Sorry this took so long, to point out a few things here. There IS an inherent risk to trying to escape in the water. Typically we'd like to see the officers bringing the guy to shore, and making a reasonable attempt at arresting the guy, so as a mechanism to PK the guy, this is not intended, however if you are at fault for drowning it can and typically will be a PK.
There was some debate over this, you were tazed in water and sank, you then say essentially you're complying, then you were cuffed under water and died. Me and some others were under the impression that you had no ability to swim up. it appears you CAN swim up when cuffed at the bottom like that, however you need to be looking straight up while he drags you and sometimes that doesn't behave properly. Given that this was not known and there was some ambiguousness to the death, potentially the dragging itself causing the PK death by suffocation. The PKing staff had offered to restart the RP with the suspect in cuffs. When this was refused by the officer, the character was PKed.
After a conversation about this, we'd have much rather have had the RP restarted given the uncertainty of who's fault this death was and because of the refusal by the officer and the pressure from said officer to the staff for the PK, it comes off as PK hungry. We have deemed this PK to be invalid on these basis, the fault could have been the officers and that RP could have easily continued.
Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.
Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.