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Everything posted by 4Lights

  1. 4Lights

    Gent's Ban Appeal

    So, there were a few factors that went into this decision. I will let Mangos tell his side, but on my side here. You had recently received an RDM note from earlier in the day. While, I know you are not one to go about RDMing. I had felt you maybe had gotten a little out of hand because of the event and could use the rest of the event to cool off and I recommended that to Mangos. The person in question was not part of the people you were shooting- prior on the clip I could not ascertain his motivates, he pulls up in his vehicle, jumps out, as you guys jump over a fence. It is possible he may have been going for the package, it is possible he may be scouting. But it plays out rather quickly in an already heated situation. I will admit, he does pass painfully close and his direction could be suspect. He does, however, appear to be following the command to back off, he backs off towards a common direction- in this case the city hall. He doesn't seem to equip a gun at any point, doesn't match gang colors and the command given is simply to 'BACK UP BACK UP BACK UP", which the person appears to following in your clip, as his direct position is, in front of you and you shoot him when he is at a fair bit distance from you. The Askulls clip, he almost seems to be jumping away from the package carrier, onto the railing- at the time you gun him down. I thought from your clip, that you still didn't give enough warning, they didn't have enough time to properly register the commands and they were running away. ( Which was their story, saying they weren't going for the package ). The situation plays out too quickly with the binds used. I know the event, can be rather intense and I knew at that moment, his presence wasn't welcome and it's possible they could be attempting 'game' a little bit, but nothing could be proven. From my perspective this was still RDM, again, I know you're not one to go about doing this usually, but you had a note from prior in the day and I felt, maybe the event was getting the best of you and you needed to take the last few hours of the event off.
  2. 4Lights

