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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/24 in all areas

  1. Your Name: Snorky Porky SteamID: STEAM_0:0:634759308 Staff Member involved: Jmoorsey What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET Reason for blacklist (if given): Reason unspecified. Why should they be returned?: I was just trying to do a RP where I was setting up a "Change my mind table" on the end of the street of the motel on public property near the car dealership. The sign did have a few letters on it that made it seemed rude to a group of the following, "Altoviti are niggers changed my mind" A few seconds later I changed my mind and decided to change the name to "Motel Faggots" If this was against the rules I was unaware of it. A few seconds later I was pulled into a sit and he took my PET flags away without giving me a explanation before taking them away. I would also like to ask a clip of this and what not
    3 points
  2. Altoviti are niggers change my mind
    3 points
  3. Your Character or Steam Name: Giovanni Deluca Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): Your Discord ID#: Drunken2484 Reason for ban: RDM ,PO Length of ban: 1 day Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute Why should you be unbanned? During this sit, the handling admin was contradicting himself, stating that the reason that he was going to ban me was beacuse of a previous OBVISOUS accidently RDM on the 22nd (wasn't punished for it.) He then stated that i was being banned for 1 day to read over the rules and that it wasnt meant as a punishment, i replied saying that I could stay up here (the roof) and read over the rules in question. He then stated that i wouldnt read over them which i said i could screenshare me reading them. He then laughed, said no and said all the points i made was invalid. During the situation in question, someone was trying to enter my car, i gave them a clear order not to enter my car but they decided to try again anyway, this then lead to me shooting the person in question. The video dosent have the player's voice in it despite him talking and Jmoorsey was stating that he wasnt talking during the situation. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/?contentId=iLD484cefUDrv2RQ4&invite=cr-MSx0UlEsMjU0Mjk4OTY5LA&spok=d1337cWlqiFS Accidental RDM situation: The man i accidently shot was in the Blue lambo
    2 points
  4. Your flag appeal has been reviewed and accepted. The blacklist will be lifted from your account shortly.
    1 point
  5. My past notes were months ago, banning me dosent solve any issue. Having me read over the issues in game would of been a better solution but no.
    1 point
  6. PKing admin here, As I stated in the sit, you disconnected within 15 minutes of killing a cop. (Tim Bradford) Here is that rule. Here is the log of you disconnecting. And here is the log of you killing that cop. Also here is a clip of the disconnecting/situation. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iLUA48iLQFyFEBr4H/CY21JoFXVZsR?invite=cr-MSx4anosMjczNTg0NDA5LA During the sit you kept asking for some leniency, but then I looked at your records. 2 days ago you were banned for 1 day for LTARP. You barely made it one day without disconnecting in the middle of an RP scenario. An arrest would lead to a maximum of 25 minutes in jail and a felony. But you broke the rule before, and you broke it again.
    0 points
  7. When joining a criminal faction, you are given a prompt, that states the following. (see attached image) Your don ordered a hit on your head, as you left the faction. You can be PKd by your faction for a lot of different reasons, this being one of them. I highly suggest you read over the PK guidelines, found here.
    0 points
  8. YOu got pked for leaving the faction
    0 points
  9. Hello, I was the admin that oversaw the dons order, as mentioned before you join a crime family you could be killed for any reason. Ive gone ahead and asked the owner of the faction to leave a comment on why you were PKd.
    0 points
  10. Hello. Banning Mod here. The reason i banned you was not because of your "Accidental RDM" The reason i banned you was because of your NUMEROUS Past Offenses for RDM. Only reason i mentioned the accidental rdm note was because i was bringing up the fact your last note was regarding RDM. As for the main reason i banned you, you shot a guy without giving him proper warning. Here is the clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iLD484cefUDrv2RQ4/d1337cWlqiFS?invite=cr-MSx0UlEsMjU0Mjk4OTY5LA PS: Its a one day ban bro. Seriously?
    -1 points
  11. the fact that you are still getting in trouble for RDM shows you dont know how the "escalation" and "violence" rules work, right? There has to be some consequence to your actions. Edit: Like i said in the sit, I did not ban you to punish you. I banned you to give you some time to read over how the rules work
    -1 points
  12. I have no doubt you wouldve forgotten what you had said if you had read the rules in front of me.
    -1 points
  13. You have been around this server for a while, you have been in trouble for RDM many times. The ban time for this is extremely generous giving your history. You should also actually take this time to learn about active and idle threats and what escalation is. Neither were followed in this situation and it would appear you have never learned them based on your POs. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
    -1 points
  14. I told you that you have to wait a week before you may appeal. Please do not make any more forum threads.
    -1 points
  15. As i told you in the sit i brought you to, i see no reason for you to have your PET flags, as you have PO's of you abusing them. Ive seen nothing but minging from you regarding your PET flags. You also literally JUST got noted for prop killing. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iLAXUQw7zyTIBR3dB/d1337yvbasWH?invite=cr-MSxhNk0sMjA1NDM2MTcwLA
    -1 points
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