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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/24 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. Name of Faction: Corredores Do Road Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 6 (More interested if the faction is accepted) Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Street Gang Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): British / Portugese Name of Character running the faction: Aaron Baker Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): alaq Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:490693398 Your Server playtime: 1w 6d 1h Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): Following the backstory , the gang was created as a way to rejoin the two war torn families as Aaron and Lucca collaborate and create the gang to make money but also put the family's name in honour. As our name applies (Corredores Do - meaning Runners of the) then road , we will be a gang constantly active in rumour , we wont be doing afk simulator at our property (of course we will still run our property) but what i tend to see is high ranks just sit at the property while the associates do business but my street gang everyone will be out there hustling and the high ranks will sort out higher stuff like crew deals , gang deals and relationships with other factions. We also will do alot of parties like I will explain underneath. We will party to interact with others and increase member activity. We will also set out to try do big deals with factions and interact with them. Possibly host a boss poker night so we can bond and talk business and the situation on the streets. Basically we wont be a passive faction that sits back and does nothing , we will interact , make money and get our members rich and anyone who deals with us rich too. So the unique roleplay we bring is activity on rumour , pushing large amounts of our product. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): I have got ideas to make flag ups more interesting , we will frequently rent out townhouses and party at them to have fun instead of the usual standing afk simulator outside our property. We will often buy large amounts of product from all types of factions , basically we are based on getting our name out there and filling the streets with our drugs and getting our name out there. Then after that hosting car meets to enjoy our money we have all made together. Also thinking cerenomies of any big promotions and also in-gang competitions like hiring competitions , who can stock up on the most drugs (promotes activity and being active on the street) . I also got events planned like gun practise , gun competitions to help newer members get the ropes on pvp on mafia rp and also classes for newer associates on how to survive the streets like bringing extra company to any deals to prevent muggings and best trade rates to profit the most. We will take in new members and turn them into seasoned money machines. Then the plan is any associates who we see have promise of becoming a big part of the gang will be tasked with stuff like hits , possibly running their own big deals between themselves and fellow new members to gain that experience and proving themself. We are basically a faction bringing more street / gang rp onto the server. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): https://docs.google.com/document/d/133n5rk1tkJEEY9sGbgDJ2oN1VzFPgkZCFbSa5w3O4UA/edit?usp=sharing
    2 points
  3. It might not matter much anymore since there will only be one gas station in the new map, but seeing a return of fuel consumption from the mafia servers-of-old would be nice. Not only does it add immersion into the roleplay but it could also be a passive money sink for the economy in the range of three to four figures. Consumption could be influenced by the speed and luxuriousness of the car as well (fast and modern 2010s cars cost more to maintain than poor people cars!) Not quite sure what it would take for this to be added though. Just a thought!
    1 point
  4. +1 I think the server can benefit if we decide to add another civilian faction.
    1 point
  5. nice try in your 'gas station meeting' the dude clearly says he's simply being fired and really doesn't lean into your 'back to alaska' sly way of saying "Kill him" you were the one pushing for him to be killed not as a way 'get him to admit they are planning to kill him' but to force them to pk so you can leverage the script to pk the faction HC. A clear OOC'ly formed plan to intentionally act like a fuck up while you would beg and plead the HC to pk him instead of just firing him and removing him from the WL (which was their original intention). This isn't you baiting him to admit his own independent plan it's you aggregating and pushing for the PK, intent as clear as day. The metagame being that you and altoid are simply friends OOC'ly and planned this pre-meditated there was no spontaneous reasoning or meeting Ic'ly, it was purely orchestrated to target their HC and bait them into meetings while there were active orders on him. Furthermore, I doubt that 'shittor approved it' ! Considering after the scripts logged it he informed us there was an issue. You and altoid are insufferable and don't add anything to the roleplay of the server, you alone have 12 bans to your name. I'v only ever seen your name come up when you both were banned for something. When you two got banned a multitude of people legitimately celebrated your departure because of how little you two added and how much of a draining annoyance you both were, an inane inability to mature or even follow the most basic rule sets. I couldn't imagine being so disliked you aren't even welcome on a Garry's mod server Hope your prom appeal goes well prn.gg/topic/116-ban-appeal-hambugler-3/ !!!