    Ban Appeal

    Hey there. Banning Staff. While investigating your PK appeal. I found several instances that I believe constituted powergame. You dropped drugs just inside in the door ways of 3 businesses. ( 2 with you saying Zingo Zappy was a drug deal. But it being just inside an entrance way, is kinda sus. ), You dropped drugs infront of ATMs, infront of a hotdog vender and by a chess table. When you first messaged me, you said and I quote "people took it tho"; "i was legit just giving away drugs in my bank" ; "bc my char was gonna die". You then argue that I may have banned you initially for 60 days and given your PO's and history it was perhaps too much, I considered it and I agreed perhaps 60 was a bit long and dropped it to 30 days; trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, realizing you were probably just trying to have a laugh and I to my interpretation at the time admitting some resemblance of guilt. I noted in the PK denial, how you said your character was going to die (pked). You then message me and say in your messages "thats not the reason i dropped the drugs" ; "i was going to suicide gerald" ; "i never knew i was going to die bc of the stealing". So I said it was "my mistake" and that I "misinterpreted" you. However, to note. You said nothing about suicide being the reason your character 'was gonna die' prior. Your current actions from looking at the PK appeal, I thought you were being a bit mingey, stealing and returning things and I thought it looked clear cut over 10k was actually taken, to your admission you're having fun with your pal, but with a third party there. It became, under a rules, to me not valuing your life. So I denied it. If you believe, there is some issues, that you were setup I encourage you to open a ticket and we will investigate any rulebreak claims you may have. Your actions here, for the ban. Given the places I pointed out, seems very hard to believe wasn't intentional.. Given the evidence, and the exact locations you dropped drugs in, your PO's, I determined a ban was in order. I apologize for not bringing you into a sit to explain it better, I had wrongly assumed you were offline at the time and I did my best to try to explain my reasoning through DMs to you. Another thing to note from your appeal, I don't see you dropping drugs in an alley way, or mugging someone on logs in the timeframe mentioned. ( doesn't mean it didn't happen, just that I can't or am having trouble verifying it through logs ).
  3. Hello. I have investigated your PK and while you did give $5000, but you effectively steal 3 bricks of Weed and 1 Bricks of Meth. ( some shenanigans where you give some back, then steal some meth, but all in all. This is what I have effectively tracked ) The value of 3 weed bricks and 1 meth brick yields, $23,600 to the NPC when sold. Minus that $5000 = $18,600, means you stole excess of $10,000, meaning this is a valid PK. Further, when investigating. You go about stealing the drugs, then by your admission figuring you're going to get killed, you go and drop drugs all over the city and various businesses. Which, makes you guilty of power game. Being a cop main, I believe you should know better. For which I have banned you. After dropping the drugs around town, you go and return 2 of the bricks you stole. Then steal another 3 meth from the container, to only after- shortly put it back, to then get PKed a minute later. While even if, you weren't guilty of stealing in excess of $10,000. ( Which you were ). The behavior exhibited to me shows a blatant disregard for your life. For these reasons I will be denying this appeal. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
  4. If I recall you were mugged/fail mugged in the court room, if this is wrong. I may have confused you for someone else and I apologize. Yes, people say hurtful things on the internet. We have rules against harassment and anything targeted towards anyone, we investigate reports of anything of such a nature. If you had a problem with someone harassing you, you should have brought it to staff. You have a cheat launcher, assumable for the half life 2 engine? You openly admit to it. Why would we want to unban you? You're basically saying you're a cheater and you cheat in online multiplayer environments. Even if I felt, you did feel sorry for you actions. You are seemingly openly taking the stance, that it's okay to cheat, by not just saying 'Yeah I'll remove all my cheats and I'll stop'. Instead you are seemingly just saying, I'll disable it and not use it for YOUR server. This is a public forum and how would it look if we took that stance? This to me is the wrong stance to take and the wrong thing to say in a ban appeal for cheating. I disagree in the nuances, and I believe we in agreement on that disagreement. I believe heavily in fair play, I believe you went against that notion. Yes, for a lot of legal RP. You may not need cheats, but fact is, the advantage you may gain, the information you may see, steam ids, steams names etc. Just plainly looking through walls, could give you and enormous advantage over other players. Even if you had altruistic intentions. We have no way of moderating such things and for many the temptation is more than enough, to make an excuse to use said cheats. Cheaters never prosper and one day I hope you'll realize the only person you are cheating is yourself.
  5. Yes, cheating I believe cheating by definition is malicious. You can have a point that, not all uses of third party programs, can be malicious in nature. However, cheating for the sake of anti-cheating effectively doubles those who feel justified in doing so. You are given so much information as part of gameplay and using anything outside is not intended and can give advantages. It's also suspicious, given your previous mugging/ quitting of the server. To me, seems clear, you are using it to not accidentally stumble upon such a situation again. The situation is not nuanced in anyway. You cheated, you got caught and are now banned. It's not just having them enables, it's us knowing that you have cheats for the very game. ( gmod ) Effectively, you are telling us to allow cheats for your game, and to just trust you that you won't use them on the server. There is a reason VAC exists. Further the facepunch "Community Server and Hosting Guidelines" ..This also includes ensuring your Servers are free from viruses, malware and spyware. Cheating, griefing or hacking our Games are strictly prohibited.. We are to ensure the server is safe from cheaters. Which is also a violation of the facepunch TOS v. Cheating: create, use, make available and/or distribute cheats, exploits, automation software, robots, bots, hacks, spiders, spyware, scripts, trainers, extraction tools, mining or other software that interact with or affect the Facepunch Services in any way. Your defense reads as follows 1. I was too lazy to turn off my cheats. ( I promise I'll disable them, next time ) 2. Yes, ENABLED. You are again telling us- you have those cheats but to 'trust you bro'. You make no mention of stopping cheating. You just say 'i wont use my cheats in your server'. I'm not going to get rid of them, which gives off the impression anytime you feel unjustified you 'might' be inclined to use them. 3. You are guilty for installing the cheats which violates facepunch TOS. You didn't accidentally cheat. In a sense you took the steps, which has inherent guilt imo. 4. I was referring to the server as the game, my mistake if this was unclear. Gmod is obviously a sandbox game. Yes, you are saying this is an apology and that you cheated, but having those cheats and refusal to get rid of said cheats. Makes you inherently untrustworthy- on use of said cheats, thus making your appeal pointless if you're refusing to stop cheating.
