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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/24 in all areas

  1. Name of Faction: The Calabria Crew Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 15 active and growing + people interested Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Caporegime Crew Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): Italian/Italian-American Name of Character running the faction: Umberto "Chepe" Cepelino Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): chadistan0270_47682 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:46527301 Your Server playtime: 3w 2d 21h 8m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): Our themed restaurant, Il Mostro Marino, located at the docks (Does not block any fishing/gameplay function) The heads enjoying lunch Swaggin down the road Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): We wish to be sort of in the same area as a typical Crime Family with Italian RP, but with the introduction of new elements. The crew does not tolerate their members to commit spontaneous and impulsive muggings, robbery, violent altercation or disrespect, however, the HC will have all their focus on managing to gather all members at once, to do some sort of action/rp/event. It is HIGHLY important for us to do something exciting. Previous experiences from other factions have been mostly satisfactory, however we wish to eliminate as many boring aspects as possible, of course without removing absolutely necessary things no matter how repetitive they are. Events will be our bread and butter, and it won't necessarily be a peaceful flea market, but things such as: One day, organized stealing a RIVAL faction's cars as bountys, getting the muscle of the crew to trash a certain area for RP reasons, host a professionally organized talent show, having a themed restaurant (Sea Restaurant), buying all lower members drugs for huge crew deals, etc. It is our goal to be noticeable on the server, people see our RP, they know our RP, and they love it. (Also potential to work with News teams OOC to make banger stories with the help of Singleplayer artwork like in the Google Doc for the organization backstory, and also looking forward to making videos about the Server/City life and events) The organization structure is also very different from a Crime Family, and does not play in the same way at all. A hierarchy structure is in the pager. We'd be very open to expand our RP to various things, in the hopes that it gives us the ability to give our members an event RP type of experience that makes things exciting, and a player wanting to come back for more, and to build ambition into people. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kGh-HDyv9h9SULLVFw674mfwkfPJ3gKICukFb76NWoU/edit
    4 points
  2. +1 Honestly, I wouldn't mind the idea of a more grassroots, less traditionally hierarchal street crew just trying to make it in the city underworld, and having a rougher presence in the city. The rivalry aspect speaks out the most to me. The car bounty and turf-wrecking ideas suggest that a chaotic organization like this that takes more action on rivalries, would pose an interesting challenge for players in terms of pure survival on the street, and for rival orgs to stay on their toes. My questions and/or critiques for this proposal would be: What would you intend on being your 1 or 2 primary rackets? What would you argue is the number 1 aspect of your faction, roleplay wise, that you can offer players that they cannot find in other factions. The activity promotion section is a quite unorganized, could you explain in a paragraph or less what the Calabria's bottom line would be if allowed into the city?
    2 points
  3. +1 Being able to spot good apps is in the eye of the beholder
    2 points
  4. I heard all the Calabrese are feminine
    2 points
  5. In-Game Name(s): Matteo Velardi, Corporal Giovanni Armani, Emma Fritz, Kiyoshi Sato, Valentino Accardi Steam Name: ItsNebNebs Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ItsMeNebNebs/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:157132656 Discord Username: itsnebs Age: 18 When did you first join the server: Sep 30th 2022 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 1mo 1w 1d 22h 45m Time Zone: EST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 3-5 hours daily. Have you read the rules?: Yes, I have. Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, I do. Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes, I do. Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Yes, I am. Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes, I do. ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * Part of my motivation for applying is because I have played on Diverge for a little less than 2 years at this point. In that time I have noticed at early hours in the morning with school starting back up there isn't always staff on, this is something that could help to be mitigated if I am deemed a good fit for staff. A couple other reasons I would like to be staff is because I personally have seen people abuse their prop permissions, RDM, and other issues and I would like to help prevent those things from happening. As well as during peak hours of the server I would be able to help with taking tickets to help other staff members be able to RP, and get ticket times lower. I also would just like to be able to help the server stay safe, and help for RP to continue in a smooth and safe manner. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * Some of the reasons you should consider me over other candidates is because I have multiple server experience, as well as I've been a member of Diverge for just under 2 years at this point. As well as I have not had many run ins with staff except a couple times for fairly minor issues. I would also do my absolute best to prevent any bias from happening including making sure to review all evidence, and facts provided during a sit, and making sure that everything is handled fairly. Another reason I should be considered is sometimes during the late hours(est) when some staff may not be online, or in the early hours(est), I will be online, and able to provide help to those who need it. On top of my past experience, I have had generally good reactions on my staffing abilities on other servers, and I hope that this position on this server will also allow me to prove I am as good as others have told me. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Yes, Zephyr Imperial Semi-Serious RP(Star Wars) Moderator ~3.5 months, Elitelupus(DarkRP) Operator (Moderator Equivalent) ~4 Months. Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No, but I have 2 notes, 1st for RDM, and a 2nd for Metagaming. It's been roughly a year since my last note. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * Although I may not be as well known as some other people in the community, I would still say I have had my fair share of interactions with people. I would say that my interactions, and reputation have been fairly positive with everyone. I would like to think that people like me as a person, and do not have issues with me, or anything like that. I am aware that my one note may raise some worries, but other than that all interactions have been positive, and good rp for everyone involved. Like I said before I would like to think other members of the server like me as a person, others may not, but I am hoping that with this position I can try to help change their outlook on myself, and other past interactions I have had that may not have been that favorable. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: When someone crashed into my Monaco and it proceeded to blow up and killed me. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Byte, Duetts, jaecob, jj. ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: If they opened a report on the person I would go on-duty, ask for the proof, and inform them that I also witnessed the situation, if it is seen as RDM they could receive a note for RDM, or possible ban depending on PO's, or have another staff member take the ticket if they are already on duty. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would tell them that what they are doing is against the rules of staff, and being respectful, if they continued I would get proof, and if it came to it I would make a report against them to UA. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: I would do my best to allow another staff member to take the ticket, or have another higher up watch me to make sure no bias is happening, I would make sure I have sufficent evidence, and checking logs, and if neither shows that they did anything wrong I would let the reporter know, and if they believed to be any bias, or a rule broke I would ask another staff to handle it.
    1 point
  6. Name of Character: Aurelio Barzini SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56067239 Your Discord ID#: stripes0001 Date of PK: 7/28/24 Reason for PK: mugging Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:I was watching UFC with the homies in the discord and then all I see is a dude with a gun aiming at me I pulled out my gun and he beat me to it. That was all fair but then later on he gets banned for cheating then I seen the clip and is pretty fair to say he was cheating. I feel like my appeal should be accepted as I was in a unfair advantage. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/?contentId=imbjj9u7PFjLT6T6t&invite=cr-MSxDRk8sMTk3ODk5MjU1LA&spok=d1337NTWE6kR
    1 point
  7. 1. Drugs, to stay level with money, and with all the taxes so proudly put on our shoulders. Prolly LSD. Second one, blickys- We wanna go pretty big on guns too though, even for the newer guys. 2. Not being so fearful. Lotta people are some unknown goon with a bit of money in their ATM, and they're scared they'll die even if they defend themselves in an argument. This isn't a tycoon, you shouldn't go on this server just to rack up cash and be quiet and make some Italian noises. It's about putting it on the line to see what you can reach. It is also HIGHLY suggested that any member if they even want to consider joining, make a memorable character, one that will be recognized in the streets, and not everyone who joins a faction can find that in themselves to begin with. It is our job to make sure that a person who joins us, stays with us, becomes ambitious, and lusts for more. A lot of people are fucking goons nowadays, like they're Tony_02, we want people to put themselves out there and do their RP thing that people will see. 3. Bottom line, people should notice the Crew's current impact on the city, whether they're hosting something, doing any sort of activity, or whatnot. HC gotta step up, gotta come together to see what we can do for the muscle and for every member. We strive to make sure that there's something exciting to look forward to, an event of sorts. We hope to create great loyalty in that recognition.
    1 point
  8. what can I say
    1 point
  9. change the name to welfare warriors +1
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. choose a better name before i flame you guys in rumor. (+1)
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. In these situations, we don't allow PKs, you were on the correct side of the road and didn't swerve into them, there were plenty of other ways this could have been dealt with.
