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  1. baseball bat on a fresh character with 30 points into strength
    2 points
  2. Your Character or Steam Name: Killerbugjuice38 Your SteamID: 76561199230997308 Your Discord ID#: lost_memory. ( I don't know how to retrieve my id) Reason for ban: " Prop Minge - LTAP " Length of ban: 2-Days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I am making this dispute for the reason I was banned. I was banned for the reason of "Prop Minge" And "Ltap" Both of these factors I was not in control or unaware of. Why should you be unbanned? I believe I should be unbanned for the reason being that I have made a ticket in the discord to ask about the legitimacy of the ban. I was told that spawning in a fort/tent in city hall is not considered prop abuse. When the staff interaction first began, I was with my friend outside of a restaurant where I had spawned in two Tents. I was told it was an hinderance of the entrance to the restaurant. I complied and removed the one closest to the door as not to cause issues while keeping the second tent which was further from the door. That is when a staff member while cloaked deleted the initial second tent and did not say anything to me so I assumed I was still too close to the door so thus I moved spawned in one further from the doorway. I was then frozen and the third tent was deleted. After sitting frozen for awhile I was brought into a sit where I was confronted and told I was going to be banned for "Prop Abuse". This was changed and alternated multiple times from Prop Minge to Prop abuse, I asked how spawning them in was prop abuse/minge and the admin replied that it was abuse for the reason being that I spawned it into the city hall. I agreed and went on to state that I would not spawn it in there anymore now that the confusion was handled. The staff member did not agree and went on to scold me and tell me that I was going to be banned and that it doesn't matter if I don't do it anymore. He stated that I've "already done it". After going back and forth for a little, I believed we came to a conclusion to my best knowledge. Unfortunately while I was speaking my game froze and I was disconnected for "Too many voice packets". I attempted to rejoin but as I did I was met with a banned screen. Now I believe I should be unbanned because I have spoken with Monaclu about if it was infact prop minge / abuse to spawn in a tent in city hall; he then stated it was not. And as for the matter of Leaving to avoid punishment, It was not in my ability to stop the matter of my disconnect. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ia9f6vB7JFgHJXD_-/d1337yneei32?invite=cr-MSxNMFYsMTY1NzUwODc0LA
    1 point
  3. I'm the member of UA that extended your ban to perma. I evidence provided to me, and the testimony of the staff member who was dealing with you, and came to the same conclusion that you deserved to be banned. However, I noticed you had an incredibly large amount of POs. Specifically, over the course of about 2 months you've received 7 bans and 8 notes. There's no way that a reasonable person could actually get in trouble that much unless they were really trying. My favorite note from your list is "ticket misuse, wanting to play chess, and making tickets about becoming the 'alpha wolf' and gooning" You are the definition of a low quality player, and I decided that we just in general did not want you here. You clearly show no capability of reformation, and provide nothing to the RP of the community.
    1 point
  4. I agree the ban shouldn’t be as harsh however you still broke the rules. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be reduced to 5 days.
    1 point
  5. In terms of accuracy & distance, rate of fire, stopping power and recoil control: Semi Auto Pistol- Bren Ten Sub-machine gun- Scorpion Shotgun- Remington 870 Semi Auto Rifle- Mini 14 Automatic Rifle- AKM Sniper Rifle- Dragunov LMG- FN Mini
