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About Yuki

  • Birthday 07/20/2004

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  1. banning admin here, so when i had pked the guy for he first time i saw he gave you a couple items and i had written down the ids for them and then later when you made a ticket to get a new hire whitelisted and he was wearing the same suit he transferred i checked logs and saw it was the same suit and pulled you both to a sit and admitted that you knew it was item transfer and that it wasn't aloud but you did it anyways so i banned you for 3 days and the receiver for 4 days.
  2. Cry baby

    1. Yuki


      your 58 i dont wana hear it lil bro

    2. Seansx


      hi candain abacon

  3. Yuki

    Character PK Appeal

    hey so im the admin who pked you and your friend. so the reasoning behind this pk was yours actions and when the ticket was made i went more in depth asking about causes and I was shown a video of you openly talking about trading drugs and talking about prices in public and was told how you two had caused issues on the scale of mingeing. When you join a faction you get a little pop-up on your screen that basically says "The Don has the right to order your death at any point in time for reasons they see fit." If you click the button that says "I accept and understand the risks." You are accepting the possibility that your life can become forfeit at any given moment.
  4. seems pretty valid ngl
  5. +1 more oil would be good sounds like a good idea to me
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