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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/24 in all areas

  1. imagine this shit during christmas time
    4 points
  2. I love cocaine irl and ingame and man this is stupid . Shoot them in the legs if they are on coke its in the SOP. Boohoo you cannot pk them since you inflicted damage first but this suggestion got no lore significance and would not help the server in anyway rp wise to have an NYPD Death Squad with extra runspeed. No, they do not need a stat buff either , cops get infinite kevlar weapons and ammo + essentially class 4 access with mp4n,L9 and G3 at SO+. As a gmod combat freak i can confidently state this would be a super retarded idea to let niggas speedrun with benelis and 2x HP in the PD. -1
    3 points
  3. Man imma cram a cheese burger up my ass.
    3 points
  4. Wait ain't you the one where this system perma'ed you three times cause you tired Alting with 3 different accounts
    3 points
  5. Goal of suggestion: Add variety of guns and melee weapons to craft alongside the P226/Shiv Why should additions be made?: A bigger variety of guns should be able to be crafted to utilize more guns in the content pack. This will open more gates to grinding available to all. These weapons obviously shouldn't be Class 2+ except for just maybe 1 thats hard to get etc. These guns added should be ones not in a factions racket to make the grind feel real. And this addition would probably bring more attention to the crafting system as it has more purpose. List of weapon ideas: New Model Army Contender STG44 (This would be really hard to get and time consuming) SOG Knife Hatchet Machete Entrenching Tool Why ruin the value of these "Rare" weapons?: The rarity of these weapons bring 0 value to RP and makes no sense to keep these mediocre weapons rare (obviously the STG is good but its just an idea) the only people that would be mad about these weapons being able to be crafted are those who have been sitting on them for over a year and never touched them. Why bother going through the hastle setting it up?: Why not its something different! Obviously the additions dont have to be exactly what i said but an expansion would be cool :))))
    1 point
  6. it wouldnt be actively snowing, the snow would already be on the ground so it would have at least the same performance (or very close performance) as the map we are using. No weather.
    1 point
  7. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
    1 point
  8. Hello, so looking into logs. While the character was a cop, it doesn't appear to have ordered any shipments. Was clearly used primarily as a mugging character, was caught item transferring and suspiciously cuffs and steal from a number of people WHEN as an active police character. I have tracked a number of weed bricks you stole as an officer, cuffed, taken from their inventory and traced directly to you selling to the vender, which will serve as a staff blacklist from PD for future. Given the circumstances, this appears to be a mugging character. Was used in fail corruption and was caught item transferring. So this will be denied. I would also advice you to rethink your behavior if you'd like to continue to play on this server in future.
    1 point
  9. Close thread. They are switching to Civic Networks
    1 point
  10. i would love random fps drops and more lag
    1 point
  11. -1 sounds retarded. Lowering the speed benefit of coke baggies also defeats the purpose of snorting them. Cops are already overpowered. Get good freak
    1 point
  12. Hello, banning administrator here... You, and a member from your group, were banned for RDM baiting and NITRP. At first, I was looking to give you guys benefit of the doubt, but there was 2-3 tickets made on you guys by various groups of people for the same reasoning. Even Monaclu took one of these tickets and realized the severity of y'alls actions. You guys clearly had no intention to roleplay, were looking to start confrontations to just kill people, and overall harassing individuals for no reason. Every clip (and notes you had) below was taken into consideration with settling your ban reasoning and length. https://medal.tv/?contentId=iA83oXiplKGQWKRu9&invite=cr-MSxHNkosNTQyMjM3NTAs&spok=d1337XfFdpX9 https://medal.tv/?contentId=iA7nvQ4BJIa2Wb_iV&invite=cr-MSxvaU0sMTg3Mzk5NTM4LA&spok=d1337Fmtmw8s (I also never gave you a note, I don't know where you got that from...)
    1 point
  13. who asked for your biased opinion? guy is a super admin and probably your buddy
    1 point
  14. adrenaline shots? wtf. This is a roleplay server, not a call of duty game. Just lower the speed given to the player when a coke baggy is consumed.
    1 point
  15. bro could really not just wait 2 days
    1 point
  16. Didn’t you just get unbanned for cheating as well
    1 point
  17. So, let me clarify a few points. 1. You were mugging with a guy named Carlos "Lil Peanut" Blanco, however you were both using alt chars. Why don't you mug people on your actual main characters? Throwing a little time into an alt char so you can mug people doesn't mean it's not a mugging character. It's just that you've been banned for mugging characters in the past and have thought yourself as finding a way around the rule. Mug on your actual characters that you're scared to lose. 2. You've been pked 6+ times in the past few months, most of those characters also being named "Spintavion" and mugging people and getting in shootouts with police. 3. You and your buddy, both from De Leon used alt chars to fund his main de leon char. You did not use your de leon char because you're scared of getting pked. You chose to use your spintavion character because it's less risk and you've put less effort into it. 4. The proof is literally in you, taking someone who you're mugging with on alt chars, and putting their main de leon char as having access to the ATM to which you store stolen items. 5. Point blank, it's staff discretion here. Obviously you were acting as a middle man and assisting in this item transfer, obviously you have a history which indicates it wasn't some oopsie daisy mistake, and you were banned and pked for it. Next time, mug on your de leon character, or one of your other actual faction characters that you're scared to lose. You put other peoples main characters at risk when you mug them, and the playing field isn't even the way you're doing it.
