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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/24 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, had a suggestion. Not sure of how difficult the implementation would be though. Idea: Add a channel in the discord which creates and entry for /event messages which can be read and taken as IC information and be able to act accordingly as sometimes PK messages can be missed. Pro: - It make it so that factions could see who's been PK'd ICly. - Would make it easier for players to find scheduled events, i.e 'this event starts in 30 mins'. - Could add a better element of RP into the mix, if people pay attention to the channel. - Great to be able to look back at PK messages Con: - Maybe potential metagame?
    4 points
  2. Your Character or Steam Name: RickySticky Your SteamID STEAM_0:1:174143021 Your Discord ID#: 350830893473988619 Reason for ban: Alt Account of: STEAM_0:0:834294841 Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): My wife got a 4 day ban we have to separate computers and accounts i believe it was a bot that did the perma ban because we are on the same IP address Why should you be unbanned? Because i did not break any rules , i have also been apart of this community for almost a year now and have made several donations. Messenger_creation_83f66327-7ccc-46db-ba5f-e9f7d07c7f83 (1).mp4 Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Messenger_creation_83f66327-7ccc-46db-ba5f-e9f7d07c7f83.mp4
    4 points
  3. In-Game Name(s): Jackson Abelmen/Enzowicz Miłosz/ Officer Conrad O'Barry Steam Name: okyes Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/okyeees/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:503867558 Discord Username: .okyes Age: 16 going on 17 When did you first join the server: Early 2023 around January Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 1mo 2w 1d 3h 26m Time Zone: CEST/GMT +2 How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: Depends but atleast a few hours a week. Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: I know them but not completely by heart. Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * I've always wanted to join and help with staffing but i never knew if it was the right time, but now that we are moving to a new server, and im predicting that a lot of things will change and happen, so i feel that i can be a help with making sure people can enjoy the new map and that rules are followed so the server can prospure. I am also never been a real staff member on other servers (besides GM), and i would like to learn and see how to be one myself. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * Because I have never been staff before as said, I'm basicly a blank canvice that can be drawn into the well standards of staff this server desires. I'm also a quick learner and, always willing to learn from my mistakes and don't let them get me down. Also since its summer vacation and im in the EU I'm more likely to be on early in the morning for the main player base. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Not Staffing but Game Master on an 1up incoming server that died out, It was an MRP server and i used to do event where terrorists would take hostages, take military property and such and such. But otherwise no, i dont have any experience. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No, I only have a note on RDM and that a few months old i think. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * If im being honest i have never really thought or asked about what people think of me, but i hope that there is more people who think good of me and less that think im a dumbass. I have contributed in almost everyfaction ive been in, either with making dupes, making it interested with some rp or just helping the faction thive within. When it comes to if people know me its a 50/50, i would imagine that most people either know me from being a jewish dupe builder or a fed. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: There has been a lot but most recently was the PD riot where it basicly was a no risk deathmatch. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: No :( ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If I wasnt involved in the RDM situation i would wait until someone makes a ticket about it and then take it. But if i was involved in it i would contact another staff member currently on to deal with its ticket and provide evidence if needed. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I clip everything i can and provide it to UA and try not to get involved with them. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: If there was another staff member on i would let him take the ticket and maybe tell him why i cant take it, if im the only staff on i would do my best to not be too biast and go off of what evidence and what logs say and make a logic disicion.
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Quick suggestion got the idea off the credit card thing when those factions were competing to change their drug racket. Currently criminals have 2 ways to generate income by conventional racket means: Gun selling and Drugs. My suggestion is to implement a 3rd racket addition such as: forged checks, counterfeit credit cards, embezzled union bonds, etc. This would work similarly to drugs except no processing and not as much profit, similar to how oil works. You would place the order for the shipment at a pay phone rather than your typical criminal racket npc. Once you collect the shipment you gotta trade or sell it via rumour to have the other person sell it to an npc on the map (could use existing drug npcs.) Why add another criminal way of making money? 1. Way more mafia 2. More crimes for police to go after rather than guns, violence, or drugs. 3. More grinding shipments for the don
    1 point
  8. Idk how difficult this is to add or not but it would be amazing to create a queue for Hi-Fis so you don't have to go up to it all the time after each song ends. Just seems like a simple tweak to make our amazing gmod experience more relaxing.
