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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/25 in all areas

  1. Name of Character: Cirillo Principato SteamID: STEAM_0:0:217293411 Your Discord ID#: empzh Date of PK: 07 February 2025 Reason for PK: Failing to pay dues, disrespecting high command Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: - I was lured onto the character and to the location by discord DM's - The "discrespect" happened in a discord VC marked as (OOC) -The character was excused from kickups and never again ordered/told/warned to pay again If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
    3 points
  2. I'm not sure why this isn't a thing but just doing a (for example) /itar to speak Italian through radio so everyone and their Mother can't hear what anyone has said on your radio channel. I would assume this wouldn't be too hard to implement.
    2 points
  3. A box in your inventory to store cassette tapes, you can make it only allow tapes to be put into it if possible. This could help since you can now make a playlist with radios.
    2 points
  4. yeah it really does look like a fail mug. he snuck up to a player who looked afk and purposely didnt say a word to not get her attention, also he shot her while saying " dont move bitch". So if anything he was being confusing. Fail mug on his part and bad pk if you ask me. Im not a member of this faction but im commenting because a moderator doesnt want ppl to comment on a open forum where everyone has access to lol.
    2 points
  5. reverse psychology
    2 points
  6. I know we're way closer to the 90s than we are the 80s, but video arcades were still fairly predominant up until consoles really took off in the early 2000s. We could add to the 80s theme by adding a video arcade whether it'd be public or a private racket / business. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1528767279 https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/arcade-machines-2-realistic-arcade-gaming Most of this stuff is public, will obviously need a lot of development to make it work with all the current systems, but if it's a private business license you can apply for, maybe there can be an unused building made for this kind of thing like an arcade. Either: A) It's public, and people can play and the way it'd work is after so much score, like let's say their final score is around 1000, this would give them a "100 ticket" item (could use the casino number plates if you wanted to, or create a custom ticket model, either or really) in their inventory. 10,000 score, "1000 tickets" etc, etc. They would then go to the vendor / npc in the building and sell them for real money like oil companies do with their barrels of oil. B) If it's a private business, it'd be the same thing but the family / business would be the only ones with access to the NPC and can sell tickets and give the person a large cut of however many tickets they gave them. (up to the business and / or the law however they want to make it work). EDIT: Instead of a ticket system you could also just utilize the coin exchange machine. Let the business set the price for coins and they can collect the cash the vendor generates. In the end, this could be very legit. People can do their VR chat RP in the arcade, shoot the shit while playing Galaga or some other game, while others who are more serious and want to continue conducting their illegal business and running their shipments don't have to hear "skibidi rizz" and "gmod" / other ooc terms every corner they take. This could isolate a lot of those people to the video arcade if done well and free up a lot of OOC traffic on the streets, while providing another potential legal way for businesses to make money. (I don't know if this is the correct addon I've linked above, but this is what I would guess the games would look like as the addon as well as this video was uploaded a long time ago).
    1 point
  7. need -100 rep, please and thank you.
    1 point
  8. Hello! I was supervising admin for this PK. I can confirm that the orders stated the reasoning for the PK was lack of kickup payment and disrespect of high command, but if what you say is true, then that is very concerning. I'll leave it to higher staff to determine if the above screenshot and explanation for the invalid nature of the orders warrant further action.
    1 point
  9. Seems a little OP to be stun locked mid taze. Tazers are not necessarily 100% effective at subduing a target and prongs can easily miss. It is not outside the possibility that a suspect could resist while being tazed. Armed shooter about to blow a cop's head off but the cop gets a lucky taze and the dude is stun locked unable to react? They get frozen when the taze is complete, this is an easy no from the judge's panel.
    1 point
  10. In the Diverge Content pack there is a list of props that you can use for your role play within the city. There is a section that has a cross. But for some reason the cross is not able to be spawned. I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be able to be used during role play. I think it should be added in the game for the priest's and people who love Christ in game. By the way I was going to post this on December 25th the day that Christ was born, but I was a bit busy with hanging out with family. models/polievka/crucifix.mdl May Christ Be with you all.
