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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/24 in all areas

  1. So, I'll keep it brief, you used to get knocked out at critically low hp even by gun, I propose the return of being knocked out by fists, bats, hammers and all other blunt items The reasons speak for themselves, boxing rp which is picking up and beatings, dont know how doable this is after the changes being made but I feel like its more than plausible. Edit* After seeing Canadians response regarding the old systems poor optimisation causing lag, I'd suggest that blunt weapons and fists force a /fallover after crossing a certain damage threshold
    2 points
  2. This is perfect! We add divergebucks and you can pay 1 divergebuck to skip 1 minute of shipment time! Your pesky oil shipment on the barge again? Only 5 divergebucks to get it randomly relocated! Your pesky main character got gunned down again? Only 300 divergebucks to resurrect old Charlie! The old Colombo Crime Family causing you trouble? For only 1000 divergebucks you can be the new leader! Each divergebuck is on a once in a lifetime sale that will never end, only $1 each! Buy our premium deluxe package for $99 and get an additional 20 divergebucks! Everybody knows about sharkcards and how they were the best part of GTA online and is the ultimate way to stick it to the nerds, now divergebucks is here to fill that microtransaction hole! Why attempt to 'earn' something in a videogame when you're already earning that sweet sweet dolla bills y'all paper.
    2 points
  3. Your Name: Izumi SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070696589/ Staff Member involved: Monaclu. (3rd note ban) What flags were blacklisted from you?: Props, physics gun, tool gun. Reason for blacklist (if given): Too many notes Why should they be returned?: I had originally made a dispute for two of my flag notes, it was denied and after observing my previous ban and taking into account the comments I received I realize I was in the wrong. I'd like to apologize to all staff members involved who had to made notes on me Adam, Lomac and Monaclu. I'm sorry for misusing my props I realize props are a privilege I'd like to continue to build on Diverge servers, if I'm allowed my flags back going forward, I promise to use them for approved RP purposes only and will ask a staff member in advance before I build something I'm usure of being allowed. Thank you.
    1 point
  4. Name of Character: Masaru Tanaka SteamID: STEAM_0:0:134793848 Your Discord ID#: .wacht Date of PK: 18.06.2024 Reason for PK: : I was booting up OBS and was omw to Motel Room Number 2 to sit afk and open up my programs etc. then suddenly someone started yelling but i was alt tabbed already trynna figure out and when i came back on i was getting orders barked at me so when i was trynna get my hands up i also wanted to take a screenshot just incase OBS doesnt open in time and my game froze which then after it unfroze I got shot. Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: More of Understanding as I do not expect some random person to mug me the second I boot up. Ofcourse It's a game afterall but I wouldnt wanna lose my progression to a possible Mugging Char whose only motivation was OOC beef with my factions boss minging and shooting me because i froze instead of an actual good roleplay. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Screenshot that froze my game alongside OBS loading up.
    1 point
  5. Maybe with boxing gloves forcing a /fallover Otherwise useless old system wasnt adding any additional rp and was intensive on performance.
    1 point
  6. Making a in-game vote system for a public event where players can vote from admin or generated event. Events should be able to get players involved in finding something, to target a person(/s) or entity, gathering of people, or thoughts about something. Results may even trigger a timer or event location
    1 point
  7. Gamemasters are too lazy to do something like this
    1 point
  8. Yeah no, you're not welcome here. You made your bed, now you can sleep in it. Loser.
    1 point
  9. Hello, you are currently accessing the easy access feedback link, with accountability and managing of threads which in turn offer feedback to the suggester.
    1 point
  10. Title speaks for itself, go underneath the manhole, look up and press F2, Could lock the sewers, Dont know if this is intentional
    1 point
  11. it does dude i watched super high me
    1 point
  12. Pretty simple, if you're pleading ignorance and I believe you, you can't just assume any black guy is a ghetto black. Dude had just logged in 5 minutes prior to you killing him. So obviously you need to make sure that he's the right guy and you can't just blindly listen to someone. Per these rules You killed him after the second hit and in the sit insinuated that he may have 'bled out'. Your ban record shows 4 past RDM bans / notes from this year and 2 from last year. With a warn for RDM as recently as June 17th (Yesterday). You seem to be consistently ignoring the rules as you continue to get banned, likely inserting yourself in situations you don't belong in for free kills.
    0 points
  13. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
    0 points
  14. get a better pc
    0 points
  15. -1 points
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