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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/24 in all areas

  1. did you win a great victory at 16? didn't think so pal, shut up
    2 points
  2. You speak of lack of roleplay but in the past 3 months, just in the incidents that were documented, there have been 9 occasions that you have subverted rp
    2 points
  3. Listen, man. Roleplay is only dead on the server if you choose for it to be. Over the span of the last week, I've run a paintball event, a boxing event, attended a yacht party, went to multiple meetings, hung out at two different restaurants and had time to do some grinding on the side. GMOD at the core is a social game through and through. Money's nice and all, but a lot of the roleplay in this mode is what you make of it. If you're bored, just do something about it. Go through the processes, get yourself a business and start making some roleplay that you perceive as fun. Changing the time isn't going to do much about your current dilemma. You'll just be in a different year and still not making roleplay for yourself and others. It's worth taking the time to just foster and grow some connections, my man. That's a lot of the fun of this place is making the roleplay happen. Go do that.
    2 points
  4. bro u still got time to delete this
    2 points
  5. Name of Faction: The Callaghan Clan Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 25 Members and growing everyday Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc.): Mob Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Irish-American Name of Character running the faction: Kieran Callaghan Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): mamezee2233 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:189825768 Your Server playtime: 3w 1d 18h 33m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): As an Irish faction, we plan on focusing on roleplay before grinding and becoming robots to quotas. Choosing to be a place where people can have a fresh experience on the server that hasn’t been done a hundred times. Doing special events for our Clan such as acquiring weapons to ship back home to our Fenian brothers who need our support in these dire times. Doing RP drug deals with other groups on the server. As well as other special Irish-themed RPs such as causing issues in the city by being obnoxious and drunken Irishmen. (This does not mean we will minge around but we aim to contribute to roleplay) With the experience that this high command of this faction has, we can produce a lot of organic roleplay that some others would rather not do. We aim to be a realistic Irish Mob doing events in whatever property we own, Handling any problems with RP always in mind and making sure our faction is thriving in all areas without pushing one objective over the other. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): As most people in the city do already there are obvious things such as weekly meetings, clan dinners, and organic Irish roleplay. But on top of that during the peak hours on the server, we will aim to contribute to roleplay with other factions. We plan on always being around going to different properties and trying to roleplay things out the best way possible. My goal is you will always see an Irishman at least once a day because we will be out walking on the streets. We want things to be anonymous when it comes to our new hires so taking them on drives without telling them where the destination is will encourage RP. We will teach all our new hires how to do whatever jobs need to be done and the basic grunt jobs that need /me’s to do them. It will define what kind of main base RP we do depending on what property we get. We would like to be hired to cause harm to people who need to be taught a lesson. I would also give Gamemaster privileges to use my faction in events where there is a chance for a lot of RP to happen. If accepted, we plan on making this a strong faction that will not be like other Irish factions that have been on the server before. We will bounce off of the Italian RPers and try and make a fun experience for everyone in each faction. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uQpcQnhOEohViiQM-rx0aLvlYpVo0Xldsr7ZlQQMFEQ/edit?usp=sharing
    1 point
  6. i bribed them all how did you know?
    1 point
  7. i didnt know admins can unban? which admins unbanned people?
    1 point
  8. Having seen this argument on my own faction app, this is an idiotic notion and a bad argument. If people have the passion to run a faction for a while, there is no harm in allowing them to bring it on. The Cassanos have clearly proven they not only have numbers but a passion for this server as well. Why wouldn't you want this kind of activity in the game, even if it was for a smattering of months before they get 'bored'? It's just a point made in bad faith. If you don't like the faction, just say that instead of trying to give a run around of your real point through a vague nothing-burger of a -1.
    1 point
  9. in 2077, what makes someone a criminal?
    1 point
  10. Literally a faction that played on MP the entirety of MPs life when it was around, we started on MP. You're obviously just a moron. Please just fuck off and quit this community, you're a clown.
    1 point
  11. yet we stayed active for 3 years since before MP times, and then we continued to stay active doing other things once we were removed?