  6. Hello, let me start by going through you appeal. Context So to start I will say that I am not disputing the fact that I did, and do consistently use a menu that contains ESP and Aimbot. Admitting to cheatings - I have been playing GMOD for around 14 years and have been using it as a platform for RP for around 8 of those. In the 8 years I have been roleplaying, from DarkRP to 42 RP to Africa RP to Syria RP and now to Diverge, I have in some way used a “cheat”. I am sorry to say, for players that are newer, its a very common thing to do. - This is the same logic people use to cheat in multiplayer games since its inception. Just because you can, and you might be able to get away with it, doesn't mean you SHOULD. It is NOT a 'very common' thing to do as most players do infact play within the rules. As the fear of consequences and lost value for said game. There is a minority that do cheat, which is why staff always needs to be vigilante and the rules are very clear when they are caught. It should never be a surprise to anyone how the GSP found you hiding in a bush on 42RP. Some high command members use them, some don't need to because their entire guard unit, or at least certain members of it have them enabled. - Again admitting to cheating, albeit in another server. This is Mafia RP not a place for white flower enthusiasts. If another community has a problem, they must deal with it. To me it is never acceptable. This is not an excuse, and I promise I will get to the proper appeal in a moment, but I am providing context. The point I am making is that I can be criticized for using them, I can be told it's a lame thing to do, but there MUST be some level of understanding that some uses of cheats are objectively “bad”. - It is only bad if I used these stolen credit cards for fraud, or if I toggled on the cheats. You are not infallible and even if you were, there is no way for us to know they, so it must be taken as; they will be used maliciously. If I inject a cheat with the intent of using it to obtain an advantage over another player, I am using it in a malicious way and potentially harming the RP experience for the playerbase. In many cases throughout my time on GMOD though, this was never the intent and their presence in my game was merely a product of me being too lazy to close the injector. - Cheating is not innocuous. It is harmful to the game space, kills servers, kills games and kills communities and is a quick way to piss a lot of people off. Running your ESP in the background is always malicious, not matter if you're using it in that present moment. Fact is, you never know when it might give you an advantage. APPEAL Recently, I decided to take a journey to a different area of RP than I am used to. While I have enjoyed RPing as a government official for the past couple years, I wanted to try something new. On that journey, some cool guys (and one woman) from one of the Italian factions hired me as a waiter in their establishment. As someone who enjoys serious RP, I take the role seriously and enjoy running the restaurant. - I am glad to hear that you take the RP very seriously and I'll give you credit, where credit is due. However, it is a shame you don't take the 'game' very seriously. This is not just role-playing, it is an RP GAME and you can't ignore the game aspect and do only the RP- while using cheats to give you an advantage in the GAME. In fact, most of my playtime over the days leading up to my ban was simply me working in that restaurant. In that time, I took part in 0 violent interactions except one interaction where I was RDM’d and never really left the restaurant for any reason beyond picking up some shipments or selling oil. So while I apologize for having the cheats injected, I simply want to express that I never had any intention of using them to gain any advantage over other players or harm the experience of others in any way. - Violent interactions can come at any moment. Someone comes and causes shit, you toggle your aimbot or see him behind a wall before he does anything. You were running ESP in the background while 'picking up and selling oil'. Meaning you can observe anyone around your shipment using a third party modification, giving you an advantage over other players, ie the definition of cheating. I don’t need them in order to play the game the way that I do. On one character I was a government official who doesn't even own guns, so I have little to no use for them. On the other, I am a waiter, who hardly leaves a restaurant. Again, I apologize for breaking the rule and there is no excuse for me having them, but I would never and have never used them to procure an advantage over other players, find players I could not find (I dont think ive ever even had to do this), or used it to win gunfights easily (I dont get into gunfights). - "..In the 8 years I have been roleplaying.. I have in some way used a “cheat”. I am sorry to say.." - "never used them to procure an advantage over other players". Referring to my previous statement. It is always malicious. You say you don't get into gunfights but the mere fact of having a cheat menu open INCASE. Again, makes you a cheater. ) I am humbly coming to the UA to ask for some leniency. I don’t believe I am special, or above anyone else to the point I can just do whatever I want. I apologize for my usage of them and swear I never used it to harm the RP experience on Diverge. - Saying your not special, makes an implication that you are special. The fact is, yes you are special. You had done a lot in the gamespace, you have build a lot of legal RP and it is a shame that you did such a thing while being so valuable to the community. It has always been my goal to create RP and enjoyable experiences for the community and I understand that this event was antithetical to that end. If granted the opportunity to be unbanned, I would pledge to never utilize those cheats on diverge ever again. In reality, the issue of me even having them injected at that time was avoidable and is something I can remedy very easily. Thank you for your consideration. - You don't promise not to cheat, you don't even promise to get rid of your cheats. All you promise is you'll 'never use[d] it to harm the RP experience on Diverge.' and 'never utilize those cheats on diverge ever again'. According to your own rules and your own beliefs. While saying prior that you cheated for 8 years in gmod, this is not reassuring to me. tl;dr having ESP open in the background is always cheating regardless. You admit to cheating for years, you don't promise not to cheat or get rid of said cheats, but imply the fault is gmods and communities faults and it is so very common enough you can deflect blame. If you read any appeal for cheating they will all say that one line. 'It is super common bro, not my fault.'. ~You admit your guilt here. However, I don't believe, that you believe you are guilty.
  7. 4Lights

