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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/24 in all areas

  1. idk why it’s 4 when alliances are max 5 factions why not make the limit the same as the max alliance numbers.
    3 points
  2. Quick suggestion got the idea off the credit card thing when those factions were competing to change their drug racket. Currently criminals have 2 ways to generate income by conventional racket means: Gun selling and Drugs. My suggestion is to implement a 3rd racket addition such as: forged checks, counterfeit credit cards, embezzled union bonds, etc. This would work similarly to drugs except no processing and not as much profit, similar to how oil works. You would place the order for the shipment at a pay phone rather than your typical criminal racket npc. Once you collect the shipment you gotta trade or sell it via rumour to have the other person sell it to an npc on the map (could use existing drug npcs.) Why add another criminal way of making money? 1. Way more mafia 2. More crimes for police to go after rather than guns, violence, or drugs. 3. More grinding shipments for the don
    1 point
  3. Idk if it would cause issues but we have a bigger dealership now, and more open space there. Might as well add a couple extra spawners.
    1 point
  4. Your Character or Steam Name: Lana Rhoades Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): l2poop Your Discord ID#: frshsdlanarhoades Reason for ban: Alt Account of STEAM_0:0:768559367 Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Why should you be unbanned? I sincerely apologize for using an alt account, I didnt know it wasnt allowed and I can see where people might abuse it for transferring money, however I used it because I liked having more characters. Again, im very sorry it has been more than a year since my ban and I would love to play the game especially with the new update please. I wont do it again.
    1 point
  5. +1 He is a great guy and he should get his flags back.
    1 point
  6. or, perhaps, with less attachments being available for a perfect meta build on every gun all the time, attachments will be used less by everyone and you wont "need" HP rounds, a laser, a switch, and a suppressor on your gun at all times to be pvp competitive. I am all for making the server less PvP focused and making PvP more realistic. Make guns less constantly kitted out and super powerful and used 24/7. I like it more when people do things like use bats for defending a store and break out the guns when shit gets really tough, which could mean breaking out a kitted out gun from a locker or an ATM, or maybe equipping a less advanced gun from your inventory, etc. As for rule breaking, you can't account for everything when it comes to people straight up breaking the rules. You could argue against anything if you argue about people breaking the rules. People will just have to get banned, and you get comped for as much as possible.
    1 point
  7. get a better pc
    1 point
  8. Hi, I am the one who oversaw your PK. There were Dons Orders issued after you left the Japs to become an Intern within the government. The guy who was carrying out the PK saw you in PD and then you swapped characters to which he messaged you to come back onto your character, he didn't do anything that would be considered metagaming. There was nothing gained from him spotting you in PD and messaging you on Discord. He found out your location, and you swapped back onto the character and then ultimately ended up dying. If you choose to leave a faction without permission then you run the risk of being PKed.
    1 point
  9. Hey morning guys and Happy Father's Day! Look at Spaceium post he said it perfectly I've always had approval and have been in the faction for a while, more than 2 weeks! The whole situation doesn't make any sense. I don't care if I'm RDMED at 2am on a Saturday night but to be PK what is that? I'm sure player 130214 [130214] has a clip of shooting me. I'd like to see that clip because to tell you the truth there is no way they could have found me or even knew who I was with the new leaderboard system. There were 50 players online last night at 2am and I got on late to view the new map and show my support to the server. I'm thinking someone had the wrong guy 100% even when I died, I went onto my cop char and even that char was in some sort of locked admin room. I called the admin (Falcon) and he thought it was strange as well (thanks for your help btw). Thanks, guys, for your help and have a good Sunday!
