so he would be a good staff member.1 point
1 point
Your Character or Steam Name: Kenneth Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198401334612 Your Discord ID#: baiited Reason for ban: RDM Length of ban: 1 Day Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was banned because of my misunderstanding of NLR breaking and the mistiming of it as well. From the beginning of the time since I started playing this server, Ive been told anytime someone breaks NLR that you can continue to kill them if they keep causing problems ic, (trespassing, vdming, hitting with vehicle, etc) I have not once been reported for this yet. I was also informed in the sit that my timing of the NLR was off by two - three minutes, which on my end is my apologies. In my defense that is not very extreme. As for the earlier part of my career, my notes for RDM are true, but as of the last 6-7 months I have no reason to RDM or no intent to not RP. I cant stand that these minges can get on and ruin it. Why should you be unbanned? I don't believe the ban was very fair. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):1 point
Like TayP said, just because someone bumped into your car or hitting your car is not a reason to kill someone. Even if you think this person broke NLR. You should've either called Staff for NLR or handled if further icly by warning him to leave you alone (at least twice) before killing him. Try not to fight rulebreakers by breaking the rules yourself, I think that with your playtime and note history you should know better by now. This ban has expired1 point
It was more than him just hitting my car, I wish moderators didnt defend minge activity so bad but it is what it is. It was worth a try, New cassette tomorrow Ig!1 point
Not trying to argue, not even sure if im allowed to reply, just providing further information. Yes I did escalate the situation. The reason I did so was perviously stated already, but to elaborate, the court system is a scam in my opinion. I take an appeal for just as long or slightly less than my determined sentence, and if I say no I'm locked into a court progression that could take months of sitting around and waiting. No bail, no bond. I would rather take the PK any day, but I'm making an effort to show that I don't feel the initial arrest was justified. Which is what led to the PK. Like I said at the time I had no idea I committed a crime I was just being chased. In the video you have been provided you are limited to only the inital action of the arrest void of the overlying reasoning behind it. I could clip anybody getting killed or arrested and tell the observer whatever I want. If that is considered corruption then I stand behind it. What I'm "trying to convey" is the fact that it is unjust for an officer to arrest you without any warning or reasoning. Baiting a reaction. As seen in the video not a word was said from the arresting party. At surface value the viewer has as much detail as an empty sheet of paper. No commands, just action. What seperates that from someone attacking a civilian with a pair of restraints on the sidewalk? And would that same action from civilians result in a PK as well?1 point
snowflakes have made it to diverge cant even handle the barge no more1 point
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It isnt an accusation. Transitioned factually metagamed. Staff reviewed it, and accepted the report. It isn't a conspiracy theory. It isn't an accusation. See the above thread of Transitioned being reported and the report being accepted.1 point
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/rules doesnt work in game, not a major issue but a couple people brought it up to me during a staff sit and could help reduce the number of people breaking rules also, in f1 the help section folders for rules still leads to old forums so new players might struggle finding the rules if they are illiterate with google/newer to gmod servers and dont know about forums-1 points
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Reason of my PK is classified as not listening to HC orders and shooting close business partners but there were never any deals and as with your own words i shot an admin who teleported to remove the light but just stayed there. I have been ordered by Don to keep people that dont belong to faction outside of property and rightfully shot a stranger who was trespassing and refused to leave which because of hitbox ended up in me dying.No like literally he claimed it himself Its a admin Fixing light Not a business partner And he didnt give me any orders So it makes it invalid Like i said before no deals were done with this individual neither anybody know him in faction other than you and him hanging out so it isnt really "close business partnership" neither.-1 points
I was stalking a group of people that were being suspicious. You walked up to them and let them all know that I was watching them, in the progress hindering my investigation so I tried detaining you for 6-4F Obstruction of Justice.-1 points
Banning moderator here, You were banned for RDM because the reason you killed them was because you thought they broke NLR and they bumped into your car, which are not reasons to kill somebody. To avoid any confusions happening in the future like this I recommend reading the server killing rules-1 points
the way you wrote this makes me angry for some reason also why are you cheating just be awesome -1-1 points
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