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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/24 in all areas

  1. It's a very valid reason, you're a loser!
    6 points
  2. In-Game Name(s): Antonio Derazio, Cpl Jesus Rodriguez, Quentin Beretta, Frankie Santoro, Carlo Colombo-Giodanni, Artyom Pavlova Steam Name: Tobins Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/UKRAINEMOTHAFUKA/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:526506620 Discord Username: tobins Age: 17 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 1mo 3w 2d 11h 22m Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 3-4 Hrs a day Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must attend all staff meetings (Unless you have stated why you cannot beforehand): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * I am motivated to become staff again to help support the server and I am looking for something to do on the server again and I can do so by helping enforce the rules. I have been playing the server for over a year and a half now and have been staff before on the server. And I personally hate when I make a simple ticket (Such as being stuck in a ceiling or WL) that doesn't get taken for 15-20 mins with over 10 staff members online and I would like to help solve that issue. I loved being a staff member before and was able to get more involved in the community doing so. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * I Think I should be accepted over other candidates due to my previous experiences. More importantly my previous staffing experience on Diverge. I also believe I have extensive knowledge of the rules and able to reliably recite 99% of them. I will also be able to reach and exceed my ticket quota and wont be needed to be staff locked. For all these reasons stated I believe should put me over the other candidates by a long run. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Diverge Networks for 2-3 months as a Mod and Icefuse MRP 3-4 Separate times as a Senior Mod spanning over the course of 3 years, and various other RP servers ranging from M-SM from 2019-2022. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: 2 weeks Metagame over a year ago and a Fail RP for i don't even know also a year old Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: I believe i am well known in the community and able to be described as a positive person. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: Couping Sammy Natale Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Zqrxz and JJ ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: I would clip the RDM and wait for a staff member to respond since I am off duty You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would open a UA ticket and report the individual with ample clips and further evidence A very good friend of yours joins the server. Over the course of an hour, you’ve received multiple complaints about them not following rules, RDM’ing, and minging. How do you proceed knowing this can affect your friendship with them?: They would have to a receive a punishment like anyone else
    4 points
  3. Name of Character: Aurelio Barzini SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56067239 Your Discord ID#: stripes0001 Date of PK: 7/28/24 Reason for PK: mugging Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:I was watching UFC with the homies in the discord and then all I see is a dude with a gun aiming at me I pulled out my gun and he beat me to it. That was all fair but then later on he gets banned for cheating then I seen the clip and is pretty fair to say he was cheating. I feel like my appeal should be accepted as I was in a unfair advantage. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/?contentId=imbjj9u7PFjLT6T6t&invite=cr-MSxDRk8sMTk3ODk5MjU1LA&spok=d1337NTWE6kR
    2 points
  4. Not gonna lie, I wasn't expecting this level of detail and effort. Really well made app and I really enjoy the RP sets you guys have set up, really hope to see them in game! +1
    2 points
  5. Question: Why can I whisper with text chats but not voice chats? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answer: I have recently had this question asked to me and I thought a bit more on this. Considering that some FIVEM and REDM servers have this type of feature, I was thinking about this being in this Gmod server. Considering that most people use voice chat and people like to whisper a lot, why not have it as a feature? My reasoning as to how this can be used would allow people to whisper people without the worry of needing to constantly move or say stay still. Sometimes under tough circumstances, it is hard to whisper when people keep moving or not wanting to hear your voice. Now some things can be lead as a problem that being your voice isn't logged on the server or people not understanding how to use it. I would like to say that if this feature is added, I think it would bring a more interactive experience and here is how I think it should work. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How it should work: There should be a button/keybind that you would press that would go through three different talking options. These options include yelling, whispering and normal talk. 1. Yelling - This feature should allow people to yell at a certain distance to make signaling or trying to get a wide spread of people to hear you. This would help with people getting mugged or needing an officer so they can simply yell for help. This should also make it so you could hear a slight sound of someone's voice through a wall. 2. Whispering - This feature should be in created as a small circle around your player where if a person/s can hear only you when they are in this radius. This would help making deals and certain words easier to say when you can whisper with someone vocally. It would also allow for people to talk in cars within there own space and allowing for cops to make brief decisions without people knowing what there planning. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If anyone would like to add some events that would also help with this, please do so, but this is what I could come up with.
    1 point
  6. Thank you for applying to the Diverge Networks staff team! It is my pleasure to inform you that your application has been accepted. Submit a ticket on our Discord for training and to get setup.
    1 point
  7. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
    1 point
  8. +1 Good app, and great staff members recommended. Seems like he would be a good fit for staff.
    1 point
  9. +1 this guy plays stalcraft (gay)
    1 point
  10. me when i tell you on three different characters how to get released and you still don't follow the singular step that I told you to do multiple times already. make a staff report on the forums, need me to link it 18 times and tell you how to copy paste a format too or what? you're acting like a child, so you got treated like one, i told you to go fuck yourself in character on my PD char, not on staff have a great day also if we want to play the whole "lets over exaggerate" game. Can we talk about how you said you were arrested for months but was BARELY scraping by 11 days since your last handcuffing? Maybe if you wanted to play the character soooooooo badly and it wasn't all just to annoy me, why didn't you make the ticket to get released oh.... idk, 11-3days=8 days ago.....
