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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/24 in all areas

  1. +1 really good roleplay and amazing boxing matches
    2 points
  2. +1 Solid idea and i would love to see this come to fruition in hopes we get an actual official active boxing league
    2 points
  3. Extremely solid +1, Prodigy has been working hard trying to improve genuine RP, setting up events and trying to bring the community together. With his own faction I am more than sure he and his team are able to create a more welcoming & positive atmosphere on the server.
    2 points
  4. +1 History speaks for itself. Most factions that are around that long, fall on hard times once in a while. The Cassano's have been one of the pinnacles of mafiarp for many years in the past, there's no reason it can't return to its former glory.
    2 points
  5. +1 I cannot claim to have been around to see the Cassanos in their previous tenure on the server, but the massive amount of support speaks for itself. I went in to read the lore and watch the clips. I can tell simply by absorbing these things that the people in this particular part of the community have a deep passion for the art of roleplaying. I feel that the Cassanos will add something special to the server and would love the opportunity to roleplay alongside them, should they make it in. But let's be real, they will. They're great and I have no doubt it'll be led fantastically. Good luck to your faction!
    2 points
  6. Name of Faction: Cassano Crime Family Number of Members (Minimum of 5) 25 active 100+ Conservatively Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Italian Crime Family Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Italian Name of Character running the faction: Paolo Cassano Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): mitch0101 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47358017 Your Server playtime: 1mo 22h 52m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...MDMyMDkyLA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/...Q1MzUxMDgs Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Depending on the properties we own will decide on what type of events we host but, in the past, we hosted music nights at the club car meets at the motel and parties in the lounge. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DlVADR3s_Tw4NZbDIORDxWbCPeKfrAbImpJMAhPVf98/edit?usp=sharing
    1 point
  7. who do you guys think is the toppest shotta on diverge? make sure you have proof! I think its this guy!!
    1 point
  8. Since you can lock pick ATMs (unless that was patched), is there any way of gaining cash (say $250-$750 plus price of a lock pick) after a successful lock pick. I figured this could be a good starting point for criminal characters if it was implemented.
    1 point
  9. In-Game Name(s): Walter "Lee Harvey Oswald" Dunbar, Lieutenant Kion Por, Ryo Masa, Assistant District Attorney Joseph Mariano, Jaxon "Jinx" Johnson Steam Name: anzati1 Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/anzati1/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:150242301 Discord Username: anzati1 Age: 20 When did you first join the server: 2021 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 1mo 4w 1d 2h 55m Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 3-6 hours per day. Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: I get on at really weird times when not many staff are motivated to do tickets OR when there are simply just no staff on to do them. I wanna help with the "downtime" of the server, which is mainly when I get on. I've got quite a list of notes and bans, but with my schizophrenia I can instantly swap personalities to a serious staff man. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I've been playing the server for quite a while, and only ever stopped playing once between 21 and 23. I DO know the rules suprisingly. While I don't have the biggest name on the server, it's mainly because I don't care for ranks in factions. In general, you should chose me over other people so that the staff team can compensate for the people who get on at the same time as me. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Long ass list, don't remember ranks or lengths but just know that I have almost 17k hours in gmod. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: 7 bans, 7 notes. 1 ban is super funny. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: They would all say I'm a great guy serving the community by donating clothing to orphan children and picking up trash off the street. I've been here for quite a while but not many old players from 2021 play anymore, if they do then they're apart of a very small group that has stayed playing. My reputation is usually Kion Por as the hard ass guy, or the clown suit guy cause thats a pretty big thing on the server. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: Probably approved riots or just playing cop, theres always something to do as PD. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Not a clue, didn't really ask anyone, I think if they cared enough they'd comment. ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: Make a ticket or talk in admin chat like anyone else, I'm not above staff or rules whatever, I shouldn't be taking my own tickets or dealing with my own situations because of potential bias towards the player who RDM'd me. If no staff replies then thats that, other players have to deal with the same thing so I should also have to do that ya know. Its kinda like a DMV line, no one gets to cut it. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: Create an evidence list to prove my points then bring it up with someone higher ranked then me on what the next steps are and obviously hand over whatever i got and relevant information. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: Fuck em bruh, ruthless ass mf i am. If they're breaking rules, they get the appropriate punishment, don't care who they is. If its obviously intentional, its their fault and they should know the rules. Also honest to god, I don't know half the people in my faction.
