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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/24 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. In-Game Name(s): Luca Gallo, Senior Officer Scott Locksmith, Peter Patel and Rickalous "Big Rick" Vhangetti Steam Name: Bullets... Perchance Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Jitq Steam ID: 76561199453663450 Discord Username: ibullets. Age: 15 turning 16 next month When did you first join the server: May or June this year Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 2w 5d Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 12+ hours a week Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: I know how to use SAM due to my past staffing experience but not Nutscript, I am sure I can learn it. Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * I am applying because I have been playing this server for a decent amount of time and have had a great experience so far and I want to give players the smooth RP experience they deserve. I've been thinking about applying for a little bit but I've seen some people that have gotten staff and I am pretty fond of them so I thought I might give it a try, I would like to also get a shot at being a GM somewhere down the line if I do get accepted. I also realize when it's in the early/later hours of the day there are not a lot of staff on and I hope to be one of those few that are online to assist those players in need of help. I am also interested in what it is like to be behind the scenes of the server (Logs, events, etc,) I also want to get to know players more OOC and IC. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * I think I should be considered over other candidates because I have no issues with other players, I've had previous staffing experience and I would do my best in every staff situation. I am ready to learn things and I think I take criticism really well so if I am doing something wrong or not to your liking I will adjust/correct it. I am really active on the server, I am on almost all day so that would be useful for later in the night when less staff are online and I am always available to assist players when needed because I am active constantly. I am also pretty good with SAM commands considering they are pretty basic commands but I have prior experience with them due to my time staffing over on DarkRP. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position, and how long): I've staffed twice on AtomicRP twice like 3-4 months collectively, and my rank was Moderator almost Senior Moderator. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: I was banned when I was first starting out on the server for MVDM|NITRP|LTAP 7 day ban reduced to a 3 day reasoning was in my ban appeal which I will link: BAN APPEAL Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * I don't think I am well known across the server honestly because of how recently I joined and I am yet to make a name for myself but I hope to come off as a chill person to be around, I would like to get to know everyone better and being staff is a good way of doing so. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: The GM event that Seansx did a couple of weeks back where the Bonannos robbed a jewelry truck. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: N/A -------------------------------------------------. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: I would type in @ chat to see if any staff is available and if not I would swap to on duty bring the player and have a little talk with them but not ban them because it wouldn't seem fair without another staff present or if there wasn't any staff at all online I would deal with it like normally then clip the entire interaction in case of any accusations of bias then I would send a clip to a higher up staff member if appealed/reported. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would get multiple clips and make a staff report on the forums or reach out to management directly. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I wouldn't call this bias until I do something that I wouldn't do if they weren't my friend. I would hand out the right punishment no matter who they are, my friend or not my friend. I could also let another staff member take the ticket if there is a conflict of interest on my end to prevent any errors/bias but I don't think I would be biased in my opinion. ---------------------------------------------------------
    1 point
  3. +1 I've known bullets for a while and he's a very competent rp'er and also has a good knowledge about the rules On atomic he was a reputable staff member and I'm assuming that if he gets accepted his staffing skills will transfer here
    1 point
  4. +1 good guy, he's civil understanding and just a chill dude.
    1 point
  5. +1 Fun RP interactions and is knowledgable of the rules. He is very mature for his age and I believe the staff team will benefit with him on it.
    1 point
  6. +1 He's a solid RPer and fairly mature for his age, would fit in the team
    1 point
  7. +1, i know the guy has the potential to become one of Diverge Networks Finest!
    1 point
  8. Good fella :), I wish your answers were a bit longer and go more in-depth. However I do like your RP and your class. +1
    1 point
  9. +1 he may be a minority, and a little shit head, but he's a good RPer
    1 point
  10. notice how all the people giving this guy support are mingy mugging kill baiters, neither this guy nor his friends even attempt to add any rp to the server, hacking or not, stay permed
    1 point
  11. -1 mid app, idea is meh, dont see it going anywhere also asked me to post my opinion via dm's so thats already a -1
    1 point
  12. -1 I'd think its better to gain more Experience first, I don't really believe you're ready to face being a don of a faction. 3 weeks is just not enough playtime imo
    1 point
  13. -1 for the following reasons: -Nothing about this original at all -in my opinion you don’t have enough play time to properly understand how to run a faction -have never seen you guys do any proper roleplay, other then putting up retarded text screens for no real roleplay purpose honestly idea its self isn’t too bad. but, if you are going to base a faction off of the 'ndrangheta i think it would be better if you leaned into more of the “cartel” like aspects of that, not just the copy and paste italian mafia in america, would be much more unique and original.
    1 point
  14. Will change the name and edit the app
    1 point
  15. I'd prefer a system like this: - Showing/searching an ID has a x amount of minutes that the person can recognize a name, so it prevents ID fishing. - But F3 is permanent no matter what. By hitting F3 you are allowing someone to recognize you. Having to get someone's F3 on 3 different occasions is unrealistic and a pain to accomplish...
    1 point
  16. your echoing what i told you two days ago, insecure much?
    0 points
  17. yeah im just gonna kinda copy and paste from your last appeal I've had to explain this way too many times for you to not get it. I was going to unban you, we already unbanned memespoon, but we were waiting on you to not schizo post about me being your elite hater out to get you guy. However it would appear that you're just completely incapable of self reflection in any form, and I can only imagine that it reflects who you are as a person. However, being as you're incapable of self reflecting let me make something perfectly clear. I'm going to unban you. I can't wait for you to finally come to your senses about your actions and self reflect and write it down, so let me just say this. You're on very thin ice. Don't repeat your actions. Don't be in group chats for IC purposes. Play by the rules. You mess up, the ban is reinstated and you lose your chance.
