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It does suck to think that cops can just run into harmful fights and general situations without caring about their life even though the premise of PKs with the roleplay of your life on the server is "disregard for your own life/not valuing your life" and that would fall into such. However, the cops on the server end up in these harmful fights more frequently than a criminal character does and cops are typically the target of random harmful fights by minges or when they are initiated by an illegal offense by a criminal character -- it wouldn't be fair for them to be at risk for every harmful fight as they are frequent. The issue at hand is risk. The cops on the server already have a lot of PK power, it is to add risk to the criminals but what is adding risk to the cops? Just corruption and if they go undercover. I believe the only plausible argument could be a few-day hospitalization (temporary pk). Perhaps adding additional requirements if the temporary PK will apply if the situation involves the raid of a property alongside a warrant? So the frequent raids that do sometimes happen if probable cause is applied without a warrant having to be issued (this normally happens in the ghetto and the townhouses due to minges or sloppy criminals) wouldn't have a temporary PK applied as it simply wouldn't be fair because of the consistent frequency of that specific harmful fight. Some inspiration from HL2 Combine RP servers can be considered as those servers have it where you get banned/kicked off the combine character (a cop character) for a short period when you die.4 points
I feel that it is unfair and unbalanced during police raids, once raids are over with; if someone in a criminal faction gets killed they are the only ones who are Pk'd. Meanwhile Police that are "shot and killed" they are only sent to the hospital, having consequences for heavy rp situations such as Raiding a property will enhance roleplay. Since it will call for more accurate tactics rather than bum rushing the room being shot and killed and still being able to return to the scene. Police have the resources and capability to do something different than just being "heroic officers in hospital after being shot... oh and lol the only person dead is this criminal!" It is understandable if this is the case while regular street arrests and the person decides to pull out a gun and fire and car chases with the police, but in a case such as raids pks for officers should be considered.3 points
what were you munching on at the beginning of the clip? I believe this is credible to your appeal.3 points
Yes, cheating I believe cheating by definition is malicious. You can have a point that, not all uses of third party programs, can be malicious in nature. However, cheating for the sake of anti-cheating effectively doubles those who feel justified in doing so. You are given so much information as part of gameplay and using anything outside is not intended and can give advantages. It's also suspicious, given your previous mugging/ quitting of the server. To me, seems clear, you are using it to not accidentally stumble upon such a situation again. The situation is not nuanced in anyway. You cheated, you got caught and are now banned. It's not just having them enables, it's us knowing that you have cheats for the very game. ( gmod ) Effectively, you are telling us to allow cheats for your game, and to just trust you that you won't use them on the server. There is a reason VAC exists. Further the facepunch "Community Server and Hosting Guidelines" ..This also includes ensuring your Servers are free from viruses, malware and spyware. Cheating, griefing or hacking our Games are strictly prohibited.. We are to ensure the server is safe from cheaters. Which is also a violation of the facepunch TOS v. Cheating: create, use, make available and/or distribute cheats, exploits, automation software, robots, bots, hacks, spiders, spyware, scripts, trainers, extraction tools, mining or other software that interact with or affect the Facepunch Services in any way. Your defense reads as follows 1. I was too lazy to turn off my cheats. ( I promise I'll disable them, next time ) 2. Yes, ENABLED. You are again telling us- you have those cheats but to 'trust you bro'. You make no mention of stopping cheating. You just say 'i wont use my cheats in your server'. I'm not going to get rid of them, which gives off the impression anytime you feel unjustified you 'might' be inclined to use them. 3. You are guilty for installing the cheats which violates facepunch TOS. You didn't accidentally cheat. In a sense you took the steps, which has inherent guilt imo. 4. I was referring to the server as the game, my mistake if this was unclear. Gmod is obviously a sandbox game. Yes, you are saying this is an apology and that you cheated, but having those cheats and refusal to get rid of said cheats. Makes you inherently untrustworthy- on use of said cheats, thus making your appeal pointless if you're refusing to stop cheating.2 points