    PK appeal

    Hey there PKing staff. You were offline at the time of the PK, but the incident stems from a clip I received from an officer. Where you clearly and intentionally run over the cop, as they are attempting to arrest someone ( possibly your friend. ) You then fake like you're going to pull over, before speeding off at gunpoint to the cop, who was attempting to door kick and arrest you. Given the interference with the arrest and the violent confrontation stemming from your use of your car as a weapon, to interfere in said arrest- causing harm to the officer. I ruled this VCWP or initiating a violent confrontation with police. You can see said clip here: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jxq8iihZbPG1XSjW-/fJIrL6vJVWOC?invite=cr-MSx1RTgsOTEzNDExODYs Initiating a shootout or violent confrontation with Police can lead to a PK. Killing or attacking an Officer after initiating a violent confrontation leaves you PK active from officers for about 15 minutes. Generally we want people to not immediately go for the gun when dealing with Police, as a result if you escalate a situation to a shootout and lose you can be punished via PK as your character was killed. This does not apply if it is the Police that fired first or escalated to a shootout. Further, I'd like to state. You were given a chance to comply and given the circumstance, the entire scenario, gave a great impression you were baiting the reaction from the officer. Given the officer, attempted to arrest you first, you did the classic pull over and drive away when they got close. Given the potential cop bait, the stopped car, and a gun actively drawn on you, you chose to flee. I believe this shows a blatant disregard for your characters life and you were pked as such.
  8. After reviewing your PK and talking extensively we believe your PK to be valid. The mugging location was valid to initiate a mugging. No one else was nearby, no NPC's. No weapon on safety, nothing to invalidate this. We have come to the conclusion you were given enough time, and had the ability to comply. You move erratically during the mug at several times, after being told at gunpoint not to. You were given multiple orders to comply, with a sufficient amount of time. To which you continued to move and ignore the orders. Seemed lowkey hoping for a passerby to come and help. I would suggest next time, to comply use F7 to put your hands up and if you fully comply you cannot be PKed. If you're holding someone under Fear RP and issue them orders/warnings not to do something and they disobey you may kill them. However, one single warning/order will not suffice, multiple warnings in a very short time span will also not suffice, you have to give them adequate time to react. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
  9. This seems to be the result of a server bug. There is no record of anyone setting you active, or you being PK active and there is no log of your PK. Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted. Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.
  10. Hello! So watching the clip and from hearing the response from the banning admin. I believe your PK to be valid. On the video you posted, you run over cops repeatedly, initiating a violent confrontation with police and getting killed by police. If you believed the officers initial confrontation was 'stupid', he does not appear to cause any rule breaks, so as somespy said it's an in character issue, if that. You and your friend were jumping in and out of a car getting door kicked, being silly and to me not acting in a manner that put any value in your characters life. For that reason this will be denied. Your appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified. You may not re-appeal this PK.
  11. 4Lights

    Ban Appeal

    Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
  12. 4Lights

    Ban Appeal

    Hey! So, logs here suggest you were searched by an officer and not 1 minute later you disconnected from the server. Now this disconnect show as 'Disconnect by user.' Typically, but not always this means that you manual closed out of the server. It shows differently, if you timed out, lost steam connection, or if you suddenly crash etc. Given that, there is still a chance, that it was a crash. I can see you rejoined the server 10 minutes afterwards and were banned. If it was from not being able to rejoin the server, you seemingly did not contact the banning staff to explain the situation. The logs are not in your favour here, you did not attempt to contact any staff or the arresting officer in this time frame, through dms or a discord ticket, I would suggest doing so in future. This will be denied as there is solid evidence against you here and you have failed to provide any evidence of a crash. Further as I can only take it as it appears, you claim you 'crashed' in the back of a police car, and would have returned at the perfect time to avoid the unpleasant police rp.
  13. The original southside had ways to traverse nearly all of the roofs, many of the new buildings and places that used to have a full roof tops traversal. Now don't, it would be cool to bring back rooftops to places like china town and the ontop of the bluelobster/bank and have more ways of accessing the ones that are there and added to places that you can't get access, (ontop of the casino, car dealership, bank) Could open up for more rp, police rp, crim rp, etc.
  14. 4Lights