    1 point
  10. I like the idea. +1
    1 point
  11. +1 Good application PRO - Great backstory content, love the brochure idea. - Great play time and an established player of the server. - There is a need for some oil competition atm, I'd love to see some more activity in oil CON - Don't really think there are any, just that I think oil factions need to start having a degree of RP in them so they're not just copy and paste of previous oil factions, which tend to be quite boring.
    1 point
  12. I originally put a -1 on this but i'd happily change to a +1 Cassano was my first faction all those years ago, on a diff server. I just hope the right people come back to push the faction forward.
    1 point
  13. Guys we got to 10 votes. Never would have made it without you. Remember to hit that bell notification to get reminded every time I post and make sure to like and comment
    1 point
  14. +1 - Good application, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what this organization can bring to legal rp on the server. Basel knows his shit and has the experience needed to run a faction. We're so sorely lacking in interesting legal rp, and this could be part of the solution. Easiest +1 I've given recently, good luck to you my man
    1 point
  15. I think u own him (full glaze btw)
    1 point
  16. +1 that shit takes forever
    1 point
  17. +1 I've already fallen in love with the Rockefeller's as far as legal factions go, but as with all good companies, competitive fuels the passionate soul of a business owner. I think Brown & Sons Co. can fit into that slot perfectly. However, the +1 isn't given simply so I can see competition. Basel has a reputation as an amazing faction leader and a man of the people from what I can see. My friend Lemon has told me a lot about him as well, and if Lemon trusts him, I'd trust him with such ease. To that end, if I ever venture more into the legal side of roleplay, I know a place I'd love to call home. Good luck to your faction!
    1 point
  18. somespy is the goat tbh does awesome rp events
    1 point
  19. +1 never fished before but it doesnt hurt to add this
    1 point
  20. I would love to see an Irish faction actually make it for once in the city. Last few factions have failed miserably, +1 good luck, that is if you get accepted
    1 point
  21. Crazy seeing me here huh? I think Flamingo could bring back some really good RP that the server is missing you have my +1 sir and good luck to your faction.
    1 point
  22. +1 I don’t think i need to glaze but i do 100% believe he is capable of changing the legal rp and bring people to that side of the server.
    1 point
  23. It's a very fun time when people put their guns away! However, the event is what truly emphasizes everyone being allowed to have fun. Unfortunately, most of our matches were run after you had already left, so you likely didn't get to enjoy it all! I hope to see you there next time and we can talk while I do my announcements! Here's what we went through: Wonkaland Fight Night #2 Results: Exhibition Match #1: Mike vs Pusher [Winner: Mike] Exhibition Match #2: Mike vs E-RI [Winner: Mike] Exhibition Match #3: Mike vs Milkman [Winner: Mike] Exhibition Match #4: Mike vs The Commissioner [Winner: Mike] Exhibition Match #5: Mike vs Chris Tucker [Winner: Mike] Exhibition Match #6: Mike vs Genghis Khan [Winner: Genghis Khan] Exhibition Match #7: Hard R vs John Taiwan [Winner: Hard R] Exhibition Match #8: Hard R vs Queef the Almighty [Winner: Hard R] Exhibition Match #9: Hard R vs Genghis Khan [Winner: Genghis Khan] Exhibition Match #10: Mao Zedong vs Method Man [Winner: Method Man] Exhibition Match #11: Genghis Khan vs Pusher [Winner: Genghis Khan] Exhibition Match #12: Gloves vs Piss Clown [Winner: Gloves] Exhibition Match #13: Gloves vs Charlie [Winner: Gloves] Exhibition Match #14: Gloves vs E-RI [Winner: Gloves] Exhibition Match #15: Sharquita vs Pusher [Winner: Sharquita] Exhibition Match #16: Sharquita vs Gino Graveyard [Winner: Sharquita] Exhibition Match #17: Sharquita vs Mr. Giggleshits [Winner: Sharquita] Exhibition Match #18: Sharquita vs E-RI [Winner: Sharquita] Exhibition Match #19: Mao Zedong vs Ricky Arbuckle [Winner: Ricky Arbuckle] Exhibition Match #20: Ricky Arbuckle vs The Shredder [Winner: The Shredder] Exhibition Match #21: Sharquita vs Gloves [Winner: Sharquita] Exhibition Match #22: Sharquita vs The Shredder [Winner: Sharquita] Exhibition Match #23: Sharquita vs Mike [Winner: Sharquita] Ranked Match #1: Mike vs Gloves [Winner: Gloves] I really hope to see you next Saturday. Maybe as a fighter? Come sign up with us!