Hello, let me start by going through you appeal. Context So to start I will say that I am not disputing the fact that I did, and do consistently use a menu that contains ESP and Aimbot. Admitting to cheatings - I have been playing GMOD for around 14 years and have been using it as a platform for RP for around 8 of those. In the 8 years I have been roleplaying, from DarkRP to 42 RP to Africa RP to Syria RP and now to Diverge, I have in some way used a “cheat”. I am sorry to say, for players that are newer, its a very common thing to do. - This is the same logic people use to cheat in multiplayer games since its inception. Just because you can, and you might be able to get away with it, doesn't mean you SHOULD. It is NOT a 'very common' thing to do as most players do infact play within the rules. As the fear of consequences and lost value for said game. There is a minority that do cheat, which is why staff always needs to be vigilante and the rules are very clear when they are caught. It should never be a surprise to anyone how the GSP found you hiding in a bush on 42RP. Some high command members use them, some don't need to because their entire guard unit, or at least certain members of it have them enabled. - Again admitting to cheating, albeit in another server. This is Mafia RP not a place for white flower enthusiasts. If another community has a problem, they must deal with it. To me it is never acceptable. This is not an excuse, and I promise I will get to the proper appeal in a moment, but I am providing context. The point I am making is that I can be criticized for using them, I can be told it's a lame thing to do, but there MUST be some level of understanding that some uses of cheats are objectively “bad”. - It is only bad if I used these stolen credit cards for fraud, or if I toggled on the cheats. You are not infallible and even if you were, there is no way for us to know they, so it must be taken as; they will be used maliciously. If I inject a cheat with the intent of using it to obtain an advantage over another player, I am using it in a malicious way and potentially harming the RP experience for the playerbase. In many cases throughout my time on GMOD though, this was never the intent and their presence in my game was merely a product of me being too lazy to close the injector. - Cheating is not innocuous. It is harmful to the game space, kills servers, kills games and kills communities and is a quick way to piss a lot of people off. Running your ESP in the background is always malicious, not matter if you're using it in that present moment. Fact is, you never know when it might give you an advantage. APPEAL Recently, I decided to take a journey to a different area of RP than I am used to. While I have enjoyed RPing as a government official for the past couple years, I wanted to try something new. On that journey, some cool guys (and one woman) from one of the Italian factions hired me as a waiter in their establishment. As someone who enjoys serious RP, I take the role seriously and enjoy running the restaurant. - I am glad to hear that you take the RP very seriously and I'll give you credit, where credit is due. However, it is a shame you don't take the 'game' very seriously. This is not just role-playing, it is an RP GAME and you can't ignore the game aspect and do only the RP- while using cheats to give you an advantage in the GAME. In fact, most of my playtime over the days leading up to my ban was simply me working in that restaurant. In that time, I took part in 0 violent interactions except one interaction where I was RDM’d and never really left the restaurant for any reason beyond picking up some shipments or selling oil. So while I apologize for having the cheats injected, I simply want to express that I never had any intention of using them to gain any advantage over other players or harm the experience of others in any way. - Violent interactions can come at any moment. Someone comes and causes shit, you toggle your aimbot or see him behind a wall before he does anything. You were running ESP in the background while 'picking up and selling oil'. Meaning you can observe anyone around your shipment using a third party modification, giving you an advantage over other players, ie the definition of cheating. I don’t need them in order to play the game the way that I do. On one character I was a government official who doesn't even own guns, so I have little to no use for them. On the other, I am a waiter, who hardly leaves a restaurant. Again, I apologize for breaking the rule and there is no excuse for me having them, but I would never and have never used them to procure an advantage over other players, find players I could not find (I dont think ive ever even had to do this), or used it to win gunfights easily (I dont get into gunfights). - "..In the 8 years I have been roleplaying.. I have in some way used a “cheat”. I am sorry to say.." - "never used them to procure an advantage over other players". Referring to my previous statement. It is always malicious. You say you don't get into gunfights but the mere fact of having a cheat menu open INCASE. Again, makes you a cheater. ) I am humbly coming to the UA to ask for some leniency. I don’t believe I am special, or above anyone else to the point I can just do whatever I want. I apologize for my usage of them and swear I never used it to harm the RP experience on Diverge. - Saying your not special, makes an implication that you are special. The fact is, yes you are special. You had done a lot in the gamespace, you have build a lot of legal RP and it is a shame that you did such a thing while being so valuable to the community. It has always been my goal to create RP and enjoyable experiences for the community and I understand that this event was antithetical to that end. If granted the opportunity to be unbanned, I would pledge to never utilize those cheats on diverge ever again. In reality, the issue of me even having them injected at that time was avoidable and is something I can remedy very easily. Thank you for your consideration. - You don't promise not to cheat, you don't even promise to get rid of your cheats. All you promise is you'll 'never use[d] it to harm the RP experience on Diverge.' and 'never utilize those cheats on diverge ever again'. According to your own rules and your own beliefs. While saying prior that you cheated for 8 years in gmod, this is not reassuring to me. tl;dr having ESP open in the background is always cheating regardless. You admit to cheating for years, you don't promise not to cheat or get rid of said cheats, but imply the fault is gmods and communities faults and it is so very common enough you can deflect blame. If you read any appeal for cheating they will all say that one line. 'It is super common bro, not my fault.'. ~You admit your guilt here. However, I don't believe, that you believe you are guilty.2 points
