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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/25 in all areas

  1. I am of the long standing opinion that the existing PK song is fucking BEANS (negative) and the song "That's Life" is wayyyyyyyyyyyy more fitting. I even made this concept video on it in early 2023m but I have been silenced and railroaded preventing it from being implemented. https://streamable.com/kpfyf0
    10 points
  2. You are the biggest fucking loser I’ve met on diverge. Rather talk to Pun Gun for an hour straight while being dismembered by Dexter. Insufferable twink.
    3 points
  3. Been on my mind for a while, but I think it would add a little theme building to the game if the music was more ethically/locally pertinent to the faction you served before you died. At least the option to have it added (for a fee or not), or decided by Community Manager. E.G. If you die as a dirty spic (my faction for example) you hear a song such as Que No Quede Huella by Bronco (1989). Or perhaps if you die as a Russian gang member, Песня о друге - Из к/ф "Путь к причалу" (Song About A Friend - From the Film "Path to the Pier")
    3 points
  4. Bring back the shooting range at Top Gun Indoor Range.
    2 points
  5. Your Character or Steam Name: Ayden/Celestus Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:73536917 Your Discord ID#: celestus.x Reason for ban: “Rule” - Cheating/Hacking Length of ban: Perm Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology. Why should you be unbanned? CONTEXT So to start I will say that I am not disputing the fact that I did, and do consistently use a menu that contains ESP and Aimbot. I have been playing GMOD for around 14 years and have been using it as a platform for RP for around 8 of those. In the 8 years I have been roleplaying, from DarkRP to 42 RP to Africa RP to Syria RP and now to Diverge, I have in some way used a “cheat”. I am sorry to say, for players that are newer, its a very common thing to do. It should never be a surprise to anyone how the GSP found you hiding in a bush on 42RP. Some high command members use them, some don't need to because their entire guard unit, or at least certain members of it have them enabled. This is not an excuse, and I promise I will get to the proper appeal in a moment, but I am providing context. The point I am making is that I can be criticized for using them, I can be told it's a lame thing to do, but there MUST be some level of understanding that some uses of cheats are objectively “bad”. If I inject a cheat with the intent of using it to obtain an advantage over another player, I am using it in a malicious way and potentially harming the RP experience for the playerbase. In many cases throughout my time on GMOD though, this was never the intent and their presence in my game was merely a product of me being too lazy to close the injector. APPEAL Recently, I decided to take a journey to a different area of RP than I am used to. While I have enjoyed RPing as a government official for the past couple years, I wanted to try something new. On that journey, some cool guys (and one woman) from one of the Italian factions hired me as a waiter in their establishment. As someone who enjoys serious RP, I take the role seriously and enjoy running the restaurant. In fact, most of my playtime over the days leading up to my ban was simply me working in that restaurant. In that time, I took part in 0 violent interactions except one interaction where I was RDM’d and never really left the restaurant for any reason beyond picking up some shipments or selling oil. So while I apologize for having the cheats injected, I simply want to express that I never had any intention of using them to gain any advantage over other players or harm the experience of others in any way. I don’t need them in order to play the game the way that I do. On one character I was a government official who doesn't even own guns, so I have little to no use for them. On the other, I am a waiter, who hardly leaves a restaurant. Again, I apologize for breaking the rule and there is no excuse for me having them, but I would never and have never used them to procure an advantage over other players, find players I could not find (I dont think ive ever even had to do this), or used it to win gunfights easily (I dont get into gunfights). I am humbly coming to the UA to ask for some leniency. I don’t believe I am special, or above anyone else to the point I can just do whatever I want. I apologize for my usage of them and swear I never used it to harm the RP experience on Diverge. It has always been my goal to create RP and enjoyable experiences for the community and I understand that this event was antithetical to that end. If granted the opportunity to be unbanned, I would pledge to never utilize those cheats on diverge ever again. In reality, the issue of me even having them injected at that time was avoidable and is something I can remedy very easily. Thank you for your consideration. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Here is a picture of a ghetto spongebob to lighten the mood.
