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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/24 in all areas

  1. I wonder who sent that dm
    3 points
  2. Your Character or Steam Name: IX-Crazy-XI Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:747322032 Your Discord ID#: ix_crazy_xi Reason for ban: Metagame (no POS) Length of ban: 1 day Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute Why should you be unbanned? so in the sit i was with another person that was banned truthfully but i got banned for metagame for a day after anzati said it will be a note so im not going to ban you. then straight after i get a metagame ban and also there is no proof of us metagaming for being in a vc we had a staff member in the vc at the time while all of us being deafend. so therefore i dont believe this ban is legit. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iETY2aWvsKxk7epCq/d13373wjMBMC?invite=cr-MSx0Qm8sMjI0MDA3MTk0LA
    2 points
  3. This isn't something that can be fixed. This is also only specific to clothing item models. The default position when created is world co-ordinates 0,0,0, which briefly appear here before the codes runs to set their actual position on a player. 0,0,0 just happens to be a position inside the map. I could move the map axis, but that would break dupes and all sorts of other things. It's really not that big of an issue either.
    2 points
  4. In-Game Name(s): Senior Public Defender Neddy Carrigan, Officer Freddy Winston, Teddy "Shizuoka" Kai, Conner Honor Steam Name: Z67H Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198407670292/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:223702282 Discord Username: z67h Age: 18 When did you first join the server: Beginning of this year In March Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game):1mo 3d 22h 4m Time Zone: PDT How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: Most likely and realistically 3 hours a day at minimum up to 8 hours Have you read the rules?: yes I have Do you have a working microphone?: I do have a working microphone Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): I understand Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: I am not Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: I do understand ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * My reasoning for applying is because I am wanting to help the community in any way I can, from being a help IC (Public Defender) to (OOC) a staff member. I have invested some time into the server and I'm just wanting to broaden my experience in the server as a whole. I have previous experience being a member of staff on a different server and I enjoyed my time being so and I am wanting to reexperience that again. I have a extreme amount of free time that could be allocated to taking sit's and other duty's of a staff member. I'm tired at the amount of time it takes for a simple ticket that could be solves in seconds i don't want other player's to wait for a simple ticket that could be done easily Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * the first reason I should be considered is because of the amount of time I can potentially put to doing ticket's. the second reason is because i have experience on both sides of rp from it being legal rp to criminal rp which can help me see both sides of any situation that may come up. the third reason is I am willing and eager to learn and help in anyway I can towards the community and the server. The fourth is I have experience in dealing with other player's mingy and not from my previous experience from my time being a previous staff. the final reason I should be picked as a staff member is I'm willing to be lenient and the patience to deal with people being uncooperative and acting dumb in sit's im the type of person to look at the big picture Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): I do have previous experience as a member of staff in a sever called smoke's.gg it is a darkrp server i was a tmod for around 3 months it didn't work out since it felt like my time and work wasn't being appreciated from the amount of time i was putting in and the mixture with school in my life Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: I have not been banned Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * I'm known in mutable ways in the server i would say I'm well known, I am the owner of the custom item fentanyl a lot of people know me as the fent wizard, or any of my iconic names Neddy, Eddie or teddy. on my other character Neddy I'm known for being a silly lawyer but when it comes down to it I am a decent choice for representation in law rp. my reputation is pretty good I would say a have a good image in the server from my interactions with people around the city. I think people think of me as a laidback guy who helps other's in situations and am not always serious at time's but can be if needed to be. What is your favorite moment on Diverge so far?: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ihvhO2rBeGkhB4YHW/d1337iIip0wL?invite=cr-MSxUVkEsMjE3OTcwNTE3LA Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: DopeAsRoe, Real Waladang ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: i personally would not take any action towards it if i am involved with the situation and notify other staff member's but if the situation doesn't involve me I will wait for a ticket to be made for the rdm and if I am the one to take it I will ask for a second opinion to ensure non bias and take action by looking at their notes and previous bans. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: i would inform UA of the situation and give context to the situation and provide proof of said abuse A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I avoid taking the ticket if no other staff member takes the ticket i will chat is admin chat to ask a other member of staff to take it if the ticket is still not taken after 30 minutes, I will take it and ask for someone to watch the sit to confirm non bias and if no other staff is on I will record the whole situation and sent it to a fellow staff member as well as the context and any proof sent to me by any of the people in the sit for their opinion during the sit I will try not to be biased as much as i can and proceed like a regular sit by checking the proof of the rdm and make a decision based off of bans/notes
    1 point
  5. Your Character or Steam Name: Darkfire16181 Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): 76561199102368297 Your Discord ID#: Darkfire1618 Reason for ban: Fail Corruption | Metagaming Length of ban: 1 Week Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I have never Meta gamed first and for most. Second Fail Corruption is not a reason to ban it is a PD issue within RP please see attach photos. To wrap around back to Meta gaming we was all deafened in VC with staff in that VC observing how all of us were deafened as that staff member explained while the sit was actively going on. But here we are with unjust bans on my record yet again. Everything was done within character. I drove them around and we planned a mugging while I was off duty. As stated in the rules (See attached) #4 clearly states "As soon as you put yourself in a corrupt situation it is possible to be PK'ed." That doesn't clarify if PK'ed within roleplay or within staff issued PK so it is a bit confusion on that part. I would also like to make it a point that I was never brought to a sit or contacted at all about the situation. Why should you be unbanned? Because I didn't meta game and PD corruption isn't a ban its a IC issue that has to be dealt with the correct channels via internal affairs and or staff in extreme cases. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Good looking out homie see you on these mean streets soon. Remember Southside Bangers did it to ya!! Shout out the real homies that get their get back ten toes down.
    1 point
  6. Mind you I think the rules regarding that are pretty clear but I'll be further clarifying them none the less.
    1 point
  7. Tbh I have seen so much metagaming staff and Darkfire never was one. The worst I’ve seen this guy do is delete open suits off the ground with remover tool - or delete items in which would be considered transferred copies of something. This man was one of the few legit staff members, that the server currently is now lacking. Why did this guy is consistently put on the chopping block is beyond me, even during Takahashi & Mexicans beef - Darkfire was one of few whomst can actually RP the situation via IC info only, & steered away from just kill baiting & minging properties. another thing I’d like to point out, is I’ve gotten accused of metagame for some pretty bogus reasons before, & I think y’all mfs really cope sometimes with the fact you get slammed by legit RP. I had PK’d 3 people awhile back, & since still, after months of potential updates, the radio is still buggy unless you re toggle it / submit frequency again. This was completely out of my hands & at the time I wasn’t expecting it with my adrenaline rushing. I had literally not been able to use the voip radio option, not been able to crouch, & was actually panicking because I was sick with the flu at the time. I smoked 2/3 people with a Tec9 and Greg Norwell smacked the last one with a hammer after I used /r and asked for help. There was legitimately no evidence to this being metagame, & nonetheless nothing I said in the clip was pointing to metagame. I was simply hype I was pking an opp bitch on foenem !!! Stop just pulling trigger on meta game bans & start doing investigations please I have no current association with this ban but this is my 2cents on him “metagaming on staff” that’s sounds like a large dump of steaming shit.