    1 point
  9. In-Game Name(s): Mariano "M" Avila, Senior Officer John McGee Steam Name: Zqrxz Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197974773289/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:7253780 Discord Username: Zqrxz Age: 19 When did you first join the server: May 19th Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 2 weeks 4 hours Time Zone: CST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 4-8 hours depending on the day Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No but willing to learn Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: My motivation comes from my experience being staff on other servers and the enjoyment that this server brings to me. I see a lot of times when certain things don't get handled due to staff members not being on and due to my very open schedule currently I have a lot of time to spend on the server. People breaking rules and not following the guidelines of the server at least for me ruins the experience of playing what is supposed to be a serious RP server. I also want to help keep the server up to the standard that people expect upon joining for the first time. I've also met many staff members and spoken to them about staffing, and it seems very interesting to me especially cause it's a lot different than the other servers I've played and staffed on. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I bring to the table a lot of staff experience from other servers. I have spent the last 2 years staffing for different servers on GMOD and have learned a lot about what is expected of a staff member. Many people come into staff using it for a power trip or some kind of status whereas my motivation is solely the betterment of the server as a whole. I'm also a very non biased person regardless of who is in the situation whether it be my friend or someone I dislike I will treat them no differently than how they should be treated in the situation. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Paragon MRP Manager for around 1 month and also Senior Admin for a few months, Also Garnet MRP Admin for I believe over a year. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: I have definitely gotten to know a lot of higher-ranking people across factions and staff, and I would say that my reputation is pretty good, and that people would definitely say the same about me. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: My favorite moment would have to be the addition of Little Italy and having a sort of family feeling all protecting each other and getting to know each other throughout the last few days since map release. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Adam/Char ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: I would ask if any other staff were available to handle it as me taking the sit as me taking them to a sit myself could be seen as a "taking your own sit" kind of situation and could potentially look bad on me and cause problems. If no other staff are around, I would take the person to a sit myself and speak to them regarding the situation before making a decision on punishment. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would take as much evidence of the situation as I can and then take that proof and explain what I've seen to the correct staff members that can handle the situation properly. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would first allow someone else to take the sit as it could look biased to others if I were to take the sit. If no one is around to take it, I would take the sit and conduct myself as I would with anyone else. Gather evidence if provided and decide on punishment from there. ---------------------------------------------------------
    1 point
  10. Can confirm him and his wife both play, (user error on Sticky's part). +1
    1 point
  11. +1 I really like this idea. It can also set up a business that gives players a different type of RP rather than grinding bricks, legal rp, cop rp.
    1 point
  12. 1+ ,Fix the height diff
    1 point
  13. old model that isn't used, will fix by changing it whenever I get on next
    1 point
  14. Use to play MRP with him as well really great guy, has always shown maturity and would be a great fit +1
    1 point
  15. I used to play MRP before this, standup guy and good staff member. I've never had/seen an issue with him and he always remained respectful in any type of situation. I've also seen him on this server, interacting with everyone and creating a name for himself. +1
    1 point
  16. Friendly guy, decent app. +1
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Global Rules *Violating any of the rules below will result in a Global Ban across all Diverge platforms. 1. Exploitation/Third Party Software: You may not utilise any feature or functionality on any platform that is not intended to exist. You are also forbidden from using any form of third party modification. This includes using cheating software, injectors, etc.   2. Harassment: Whilst we advocate for Freedom of Speech and have very little limitation on what can and cannot be said, Repeated verbal or text abuse to a player of any kind after being made aware is causing them discomfort is considered harassment, know where to draw the line.   3. Privacy: You are forbidden from publicizing any information that is considered private. This includes the information of you personally and that of others.   4. Advertisement: You may not directly advertise services or communities that are unrelated to ours. Discussion is permitted however.   5. External Trading: The only way you can use real currency to purchase additional perks is through our donation store. Any form of external trading, gaining perks such as ranks, in-game currency, items, etc, in return for real life money is forbidden. Both parties will be issued bans across all Diverge platforms.   6. Impersonation: You may not directly impersonate another individual. Attempting to imitate someone regardless of intention is strictly forbidden.   