    1 point
  12. No go to dark rp if you want futuristic shit
    1 point
  13. +1 Here I was thinking we'd be the only Irish around. This'll add some variety to the Irish in the city for damn sure. Reading over the backstory was an absolute treat already, but to hear of the concept of working with other factions and even gamemaster things coming into play sounds very exciting. I hope that we'll be able to interact in the near future to create some real fun among the factions! Good luck to your faction and I hope to see a fellow amazing roleplay in the city soon!
    1 point
  14. Thank you for your reply. First I want to explain that this is not going to be the IRA. We never planned on it and it never will. This High Command comes from years of Italian roleplay. There is going to be no IRA or anything of the sort happening in this faction. I have seen some Irish factions that have been accepted, and have either turned into something else or as you said turned into an IRA. While I am in charge of this faction, we aim to contribute to roleplay as a proper Irish Mob. Taking Inspiration from movies and how they acted in real life. I don't know if we know each other, but I hope with this I can change your mind about thinking this faction is going to be another IRA.
    1 point
  15. +1 great rpers and would be great to see irish faction.
    1 point
  16. +1 Thomas and the people he has chosen for leadership would do great for a faction. Finally an irish faction with opportunity to make it past a day in the server ( ehmceltic club, ciaron seamrog ) I cannot wait.
    1 point
  17. +1, app seems solid- especially the ranking structure. The backstory was also well written. When I played the server last, not to many people wanted to do “restaurant rp” anymore so to see it make a comeback would be mint.
    1 point
  18. +1 A good Irish faction will be great, and I think Thomas could do a great job running this faction. Just don't fall into the IRA trap and make it an actual nonterroristic Irish mob
    1 point
  19. +1 one of the best rpers i have ever seen, came from a faction that had rp as their #1 goal. I believe he will thrive and will bring another level of rp to the server.
    1 point
  20. +1 Was a capo in a previous faction I was in, and did pretty good job.
    1 point
  21. +1 good rp good guy and will make a good faction leader
    1 point
  22. prob gonna be commission but its wtv, solid app, solid guy. +1
    1 point
  23. +1 Thomas is a good guy and a good leader i think he will do good running a faction. i see alot of RP with an Irish mob.
    1 point
  24. +1 good rper, good application, good backstory, would be a great addition to the server
    1 point
  25. +1, let the irish cook!
    1 point
  26. +1 A good leader always had the best RP nothing but positives if this gets added
    1 point
  27. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.
    1 point
  28. Name of Faction: Cassano Crime Family Number of Members (Minimum of 5) 25 active 100+ Conservatively Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Italian Crime Family Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Italian Name of Character running the faction: Paolo Cassano Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): mitch0101 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47358017 Your Server playtime: 1mo 22h 52m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...MDMyMDkyLA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...Q1MzUxMDgs Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Depending on the properties we own will decide on what type of events we host but, in the past, we hosted music nights at the club car meets at the motel and parties in the lounge. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DlVADR3s_Tw4NZbDIORDxWbCPeKfrAbImpJMAhPVf98/edit?usp=sharing
    0 points
  29. the cope is insane, considering this commission puppet faction app gets 90% of it's comments to be +1s, it's all up to pendred to decide, but in my opinion this faction is just another the Genovese faction reskin.
    0 points
  30. -1 IRA was a thing and was taken done, it is basically the IRA
    0 points
  31. -1 Fuck the Irish
    0 points
  32. RP is dead on the server, I'm just making suggestions to bring it back.
    -2 points
  33. I see no real point on holding back the timeline, people are driving vehicles that didn't exist in 1988 as well for the clothes too. Pk Hits are getting boring, its incredibly easy in a gameplay prospective to get away with them and not worry about police. Crime overall is pretty easy even in extreme cases, police seem to be restricted. If the timeline change happens, i suggest unrestricting most of government's technology for NYPD, such as Forensic Biometrics, Satellite technology, overall standard issued equipment for police officers, etc. This will make pk hits a lot more risky and fun again. I think 2004 can bring a lot more rp to the server even in terms of events. More things to do in the government faction. more inspirations for clothing. more firearms. more event ideas for players and gamemasters.
    -2 points
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