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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/24 in all areas

  1. Staff Application In-Game Name(s): Chelsea "Little" Moore , Olivia Stone Steam Name: Poco Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198330156409/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:184945340 Discord Username: pocoacuffs Age: 21 When did you first join the server: August 31, 2024 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 3d 23hrs (95 hours) Time Zone: US Central How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 15-20 hours weekly Have you read the rules?: every one Do you have a working microphone?: yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): i do Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: no Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: yes ------------------------------------------------- What is your motivation/reason for applying?: There are quite a few reasons behind my submission of an application today. The most significant one being that I enjoy helping others. This server was my first, and only, server I've played on gmod. Since joining, the community has been nothing but helpful and kind to me. I personally went through a terrible situation that ended up in the other party being perma banned. In that moment I felt so ashamed, but the community was there for me. They all had my back. I would enjoy an opportunity to give back. I also know the rules like the back of my hand, and it's irritating seeing others abuse them. I've done everything to keep a good reputation in this server, but having a good reputation doesn't give me the authority to tell them to stop what they're doing. Lastly, I'm not sure exactly how long this server has been around, but seeing it hold onto its liveliness and not losing people due to things admins could potentially solve, would be a pretty neat thing to see. That's what I hope for this server - to keep them coming back. Afterall, gaming is supposed to be fun. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: I would just like to preface, I understand that most other applicants will have more time under their belt. My goal of this application is to get my name out there. I want whoever sees this to know that it is my prime goal to become an admin is this server one day. The goal of this application is not to get accepted, but is to advertise my passion and dedication for it. However, I will state that I have practically studied the rules. I know them so well, I could be quizzed and pass with flying colors. I am not applying for the position for the wrong kind of power. With a position like this obviously comes commitment, time, and friendly but also real, unbiased administrative leaders, and that is exactly what I plan to bring to the table. I also am mostly on very late into the night when maybe only one or two admins on so I'll be available to take really late night and early morning tickets. I am active during the day as well. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): I do not. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: I have not. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: I would say that I am well known within the community. With the 100 active hours I have spent that time talking with so many people and so many groups. I am happy to say I am confident in getting around in the city. At first, I was only a new girl that everyone thought wouldn't stay, and now I'm friends with quite a few members of the community. As mentioned before, this community was there for me when I was going through a rough time, and all I want is to give back. As of late, I have been recognized by my peers for, as one says, "I know you would [do well as an admin] you’re nice to the new people," and by my faction for, "always being approachable and interacting with all." What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: I wouldn't say there is one moment that tops all others just because I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment being in this server, but I will say getting to know everyone has been a blast. Learning how the city works and learning even just the gmod basics has been a journey that I cannot wait to see where it goes to next. There's something new every day, that's why I like it. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: N/A ------------------------------------------------- Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If it is brought to my attention that someone has RDMd another and I am off duty, I would recommend to the player to make a ticket in-game so that active staff can assist properly. If there are no staff online, depending on if I am available, I would happily hop on to assist. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: My initial response would be, "Does this person know that is against the rules?" I'd kindly ask if they knew. It is expected that all staff know the rules and follow them, but still, I'd ask politely. I would then guide them to the rules page to review. I would check to see if the person has any notes about this behavior before. I would then bring it to upper administration so they may investigate further if need be. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: Evidence is evidence. If there's no notes or history of any kind, I'd likely add a note. If there's history, I may approach it differently. We must all be understanding of one other, but also honest with one another. Usually, things go better for you if you're just honest from the beginning. If my friend is being dishonest, and there is clear evidence, I cannot give them special treatment. I would treat everyone equally and learn from my higher ups by asking questions. It's important to ask if you don't know.
    3 points
  2. Hello banning staff member here, Your ban was neither false or a misunderstanding. You were banned off of this clip https://medal.tv/?contentId=iGjdIgtD6npshs5WU&invite=cr-MSwyVVosMTk3MTkzNTEwLA\n\n&spok=d1337uaoKW6n where you kept trying to get the person in the clip to put their gun away on the docks and he refused to where you got frustrated and just killed him for no reason. You were in no position to demand him to put his gun away and the person posed no threat to you in any manner. Your friend group also proceeded to do the same thing to 2 other people later in which they were punished aswell. You received an actual ban due to your prior offenses. I hope this explanation provided some clarity to your ban!
