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  1. Name of Faction: Sindicat din Umbra Number of Members : 12 Type Of Faction: Syndicate Ethnic Background : Romanian Name of Character running the faction: Dr. David James Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210):theoneswholives Your SteamID:76561199679320466 Your Server playtime: 2w 6d 5h 5m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No):Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No):Yes Roleplay Example: https://youtu.be/Si65coJKZMI?si=goWi2w6pVizCCeu- Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): Founding Members David James - A man who’s complete backstory isn’t entirely known.. Some say he was a war hero in an unnamed war, others claim he was an orphan who pickpocketed tourists to get by. Shortly after immigrating to the states, he changed his name to a more American sounding one to fit in. His true name is only known by Constantin and Alexandru, but their lips are sealed. Constantin Dimitrescu - A Romanian immigrant who landed in New York with Alexandru and David. His degree in accounting makes him the perfect candidate for the position of Master of Finance in their new company. Muhammad Bali - An ex-mobster retiring from the Polish mafia, looking for new business opportunities with the riches he gained from prior enterprise. His past connections provide this group with a plentiful supply of mercenaries and drug suppliers. Alexandru Boswell - An all around “Tough guy”, who doesn’t take shit from anyone. His skills in intimidation keep everyone in line and working towards their common goal of profit. Jani Ramone - An American man who was saved by David and Constantin from a human trafficking operation run by the Italians. Owing his life to his newfound friends, he’s fiercely loyal to their cause. Lore The Beginning: In 1984, David, Constantin and Alexandru immigrated to New York with the goal of sending money back to their impoverished hometown and families. With their new American citizenship in hand, the three set out to start a restaurant. “A Taste of Transylvania” was opened, serving Southside as one of the few high class accommodations available to residents. Business was slow- extremely slow. Most of their nights were spent alone either drinking plenty of Schnapps or chowing down on fine Transylvanian cuisine. A Change in Direction: Their restaurant wasn’t turning a profit, their families were starving, and there was no clear way to continue in view. With no other way to turn, the three took to lives of crime in order to make enough money for their family’s survival. While their restaurant wasn’t very successful, it still proved to be a valuable networking opportunity- Muhammad Bali was a frequent customer. Muhammad Joins the Team - A fast solution to their finance problems was in front of the Romanians. Muhammad was able to provide suppliers for firearms, Cocaine, and other drugs which were processed and sold for a healthy profit. After four long years of living in squalor and shame, the taste of profit was addictive. They closed the restaurant, and their criminal enterprise grew at a rapid pace with new members appearing seemingly out of thin air. Ghetto Rescue (this is actually how we met) - On a hot August afternoon in Southside, Constantin was approached by two Italian men. They captured him, blindfolded him, and trapped him in a grimy room in the Ghetto. The room had another prisoner- Jani Ramone. Scared and confused about what was happening, the two didn’t know whether they would make it out of this one alive. Suddenly, the door swung open and three men filed in. The captives couldn’t see who they were, on account of them being blindfolded. They conversed about the sale of both captives, first the Italians spoke, and then… David?! By some stroke of luck, David saw what was happening and decided to play it cool. He bought their freedom, and all of them made it out alive. What happened to the traffickers? They don’t know. What they do know is that David saved their asses, and for this he was chosen unanimously as the leader of their new crime organization. A New Opportunity - With the restaurant closed, the team had to find a new front for their operation. Considering the resources at their disposal, it was decided that a “security” agency would be the new legal enterprise. Protecting the assets of other companies would be the primary goal of their group, though other endeavors such as bounties, escorts, and surveillance would also be part of their day to day duties. “Ardelian Holdings, Limited” was formed as the legal entity, with its name linking the men to their Romanian heritage. An Ardelean