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Everything posted by String

  1. wow real life mobster, i wish to be like you mr mafioso man, you are the true roleplayer
  2. String


    HAHHAH bummy ass colombo
  3. no sorry -1 shitty ass topic never make ts again gangy
  4. ts was ass -1 only real niggas rp how they want to in wop families
  5. -1 never heard of you kid, your opinion invalid
  6. String

    fattest paramedic in all of cali

  7. +1 everyone deserves chances to come back
  8. String


  9. deadass ngl shit is good but still very dark idk how to explain it map looks good but anywhere outside of little italy and city hall is super bland and such and need some shit there for people to go no one realistically will go to the movie theater or the warehouses unless they own it, they need some type of want to go and see those areas for more livelihood if yk what i mean
  10. Your Character or Steam Name: String Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:569612902 Your Discord ID#: armenian1998 Reason for ban: mass rdm Length of ban: perma Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology Hello fellow DVN community, it is string the goat, best rper of all time and least mingy person of all time. I am making this appeal to get unbanned to play best gmod mafia rp experience ever. I first want to say sorry to all those who have been affected by my minging, personally i do believe it has made dvn mafia rp a better place but for some reason the rules just do not correlate with it. I just wanted to say sorry and how the mass rdm had came off a bad time due to the start of a new school year and also the game just getting boring, i didnt mean anything about it but i had went too far and started killing a lot of people in which hindsight was a bad decision but I am also sorry for that. (and i know that i cant just kill a lot of people due to the game getting boring and that was my bad very sorry, i did a mistake and hopefully can get forgiven for it so i can play again with old people i know). Also I have been a very important character in gmod mafia rp dvn community, ive made a lot of different unannounced come backs and have made the community better each time due to my legacy of being best gmod mafia rp roleplayer. I would say that i have been banned a lot and have a lot of notes on my account but all those notes and bans have been from a while ago and i do truly do believe that i have changed back to normal and am not going to tweak out and get banned again if i would get unpermed. I just want to end it off by saying i have been playing ts for 3 years since march of 2021 and ive met a lot of good people here and it was very fun and just want to come back and relive that fun time that i have unfortunately missed due to my behavior. those 3 years were very fun and i had fun rping with people i know and it was overall a good experience. Why should you be unbanned? Well i should be unbanned because even though I have done a lot of bad stuff such as minging and rdm and other things that i have not mentioned, i believe i should get unbanned due to me now growing up and believe that i have changed from my minge past and have grown as a person to take this more seriously and have fun without breaking the rules. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Sigfaci (1).mp4
  11. npc lihurts high school clowns on u every day
  12. String

    pk wtf lmao

    pussy ass faction ngl and pussy ass gambinos niggas think ts is real life, get a life lame ass niggas
  13. String

    pk wtf lmao

    what??? all these reasons are bullshit all i did was name drop a dead don to a couple of gambinos that i am friends with. all these reasons are bull shit.
  14. lil bro trying to get me to +1 his app smh -1
  15. String

    pk wtf lmao

    niggas pked me over name dropping carlo gambino LOL
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