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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/24 in all areas

  1. Question: Why can I whisper with text chats but not voice chats? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answer: I have recently had this question asked to me and I thought a bit more on this. Considering that some FIVEM and REDM servers have this type of feature, I was thinking about this being in this Gmod server. Considering that most people use voice chat and people like to whisper a lot, why not have it as a feature? My reasoning as to how this can be used would allow people to whisper people without the worry of needing to constantly move or say stay still. Sometimes under tough circumstances, it is hard to whisper when people keep moving or not wanting to hear your voice. Now some things can be lead as a problem that being your voice isn't logged on the server or people not understanding how to use it. I would like to say that if this feature is added, I think it would bring a more interactive experience and here is how I think it should work. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How it should work: There should be a button/keybind that you would press that would go through three different talking options. These options include yelling, whispering and normal talk. 1. Yelling - This feature should allow people to yell at a certain distance to make signaling or trying to get a wide spread of people to hear you. This would help with people getting mugged or needing an officer so they can simply yell for help. This should also make it so you could hear a slight sound of someone's voice through a wall. 2. Whispering - This feature should be in created as a small circle around your player where if a person/s can hear only you when they are in this radius. This would help making deals and certain words easier to say when you can whisper with someone vocally. It would also allow for people to talk in cars within there own space and allowing for cops to make brief decisions without people knowing what there planning. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If anyone would like to add some events that would also help with this, please do so, but this is what I could come up with.
    4 points
  2. Just lock the yelling ability behind a week of playtime and create a rule where if it’s abused it results in a punishment. Would be really easy to define as well since abuse would just be any form of Micspam tbh just make it a more excessive punishment if done through yelling
    4 points
  3. Quite literally took the words out of my mouth as I was about to type it, yelling range just gives more opportunity for minges to abuse it, whispering with mic would be an actual cool idea though.
    2 points
  4. Whispering would be cool, but making the voice longer range would give minges a new tool to mic spam more people at once.
    2 points
  5. There’s already mods that support it as well. It’s called Talk Modes. Don’t know it’s still supported or had any updates recently.
    2 points
  6. 1 point
  7. +1 Seems very dedicated to become staff, very liked as well.
    1 point
  8. +1 I've only played a couple of times, every time I have though Bullet's has been on, he's has always been chill and respectful towards me. I've seen him staffing on Atomic before which he was good at, so I believe he would be fit for moderation on this server.
    1 point
  9. someone actually cooked +1
    1 point
  10. +1 Would come in very handy fr
    1 point
  11. +1 I've known this guy for a couple months on and off the server. Haven't heard anything bad about him in this community as well. He RP's very well and seems pretty knowledgeable from what I've read. I think he would make an excellent addition to the staff team.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Exists in other servers so it's possible to have a yell/talk and whisper range.
    1 point
  14. nah bro just type /w you wild
    1 point
  15. I dont exactly know how you can configurate gmod prox chat to make this work but it would be fire if we could do it +1
    1 point
  16. +/- Not a bad application, however I think it does fall on the lackluster front as others have pointed out. I would maybe take this to the drawing board again and figure out what you can change to make it more original, as it currently stands to me, it reads as just another Italian faction which you actually agree with yourself and the 'new elements' you speak of don't really strike me as making the faction that much different from others that already exist in the server. PRO - Well written - Backstory was broken up nicely, I enjoyed the use of images and dates. CON - Not diverse enough IMO. We have 6 Italian factions at the moment, and I don't think what you have put in this app is enough to distinguish yourselves from the others. - I liked the backstory but I do feel like it could've been padded out more with more information and history of the faction to make it really stand out. - Lack of originality, as others have pointed out there isn't really anything new in this application.
    1 point
  17. Hey guys, had a suggestion. Not sure of how difficult the implementation would be though. Idea: Add a channel in the discord which creates and entry for /event messages which can be read and taken as IC information and be able to act accordingly as sometimes PK messages can be missed. Pro: - It make it so that factions could see who's been PK'd ICly. - Would make it easier for players to find scheduled events, i.e 'this event starts in 30 mins'. - Could add a better element of RP into the mix, if people pay attention to the channel. - Great to be able to look back at PK messages Con: - Maybe potential metagame?
    1 point
  18. I also wanted to point out ingame, there is a set of props with 3 news papers boxes and a city mailbox. You could set ingame that any one of these newspapers boxes just repeat the last event/pk or the last 3 depending on which box you press or just have them potentially setable by staff to display a custom message. ( So staff who do PK messages could set them. ) 'Daily 'Union Times' 'Messenger'
    1 point
  19. +1 As Sosa said, Bullets was a good staff member on Atomic,. I don't see why he wouldn't be a good staff member here. Would like to see him be staff.
    1 point
  20. notice how all the people giving this guy support are mingy mugging kill baiters, neither this guy nor his friends even attempt to add any rp to the server, hacking or not, stay permed
    1 point
  21. third person may be able to peak trough the wall idk its a possibility
    -1 points
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