    1 point
  11. Further examining the clip you sent, the mugger in question is literally a mugging character in the citizens of new york faction. This is not someone's main character. They did not initiate any form of RP nor do they have anything to lose if they fuck up in the mugging. People have been getting banned and pk's have been getting overturned for similar reasons and I do hope this trend of mugging/minge chars being banned and their effects overturned continues. Further, before Skitz and I get accused of adding onto a ticket that doesnt concern us, we're the faction leaders for the character in question and responsible for the property in question. We're absolutely affected by this minge garbage being allowed to fail mug and pk an active member of the faction who, funny enough, wasn't even involved in illegal shit she was running as a legal character who was just rping as a barmaid.
    1 point
  12. We are involved because a mugging char fail mugged someone on our property which resulted in a raid this appeal is bigger than getting a char back edit: - SoS don
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Nigga Im 16???? You're retarded
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Resetting my progress
    1 point
  17. In "real life" the "mob" makes most of their money from EXTORTION and always has. There's basically no actual way to implement this in game. It would mean a player controlled segment of society getting bent over for white collar crimes. Noone in a video game is dedicated enough to the RP struggle to get fucking visited every Sunday to pay 10% of their completely legitimate candy store. Get real.
    1 point
  18. Still a good whitelist item.
    1 point
  19. The age should definitely be a tillable area just like description. If you guys don’t wanna do birthdays and have us age as time goes then let us at least do our own thing and set our ages. People sometimes tweak their characters to fit things better; many of us/most have done it. Being able to set age wouldn’t affect anything but being able to age properly in RP.
    1 point
  20. just unblacklist the prop... +1
    1 point
  21. i am the guy who killed you .......... scoreboard board i killed him he cried like a bitch
    1 point
  22. Go back to making poorly written unconstitutional laws bro chill
    1 point
  23. 4 slots for 10 cassettes +1
    1 point
  24. who shit in you're cheerios?
    1 point
  25. Hi there. I just returned after a 3 year hiatus. The server definitely changed. There are forensics, more evidence stacked against criminals, and its easier for PD to convict criminals or catch them. Accessing bank accounts, IDing for something as petty and arbitary as a parking violation ect. And yet the only methods of money making for the most part are Oil, guns or a drug racket. And for a select few- selling donator clothes or cigars, or if you have a gambling license or an poker game. But yet, in the real world the Mafia really stayed away from drugs and they focused much more on white collar crimes. In the 1980s Michael Franzese was famous for his gas tax scam, making fake companies with fake names go bankrupt selling gas, using tax exemptions ect and collecting the cash meanwhile the federal government and gas corporations losing money and yet the end consumer buying cheaper gas. Lots of credit card frauds, or business fraud. As seen in sopranos Tony has that friend of his lose tons of money in a card game and the interest goes up to the point of the guy handing over his sporting goods store for leverage. The mob then starts maxing out their credit so the business declares bankruptcy. But tony gets fake/fraudulent plane tickets and other things under the guys name. I realize this example is complicated given how small the server is, but I would like this post to be an open forum for others with ideas of white collar crimes that dont involve drugs. But a way to fraud the State or City government from taxes with loopholes, or if there were contracted city roles like tow trucks or street cleaners that are run by mob controlled unions. Police request a tow of a vehicle, but if that person is high profile enough the union prevents the tow truck from towing a vehicle. Something like that. I know my ideas here are a bit scattered, but having an overhaul where Parking violations can have citizen or police call for a tow truck to impound a vehicle. The vehicle gets impounded, and the owner must go to city hall and pay a fine for the vehicle to be released. The longer they wait, the fine goes up each day. The city gets money from the player base, and then PD doesnt demand ID for parking violations because there is no criminal element. Its now only a civil matter. From an RP standpoint, players get a $$ figure amount for each vehicle they tow as a tow trucker driver. The cost of a tow is some sort of agreed upon fee between the leader of the tow truck faction and a union they are required to be a part of. The unions are run by the criminals, and the fee is split in half. Half of the tow fee goes to the truck driver, the other half goes to the union fund. The union uses this income to pay Union delegates ect. Or can be like Jimmy Hoffas teamsters Union Pension fund that was used to fund Las Vegas. Right now the server is too much Cops and Robbers. Either you are PD or a Government employee or you are a criminal. But having blue collar jobs like street cleaners, that are hired by the city, or by property owners to clean up garbage that can randomly spawn on a property or the street. Having tow truck drivers for the reasons explained. Union workers that represent Blue collar jobs. There should be a paramedic job as well and the union represents both EHS and PD. If the Union has control over a PD budget, now if they have a lower budget, there can be less PD members online at a given time. Bigger budget = more police ect. Then having a stock market, and having stock market broker jobs with a purpose of making money on behalf of all citizens. With an opportunity for stock manipulation and illegal stock market fraud. Like the stock market actually having an influence on what Oil will be priced at. And it can fluctuate. Sometimes prices will be low. Sometimes if you hold out they will be high.. I realize these are a lot of idea. Just trying to think outside the box of oil barrels and drugs for criminal money making methods.