    1 point
  24. +1 These are great guys and are good with RP will do great in the server.
    1 point
  25. +1 Established faction with members already active.
    1 point
  26. +1 Experienced leader , current void in legalrp outside of the lame ass courts
    1 point
  27. +1 I would be very interested to see how this faction impacts the legal roleplay aspect of the server and the broader rp environment as a whole. It seems like they've got their stuff sorted so I think it's worth a shot.
    1 point
  28. +1 I put the Meatball ontop of the Pasta
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. +1 we defo need more italians in the city.
    1 point
  31. +1 great prior experience with these guys, have more roleplay than some of the current factions in this server
    1 point
  32. +1 this faction seems so new and definitely will bring a lot to the server. yeah guys a new generation of Italians…
    1 point
  33. +1 bruh we had 8k views on the old app, time to start over again
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. +1 wow guys application so good I had to +1 it on two separate websites!
    1 point
  36. +1 Viagra was created in Wales btw
    1 point
  37. +1 Cassanos was formerly on this server and its predecessors for over 3 years. In that time we amassed a large community many of which now want to come back and play diverge again. The upcoming update just builds on that. We will strive to provide solid rp and a positive impact as we formerly did.
    1 point
  38. Faction Conflict Guidelines Last updated 13/03/2024 The following document serves to outline the rules and regulations of conflicts between factions, how they work, and information to be aware of. This thread is most relevant to faction leaders. What is a conflict? A Conflict occurs when two or more factions recognize a transgression or incident which can lead to tensions and possible fighting. Conflicts are best resolved through diplomacy and sit downs to determine what wrongdoings occurred and who is at fault. For all claims of transgressions evidence would be required. The incident should be recorded with a plethora of context around it. All conflicts must follow the proper escalation steps as described below or their validity will be ignored and users can receive bans for breaking rules in an attempt to press a false conflict. Alliances and Agreements Alliances or allied factions can come to the aid or defence of your faction when you find yourself in an active conflict, fighting on your behalf, providing security for sitdowns or filling a plethora of other roles. Agreements like alliances or conflict resolution agreements can be made with other factions to define the terms of a business dealing. Such as the creation of a district, creation of an alliance, outline of set territory with an enemy or an agreed amount of tax to resolve a conflict. An agreement document is created, signed by both sides and is presented jointly to server Upper Administration to be ratified as binding. Alliances are limited to a maximum of 5 factions. (Mega alliances may not team up together, defeats the point of the limit) (This limit includes districts, a district is regarded as an ally, a vassal you own, but an ally nonetheless) This will increase amount of diplomacy Roleplay and prevent the server from splitting into two massive alliances (Boring!) [Added benefit of reducing number of puppet factions] Possible reasons for conflicts Here are just a few examples of scenarios that can cause a problem between factions. Disrespect Disrespect between bosses or capos/made men while being quite minor and would not warrant any real violence can still sour relations between the high commands of competing factions. A sit-down would be effective at resolving this. Excessive targeted muggins / muggings in territory Being targeted for muggings or having muggins occur in your faction/alliance’s pre-agreed upon territory could be a clear provocation for escalations in conflict. A sit down and possible tax or a demand to turn over the perpetrator(s) would be logical for such offences. Extortion Extortion or attempted extortion could be a reason to cause conflict. The two factions would have to meet and reach a suitable business agreement to maintain the peace. For example if one group wants to control a certain aspect of storefronts within their territory they may put pressure on another faction for 50% of their profits, and after some escalation and sit down negotiations a deal of 20% in exchange for security is made. Murder For example, if a man in your organization left the faction without consent in order to join another faction and you were to murder him for that, his new faction could take issue with the killing and demand repayment for the loss of their earner. A sit down before the hit would clear up any confusion and get you the go ahead to perform the kill. [And Many more reasons possible] Sit-downs and meetings Sit downs and meetings are the most effective way of bringing a conflict under control or even bringing it to an end by defining what occurred and who is owed what in terms of compensation. These meetings are also beneficial for laying out agreements, deals and territory lines BEFORE they become an issue, anticipating problems and solving them through diplomacy is the mark of a good leader, as conflict only brings death and a pause in the business of making money. All sit downs must occur in-game. DMs, voice channels or any other means of OOC communication is not permitted and not binding. You may only use DMs to coordinate the time and place of a meeting. If you are unable to attend a meeting you set and agreed upon then send a representative