is simply someone from the Transylvania region of Romania. The Present - Our five men, and a handful of underlings, are ready to take on (Or cooperate with) the other families who preside over Southside. It was difficult and extremely dangerous work, but their teamwork has allowed the five to compile the necessary resources to expand their operation. All that’s left to do is begin making moves. Hierarchy David James, Conducătorul (Leader)- The boss of the operation. His say is final, and he runs the business with an iron fist. Constantin Dimitrescu, Maestrul Finanțelor (Master of Finance) - The “CFO” of the business. Not a single dime slips through the cracks on his watch. Alexandru Boswel, Maestrul Operațiunilor (Master of Operations) - A man with no tolerance for idiots. Under his leadership, the operation runs like a well oiled machine. Muhammad Bali, Maestrul Securitate (Master of Security) - Experienced, competent and talented, securing the operation is a breeze for Mr. Bali. Jani Ramone, Supraveghetor (Overseer) - The manager of day to day operations among non-executive employees. Aesthetics Clothing - The syndicate traverses the shadows of Southside typically in long overcoats and some sort of red colored article of clothing. Their coats and overall look give an air of secrecy to all of their actions. They look like the kind of men you wish you hadn’t noticed. Vehicles - Dark black sedans prove more than adequate for the syndicate’s purposes. You may spot one of their cars in an alley, or parked behind some bushes. Look again and there is a fair chance the car will be gone. Architecture - A dark, traditional gothic theme is put to use wherever possible in the Syndicate’s operations. Deep paint colors, tapestries, and complex wood ornamentation from their homeland adorn the spaces they occupy. OOC We’re a group of friends, of varying levels of experience, who just want to have fun and have some decent RP with everyone! The faction side of gameplay has been very appealing to us for a long time, so this is our entrance to organized gameplay. We’re easy to deal with, generally chill, and not afraid to accept the consequence/risk of our actions.
    5 points
  2. I always thought the ingame pager item had a lot of potential but is weighed down by a big factor, the pager being directly tied to character ID's, I think this inherently made a lot of people distrust the use of the pagers, there's potential to metagame(cops use the same char id for ssn), there's a perceived risk potential, anyone could do /copyid to find the person. With the ability to arrange meeting and the like through discord, this made the use of the pager largely irrelevant. Suggestions to improve: 1. Add assignable usernames: This will keep the pagers anonymous and will allow those in criminal RP to communicate and establish presence. I think many would likely be more willing to give their usernames to other factions. Has the potential for capos to arrange crew deals with each other or even as a more reliable way of selling clothing. ( Possibly add a cost for the username to avoid abuse. ) 2. Illegal Bulletins: With the ability to assign a username to a pager will allow advertisements to a specific person, or a potential 'company', copying the existing bulletin board system for use in the illegal market, could foster many transactions, with the perceived anonymity. IMO would drive many to the use of pagers. ( I think a conversation would need to be had for detective purposes, as it'd be very easy for detectives to copy paste all data from these bulletins on a daily basis, effectively renderings them pointless, as people will distrust them immediately mitigating any potential for adoptation. ) ( On a side note, it's possible you could allow messages to be sent and received on discord though this system, allowing everything to be full monitored and IC. Allowing for a potential for any IC conversation to be needing to be sent through this system. )
    4 points
  3. 2 points
  4. +1 your profile picture is cool af
    2 points
  5. Hey guys, had a suggestion. Not sure of how difficult the implementation would be though. Idea: Add a channel in the discord which creates and entry for /event messages which can be read and taken as IC information and be able to act accordingly as sometimes PK messages can be missed. Pro: - It make it so that factions could see who's been PK'd ICly. - Would make it easier for players to find scheduled events, i.e 'this event starts in 30 mins'. - Could add a better element of RP into the mix, if people pay attention to the channel. - Great to be able to look back at PK messages Con: - Maybe potential metagame?