    0 points
  26. Name of Character: Bianca Cargill SteamID: STEAM_0:0:784526431 Your Discord ID#: delilah.avicenna Date of PK: 2/5/2025 Reason for PK: fail mug? Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: No fear rp initiated before until I had already pulled my gun out. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jDzWxfbQOaXhNFn1E?invite=cr-MSxGYXksMTk5MTA2OTU2LA
    0 points
  27. "serious roleplay environment" ?????????
    0 points
  28. let me steal peoples identities and give a cop the wrong drivers license
    0 points
  29. if i save up the 10k needed for the cheapest car as a new player, i finally get that bitch and i cant spawn it im quitting
    0 points
  30. Sounds like you got used as Bones brother. The little prompt you accepted at the start says you can be PK'd at any time, Thats why you pick and choose the factions you join, and you try not to do anything that'd irritate em
    0 points
  31. I agree w this. Love the whole map; but ive never seen anyone but a literal criminal growing plants in the mansion. Its not seeming to be utilized as intended, though I dont know what it was actually intended for. I know you (penzaddy) said no buildings though adding actual boats (non movable, like house boats people rent marina spaces for) that players can rent would be nice, as there are more than one of us here that miss the old townhouses and the privacy they brought to each and every shady deal they witnessed. It would be another possible income generator for whoever owns the docks, another event area for houseboat parties (or anything idk thats just off the top) and give players another reason to go to that part of the city.
    0 points
  32. The original southside had ways to traverse nearly all of the roofs, many of the new buildings and places that used to have a full roof tops traversal. Now don't, it would be cool to bring back rooftops to places like china town and the ontop of the bluelobster/bank and have more ways of accessing the ones that are there and added to places that you can't get access, (ontop of the casino, car dealership, bank) Could open up for more rp, police rp, crim rp, etc.
    0 points
  33. add a way to get onto chinatown rooftops
    0 points
  34. -1 points
  35. Name of Character: Pang Pong SteamID: STEAM_0:0:610507302 Your Discord ID#: bravo850 Date of PK:12/15/24 Reason for PK: killed by cops Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: i was getting a package from the bardge and cops followed me tried to arest me for no reason there was not a single law broken the entire time saw me go down from the docks then try to arest me with out giving reason tried to cuff me so i started shooting then died. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jia7BCOEiKByqEL84?invite=cr-MSxoVnosMzA1NDI1NTA1LA dying to cops^ https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jiaim6XM33B4x_Ezw?invite=cr-MSx3WDUsMzA1NDI1NTA1LHByb2ZpbGUtY29udGV4dC1tZW51 https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jiagyQcPz9QyiaLSN?invite=cr-MSxyZWIsMzA1NDI1NTA1LA staff sit^
    -1 points
  36. -1 not trying to play little kid games im trying to do real mafia boss shit
    -1 points
  37. If you aren't involved with the situation or have nothing to add please don't reply.
    -1 points
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