in your place, failing to show up to multiple meetings can and will be considered avoiding roleplay. All meetings should be recorded by both parties and/or should have a member of UA present to observe. The contents of the meetings that are agreed upon terms, i.e. any deal you make should be written into a document, signed by both parties and then submitted to UA in a support ticket in order to ratify it, and confirm consequences for whomever breaks it. Meetings can/should include an unbiased mediator. This mediator is a neutral unbiased party who generally provides an objective opinion, neutral meeting ground and sometimes security for meetings between two opposing factions. Both parties should agree on a neutral mediator, it can be the boss of another faction (useful for inter-alliance issues) or if no player can be agreed upon to mediate both parties may request a member of UA to act as the mediator. The mediator can help determine the facts, inform factions of who did what and what transgressions were actually committed as well as assisting in reaching a logical and reasonable settlement agreement. Refusing a sit down is contextual and can lead to further escalations. However, refusing sit downs immediately and making zero attempts to resolve a situation diplomatically is Fail RP. If no attempts were made to have sit downs or escalate through proper RP and were never logged by UA, your request will be denied. Escalation Conflicts that don’t reach an instant resolution can begin to escalate, this is a negative thing for BOTH factions as the longer a conflict lasts, the more it escalates and the more money they both begin to lose. All level escalations must be approved by UA. MAKE A TICKET These are the general ‘levels’ to escalations. Level 0: Transgression is noted One faction recognizes a problem/transgression with the other and collects evidence of the incident, they then create a support ticket to inform UA about the possible conflict and contact the faction they have the issue with to organize a sit down to speak about it. A Mediator is not necessarily required at this stage but one may be required if the issue is quite contentious. Level 1: The first sit-down Provided the transgression is minor and both faction leaders are good at what they do then most conflicts will not escalate past this point. Both factions will have met and discussed the issue and outlined an agreement to resolve the problem. Should they fail to do so they may schedule another sit down with a mediator to hash it out properly. Level 2: The simmer The second sit down will occur with an agreed upon mediator to help hash out the facts of the case and both factions will have support tickets open with UA so they may submit any relevant evidence and keep management up to date on the status of the conflict. During the time between the first meeting to the second the two factions may put their business with the opposing faction on pause, halting trades and other events or niceties until the situation is resolved. 95% of conflicts should be resolved by the second sit down unless the issue is so atrocious that proper settlement terms cannot be reached. Level 3: Boiling point A failure of the second meeting is the boiling point and by now bad blood has likely formed, small breakouts of violence are likely to occur, bar fights, obscenities maybe even some road rage or the occasional out of territory mugging. At level 3 or higher sit-downs can occur whenever either side agrees to do one, however the longer the conflict goes unresolved the more money both sides begin to lose. From level 3 and onward either faction can request UA to escalate the conflict in either of their respective tickets. (Failure of sit downs and proof of fault is most effective when requesting escalations) Level 4: Brothers Spat At this level target mugging (on your main characters…) the opposing faction is fair game and barring rivals from your establishments is expected. Loitering or graffiti may also become commonplace but tolerating loitering is also less practised. Both sides will seek to annoy and harass the other to the dismay of both the police and your suppliers. While this stage of escalation allows you to openly harass the opposing faction it also strains your business, as your suppliers don’t want the extra heat your shipment arrival times and shipment costs increase 25%. Business is impacted. Level 5: Wave of Violence At this level the violence is palpable. Shootings of properties and businesses may become commonplace and will not be considered a raid. Shipment arrival times and shipment costs increase by 50% of the original amounts. More attention from police means your suppliers may request cash or certain amounts of drugs / weapons as payment in order to keep operating, failure to meet these payments could see additional vendor penalties apply and possibly have your faction lose access to selling certain drugs. Individuals responsible for the initial cause of the conflict can have hits (PKs) placed against them. (For instance if the conflict stemmed from a certain member target mugging and the offending faction had refused to hand him over. Seek UA approval for these hits.) Level 6: Defcon 2 This level can be reached if more than 4 sit-downs have occurred and failed. At this level you are basically a few days if not less from hitting the mattresses, your suppliers disappear seeking to wait the impending conflict out. At this level you may firebomb the rival properties to put them out of commission and cause significant financial harm as well as openly target one member of their high command for a PK hit. Level 7: War Level 7 is war. You know how war goes. Your