    1 point
  6. Your Name: Joker SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/The_Reapper/ Staff Member involved: don't remember What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET Reason for blacklist (if given): Prop abuse probably cant remember cuz it was such a long time ago Why should they be returned?: its been a long time and i have learned my lesson. i was a dumbass back when i still had them and abused them but i've learned my lesson and know not to abuse them anymore. I will start only using them for my factions dupes and businesses and not use them for any minging
    1 point
  7. Hello, let me start by going through you appeal. Context So to start I will say that I am not disputing the fact that I did, and do consistently use a menu that contains ESP and Aimbot. Admitting to cheatings - I have been playing GMOD for around 14 years and have been using it as a platform for RP for around 8 of those. In the 8 years I have been roleplaying, from DarkRP to 42 RP to Africa RP to Syria RP and now to Diverge, I have in some way used a “cheat”. I am sorry to say, for players that are newer, its a very common thing to do. - This is the same logic people use to cheat in multiplayer games since its inception. Just because you can, and you might be able to get away with it, doesn't mean you SHOULD. It is NOT a 'very common' thing to do as most players do infact play within the rules. As the fear of consequences and lost value for said game. There is a minority that do cheat, which is why staff always needs to be vigilante and the rules are very clear when they are caught. It should never be a surprise to anyone how the GSP found you hiding in a bush on 42RP. Some high command members use them, some don't need to because their entire guard unit, or at least certain members of it have them enabled. - Again admitting to cheating, albeit in another server. This is Mafia RP not a place for white flower enthusiasts. If another community has a problem, they must deal with it. To me it is never acceptable. This is not an excuse, and I promise I will get to the proper appeal in a moment, but I am providing context. The point I am making is that I can be criticized for using them, I can be told it's a lame thing to do, but there MUST be some level of understanding that some uses of cheats are objectively “bad”. - It is only bad if I used these stolen credit cards for fraud, or if I toggled on the cheats. You are not infallible and even if you were, there is no way for us to know they, so it must be taken as; they will be used maliciously. If I inject a cheat with the intent of using it to obtain an advantage over another player, I am using it in a malicious way and potentially harming the RP experience for the playerbase. In many cases throughout my time on GMOD though, this was never the intent and their presence in my game was merely a product of me being too lazy to close the injector. - Cheating is not innocuous. It is harmful to the game space, kills servers, kills games and kills communities and is a quick way to piss a lot of people off. Running your ESP in the background is always malicious, not matter if you're using it in that present moment. Fact is, you never know when it might give you an advantage. APPEAL Recently, I decided to take a journey to a different area of RP than I am used to. While I have enjoyed RPing as a government official for the past couple years, I wanted to try something new. On that journey, some cool guys (and one woman) from one of the Italian factions hired me as a waiter in their establishment. As someone who enjoys serious RP, I take the role seriously and enjoy running the restaurant. - I am glad to hear that you take the RP very seriously and I'll give you credit, where credit is due. However, it is a shame you don't take the 'game' very seriously. This is not just role-playing, it is an RP GAME and you can't ignore the game aspect and do only the RP- while using cheats to give you an advantage in the GAME. In fact, most of my playtime over the days leading up to my ban was simply me working in that restaurant. In that time, I took part in 0 violent interactions except one interaction where I was RDM’d and never really left the restaurant for any reason beyond picking up some shipments or selling oil. So while I apologize for having the cheats injected, I simply want to express that I never had any intention of using them to gain any advantage over other players or harm the experience of others in any way. - Violent interactions can come at any moment. Someone comes and causes shit, you toggle your aimbot or see him behind a wall before he does anything. You were running ESP in the background while 'picking up and selling oil'. Meaning you can observe anyone around your shipment using a third party modification, giving you an advantage over other players, ie the definition of cheating. I don’t need them in order to play the game the way that I do. On one character I was a government official who doesn't even own guns, so I have little to no use for them. On the other, I am a waiter, who hardly leaves a restaurant. Again, I apologize for breaking the rule and there is no excuse for me having them, but I would never and have never used them to procure an advantage over other players, find players I could not find (I dont think ive ever even had to do this), or used it to win gunfights easily (I dont get into gunfights). - "..In the 8 years I have been roleplaying.. I have in some way used a “cheat”. I am sorry to say.." - "never used them to procure an advantage over other players". Referring to my previous statement. It is always malicious. You say you don't get into gunfights but the mere fact of having a cheat menu open INCASE. Again, makes you a cheater. ) I am humbly coming to the UA to ask for some leniency. I don’t believe I am special, or above anyone else to the point I can just do whatever I want. I apologize for my usage of them and swear I never used it to harm the RP experience on Diverge. - Saying your not special, makes an implication that you are special. The fact is, yes you are special. You had done a lot in the gamespace, you have