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. +1 I believe he can be good staff member, he has past experience, good RPer.
    1 point
  13. change the name to welfare warriors +1
    1 point
  14. To everyone that thinks the name is stupid; ….you’re stupid.
    1 point
  15. +1 add some supreme sweaters shit would be fyre this is sum id join names kinda wild tho
    1 point
  16. The Hood Olympics
    1 point
  17. The Supreme Team was a street gang organized in the early 1980s in the vicinity of the Baisley Park Houses in Jamaica, Queens, New York - If it's historically accurate to the time period it should fit the server no?
    1 point
  18. Hello I am the admin that administered your PK. Initially and admittedly there definitely was some oversight on my part from not seeing the movement from the perpetrator of the PK, However the initial circumstance was that i considered the PK valid because you had been put under Fear RP, retaliated, and died. At the time I did listen to your point that u did not hear anything ingame and did not understand that u were being put under fear RP BUT hearing anything other then ingame sounds such as listening to music or videos or in your case UFC does not make you immune to fear RP from other players, similar to how having bad wifi or hardware issues or other outside variables don't protect you from any repercussions ingame. With all this said though id say the reversal of this PK would be valid due to my oversight in not realizing the other party may have been using 3rd party cheats to gain an advantage.
    1 point
  19. 0 points
  20. -1 doesn’t seem like it’ll be lead well, not saying you’re a good leader but with 3w on the server that’s a lot of time but I think there are better faction applications than this by far.
    0 points
  21. this is actually a joke of a thread, dude gets pkd, calls cheats and gets bro banned?
    0 points
  22. PK Appeal Name of Character: Tuco "Loco" Chicano SteamID: 76561199212566025 Your Discord ID#: jago.mf Date of PK: 23.08.2024 Reason for PK: Killed while being a Mugger Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: 1. I was a Mugger killed in a Robbery not the one under FearRP, 2. It was a fail Mug from our side becouse we were on Discord so the Mug isn't a valid RP situation, I'm sorry for beeing on Discord wasn't sure that is against the Server Rules. Wont happen again. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ix6A8TSRaz3RSXgRs/d1337ehAykJV?invite=cr-MSxTWkMsMTYwMzAxODQxLA
    -1 points
  23. Name of Faction: The Nightshade Crew Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 7-15 Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Family Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Italian-Black Name of Character running the faction: 5 Possibly more in the future Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): Trojanman14 Your SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/LookHarderRetard/ Your Server playtime: 5 Hours, but we are all very well immersed into RP Servers Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): 1. High-Stakes Glamour and Danger: Sophisticated Transactions: Players can expect to engage in roleplay that combines the opulence of high society with the underworld's danger. Whether attending a lavish gala at The Nightshade Club or negotiating multi-million-dollar arms deals, interactions will be rich in intrigue and strategy. Players will navigate both public appearances and clandestine meetings, blending the glamour of the 1980s nightlife with the grim realities of criminal enterprise. 2. Intricate Undercover Operations: Dual Lives: Members of The Nightshade Crew might lead double lives, posing as legitimate businesspeople or high-profile entertainers while secretly managing the illegal firearms trade. Roleplay scenarios could include undercover missions, espionage, and subterfuge, providing a layered experience where characters must constantly balance their public personas with their criminal activities. 3. Dynamic Power Struggles: Internal Drama: Expect intense roleplay scenarios involving power struggles and loyalty tests within the Crew. Internal conflicts, rivalries, and betrayals will create a volatile environment where alliances are fluid, and trust is a scarce commodity. This adds depth to interactions, as players navigate shifting loyalties and personal ambitions. 4. Complex Dealings and Negotiations: High-Stakes Deals: Roleplaying negotiations for high-value firearms or forging new criminal alliances will involve strategic thinking and careful negotiation. Players will engage in detailed discussions, employ coded language, and manage the risks of leaking sensitive information. Scenarios may include securing contracts with international buyers or managing fallout from failed transactions. 5. Diverse Clientele and Rivals: Varied Interactions: The Crew's wide range of clients—from local criminals to corrupt officials and international arms dealers—means players will encounter a diverse array of characters and scenarios. Interactions with these clients can lead to alliances or conflicts, creating a dynamic roleplaying environment where players must navigate complex relationships and rivalries. 6. Secretive and Suspenseful Scenarios: Mystery and Deception: Roleplay will often involve secrecy and suspense, with hidden agendas and covert operations playing a central role. Characters may undertake covert missions to gather intelligence, sabotage rivals, or protect their operations from law enforcement. This adds an element of suspense and strategy, making each interaction layered with potential consequences. 7. Rich Character Development: Personal Stories: Players will have opportunities to develop detailed backstories and personal motivations. Whether as loyal enforcers, ambitious lieutenants, or calculating strategists, each character’s personal journey will intertwine with the Crew’s overarching narrative, adding depth to roleplaying experiences. 