    0 points
  18. This is kinda one of those ideas you come up with being stoned, so bear with me. I'll keep it short and simple: - Add time limits to being recognizable by someone. IE: When I F3 someone, after 5 minutes my F3 becomes "Unknown" again to them - Add a check though so if it's the same character ID F3ing the other same character ID; once you f3 the same person 3 times it'll be permanent. This solidifies close relationships within the families, while dons can give dons orders to lower guys now without fear of them using their name in the future against them since they'll forget what they look like later, and it puts a slight curve against ID fishing with the police, and if you get id fished 3 times then in RP you'd be considered a frequent flyer with the police and they'll know you.
    0 points
  19. just let the guy go. if he does anything suspicious again related to something like this its clear that hes hacking and he can be re-permabanned. he didn't actually break any rules apart from shooting weirdly
    0 points
  20. "Come to Napoli guys i think im gonna get mugged"
    -1 points
  21. @KingJewMonacluawaiting your response paragraph< 3 1 month later Your Character or Steam Name: Rizo Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198367369589/ Your Discord ID#: .rizo Reason for ban: metagaming po x1 Length of ban: permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was wrongfully banned from diverge networks by monaclu for laughing at a joke inside of my freinds gc. Why should you be unbanned? On July 18 2024 I received these messages as seen in section 1 from diverge Super administrator monaclu. for context I was banned and pkd earlier in the week for metagaming. (running a middle command coup with alt chars to get my own crew) as I am waiting for my 30 day ban to end and playing Minecraft. I receive messages from monaclu telling me that I am now permantly banned from the server, as anyone else would be I was quite upset, one of my boys snitched and sent messages from the Rizano family gc to monaclu as seen in section 4. This GC, which was full of my boys that I have been playing on this server with for over a year. (The gc is around a year and 2 months old) So after monaclu sees messages from other members of the Rizanos trying to kill the same guy who snitched originally who got me and my right hand banned for 30 days. He decided the best choice was to ban me who had no involvement in any way shape or form. Now this is the second time in a week that he has banned me. I was completely unaware of any pk attempt after my 30 day ban, for I had taken a sabbatical from the gmoding and left another member in charge. I was completely in the dark until I receive monaclus message that I am perma banned, he pretty much banned me for being in the group chat that I created over a year ago telling me that I should have left or reported it. In truth I had 0 part in this second pk attempt and the reason I am currently permanently banned from diverge networks is because I laughed at a joke (typed Lmao) way before any of these plans were even concieved. as seen in section 4. I have broken zero rules and have not been able to play for over a month now I miss the game I hate monaclu for what he did, I've now wasted my summer not doing what I set out to do (get my own crew in a faction "The Rizano Crew") because monaclu pretty much felt like banning me. I was told to apologize which I'm not goin to do for I have done nothing that warrants an apology. extra shit: He may try to argue that I was typing LMAO in a pk group chat because the screenshots he was sent were cropped, but as seen in section 2 of my evidence you can clearly see that this is untruthful as it was in the Rizanos Group chat. made a staff report that no one could take because it was on a superadmin apparently infiltrating me and friends gc and Scowering to find any incriminating evidence against me (btw his evidence was me typing LMAO to a joke that was completely inside of the rule) Additional Information (images, videos, etc): section 1 monaclu went on to boast about permanently banning me and even blocked me at the end https://imgur.com/a/dxvchHt <----clearer image section 2 proof that i was not typing in any pk groupchat just the group chat that i made over a year ago for my freind group section 3 James completely ignores what I had to say after I wrote in my appeal that all I said was lmao and proceeded to deny me only considering what manacle said and keeping me peramed for literally laughing at a joke section 4 this is what was sent to monaclu and is his only "proof" / "reason" to permanently bannish me from diverge networks fuck monaclu
    -1 points
  22. u banned me bc i refused to watch a clip ? your stupid
    -1 points
  23. Your Character or Steam Name: Bobo Johnson Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:747322032 Your Discord ID#: ix_crazy_xi Reason for ban: RDM | POx6 Length of ban: 4 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute Why should you be unbanned? i got banned for 4 days because someone said they are going to go on their cop char and come RDM me when he gets here i get told by someone to RDM him, the person who told me to is friends with both of us so i did it as a joke i get pulled into a sit 1 hr later and go your getting banned for pos that i had from like 6 months ago, and i was told by caboose that they shouldn't of done that. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
    -1 points
  24. Your Character or Steam Name: cheseberg Your SteamID : STEAM_0:0:155846247 Your Discord ID#: cheseberg Reason for ban: Ban evasion and MRDM Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I am appealing because I miss playing in southside and all the dumb ass funny interactions, I would love to come back on better terms in all seriousness as a better and more respectful young gentleman. Why should you be unbanned? I believe I've grown up enough to not fuck up again and do some dumb shit so I'm asking for another chance Additional Information (images, videos, etc): @Canadian-bacon we are fellow Canadians take me back pls we are supposed to love each other
    -1 points
  25. will you stfu you irrelevant little Femboy
    -2 points
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