    1 point
  8. Banning admin here, As stated in the sit, not only was it fail corruption breaking rule 6 & 11. But you all were conveniently in the VC at the time. You claim to be deafened the entire time, but in the clips, why does the cop know to turn the corner with a gun up and instantly start shooting into the enemy party? Why did you wait around the corner, without saying a single word, pull your gun out, and instantly start shooting, the only ingame queue was Darkfire whispering "ready", when you already were fail mugging with an NYPD officer. You claimed in the sit that Caboose told you that it wasnt fail corruption, but then Caboose tells me they never said that? Babytron was Takashi, I agree with that, sure if you're mugging. But in this clip here, by Babytron, you all seem to follow in a couple seconds after, and you were already waiting there in the stairwell. Ontop of that, how would you know what room you were going to if there wasn't a single word uttered from the people going to the room if you were already waiting there? More info, not super relevant but still enforces the ban a little bit. XX:15 was the screenshot, you made the ticket at XX:07, and tped at XX:13. Yes theres 2 minutes where you might be undeafining, but you were already in the VC ready to talk to everyone thats involved in the mug except for Caboose & "Ghost" ix_crazy - banned buckets - banned Susan - spectating and literally not at PC Bay B. Tron - banned ghost - (i think its darkfire?, was mostly banned for other reasons), banned Edit: Forgot to mention, you never linked your POV of the situation. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iETJKcFRgTjzI8neh/tQmfkwhh5sN9?invite=cr-MSx5Z2ssMjY4NTYzODg4LA
    1 point
  9. bro thinks that he spied on him
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Your Character or Steam Name: travis scott(steam), Bigeksda Plug(in game) Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:180521832 Your Discord ID#: 302456643545858048 Reason for ban: Mugging Char/Metagaming/Extensive POs Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute Why should you be unbanned? To start, this situation happened during a mugging that turned into a shootout. Me and three others faked a deal to trade bricks of weed for coke, when they unlocked their Napoli room door, I took my gun out and ordered both of them to put their hands up. Right after, the second person ducked behind a small indent in the wall and audibly took their weapon out and took off the safety. For that I shot the first guy and started shooting at the corner the person with a gun was at. Both of them died and we took no casualties. We made a ticket for a PK and they claimed we metagamed by being in a VC. We were deafened in the De Leon discord, as we were driving around in a bus and just chatting, we deafened/muted at any point we engaged in RP situations, and we quite literally said to deafen before we got involved in the mugging situation- which we did. To note, we had been in the call much prior to me, or any of us being on the server. As for the mugging character dispute, I explained in the sit room(very poorly to be fair) that I use two characters; One, for legal/white collar criminal RP and business, and then my OTHER character, for direct criminal RP activities like dealing in illegal/defaced weapons, drugs, robbery, et cetera, being that this was my character to rejoin Takahashi with after being PKed in a police shootout prior. Anzati explained to me that the character is just too young to be seen as a non-mugging character, but I think that due to the fact that the creation lines up with the time I've been back(unbanned) from the server, and in that scale makes it a long period of time. For metagaming, Caboose themself even said that we all muted in the de leon discord, as they had been in there with us for a while before the mugging. I am not asking for an immediate unban, but I'm looking for an unban just in general, I wouldn't care if it was in months, I just don't think what I did warrants a permanent ban. In short, the time frame from when I got unbanned from my second permanent ban, within a few days of creation of my accused "mugging character" to now could be considered an old character, as it was made within a few days of my return. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iETY2aWvsKxk7epCq/d13374i2HIwr?invite=cr-MSxkVlosMjI0MDA3MTk0LA (MY POV)
    0 points
  12. Ok so like I stated, I accept the fact of police corruption with these new findings I was in the wrong for that. But I know for a fact you can see with my clip along with the others provided that no meta gaming has happened whatsoever.
    0 points
  13. I can confirm there wasnt any metagaming.. I was in the De Leon VC this morning they were all deafened during this issue..
    0 points
  14. I can confirm there wasnt any metagaming.. I was in the De Leon VC this morning they were all deafened during this issue..
    0 points
  15. weren't you just explained what is allowed corruption wise and what isnt..?
    0 points
  16. No, silly. You are not allowed to mug as a cop. That's fail corruption. Ban. You CAN leak info to criminals, but you could get PKd if anyone finds out. Weren't you a mod or something before? Crazy that you 100% spied on my convo with someone using admin mode and got them false blacklisted, and then go and do this shit
    0 points
  17. 0 points
  18. +1 He is pretty slay...