8. Cultural and Historical Touchstones: 1980s Vibes: Roleplay will be steeped in the cultural and historical context of the 1980s. Players can expect to engage in activities and dialogue that reflect the era’s style, including fashion, music, and technology, adding authenticity to interactions and creating a fully immersive experience. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above):1. Exclusive Club Events: Themed Nights: Host high-profile, themed parties that draw in influential guests and keep the club’s reputation glamorous. For example, a "Gatsby Gala" or "Masquerade Ball" where important deals or covert meetings occur. Live Performances: Book popular bands or performers to draw in a crowd and create opportunities for discreet exchanges and negotiations. 2. Gun Trade Events: Weapon Showcase: Organize a private event where select clients are invited to view new firearms and modifications. It could double as a high-stakes poker game or auction. Trade Show: Host a secretive trade show for other arms dealers and criminal buyers, featuring demonstrations of new weapons and technology. 3. Internal Competitions: Loyalty Test: Set up a challenge or competition within the crew to test loyalty or skills. Winners might receive perks, higher status, or lucrative assignments. Combat Training: Arrange secretive combat or tactical training sessions for crew members, fostering skill development and camaraderie while also preparing for potential threats. 4. High-Stakes Deals: Negotiation Dinner: Organize a private dinner for major deals with high-profile criminals or corrupt officials. Tensions can run high, and anything can happen during these delicate negotiations. Smuggling Operation: Plan a covert operation to transport a significant shipment of firearms. Success or failure could drastically impact the crew’s standing. 5. External Threats: Law Enforcement Raid: Stage a high-stakes raid or investigation by law enforcement. This could involve a dramatic escape, an internal cleanup, or a scramble to hide evidence. Rival Family Attack: Plan an assault or ambush by a rival crime family, leading to a retaliatory action by "The Nightshade Crew." 6. Public Relations: Charity Event: Host a seemingly legitimate charity event to clean up the crew’s public image. This can also serve as a cover for secret transactions or to gain favor with influential figures. Media Manipulation: Use media events or press releases to control the narrative about the crew, influencing public perception and manipulating rival factions. 7. Secret Operations: Undercover Mission: Assign crew members undercover roles to infiltrate rival organizations or gather intelligence on law enforcement investigations. Espionage: Conduct espionage activities to uncover rivals’ plans or to sabotage competitors. 8. Rituals and Traditions: Initiation Ceremony: Develop elaborate initiation rites for new members, solidifying their commitment and loyalty to the family. Annual Gathering: Host an annual gathering or celebration that serves as a significant event for the family and its allies, reinforcing alliances and showcasing power. . Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): In the heart of a gritty metropolis, where neon lights flicker against the backdrop of dark alleys, "The Nightshade Crew" rose from humble beginnings to become one of the most feared and respected crime families of the 1980s. Their story begins in the late 1970s, when Vincent “Viper” Moretti, a cunning and ambitious figure, saw an opportunity in the city's underbelly. Originally from a small-time crew involved in petty crimes, Vincent recognized that true power lay in controlling the flow of illicit goods and influencing key players. Vincent’s vision materialized with the establishment of "The Nightshade Club," a luxurious nightclub that quickly became the city’s most exclusive and enigmatic venue. On the surface, it was a haven for the city’s elite, featuring live music, exquisite dining, and an ambiance that hinted at sophistication. However, beneath the glamorous facade, the club served as a front for the Crew’s more sinister operations. The true revenue for "The Nightshade Crew" came from a clandestine gun ring operating in the club’s hidden basement. The Crew specialized in trafficking illegal firearms—handguns, assault rifles, and high-caliber weapons—catering to a diverse clientele ranging from local criminals to international buyers. They prided themselves on discretion, with each transaction conducted under a veil of secrecy. The Crew’s rise to prominence was marked by ruthless efficiency and strategic alliances. Vincent Moretti forged connections with corrupt officials and influential figures, ensuring that their operations faced minimal interference. The club’s elite patrons were often unaware of the more dangerous dealings that transpired behind closed doors. As the 1980s progressed, "The Nightshade Crew" expanded its influence beyond the city’s borders. They established a network of reliable contacts and allies, consolidating their position in the criminal underworld. Their reputation for high-quality firearms and their ability to handle sensitive transactions without leaving a trace made them a preferred choice among those who operated in the shadows. Despite their success, the Crew faced constant challenges. Rivals coveted their lucrative territory, law enforcement agencies sought to uncover their operations, and internal power struggles threatened to destabilize their carefully maintained empire. Yet, under Vincent’s unyielding leadership, "The Nightshade Crew" managed to navigate these dangers, adapting and evolving as the criminal landscape shifted around them. "The Nightshade Crew" became synonymous with both elegance and menace, a symbol of the duality of power and deception. Their story is one of ambition and survival, a testament to the lengths one can go to dominate the shadows and command respect in a world where trust is a rare commodity.
    -1 points
  24. Yeah so what was I actually banned for there, "Gamer"? "Loser" is not a legit reason
    -7 points
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