    1 point
  18. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
    1 point
  19. Name of Faction: The O'Hara Family Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 21 & Growing Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Family Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Irish Name of Character running the faction: Pat "Hammer" O'Hara Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): hammer2905 Your SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199389840138/ Your Server playtime: 2 Days, 17 Hours, 25 Minutes / Previous Account STEAM_0:1:155776249 23 Days, 3 Hours, 0 Minutes and 17 Seconds (25 Days, 23 Hours, 25 Minutes) Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): The O'Hara Family, will provide many unique roleplay experiences, one of those being an authentic Irish pub experience. The pub will have a unique Irish atmosphere, filled with authentic native music, entertainment(football/rugby matches), and a 100% purebred Irish menu. Patrons will be able to experience a purebred Irish pub from the streets of New York City. There are many pubs/bars located around the city, but none will be at the quality of ours. The Irish are second to none. Additional unique roleplay experiences the O'Hara Family will add to New York City would be the introduction of authentic fighting sports, such as boxing, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, and Muay Thai. Car meets and car shows would be another addition to unique roleplay experiences. The addition of the O'Hara family would be the biggest faction addition Diverge Networks has ever seen. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Events that the O'Hara would use to promote activity within our faction and to keep people interested would be our 100% purebred authentic Irish pub, our fighting games that include boxing, mixed martial arts, kickboxing and Muay Thai, in addition regular car shows and meets. Furthermore we would organized themed nights celebrating various aspects of Irish culture, such as whiskey tasting events to fight nights on a regular basis. These events would get all diversity groups interested from the African-American to the Jewish. By curating a diverse array of events and activities that reflect Irish culture, the O'Hara faction would be a massive addition to roleplay in New York City. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N4KM2wBpnTsF5osGq1Ay9IknJffgsXnwUkdXJCGdEfI/edit#heading=h.hbb3c5hbiqmq Extra Note: I was Advisor for Flanagan's for around 3 years and also ran the Dragons Head Triad in 2021 Dragons Head Triad Application: https://divergenetworks.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=1380 Original Forum Account: https://divergenetworks.com/forums/member.php?action=profile&uid=1713 More Photos:
    1 point
  20. Picture this: You're an officer of the NYPD. Half of the criminals you try to catch run at super speeds and you physically can't catch them. You can follow them in a car, but by the time you get out of the car they're gone. They always end up in the same place; the ocean. There, they're untouchable. Now, picture this: You're an officer of the NYPD. You have a criminal you're chasing on a felony charge, big case potential. He's running way too fast for you, you're going to lose him. BUT WAIT! You've just so happened to prep for this moment by purchasing an Adrenaline Shot from the NYPD locker for like $10,000! What a change of dynamic! It has the same exact effects of cocaine; except it's legal for police officers to carry and utilize! Now you don't have to decide between keeping a baggy of cocaine for yourself and risking it all for your cases, or letting most of your criminals get away! But I hear you. "Why not just tase them before they realize whats happening?" "Why not shoot them in the leg?" Tasers don't hit half the time, it's a challenge to land a shot. Every criminal who's on cocaine knows to keep their distance anyway. If you shoot someone in the leg, you're gonna get raped in court. "Load rubber rounds!" - That still means they get to shoot back at you and end up dead without risk of PK. Make it happen. Please. For the NYPD.
    0 points
  21. Im just doing my job as the admin doing the ticket. I dont know the back story to any of it, I get the orders and set whomever active for the PK. Are there any clips or any other evidence to prove to you didnt do any of these interactions to not deserve the PK. Upper admins will handle the rest of it from here.
    0 points
  22. At best NYPD faction can have an additional 'x' amounts of points in stamina as realistically a patrolling officer would be in relatively good shape to run after people. None of that silly adrenaline hoo ha would be needed. like just a simple +5 to base stamina / endurance would be enough, not a major buff but enough to make walking down a whiteshirt more manageable.
    0 points
  23. -1 points
  24. cops already have many tools to their disposable, coke is one of the very few tools crims have to help avoid the PD. canadians idea of adding +5 to endurance isnt bad at all since skilled players would still be able to evade police.