build a lot of legal RP and it is a shame that you did such a thing while being so valuable to the community. It has always been my goal to create RP and enjoyable experiences for the community and I understand that this event was antithetical to that end. If granted the opportunity to be unbanned, I would pledge to never utilize those cheats on diverge ever again. In reality, the issue of me even having them injected at that time was avoidable and is something I can remedy very easily. Thank you for your consideration. - You don't promise not to cheat, you don't even promise to get rid of your cheats. All you promise is you'll 'never use[d] it to harm the RP experience on Diverge.' and 'never utilize those cheats on diverge ever again'. According to your own rules and your own beliefs. While saying prior that you cheated for 8 years in gmod, this is not reassuring to me. tl;dr having ESP open in the background is always cheating regardless. You admit to cheating for years, you don't promise not to cheat or get rid of said cheats, but imply the fault is gmods and communities faults and it is so very common enough you can deflect blame. If you read any appeal for cheating they will all say that one line. 'It is super common bro, not my fault.'. ~You admit your guilt here. However, I don't believe, that you believe you are guilty.
    1 point
  8. You must follow the provided template for the appeal, failure to do so will result in an instant denial. Your Character or Steam Name: YUGIRO HANMA Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198834200051/ Your Discord ID#:stinkyboi12345 Reason for ban: minge nitrp Length of ban: permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): i wanna see if the servers fun now plus this ban was like years ago lol Why should you be unbanned? because it was literally years ago lol and everything is different now Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
    1 point
  9. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
    1 point
  10. +1 I loved this place it's great ngl
    1 point
  11. In-Game Name(s): Sergeant Cassandra Cassano, Dizzy "Daisy" Gigglesnort, Maria "Mac" Morello, Ariel Serce, Lorenzo De Luca Steam Name: Yummekoo Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199486961583/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:763347927 Discord Username: yummekoo Age: 17 When did you first join the server: Around mid/late March of 2023 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 1mo 2w 18h 14m Time Zone: CST (An hour behind EST) How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 5-7 hours a day Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No but I am willing to learn. Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yep ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: I like to help out and to resolve conflicts. I have been on the server for a while and I'd like to help the community out a little bit more. I believe I could use my time to help benefit the community. I spend a lot of my time on Diverge and trying to help people and being staff would help out a lot of people. People always get agitated when a staff member doesn't take their ticket after a minute or two so I am trying to help relieve some of the burden on the staff team. I am hoping if this application gets accepted then I can help out with tickets or whatever I am needed to help out with. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I have a lot of free time and I spend most of it on the server. I feel that the amount of time I spend on this server could greatly help take tickets when needed. I have an open mindset and can think fairly quickly when in stressful situations. I can learn quickly and can adapt to different situations depending on what's given to me. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): I haven't ever had any other staffing experience. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No, I haven't been banned. I probably have one note on me for not using the correct prop in a RP situation but besides that no. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: I believe I am pretty well known in the community. Some people like me but some don't. Overall, my reputation is fairly neutral from my perspective. Some people say that I'm quiet or some people say that I'm helpful. I help out a lot with PD paperwork and other sorts of things. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: My favorite moments on Diverge is when Shamrock would host his concerts. I would be there most to all of the the time he would be hosting one. Shamrock and I would go around Little Italy or some other places and he would be singing Mexican music. My second favorite was when Beuford broke character https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iS6xVxmHvcBa_S1Uq?invite=cr-MSxQdTIsMTkxNDMyOTEzLA Shamrock https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iRp5Ulr63Lmiwc6e4?invite=cr-MSxlZzUsMTkxNDMyOTEzLA Shamrock https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iJGwHHkWGlqIVGKoM?invite=cr-MSwyNTQsMTkxNDMyOTEzLA Beuford Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Mangos Dopeasroe xDutchCat Vast ("I'd love to see you get into an argument with a random minge") Nubs itsnebs ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If I see the RDM I would clip it and send it in staff chat since I cant make tickets. I can't handle the ticket since I witnessed it and to avoid possible bias toward the situation. If someone makes a ticket for RDM and I hadn't witnessed it then I would go on-duty and deal with the RDM ticket accordingly. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would collect as much evidence as I can by clipping it. After I collect a good amount of evidence I would bring it to UA and they can deal with it however they'd see fit. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would take the ticket if nobody took it already and collect as much evidence from the logs and the clip provided to me so that there wouldn't be any assumption of bias. I would just treat them as any other person who RDMed and give the correct punishment even if I knew the person.