7. Punishment Evasion: If you have received a punishment on any of our platforms, under no circumstances are you to try and evade. If it prevents you from accessing a platform, submit an appeal on our forums or wait it out if it's timed.   8. Spamming: Any form of spamming on any platform is forbidden. 9. Tampering/Vandalism: Tampering, destroying or faking images/videos/documents of any kind to gain some sort of advantage in our community or server over other players or as a means of destroying roleplay is prohibited.   10. Donation Fraud: Attempting to revert any donations you have made to Diverge Networks will not only result in a Global Ban, but in some instances can result in real world legal consequences given that this is classed as scamming which is against the law. Ensure you are aware of our Terms of Service. If you have any problems with donating, contact a member of management.   11. Boycotting: Players may petition for a change to be made, however, OOC unions are not permitted in any circumstances. Any group threatening to boycott if certain demands are not met may be banned indefinitely.   12. Sexual Misconduct: Any players posting images or acting in Sexually inappropriate ways, in violation of our rules, Facepunch Terms of Service or Discord terms of service can and will be banned indefinitely. 13. Extreme Threats: Players can be banned for uttering any extreme threats against the Server, other players or themselves. This includes but is not limited to; Ddos threats, Dox threats, threats of SWATTING or extreme violence, threats of self-harm, etc. 14. Conspiracy: Any conspiracy to break or subvert server rules, cause harm to the server or community, staff/management and/or the spirit of the game can result in a permanent ban from all platforms.
    1 point
  19. Steam Name: Marlock In-Game Name(s): Darrelle "Big Dick" Dickson, Donnie Alonzo, and Kenny Cooper Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/MarlockTheGreat/ Steam ID:76561198064436475 Discord Username: Marlock. Age:27 When did you first join the server? June 2023. Total playtime on our servers (do!time in-game): 2W 7D 13H Time Zone: Eastern Time How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating? 4-5 hours Have you read the rules? Yes. Do you have a working microphone? Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Understood Are you familiar with SAM and/or Nutscript commands? Yes Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff? Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of five sentences minimum. What is your motivation or reason for applying? After almost a year of playing on the server, I believe I have what it takes to be a quality staff member in the community. I have past experience being staff on multiple Garrys Mod servers, and I was very good at being efficient in moderating servers. My approach is always fair, and I always follow the server's rules and guidelines. My motivation is to promote immersion and to promise a fun experience to the fellow players of Diverge Networks. Why should you be considered over other candidates? I am a bit older than most of the community, and I will bring a more mature approach to all issues regarding the server. I would consider myself fair and non-biased towards all tickets being submitted to me. This will be taken very seriously, and my goal is to help and improve the community's gameplay and overall experience for the players within the community. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position, and how long.) Yes, I was an admin on superior servers (StarwarsRP) for over 2 years with no issues. I put together server events and handled most of the ban tickets in a mature and professional manner. I have been in the Garrys mod community since 2009. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why? No. Would you say that you are well known in our community? What's your reputation? What do other members think of you? Yes, I would consider myself a well-respected member of the community. I was a high command in two factions within the server, and I believe the community would tell you I did a good job at that. I'm calm and pretty mellow, and I never let my emotions get in the way of my decision-making. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far? My favorite moment would be when we did the July 4th event. We all had a big battle with muskets and swords, which was pretty fun. I would like to put together more server events like that. It brings the community together and raises the player count. I also very much enjoyed all the court cases I oversaw. The court system does a good job at making the overall court experience as realistic as possible, and I respect that. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: N/A ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail, step by step, exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs, and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this? I would contact another staff member on duty in DM's; if they are not available, I would quickly switch to my staff character and handle the situation the best I could. If it is a situation that needs to be handled by a higher-ranking staff member, I will take multiple notes on the situation and report it to a higher-ranking staff member as soon as possible. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do? I would clip or take pictures of them in the act and bring it up with a higher-ranking staff member and see how they wanted to handle the situation. Gathering valid evidence is very important when it comes to problems like this, and I will do my best to make sure everything is completely valid and fair. A member of your faction or a friend of yours has a ticket made against them, accusing them of RDM’ing and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute a possible bias? I would request that the first party send me any kind of proof they can. All the rules apply to everyone. You will never see me have a biased approach to any situation within the server. Taking down all the proper evidence and lining it up with the server rules and guidelines will always be my main goal.