    Grag Panji

    Can you provide any evidence that you were exempt from kickups in the first place? @Eviddy
  15. Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.
  16. So, we can see you did infact pay kickups through logs. I have reviewed the messages you sent, a big thing however is, it is clear you missed kickups. Which does harm the faction/family you are in. You arrange through dms, to make a time. They accept the time, meet with you, you pay them, and then they order your death. Reviewing the PK guidelines "The person in question, has repeatedly done something to directly harm you, the family, or another member of the family" "Continued and repeated (despite warnings) poor behaviour, misconduct, violation of your family rules or even blatant disrespect of made men in your organization." While you are guilty of harm, you are not guilty of repeated harm and as no other reason was given besides failing to pay kickups, which you did. This PK appeal will be accepted on these grounds and you will be placed in the civ faction with any rp relating to your exit voided. EDIT: Or it would have been unpked, however you appear to have deleted the character making is unrecoverable.
  17. Sorry this took so long, to point out a few things here. There IS an inherent risk to trying to escape in the water. Typically we'd like to see the officers bringing the guy to shore, and making a reasonable attempt at arresting the guy, so as a mechanism to PK the guy, this is not intended, however if you are at fault for drowning it can and typically will be a PK. There was some debate over this, you were tazed in water and sank, you then say essentially you're complying, then you were cuffed under water and died. Me and some others were under the impression that you had no ability to swim up. it appears you CAN swim up when cuffed at the bottom like that, however you need to be looking straight up while he drags you and sometimes that doesn't behave properly. Given that this was not known and there was some ambiguousness to the death, potentially the dragging itself causing the PK death by suffocation. The PKing staff had offered to restart the RP with the suspect in cuffs. When this was refused by the officer, the character was PKed. After a conversation about this, we'd have much rather have had the RP restarted given the uncertainty of who's fault this death was and because of the refusal by the officer and the pressure from said officer to the staff for the PK, it comes off as PK hungry. We have deemed this PK to be invalid on these basis, the fault could have been the officers and that RP could have easily continued. Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted. Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.
  18. +1 would be funni and make a lot of people upset
  19. 4Lights

    PK appeal

    Hello PKing staff here. I had the unfortunate job of PKing your character. I was given two clips and being you were offline at this time. I offline PKed your character. 1st Clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iO7o1yM2V70hNWqX2/d13375v6EXOT?invite=cr-MSxORjAsMTk2MzAwODIxLA - This clip shows the cop reacting to gun shots, seeing you run past a ragdoll/body. He attempted to get the bottom of this by asking in RP through text chat. You seemingly ignore this cop, so he chases you. 2nd Clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iO7p5pItO1uneZ2he?invite=cr-MSw1a2IsLEZPUl9ZT1U - This clip continues the previous one, it shows the cop chasing you and demanding you to stop in text chat, getting ignored again. He then in the middle of chasing you gets run over by a third party. You proceed to pull out your gun and start blasting, hitting the officer several times. He then pulls out a gun, where you say 'sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to do that' then you disconnect from the server. Unfortunately, as you were in a situation that was likely going to lead to your PK and you chose to disconnect, whilst PK active. I determined this to be a valid PK. " Killing or attacking an Officer after initiating a violent confrontation leaves you PK active from officers for about 15 minutes."
  20. 4Lights