    -1 points
  25. -1 points
  26. Hello sir, The thing is after situation happened first i left the faction after that i deleted character and u just told me you cant do that immediatly and you thinked im just trying to hide myself and you never gave attention to my words. In the sit i was just tried to tell his friend or he hit me in my back while the other guy(owner of clip) is pointing and yelling me with gun in his hand.I didnt see who exactly gaved me damage. In the clip"s first second you can see we was in the bush, the owner of the clip cutted the main conversation.As i said his friend punched me in my back i didnt see exactly who punched me and i told you " can you check the logs ?" and u just checked it and said The guy who killed you he didnt punched you + you dont have clip of anything so you are lying me and you RDM"ed this guy just because i dont have clip. He showed you the "cut clip".Im still saying you guys can check the logs for prove im not lying. i didnt mean to RDM or break to RP i just thinked " his friend punched me while this guy pointing me gun and threatening my life is enough reason to shoot them" ALSO the most important thing i forgot to say is WE ARE IN THE SAME FAMILY WITH THE CLIP OWNER so MY OWN FAMILY MEMBERS is trying to punch me , kill me and im trying to defend myself "WITHOUT CLIP" and you just banned me.First i open a ticket in discord to speak with authorities and they told me they cannot help in discord you have to make an appeal in forum im new at server as i said i dont know what to do in these kinda situations im sorry but as i said someone gaved me damage with his hand and i tried to defend myself not breaking the rule and kill a random guy. Also which player can know trying to get in server in your friend"s account while you are banned and Perma ban will be the punishment? if i will know that off course i wouldnt tried it. im just thinking and saying this both BIG MISTAKE happened im not rejecting yeah but not on purpose.Im just a human as you and others but if you give me a second chance im promise these kind of things wont happen again Thank you for your time and help have a nice day.
    -1 points
  27. Name of Character: James Spintavion SteamID: STEAM_0:0:628592126 Your Discord ID#: crispytacos0438 Date of PK: today Reason for PK: "since your mugging and supplying to de leon ill just pk you too" Why should you be un PK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: item transfer/mugging char If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: As I do admit the item transfer was a little iffy as it could have been seen as item transfer and I won't argue that even though that was not my intention. I will say though I would like to be un pk'd because this character was not a mugging character. This character has been in pd and made it all the way to Senior officer. This character has also been a avid taxi driver and done so money things that show against "mugging character". " since your mugging and supplying to de leon people im going to pk you too". I would love to know all the people I supplied down below. Also even if I did want to mug someone and give the items to someone that was in de leon to keep that makes me a mugging char. I BEG to be un pk'd. That pm9 I had and 4 grand to quite a bit of hard work to get plus I was even thinking about coming back into the police and becoming a detective. I'm sure monaclu could vouch I did have a encounter with him at city hall as he was passing by asking if there were spots open and saying that I was a former cop. So whats the proof i was supplying de leon other than one of my friends took shit out of my bank I gave him and he took shit out we mugged.. #pleasenigga #Ibeg #notamuggingcharacter #prayforanigga
    -1 points
  28. PK Appeal Format Below is the format that you must followed when making a PK appeal, you must copy all sections and fill them out in detail. Rules: You may only make one appeal per PK, if you are denied you will be unable to appeal for that character again. You must appeal within one week of your character being PK'd, appeals posted after this time will be automatically denied. You may only comment on an appeal if you were DIRECTLY involved with the situation leading up to the PK. Replies that are not relevant to the situation will result in a forum warning and/or ban. You must follow the provided template for the appeal, failure to do so will result in an instant denial. Name of Character: Jax Chang SteamID: 7656119910957843 Your Discord ID#: chxnge8515 Date of PK: today im guessing? i was offline Reason for PK:i have no clue i wasnt on Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: i had a good amount of hours on it and i just wanna find out what i got pked for If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
    -1 points
  29. Your Character or Steam Name:Lincoln Burrows / secret Your SteamID : STEAM_1:1:439522528 Your Discord ID#: spikek._ Reason for ban: Trying to join server with alt account while main acc is 2 day banned (RDM) Length of ban:Normally 2 Day But System Made it perma Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): because server got me addicted and dont want to get away from it tbh. Why should you be unbanned? : i did a stupid mistake tried to get in server on with alt acc. while got banned on main acc and situation got worse, so i got my lesson and ill promise to not doing anything stupid nd try my best to be a good player (i didnt mean to break someones rp i just made a mistake cuz im new at the server im sorry ) Additional Information (images, videos, etc):my english is so bad sorry about that :((((
    -1 points
  30. oh, so you'd get caught huh
    -2 points
  31. Your Character or Steam Name: burner jungle boys gelato Your SteamID https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199367610656/ Your Discord ID#: themenacehighasf Reason for ban: rdm bate Length of ban:1 week Reason for appeal : i got banned for bating but it all happened in 2 min and his friends locked me and my friends in and the guy that killed me got a note for rdm by the same admin. i didn't pull my gun out or say anything aggressive SMD Why should you be unbanned? because the moment wasn't valid after the rdm Additional Information: https://medal.tv/?contentId=iA83oXiplKGQWKRu9&invite=cr-MSxHNkosNTQyMjM3NTAs&spok=d1337XfFdpX9
    -3 points
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