    0 points
  20. pussy ass faction ngl and pussy ass gambinos niggas think ts is real life, get a life lame ass niggas
    0 points
  21. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.
    0 points
  22. Aren't you the same guy who's on his third alt because he loves the server so much? And donated both times? Weirdo locked up when confronted in discord like an autistic child, you've been spouting the same shit for three years
    0 points
  23. lil bro trying to get me to +1 his app smh -1
    -1 points
  24. Nobody is insecure, you're just a socially inept weirdo
    -1 points
  25. In-Game Name(s): Kazuraki Akiyama, Matteo Romano Steam Name: Jmoorsey Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198814854107/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:427294189 Discord Username: Jmoorsey Age: 15 When did you first join the server: Aug. Of last year. Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 45 days, 15 hours, 38 minutes Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 3-4 hours everyday, or every other day. Have you read the rules?: Yes. Do you have a working microphone?: Yes. Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes. Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes. Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes. ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: I want to start fresh on diverge by making a staff application, to show im trying my best to turn a new leaf. I think I could genuinely make diverge a better place by moderating. Becoming staff is my #1 goal on Diverge Networks, I feel as if becoming a staff member in the diverge community is the only real way to sort of "redeem" myself for all my past transgressions, atoning in a way. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I think my motivation is unlike any others, the ammount of effort I have tried putting into Diverge to keep myself from getting banned or warned is immense, if I am being honest, these past 3 months of me not getting banned has been the best diverge exerience ive had. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Not on diverge networks, i do faintly remember moderating a small DarkRP server that shut down early last year. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: Unfortunately, yes. You can find my entire ban list at: https://bans.divergenet.works/?player=STEAM_0:1:427294189 Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: I would say yes, I am known in the Diverge community, but not necessarily in a good way, from my perspective, I have a mostly negitive reputation due to me taking a lot of things lightly, or non-seriously. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: I once preformed a PK in a faction, where we were leading a guy into a hotel room. As soon as he opened the bathroom door to the room, my fellow faction member (Jxy3) opened fire on the person we were PK'ing, missing about two mags with a Colt M45 SOC, and being saved by Plixily. (Miss you Plixily) Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Previous staff member Lomac. ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If im not busy, I will get on duty and take any tickets made, if i happen to be doing something in the current moment, i will finish up whatever i would be doing, and take any tickets that have been made. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: If i KNOW its abuse, i will either make a staff report, or speak to Rem, or higher moderation to confirm that the actions made by the said staff member were considered abuse, I would then let UA take care of the situation. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: If the evidence provided against my friend / faction member was obviously against the rules, i would proceed with the staff sit like any other staff member would, proceeding to ban / warn them accordingly. --------------------------------------------------------- Note: This is not a joke application, please give honest opinions in replies. V V V
    -1 points
  26. I hope you use that 12 dollars for something useful, If a "freak loser" is making you insecure, I'm telling you to take a mature approach on things, passively defaming is not the mature approach.
    -2 points
  27. Name of Character: Leonardo Bianchi SteamID:STEAM_0:1:569612902 Your Discord ID#:armenian1998 Date of PK: 6/20/24 Reason for PK: i dont even know i did nothing wrong Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: i was afk at napoli, because i went to the park to walk with my mom then i come back and im pked wtf lmao can someone explain this??? I did nothing wrong If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
    -3 points
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