I know we're way closer to the 90s than we are the 80s, but video arcades were still fairly predominant up until consoles really took off in the early 2000s. We could add to the 80s theme by adding a video arcade whether it'd be public or a private racket / business. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1528767279 https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/arcade-machines-2-realistic-arcade-gaming Most of this stuff is public, will obviously need a lot of development to make it work with all the current systems, but if it's a private business license you can apply for, maybe there can be an unused building made for this kind of thing like an arcade. Either: A) It's public, and people can play and the way it'd work is after so much score, like let's say their final score is around 1000, this would give them a "100 ticket" item (could use the casino number plates if you wanted to, or create a custom ticket model, either or really) in their inventory. 10,000 score, "1000 tickets" etc, etc. They would then go to the vendor / npc in the building and sell them for real money like oil companies do with their barrels of oil. B) If it's a private business, it'd be the same thing but the family / business would be the only ones with access to the NPC and can sell tickets and give the person a large cut of however many tickets they gave them. (up to the business and / or the law however they want to make it work). EDIT: Instead of a ticket system you could also just utilize the coin exchange machine. Let the business set the price for coins and they can collect the cash the vendor generates. In the end, this could be very legit. People can do their VR chat RP in the arcade, shoot the shit while playing Galaga or some other game, while others who are more serious and want to continue conducting their illegal business and running their shipments don't have to hear "skibidi rizz" and "gmod" / other ooc terms every corner they take. This could isolate a lot of those people to the video arcade if done well and free up a lot of OOC traffic on the streets, while providing another potential legal way for businesses to make money. (I don't know if this is the correct addon I've linked above, but this is what I would guess the games would look like as the addon as well as this video was uploaded a long time ago).1 point
Looking into the story of the positions regarding the room raid do line up, including you being killed in the crossfire, while the hit itself is very circumstantial most of the information seems to be correct, in this instance there is no reasonable proof to definitively point this to being an invalid kill.1 point
Name of Character: Francis Pastore SteamID: STEAM_0:1:64159305 Your Discord ID#: 328670335778160640 Date of PK: 02/02/25 Reason for PK: Metagamed from other faction Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I was only playing this character to help prove that the Italian factions were metagaming me. I never touched anything illegal on this character or any of the rackets besides oil. I have only spent a few hours on this character and would have no reason to be PKed. I was a hangaround and was removed from the Cassano discord after being PKed by the Altoviti faction yesterday. I had not told Altoviti about my Cassano character and they should in no way be connected other than through meta-gaming. I had no in character knowledge of any criminal activity during my time working at Cassano so they would have no reason to treat me as more than a employee and fire me. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:1 point
Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted. Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.1 point
1. Disrespecting a Allied High Command member. (You called 14k HC members fat retarded faggot. (for not answering you right away) 2. Asking for people to buy and/or Sell drugs on a Legal business property. (pretty fucking stupid, seeing as there was a cop outside the door when you asked) 3. Upon returning to the Family you where warned that if you fucked up you where gone. (Douchebag Warned you) 4. Your Temper. (L Honestly) All of these were exact reasons on why you were PK'd.1 point
I (the don) was the person who ordered your death. Your death was linked to the situation that happened at the Napoli room prior, after that happened a few people that are allies of ours came to me ICly stating that they witnessed you run into the room with the police and then run out. This came off as questionable to me and a possible hole in our security. Which I take very seriously in my faction. Additionally the fact that everyone in that room was arrested BUT you also came off as questionable. To be 100% safe I decided it would be best to have you killed. I lost two good earners in that raid and couldn't take anymore chances. If you weren't the snitch well, sorry, but I must take all measures possible to ensure the security and longevity of my family.1 point