    Ban Appeal

    Hey there. Banning staff here. So I banned you for an incident that was reported via discord ticket. When I investigated you had blatantly tied someone up while they were using the clothing store NPC "https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iQlyG0OkYx7Ch3DiT?invite=cr-MSxNa0ssLEZPUl9ZT1U", when I investigated your notes and bans you had multiple relating to fail mugging. So I deemed it appropriate to ban you for 3 days. Your friends ban was issued by another staff at their discretion and may have been related to fewer notes or other circumstances. The PK was a separate incident, wherest you mugged someone and died in the attempt, which was also deemed a fail mugging by the pking staff. Which also took place after the incident that I banned you for. if you'd like to appeal that, you'll have to appeal via PK appeal. However that PK looked fairly cut and dry, dieing in the attempt.
  21. 1. 'Lights, flashing lights. She don't believe in shootin' stars' 2. Speakers phone could be funni. Also could be mingey. 3. So in a sense, if a cop is around, catches you and you have to risk a PK to kill him to continue your RP. You successfully roll the dice and kill him. You want the cop to be able to yell/possibly radio for backup? Presumably at the range you're speaking, the gunshots; even silenced would be enough to indicate to cops close enough. Making this redundant for how you suggested it and brokenly overpowered otherwise. As for tools. Spikes, could work but I feel like people would just continue to just drive with the popped tires In their bugatti's and ferraris and still get away from cops. Also I'd have concerns if it's done improperly could just end up blowing up the vehicles, or used to grief buildings. I could see something where it's possible to request one for an ongoing chase, but to just give them to every officer to use, I'd probably be less for ( i know you said cpl + ). On the other hand, you could always just make them stupidly expensive. 10-20k per strip or limit them to ESU flags. Pepperspray, if it incapacitates its essentially like the tazor, for just bluring their vision, sure but the range would need to be close. If it is close range, friendly fire needs to be taken into account, not to mention accidently pepperspraying yourself for running into an area you just peppersprayed. If they are running away and at a range, and you're not affected. Its essentially an overpowered flashbang and you'd quickly end up with broken PVP and people abusing (possibly through walls). Batons to break bones, would 1000% just be abused by every single probie and cadet around and probably become a problem very quickly, maybe just have the right click baton pause their movement for a second or split second longer if this is really problem. Cops are already exempt from being PKed for the most part, which already gives them the immunity to go into situation that wouldn't make realistic sense. So cops on any detainment are gonna break peoples legs 'so you can't get away' or 'just incase', sure IA whatever, but this seems like a problem to me. Aswell as, if a cop did break someone's leg, have they now started a violent altercation? Giving the crim a chance to shoot and die without pk repercussions? 'I'mma just run around until the cops break my legs, oh I can shoot now.' Criminals need a chance, it's already favored for cops and it should be favored for cop. But a delicate balance needs to be considered, at a point you might aswell just have the teleporting baton stick if there's literally no chance to get away, not saying your suggestions would cause such an imbalance, just that it needs to be carefully considered.
  22. 4Lights

    The Illuminati

    Thought this was already accepted?
  23. Hello PKing staff here. First off, it had been about an hour and you were offline by the time I processed this PK. I was given a clip where you were being rammed to the side of the road for a traffic incident, for which I was told you refused to comply. You then kept saying it was "an accident", telling them to chill. They then pulled out cuffs and attempted cuff you. You pulled out a gun, attempted to fire but it clicked as you needed to reload. You then reloaded but by that time you were killed. https://medal.tv/?contentId=iF659qDZPkfpWv9k9&invite=cr-MSxmcGIsMjIyMDYyOTE3LA&spok=d1337p82Ii92 ( her mic is quiet here, but you can hear her. ) As soon as you pulled out the gun it is considered starting a violent confrontation with police, however if you believe some sort of fail-rp occurred, I'd by happy to take a look. However if you directly rammed their car, they seemingly had a valid reason to arrest you- regardless if some clipping occurred between the officer and another third party.
  24. I imagine, you could use an RNG generator to determine if a business makes a profit and it's not hard to RNG the business on a spreadsheet once or twice a month ( 1 - 10 ) for profit or loss. This could be implemented into existing DOP, DOC as previously mentioned. Also like I mentioned, I'm willing to work on developing the system further if the powers that be, deem it a worthwhile endeavor. Also wanted to say, if you wanted to implement more mafia control, you could have staff tickets to escalate on static businesses much easier ( fire bombs or 'temporarily destroyed' ). Thus allowing 'protection or extortion' from mafia interests. With main properties being a projections of power on static businesses Mapping the street addresses this would add 66 static addresses, not to mention the possibility with other businesses types not tied to static addresses ( vending machines, hotdog vender etc ) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r7WgFt9OxMQKln5erBWmlCFh4lkXsghf_aGznFa0tI0/edit
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