    1 point
  10. To provide even further context This guy was Transferred over by Hymie along with EVERY OTHER WIESS member back in October of 2023. and if as you say they have 2 weeks to set them, is there a Screenshot to prove they set him active? Or Logs? Finally, Monte was not in Pruszkowksa during this time, as he was kicked for some "controversy" MONTHS prior to the move over. One last thing, he changed his name and face since then, so how would they have known who to kill? Seems like they might of metagame the actual kill too
    1 point
    1 point
  12. Its 2 weeks to set the order, then after that they in theory can stay open to pk forever. (Read PK Guidelines)
    1 point
  13. He didn't leave... He was pulled over BY Hymie. When Hymie split Pruszkowsa in two he pulled a bunch of members INCLUDING him over which counts as permission due to Hymie being Don at the time. Furthermore, he was in our faction for 8 months which is FAR beyond the 2 week limit for Don's orders!
    1 point
  14. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be reduced to 4days, there always seem to be a problem with the group you run around with, the next ban you will serve out completely.
    1 point
  15. maybe could cache it for each session, would store if you've entered it until next restart, and if it gets changed it gets wiped so if people want to keep it open
    1 point
  16. There is no complaints, there is no feedback. Map is amazing, most amazing map ever, I will play the next 5 years on this map, vendor system is fine I like exercising my legs, multiple orders, dynamic orders and cooldowns are all fine, doors are fine i like opening doors, Alliance changes are good it's genius, anything else is amazing. I must consider the overall health and balance of the server before my own self interests! Glory to Diverge !
    1 point
  17. I think Luca Profaci could teach the Don a thing or two about being a successful 14 year old diverge millionaire
    1 point
  18. Check a look at the state vs local penal code. Committing state crimes (which are the crimes listed in my examples) carry much more severe punishment than local crimes. Also you are making less money so by using the extra revenue stream you are putting yourself at risk of life imprisonment facing state charges rather than local drug charges.
    1 point
  19. What if it served as an alternative to having a drug racket? If it was comparable in money to drugs I would probably prefer that. I’ve always found it a bit silly that on diverge mobsters are running around selling hard drugs, but ig we are slightly around that time period now.
    1 point
  20. perhaps... tasmanian crab racket... 3rd option...
    1 point
  21. You must have a valid reason to place someone under fear RP (Valid Mugging, Valid Kidnapping or any Valid Kill reason); placing someone under Fear RP Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
    0 points
  22. Get gud with aiming, y'all just don't like it because when the battle in 3rd person had zero recoil when you moved. Y'all just gotta work on that aim lmao
    0 points
  23. i completely agree, its not even the peaking around corners i miss, its the pvping in general while in third person, its pretty different to every other fps and other third person shooters, now the pvp is just bland and like every other fps ever
    0 points
    0 points
  25. I like to store my proccesed stuff in ATM's so I can just do one big sell at once but the whole drag and move thing getting a lil annoying so I think a good way to save time and conveniance is to be able to sellect a group of single unit items and then move that all at once
    0 points
  26. Kindly, you have a mental deficiency. Welcome back
    0 points
  27. You were Pk'd by dons orders bubs. You left the faction and haven't been in the city to face the consequences
    -1 points
  28. Name of Character: Walter Schreiber SteamID: Steam ID: 76561198001914084 Your Discord ID#: Vaoone Date of PK: 6/16/2024 Reason for PK: No reason, got shot by a double barrel shotgun and instantly got PK Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I'm going to keep this short and simple. I deserve to not be PK because it was not a valid PK. I was just walking around exploring the new map and someone with a shotgun shot me for no reason at all (minge probably). This happen around 2:20am. I'm not sure if this is a new glitch that is happening with the new map or maybe a bug, but all the rules were broken. Some person literally shot me for no reason at 2am and I died. I was simply just running around the new map and exploring. If there is any way I can get unPK'd that would be much appreciated. I've been on this server for more than a year, losing this char would mean I would lose a lot of progress and that is something I don't want to lose just because I was shot for no reason at all. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: The only evidence I have is the player ID [DEATH] 08:28:25 UTC - 16/06/2024 - You were killed by 130214 [130214]
    -1 points
  29. So with the new update everyone in factions is organized into tabs that grow and shrink depending on how many F3s you have. Just had a spur of the moment and thought it would be cool if staff chars could collapse/expand the faction tabs by clicking on the faction name.
    -1 points
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