    1 point
  6. +1 definitely has the chops
    1 point
  7. "Poor people cars" lol +1
    1 point
  8. Name of Faction: Medellín Cartel Number of Members (Minimum of 5): Tuco bosomanca, Mike dave, fredrik jackson, hanrick jacobson, ceek mack johson, Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Triad Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Mexican Name of Character running the faction: Tuco bosomanca Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): fernadoshotdog Your SteamID: 76561199362888615 Your Server playtime: 90 hours Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): The unique roleplay we bring to mafia RP is that we are a bold faction and will be very powerful in military arsenal. we will also be crushing our enemies and will be the top faction. We will also fight back against the police and not be afraid to pull the trigger. We hope to be pushing many drags like cocaine extremely fast since we are a cartel. we also may host public executions as a event for crushing our enemies. you also can expect faction wars way more often to stir the pot. we would also like to open a casino but that will take a while. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Events that we will do are random raffles to select people who will receive a bonus also we will send new comers on hits to see what there like. we also will provide them startup money and whoever brings the most money in as a kickup will receive a promotion or special opportunities exclusive to them. they will also be able to lead the public executions as a honor to the faction. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): The Medellín Cartel, led by the notorious drug lord Pablo Escobar, was one of the most powerful and feared criminal organizations in the world during the 1980s. Originating from Medellín, Colombia, the cartel dominated the illegal drug trade, particularly cocaine, and expanded its operations globally. In the pursuit of further expansion and profits, the Medellín Cartel made a strategic move to establish a presence in New York City, one of the largest and most influential cities in the United States. In the 1980s, New York City was facing a significant rise in drug-related violence and addiction. The demand for cocaine among the city's population was skyrocketing, creating an ideal environment for the Medellín Cartel to establish a lucrative market. The cartel recognized the potential for massive profits and sought to capitalize on the growing demand. To spread their operations in New York, the Medellín Cartel employed a variety of tactics. They established alliances with local criminal organizations and gangs, offering them a steady supply of cocaine in return for their distribution networks and protection. These alliances enabled the Medellín Cartel to penetrate the city's drug market rapidly and effectively. The cartel's operations in New York were not limited to drug trafficking alone. They also engaged in money laundering, using legitimate businesses such as restaurants, nightclubs, and real estate ventures as fronts for their illicit activities. By blending their illegal operations with legitimate businesses, the cartel was able to disguise their profits and avoid detection by law enforcement agencies. The influx of cocaine into New York City had profound societal consequences. The city experienced a surge in drug-related violence, as rival gangs and organizations fought for control of the lucrative drug market. The Medellín Cartel's presence intensified the already-existing gang violence and contributed to the destabilization of certain neighborhoods. Law enforcement agencies were faced with the daunting task of combating the Medellín Cartel's operations in New York. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and other law enforcement agencies launched extensive investigations and crackdowns to dismantle the cartel's network. This led to high-profile arrests, seizures of drugs and assets, and the extradition of key cartel members back to Colombia to face justice. Despite the efforts to combat the cartel's operations, the Medellín Cartel's presence in New York remained significant throughout the 1980s. The immense profits generated from the drug trade allowed the cartel to infiltrate various sectors of society, corrupting officials and influencing politics. In conclusion, the Medellín Cartel's decision to expand its operations to New York City in the 1980s was driven by the city's high demand for cocaine and the potential for massive profits. Through alliances with local criminal organizations and the use of legitimate businesses as fronts, the cartel established a strong presence in the city's drug market. However, this expansion also brought about increased violence and societal upheaval. Law enforcement agencies worked tirelessly to dismantle the cartel's network, but their presence remained significant throughout the decade.
    0 points
  9. imagine the pks and enforcer rp that can be done there legal rp is worthless
    0 points
  10. Add bingus statues at governors mansion
    0 points
  11. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
    0 points
  12. +1 sadly… (fuck the Irish)
    -1 points
  13. +1 first mexican cartel to be wiped off and then brought back as a Chinese type triad whilst being mexican
    -1 points
  14. he prob thought u were a girl
    -1 points
  15. what it's your camera being obstructed by a physical barrier as it would occur with any wall or physical object in the map
    -1 points
  16. not too sure if this is something that can be fixed or if its something thats already been made aware of, but if it can be it would be very nice if it could be fixed! pretty annoying running down a street tryna look left or right and having your direction get fucked up. minor but annoying! https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2a9UER3nDDAWE6/d13372w7wxe3?invite=cr-MSxuRncsMTQ2OTAxMDYzLA
    -1 points
  17. Your Character or Steam Name: Hambugler Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:551360735 Your Discord ID#: hambugler Reason for ban: Dipshit retard | Weasel | Trying to circumvent coup rules| Metagame | Mechanics abuse | Loser Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal: Dispute Why should you be unbanned?: So to start off altoid and I had clear (IC) malicious intent to kill the Street Boss (then underboss) of Diamond Syndicate, we had a plan where one of us stood in a bush for a secret meeting (in this case me) and get the underboss to admit to wanting to pk in this case... altoid, he wouldn't budge so we swapped roles, Altoid would hide in the bush of the gas station and I would get the underboss to admit to wanting to kill him, funnily enough! Altoid was actually found in the bush by THE DON OF THE FACTION AND THE UNDERBOSS AT THE MEETING so obviously if the underboss had a functioning brain they would realize that we were setting them up, this shouldn't be "Circumventing coup rules" it's called don't be a retard and get me his KNOWN friend to kill him, if we are retard friendly here why did we ban weber. I seen that canadian said this was "without UA approval" well, first off Shittor, and 4lights to my knowledge spectated the whole thing and Shittor confirmed that what we were doing was completely valid. Theres also the screenshot of Lomac confirming and providing some reason to why we shot that dude at the Motel who was just standing there, we clearly posed him as a threat because altoid was PK active walking into a meeting with the person who set him active, just common sense. Again, this just seems extremely petty and some crybaby shit we have to cater to retards. Also I saw in the ban reason there was "metagame" included, I got clips and will provide as well as chatlogs proving this entire thing was orchestrated ICly Additional Information (images, videos, etc): (I DO NOT HAVE THE LOGIN TO THE PREVIOUS STEAM FORUMS ACCT, I DID ALSO HEAR I AM FORUMS BANNED BUT WHEN I TRIED TO CREATE THE ACCOUNT HERE IT STATED THE USER ALREADY EXISTED SO I DON'T REALLY KNOW) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/29Usyzj08DRYVM/d13374p0qWfM?invite=cr-MSw1V1QsMjEwNDQ5MzE4LA (Gas station meeting) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/29Um4OtUzEoitr/d1337XsfX6hu?invite=cr-MSxTRzksMjEwNDQ5MzE4LA (Altoid in the bush confirmation)
    -6 points
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