    0 points
  19. +1 As a fellow public defender, this guy knows how to handle people with no bias. He can hear people out and also give a quick verdict. Good guy! Thanks for the fentanyl btw
    0 points
  20. good man cured me of my blindness
    0 points
  21. +1 fent wizard Seriously tho a good lad
    0 points
  22. with the new a map a different background behind the chars could be a breath of fresh air
    -1 points
  23. It looks weird as fuck having to see playermodels flicker every 5 seconds as they move around the map/spawn. I asked a staff earlier, they said "speak to this guy about it, its dumb, we know, but we can't do anything about it." If moving it to a spot outside the map is not feasable, can you not make it invisible to anyone who is not a member of staff?? That would do the same thing and fix the t-posing playermodel flickering thats next to the blue lobster. This server is semi-serious, but having a blatantly obvious playermodel flicker breaks the feeling of "MUH IMMERSION!" and just looks goofy as hell anyway.
    -1 points
  24. Funny. I knew once I saw you on you PD char, I knew something was up.
    -1 points
  25. Name of Character: Gordon Cheeseman SteamID: STEAM_0:1:565908089 Your Discord ID#: miff7345 Date of PK: 2022 September 11th Reason for PK: dons order Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I should be unpk'd because that mafia group is no longer a thing If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: N/A
    -1 points
  26. Banning admin here, Not only was the Fail Corruption breaking Rule 6 & 11 6. You may not mug people or commit any other obvious general crime as stated in the first line of this sub section. 11. You may not act corrupt for a faction you are apart of or are allied with on different characters. Using your rank to abuse or meta for a family you are apart of or are allied with on other characters is strictly forbidden and can result in severe consequences for anyone involved. 6, you were caught helping during a mug and knowingly helping that mug. If you argue "wasn't a mug", thats where the metagaming came in. You were waiting in the stairwell above prior to them saying it was a mugging around the corner If it wasn't a mugging, then why would you instantly assist BabyTron (Takashi), Bobo (Takashi), and Jorge (Leon, we'll continue on this one later!) Bobo, during the sit had said that you only shot to help your friends because someone un-safety a gun, that is not a reason to kill especially when you're uninvolved in the initial situation, only hear shooting around the corner, and instantly assume to shoot the opposing party? 11, As stated above, Jorge, Bucket Hat Barry, was on his Leon character when you were assisting him. This is a direct conflict and breaking the rules of corruption (as you are in that faction). Leon is allied with, Lucchese, Kosher, Pruz, and Laventine. Babytron was on their takashi, and has a Leon character. Bobo was on their takashi, and has a Lucchese, Laventine, Legacy, and Leon. Jorge was on their leon (direct conflict), and has a Lucchese. Now to address the metagame, as stated in Bobo's appeal, you were already waiting there. There were no queues other than a gun un-safetying. You turn the corner and instantly assume to start shooting the enemy. Along with the whole being in VC, now after banning you some people came forward with some more thoughts of your whole metagaming thing! In your faction discord btw, while being corrupt for your faction's alts, and even one on De Leon. (Won't let me post image) https://imgur.com/K9z3vFa https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iETPPzVHYYQvSJnBW/d1337KUlNffH?invite=cr-MSx2cTcsNDUwMjc5Niw Oh also, theres this funny clip of you prop-blocking and literally having felons in the PD, wonder how they knew that your cop in specific would've let them in. weird.... TLDR: The one week wasn't only for the metagame, but for the Fail Corruption x2. I've many bans for fail corruption, its not an in character issue. Regular corruption is an in character issue. The many many unknown moments where you, receiving information in discord, from you turning the corner and helping your friends, to you all already waiting at the mugging location. You as an ex-staff member should know the rules, and not rely on something that can or cannot be proven (Caboose saying it was allowed). I think 1 week is fair considering I didn't add any extra time for the extensive amount of metagaming happening in the two clips.
    -2 points
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