    1 point
  6. Your Character or Steam Name: Anthony Franchese Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59107713 Your Discord ID#: finesseyou Reason for ban: Ban Evading Length of ban: 1 month Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was originally banned for 2 weeks along with my brother. We were both playing together and when I was banned an admin had went to him after (im assuming they saw the same IP address) and he was told that hes being banned for ban evading by using an alt meanwhile he was just on his own account. I never actually was alting this is my account and I served my ban time and am trying to just continue playing on it. Why should you be unbanned? I just came off my 2 week ban and was trying to start off with a new family and was brought and told im on an alt when this is my only account. I was just trying to start a new life and was brought to a sit and wasnt even able to explain myself. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
    1 point
  7. You shouldn’t be sexually harrasing people in any situation just because other people are doing it doesn’t make it okay for you to you deserve the ban
    1 point
  8. Kroncha big brother here, I was there around the group surrounding the female, i do recall someone telling him to say that multiple times and that there were other people saying inappropriate things aswell, in his defense he didnt yet read the rules, never the less i scolded him and had our dad beat his ass almost immediately after i saw the text, he recently turn 13 y/o and he is still learning that you cant just say and do anything you want on the internet. our dad is taking away his phone and computer for a month aswell. also i have be trying to teach him the roleplay in mafia rp is very serious and even though there are alot of people not taking it serious there are double the amount who do, please can you give him one more single chance, this is my favorite game to play and i just bought him the dono package, please let my little brother get one more chance, i can even make him post an actual apology video for a sincere apology so you know its not just text or b/s. i am so sorry on his behalf.
    1 point
  9. Idk how difficult this is to add or not but it would be amazing to create a queue for Hi-Fis so you don't have to go up to it all the time after each song ends. Just seems like a simple tweak to make our amazing gmod experience more relaxing.
    1 point
  10. Radio is a seperate code from chat and thats why "unknowns" are not on radio. But i believe that considering radio is one of the only fast IC ways of immediate communication long distance, and given the range of radios. I think that having unknown status brought to the radio would decrease the likelyhood of metagaming, be it unintentional subconsciously- or maliciously. im sure the coding for this would be a nightmare, and thats why it hasnt happened yet. But i do believe that it is important to be added at some point in the near future. Maybe as an addition with the new update coming???
    1 point
  11. You only looked at a singular clip, I said multiple times that this entire appeal is about him having hacks or third party software, not specifically aimbot, psilent or silent none of that but generally ESPing and gaining an advantage. It seems that everyone who has seen hacks before have said he’s also cheating, but all the people like you who just assume cheats are always spinning people and blatant are the only cheaters in the world. I’m not saying this as a flex but I have seen cheaters a lot and seen behaviours that Hans seemed to have ingame. I have not only seen blatant but also subtle cheaters who try to look legit, along with that, literally developed my own for Garry’s mod multiple times and I simply understand how they all boil down to working and how to detect them.
    0 points
  12. Hello! PKing admin here. Your reason for being PKed was for breaking internal family rules. You accepted the prompt (shown below), and were aware of the risks. You've been PKed 5 times in a little under a week, I'm starting to think you should self reflect before calling anyone a retard. Have a great rest of your night.
    0 points
  13. Let me break it down for you: me and everyone else who said the guy is not cheating, said so because they looked at every single clip, all the comments, etc and not only a singular clip of the retarded guy shooting at the wall. Me quoting that said clip just goes to demonstrate that you and everyone else is just trying to ban a regular player who does not use cheats because of ignorance when it comes to cheating. Now you said you know how to detect cheats so show everyone proof that the guy is cheating and not only base your opinion on some clips that honestly do not prove anything at all. On top of this, the fact you refused to spectate Hans gameplay and his computer files to see if he had cheats just goes to show you are so convinced that the guy is cheating that you don´t even want to investigate further. To ban someone for cheating needs substantial proof over the span of a few gameplays + investigating their pc files in real time + comparing it to different gameplays in different video games even with different settings in place + spectating ingame within different angles to properly come to that conclusion (something that you did not do, otherwise we would not have this ban appeal in place with so many people going off some clips solely). If you had done proper investigation then there would be no place for doubts.
    -2 points
  14. The fact your 13 and your saying that shit is crazy get some help
    -2 points
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