    3 points
  3. Your Character or Steam Name: Christopher 'No-Nose' Dante Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:1:196993255 Your Discord ID#: f4irykamryn Reason for ban: RDM POx2 Length of ban: 2 Days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Both. Why should you be unbanned? I feel like I should be unbanned because many of my unbans, are from several years ago. The Recent ban I got was from a misunderstanding and the guy didn't even want me to get banned. I do admit I should read over the rules but when I used to play the server a couple years ago the rules were different for shooting people. The entire situation happened when we got into an argument and he ran away from a fight, he pulled a gun and threated to kill us, so I shot him in the face, and we ran off. I didn't know at the time that it was against the rules, A admin told me he wasn't a 'active' threat which I do not understand because in RP I was fearing for my life, I now know that having a MAC10 out and threatening to kill someone is not an 'active' threat. But I do apologize for not knowing the rules or taking time to read over them, I came back this week to start to RP again and it has been fun and nice and id like to play some more, I tried explaining my side and why I did it but it didn't matter, Im not here to minge or to break rules, I just want to RP and have a good time! I also do understand why I was banned; I have plenty of bans two years ago which I regret. I also feel like this was RDM baiting, pulling a gun out in a argument and fight. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I have none, But I was told the guys clip had no audio (IDK if that matters)
    2 points
  4. Didnt even have to read it. Posted a cat photo. +1
    1 point
  5. Ban length is admins discretion, and I see no issue with the ban length, considering if you were as he stated being very confrontational in the sit room and constantly arguing with him. Sometimes being agreeable and recognizing ones choices works to ones benefit. While we take POs from prior years with a grain of salt, it definitely can be used against you in the sense that you have a pattern of repeated behavior, and it would appear from recent notes/bans that the pattern is reappearing. Either you cleaned up your act for a while, or you just quit playing the server for a while. Either way, you need to reel it back in. Please review the rules during this 2 day span.
    1 point
  6. Why would they announce they're going to kill you? You wouldn't tell the person you want dead you've sent a hitman after them
    1 point
  7. I don't recall the situation 100% but you had some sort of crash out about something, got perturbed someone calling you a name, spammed discord and made threats. got perma'ed ingame, then joined the discord on an alt discord, made a ticket trying to get your alt steam whitelisted, checked your connections and saw 7 accounts total. Something like that
    1 point
  8. +1 Great application and a unique idea that adds value to roleplay in many ways that we have not seen before. Not only adding value to roleplay, but everything in the applications seems extremely roleplay oriented which will be great for the city overall. All people involved are great and active role-player's as well so I don't see how this would not succeed. Would love to see this accepted.
    1 point
  9. +1 I lean towards girls with dark pigmentation need more of them in city
    1 point
  10. Hello!! Banning Moderator here, after the sit was made, and clip was sent to me I had brought you, and you openly admitted to killing the person reporting you for having his gun out on safety, after I looked at the Killing Rules I determined that you had blatantly RDM'd him, at which point you both were gagged for arguing with each other. I then proceeded to explain that what you did was RDM, and then when you were ungagged you then started fighting with me over the rules, and which point I had sent the rule in chat multiple times. And to add onto this situation, maybe next time if your going to be in Discord don't have the audio coming through you microphone while your in the staff sit, to then have your friend's make sits to try to argue with me that I am in the wrong, and that you supposedly get "3 notes, and po's" before you receive a ban(still don't know where he heard this). You have MULTIPLE warns for RDM, albeit they are from within the span of 4 years, you have an active RDM note, and RDM Ban from September 10th, 2024, which is where your PO's have come from, not from what your friends describe as "from 4 years ago", and talking shit about me calling me a retard, and a bad staff member. https://medal.tv/?contentId=iGDwoHGqDdAFIcJN6&invite=cr-MSxVbFAsMTk3NzIzNjkxLA&spok=d1337zPM5Cgt This man did not have a gun pointed at you, it was on safety, and even beyond that saying "I'm going to kill you" under server rules makes it an Idle Threat, not an Active one.(Shown below)
    -1 points
  11. Your Character or Steam Name: Donny Valentino Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:78302318 Your Discord ID#: mallymalastar Reason for ban: Rdm Length of ban: 12 hours Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was completely afk and I am unsure of how I could've gotten my ban... I left to take a phone call, came back to a ban message... Without any context I can only imagine this is a false ban or misunderstanding. Why should you be unbanned? I was afk and I haven't RDM'ed anyone, I've been on the server for quite a while today with no issues, Idk what to do going forward... Additional Information:
    -3 points
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