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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/24 in all areas

  1. Adding a Hi-Fi that is permanent to the property like a cash register separate from the normal Hi-Fi to have your own custom-made selection of songs including cassettes that are custom and ones that fit a certain theme. For example, if you are working at an Italian restaurant you are served specific Italian cuisines and listening to Italian fine dining music. Also adding Auto-play to the Hi-Fi.
    2 points
  2. Buy one no need to have a perma prop added just for your use that’s a lot of extra work just to not spend $100 in game to get one. The auto-play function would be great tho. As for custom playlists get media perms and you can use any radio or tv that the staff can perms place anywhere they allow. I don’t see a reason for custom cassette songs to be added to hi-if since not everyone wants to give access to everyone if that was the case they could make it public for cheaper than private.
    2 points
  3. Imagine getting denied service at a restaurant because of your attire. When it’s a pizza parlor you shouldn’t have to wear a suit and tie, no hats allowed. Having the ability to deny service is allowed and should continue.
    1 point
  4. Im not gonna lie, I have had an interaction with majority of the people in this group and it was outstanding. I have personally played soccer and been to one of there parks and loved every second of it. I like how they want to be more of a community first faction instead of a crime faction. My overall reaction is a massive plus one +1
    1 point
  5. Who are you? You're an interesting character.
    1 point
  6. Name of Character: James Spintavion SteamID: STEAM_0:0:628592126 Your Discord ID#: crispytacos0438 Date of PK: today Reason for PK: "since your mugging and supplying to de leon ill just pk you too" Why should you be un PK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: item transfer/mugging char If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: As I do admit the item transfer was a little iffy as it could have been seen as item transfer and I won't argue that even though that was not my intention. I will say though I would like to be un pk'd because this character was not a mugging character. This character has been in pd and made it all the way to Senior officer. This character has also been a avid taxi driver and done so money things that show against "mugging character". " since your mugging and supplying to de leon people im going to pk you too". I would love to know all the people I supplied down below. Also even if I did want to mug someone and give the items to someone that was in de leon to keep that makes me a mugging char. I BEG to be un pk'd. That pm9 I had and 4 grand to quite a bit of hard work to get plus I was even thinking about coming back into the police and becoming a detective. I'm sure monaclu could vouch I did have a encounter with him at city hall as he was passing by asking if there were spots open and saying that I was a former cop. So whats the proof i was supplying de leon other than one of my friends took shit out of my bank I gave him and he took shit out we mugged.. #pleasenigga #Ibeg #notamuggingcharacter #prayforanigga
    0 points
  7. I mean, restaurants and businesses sometimes do get investigated. But not for not being open...businesses aren't open 24/7. Usually there's something called "hours."
    0 points
  8. First of all ive mugged up to 15-20 people on my de leon char and went for a mug the other day so you are wrong on that part. Second, my history being banned is because I was newer to the server and not fully aware of the rules and just mugging crazy on a fresh character. Banned and pk'd for mugging char, this was not mugging char. Item transfer and mugging char are quite a bit different. I feel this pk was unjust because first of all I barely ever even play my de leon char and plus this was sort of a main character/not mugging char. I would understand the pk way more if I had actually just made a fresh char and started mugging.
    0 points
  9. you guys do the same thing sooooo i don't want to hear it
    0 points
  10. So, let me clarify a few points. 1. You were mugging with a guy named Carlos "Lil Peanut" Blanco, however you were both using alt chars. Why don't you mug people on your actual main characters? Throwing a little time into an alt char so you can mug people doesn't mean it's not a mugging character. It's just that you've been banned for mugging characters in the past and have thought yourself as finding a way around the rule. Mug on your actual characters that you're scared to lose. 2. You've been pked 6+ times in the past few months, most of those characters also being named "Spintavion" and mugging people and getting in shootouts with police. 3. You and your buddy, both from De Leon used alt chars to fund his main de leon char. You did not use your de leon char because you're scared of getting pked. You chose to use your spintavion character because it's less risk and you've put less effort into it. 4. The proof is literally in you, taking someone who you're mugging with on alt chars, and putting their main de leon char as having access to the ATM to which you store stolen items. 5. Point blank, it's staff discretion here. Obviously you were acting as a middle man and assisting in this item transfer, obviously you have a history which indicates it wasn't some oopsie daisy mistake, and you were banned and pked for it. Next time, mug on your de leon character, or one of your other actual faction characters that you're scared to lose. You put other peoples main characters at risk when you mug them, and the playing field isn't even the way you're doing it.
    -2 points
  11. Make Restaurants liable to be investigated by law if they are not open and operating when someone's on. there's like 20 businesses on the server and its pretty rare that any restaurants or bars are being operated when there's people on that can operate it. this would things a little more realistic but also actually promote rp and make the server feel a little more lively again bc recently it seems like there is no rp other than drug interactions and police interactions
    -6 points
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