    1 point
  6. No, its owned by a faction and ran as something else, they could probably put an npc there though.
    1 point
  7. PK Appeal Format Below is the format that you must followed when making a PK appeal, you must copy all sections and fill them out in detail. Rules: You may only make one appeal per PK, if you are denied you will be unable to appeal for that character again. You must appeal within one week of your character being PK'd, appeals posted after this time will be automatically denied. You may only comment on an appeal if you were DIRECTLY involved with the situation leading up to the PK. Replies that are not relevant to the situation will result in a forum warning and/or ban. You must follow the provided template for the appeal, failure to do so will result in an instant denial. Name of Character: SteamID: Your Discord ID#: Date of PK: Reason for PK: Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
    1 point
  8. Hello, I was the admin that banned you. I would first like to correct something you stated. You say I bounced between saying it prop abuse and prop minge, I did not. I only ever stated you were prop abusing. Initially, you setup some big teepees in front of a restaurant in city hall. I proceeded to go over and delete them and as I deleted them you mocked situation and proceeded to put another tee pee next to the old teepees' location. I then froze you so you wouldn't keep spawning and so I may delete and bring to you a sit. In the sit, I made you aware of your extensive POs and recent long bans. Your most recent po was for prop abuse issued by monaclu himself. Given that the other po's were not related to prop abuse, however recent, I was going to initially ban for just a day. Both locations where you setup your teepees were right in front of a restaurant and most certainly blocking the way. there was no roleplay you were engaging in and given by your past record, indicating you have had more than 1 sit and have been warned about rule breaking in past to include prop abuse and most recent 30 day ban for lying to staff, I did not believe you when you said you did not know better. While deciding your punishment you vanished on me and there I increased it from 1 to 2 days ban. As well as, inform you that based on your record you don't have much wiggle room for more errors.
    1 point
  9. Staff in question who administered the ban is: H4xx3z
    1 point
  10. +1 I wanna see Russians fuck shit up
    1 point
  11. Fuck you nigga ima alt lol hardware ip ban me this isnt my home ip or my main pc. have fun. ill be on server in a week or 2 when i come home.
    0 points
  12. Hi! Banning staff member here. I will go through your initial ban and why it was updated to be longer. So the first ban was due to NITRP and Punch Minge. This was due to me having to many times this same evening already having speak to you about these situations. The clip brought forward to me during the original sit can be found here. Now, the reason your ban was extended, was due to you having another waiting RDM ticket against while I was actively working with you in sit. In the same evening where I had already spoken to you about your minging, I had to give you a note for RDM from a previous sit. Once I had just finished the original sit with you that lead to original ban, I took another RDM ticket, and you were the person in question during that sit as well. You had put them under fearRP to speak with them, they complied, and you proceeded to still punch them to death. The user that made this ticket accidentally deleted the clip, we were able to find a working version so please excuse the scuffed screen record and reupload I had to do here to ensure you had full context to this situation. This clip does not just show RDM, but your again use of punch minging which you already had a history of before.
    0 points
  13. Yes, I do agree of what you were saying, but I don't think I made my point clear. I made this appeal to appeal the ban not to dispute what happened. I did not admit to anything I just stated what happened.
    -1 points
  14. Your Character or Steam Name: Aiden Gomayai Your SteamID :76561198236325508 Your Discord ID#: fernadoshotdog Reason for ban: Nitrp/ltarp/exploit/jailbreak Length of ban: permant Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): im sorry for the jailbreak and exploit. but i would like to dispute the ltarp and nitrp. Why should you be unbanned? I should be unbanned but also still punished for the exploit and jailbreak i understand what i did was wrong, but the nitrp and the ltarp is completely wrong when the guy asked for my discord i gave it to him correctly fernadoshotdog. i also did not ltarp the whole experience until the admin told me i would be banned perma so that's when i left. can you call the ltarp when the admin is just putting in the stuff to ban me there was no roleplay there only ooc stuff so i left cause punishment was already being handed out. If u would like to see the recording i have it I cannot upload full clip cuase its 23 min long so please contact me on discord so we can arrange this. I also believe the ltarp also has no evidence provided because he was going off what the other guy said not what actually happened and made the assumption of me ltarping when i left after he told me i would be getting perma banned . All in all I'm sorry for my actions and would not like to be perma banned and will take any other punishment for this. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
    -1 points
  15. Hi! Banning moderator here. So you were originally only going to be warned as a result of that character being PK'd from this same situation. To clarify you had two tickets against you, one for the MVDM which I took and a PK ticket which another staff member took. I was going to be nice and give you the benefit of the doubt about your lag situation. However, another staff member noticed something in the clip of your MVDM which made me have to throw that whole idea for a stern warning out the window. You can notice in the beginning of this clip two things. First you tried to state another vehicle was trying to push you, and there clearly is no other vehicle but your own. Secondly, you are verbally saying sorry as you are driving over people and continue to turn your vehicle and keep driving over people. After noticing this, I gave you another chance to amend your statement before I decided on your ban time. You chose not to and decided to hold firm that it was all accidental, hence you getting banned for MVDM and lying to staff.
    -1 points
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