    1 point
  12. https://streamable.com/n65qdz
    1 point
  13. Replace the movie theatre and warehouse. Fundamentally useless properties that hardly are used that can be replaced by more functional ones that people visit more often. Warehouses dupes are always unappealing and just look off all the time. You can probably find better properties to put there.
    1 point
  14. Your Character or Steam Name: eric cartman/pablo Your SteamID : 76561198881926771 Your Discord ID#: pablocito_ Reason for ban: Item Transferring Middleman | Mass Mugging | NITRP Length of ban: perm Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): this was over 2 years ago, i remembered i scammed someone and then transferred the items to my friend, causing distress in the person i scammed. im very sorry for this as i have grown over the 2 years i want to get back into the diverge networks RP scene. im sorry to whoever i caused harm too and i regret my actions. I have had time to reflect on the new year and ask you for another chance thank you. Why should you be unbanned? because i know what i did was wrong and i have had time to think over it and im sorry, i want another chance to become a good member of diverge networks. -pablo Additional Information (images, videos, etc): n/a
    0 points
  15. All images have a chance of being added to the server as a bill board but the winner of the 25$ Gift card is @Chimney ! Congrats!
    0 points
  16. I feel like gun stores should be given the option of buying single weapons from their NPC. For example lets say someone wants to buy an akm which is 40k a shipment but they only want 1 meaning that the average joe will make a loss on that sale and have the burden of trying to sell the other gun Overall I think it would balance the income for gunstores and also give people more of an option on weapons because they won't get turned away for only wanting to buy 1 gun It would also benefit all the gun stores because they won't have to dedicate banks to back stock which could turn into legal problems for them due to the 10 gun limit (15 with collector)
    0 points
  17. Set my boy Ayden free, bro fucked up but he sings like an angel. For real though his RP is great, and from what I saw he always avoided conflict and tried to make everyone's experience the best it could be. -The one cool Italian woman who hired him
    0 points
  18. I miss my anti-Canadian ally
    0 points
  19. lets keep it that way.
    0 points
  20. the problem is that you'd also be giving minges easy access to buy a gun and do whatever they want with said gun
    0 points
  21. Your Character or Steam Name: Kenneth Laurita Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561198401334612 Your Discord ID#: baiited Reason for ban: RDM Baiting Length of ban: 2 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I am writing to appeal the ban I received for Random Deathmatch (RDM) baiting. I understand the seriousness of this offense, but I would like to explain the situation and clarify that it was not my intention to bait or initiate any RDM. During the incident, I was casually roleplaying a game of bowling and basketball with a friend. While we were having fun, another player joined us and started interacting with us. As the interaction continued, he eventually told us to leave, becoming increasingly hostile and acting aggressively. In an attempt to engage in RP, I jokingly told him that he wasn’t “on shit” and lightly punched him. At this point, he pulled out a weapon and started shooting at me while I was running away. I did not threaten him in any way or provoke violence, and my intention was simply to get away from the situation. My friend also tried to intervene to protect me, but unfortunately, it resulted in the situation escalating. I understand that it may have looked like I was baiting or engaging in RDM, but my actions were purely in response to his aggression, not to cause harm. Why should you be unbanned? I play this server quite a bit, hitting my year on the server very soon. I have very minimal trouble with admins/rules. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): n/a. Banned by Nubs. Appeal by Baiited.
    -1 points
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