People, of recent, have been using the theatre to stream movies and series actually - so its coming into some use and hopefully itll be sustained usage!
But it would be good to have a few more vacant shops/stores to allow a couple factions to come on through as well as premises with more rooms (like the night club, a room above the sitdown like at the blue lobster).
- I think adding more rooms to certain places would be good for current buildings with only 1 floor accessibility
- Epansion of the dead end road block near casino - Would be nice to expand the map some what and have the road loop back to near the truck driving or cab driver NPCs and add some things onto the road there, Maybe a business/union district (since world corp is gone) or a field etc
- Roof Top accessibility for most buildings
- Rework of the alleys near ghetto, to allow entrance onto different alleys or hidden rooms or slums etc as currently they are dead ends that dont have much purpose/functionality
- What about a functional train system like on the older maps of Mafia RP?
- Wonddering if having a gym/leisure centre be a good place for property that has a pool people can RP and actually develop strength (or other abilities which can be capped) - which a faction can own of course.
- Oh and some road checkpoints would be awesome with the ability to block roads during chases/operate tolls - which can be operated by NYPD only) - but even then checkpoints without functional road blocks is more than enough [the idea to have cops able to be stationed on certain parts of the road or tunnels that has a native map structure]
- Maybe a Bullard/road block system for the entrance to the NYPD that can be operated.
- Definitely some office space for official work without having to rely on ghettos or other business properties that could be rented etc.