factions are fully blocked from selling drugs to any NPC as the sellers aim to not choose sides. War lasts until one side falters or until an agreed win condition must be met. UA has final say if war is approved or not and can end it at any time. Taxation / Compensation This will be a loose guide on how to consider and value certain transgressions in the event you decide to impose a tax instead of other diplomatic routes. (Tax is NOT your only option, it’s just common) Note that tax can also be labelled ‘compensation’ as the term tax can have a more negative and un-diplomatic connotation. There will also be a max escalation level to help determine the severity of which the transgression can be escalated to, within reason. Every time a tax is refused and the escalation increases a level you may apply an additional 10% to the originally proposed tax amount. (Inform UA!) Disrespect [0 - 10k] - Max escalation Level 1 Disrespect of a boss or made men. No one cares if a group of associates or soldiers are insulted, it’s part of their job. Should someone, capo and above, intentionally go out of their way to insult other made men or bosses a transgression for disrespect can be considered and either a tax or apology demanded depending on the severity of the disrespect [If both men insulted each other it’s also useful to simply squash the beef]. Generally factions you are neutral with or in an alliance with will take this seriously. A faction you are opposed to likely won’t care. Graffiti, loitering, general mischief [1k - 50k] - Max escalation Level 3 People oftentimes like to annoy members of the opposing faction and should this prove to be an action repeated by the same identified members a faction may take issue and ask for those involved to be taxed or disciplined. An annoying enough slight that warrants beatings but nothing worth damaging business over. Muggings / Target muggings [Value of items loss + 20% | provable loss] - Max escalation Level 5 Muggings or muggings in your territory that you can prove are being intentionally perpetrated by a member of the opposing faction can be a big problem. You are entitled to demand the individual be punished, handed over for punishment or have punishment sanctioned (Especially if they got someone on your side killed - See Manslaughter) or you may ask for an apology and tax the provable and agreed upon value of the items stolen plus 20% as a fee for the trouble. This has the possibility of escalating hard but after a while it is just items and you’re better off solving it than allowing it to affect your entire organization's profit margins. Territory / Business Violations [100k - 500k] - Max escalation Level 5 Territory violations meaning the faction repeatedly violates pre-set rules both sides agreed to OR violated inherent territory (Like literally ON/IN your property) or place of business. From fucking with your staff / customers or marching in your territory with weapons out or on safety to intentionally violate your security and cause a conflict. I.E. Large coordinated flexing. A serious disrespect like this can escalate the conflict but should violence be kept to a minimum it can be resolved in the end. Violation of Treaty / Agreement [Depends] - Max escalation level 6 This purely depends on the terms of the agreement both parties signed and UA ratified. Usually the agreement will include what the possible consequences are for breaking the agreement. For example if some faction becomes a district and breaks that or joins an alliance and breaks that alliance they may be taxed a certain pre-agreed upon amount as outlined in the agreement. Manslaughter [200k to 2.5 million] - Max Level escalation Level 5 Manslaughter is different from murder as it is technically an accidental killing. For example if your member is target mugging and ends up killing a member of the opposing faction, the murder wasn’t the original intention but it occurred. The opposing faction can request they perform a sanctioned hit as retaliation / revenge or demand he be handed over. Should they decide not to seek blood they may attempt to value the killed man’s life based on his rank in the faction. The higher the position the more it may cost to keep the situation hush hush. The lower the position the less money and likelihood the conflict escalates. Murder [1 million to 5 million] - Max Level escalation Level 6 Murder is different from manslaughter as it is an intentional killing, meaning the person did something to warrant being killed and instead of having a sitdown with that faction you acted without consulting them and murdered their man. The opposing faction can request they perform a sanctioned hit as retaliation / revenge or demand the killer be handed over. Should they decide not to seek blood they may attempt to value the killed man’s life based on his rank in the faction. The higher the position the more it may cost to keep the situation hush hush. The lower the position the less money and likelihood the conflict escalates. Unpaid Loan [Total Amount of Loan + 10% interest per week unpaid] - Max Level escalation Level 6 Factions with bad management that take out insane loans can be penalized for the amount they owe plus interest via an alliance enforced tax. Should they fail to pay after several weeks the opposing faction may have the right to PK the person who took the loan. (Requires close observation from UA) Other - Consult UA Note that Max escalation can be bypassed with stacking reasons of higher Max level and/or if you reach a level where PK is permitted and is actually carried out. Subject to future changes or updates
    1 point
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