I set up my property to be raided so my buddy can come behind every cop and PK the entire 12 man police force1 point
If I recall you were mugged/fail mugged in the court room, if this is wrong. I may have confused you for someone else and I apologize. Yes, people say hurtful things on the internet. We have rules against harassment and anything targeted towards anyone, we investigate reports of anything of such a nature. If you had a problem with someone harassing you, you should have brought it to staff. You have a cheat launcher, assumable for the half life 2 engine? You openly admit to it. Why would we want to unban you? You're basically saying you're a cheater and you cheat in online multiplayer environments. Even if I felt, you did feel sorry for you actions. You are seemingly openly taking the stance, that it's okay to cheat, by not just saying 'Yeah I'll remove all my cheats and I'll stop'. Instead you are seemingly just saying, I'll disable it and not use it for YOUR server. This is a public forum and how would it look if we took that stance? This to me is the wrong stance to take and the wrong thing to say in a ban appeal for cheating. I disagree in the nuances, and I believe we in agreement on that disagreement. I believe heavily in fair play, I believe you went against that notion. Yes, for a lot of legal RP. You may not need cheats, but fact is, the advantage you may gain, the information you may see, steam ids, steams names etc. Just plainly looking through walls, could give you and enormous advantage over other players. Even if you had altruistic intentions. We have no way of moderating such things and for many the temptation is more than enough, to make an excuse to use said cheats. Cheaters never prosper and one day I hope you'll realize the only person you are cheating is yourself.1 point
Name of Character: Lorenzo Bellafiore SteamID: STEAM_0:1:64159305 Your Discord ID#: 328670335778160640 @lessrecoil Date of PK: 02/01/25 Reason for PK: I don't know Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Not sure yet I don't know the reason for the PK If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:0 points
+1 whys cops got to be the most PROTECTED faction on the server. Get body armor and free life's only risk is pretty much being mugged is crazy. I have like 30 PKs on my cop life that's how broken being a cop is. Walk down the street with a hidden AR and body armor with some crazy gun attachments. All I'm saying is there should be some risk to doing a raid.0 points
Cheating is Cheating, and it shouldn't be done in any multiplayer environment. Your stating that "some cheating is fine" shows your clear intent to continue cheating on any server you see fit, including Diverge. In no way shape or form should someone who has admittedly stated they have used cheats on Garry Mod for 8 years be trusted to stop using them or be given a special exception. Honestly, if your appeal is accepted I think a lot of players would find this extremely alarming and unfair due to the clear-cut advantage you have over all the players that don't cheat like yourself.0 points
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-1 points
Thank you for taking the time to review my appeal and providing your reasoning. I can understand how the situation could have appeared to be RDM baiting, and I'd like to provide my perspective on the events in question. I first want to say that I understand this clip appears to be some kind of deliberate baiting; let me reassure you that this is not my intention. This incident simply happened so suddenly that I see now how it may have appeared. I made an ill-thought-out split-second decision, and I can see how that would have been interpreted as baiting. I feel that was a situation with my friend in the white tee that I should have handled way better, and I did not see it at the time. I want to make clear that I had no idea what was going to happen, and I didn't realize the implications of my actions. I am fully aware of the importance of game integrity and have learned from this. Regarding the previous RDM notes: I fully understand how those could reflect on my behavior. The things I am doing are because I try to improve myself; I took the incidents as opportunities to learn from. I do want to become a better citizen in this community and follow this server's rules from now on. Where possible, I would seize this opportunity and go back into the game with a determination that in the future, I conduct myself better. I fully understand that the ban may still stand, but just a second chance to prove that I can be a more responsible and rule-following player will be great.-1 points
who doesnt cheat on gmod? like be so fr. yall dont ban cheaters, yall ban cheaters who get caught. ayden is a retard but he's a good guy. unban him fr. not like he does anything combat related anyway dude is a court discord roleplayer.-1 points
I would just like to wait for other people to review this as I think that made up information that can be proven false being used as a reason to be PKed is unreasonable. I don't know who this friend of yours is or how they came up with what they told you but I highly doubt it was anything in character. I've been playing a lot and learned a lot more about the rules since my last PK and I am almost certain that any information given about the reason for my PK wasn't from anything in character.-1 points
-2 points
i am the guy who killed you .......... scoreboard board i killed him he cried like a bitch-3 points