    1 point
  14. +1 Minorities for the win
    1 point
  15. We currently only have the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X which is a 2 slot phone in the Inv. I would like to recommend the Motorola 9800X which came out in 1989, Which I know is a year later in-game time However we already have a bunch of stuff from the future in the server anyhow. Perhaps the cost in the store could a premium to justify the size. 9800X 8000X
    1 point
  16. just let the guy go. if he does anything suspicious again related to something like this its clear that hes hacking and he can be re-permabanned. he didn't actually break any rules apart from shooting weirdly
    1 point
  17. +1 welcome to the commission
    1 point
  18. Use to be a solid way for super citizens to get a gun or to start out with a new char but there is no way to get a cigarette pack anymore for the wrench trade to get weapon parts. Please add the gas station NPC back!!
    1 point
  19. For those unaware, these props are already on the server and already take up server space, but are blacklisted as props are blacklisted by default. By whitelisting them, builders would be able to make use of them to majorly enhance builds on the server and you would see less repetition of the same tables and chairs. All of the models listed below do not appear in the q search menu for many people and I have no idea as to why. However after having @iolaire go through them ( hes able to see em, no idea why ) these are the blacklisted ones that are really good. If they were to be whitelisted though I guess they would have to be put in a category on the search menu so people would actually be able to see them. ALL MODELS FROM MODELS/UC/CLUB models/uc/props_club/booth_a.mdl models/uc/props_club/booth_b.mdl models/uc/props_club/flightcase_c.mdl models/uc/props_club/flightcase_d.mdl models/uc/props_club/lamp_a.mdl models/uc/props_club/lamp_b.mdl models/uc/props_club/lamp_c.mdl models/uc/props_club/laser_machine.mdl models/uc/props_fastfood/shelf.mdl models/uc/props_fastfood/sink.mdl models/uc/props_fastfood/vending_machine01.mdl| models/uc/props_interior/basement_shelf.mdl models/uc/props_interior/bath_sink.mdl ALL MODELS FROM MODELS/UC/PROPS_INTERIOR models/uc/props_interior/ceiling_fan.mdl models/uc/props_laundromat/coin_change.mdl models/uc/props_laundromat/laundry_bench.mdl models/uc/props_laundromat/laundry_machines_a.mdl models/uc/props_laundromat/laundry_machines_b.mdl models/uc/props_signs/gunshop_a.mdl models/uc/props_signs/lastpennypawn.mdl models/uc/props_stores/candybox_a.mdl models/uc/props_stores/candybox_b.mdl models/uc/props_stores/candybox_c.mdl models/uc/props_stores/shelf_auto_a.mdl models/uc/props_stores/shelf_auto_c.mdl models/uc/props_stores/shelf_auto_d.mdl models/uc/props_stores/shelf_empty.mdl models/uc/props_stores/shelf_household_a.mdl models/uc/props_stores/shelf_household_b.mdl models/uc/props_stores/shelf_household_c.mdl models/uc/props_stores/shelf_snacks_a.mdl models/uc/props_stores/shelf_snacks_b.mdl models/uc/props_stores/sodafridges.mdl models/uc/props_street/basketball_hoop.mdl models/uc/props_unioncity/ammo_boxes01.mdl models/uc/props_unioncity/ammo_boxes02.mdl models/uc/props_unioncity/bball.mdl models/uc/props_unioncity/entrance_lantern.mdl models/uc/props_unioncity/rubbermachine.mdl ALL MODELS FROM MODELS/UNIONCITY2 models/unioncity2/props_furniture/leathercouch_a.mdl models/unioncity2/props_furniture/leathercouch_b.mdl models/unioncity2/props_club/turntable.mdl models/unioncity2/props_fastfood/bar_table.mdl models/unioncity2/props_fastfood/kitchen_counter04.mdl models/unioncity2/props_fastfood/kitchen_stove02.mdl models/unioncity2/props_fastfood/kitchen_stovetop.mdl models/unioncity2/props_fastfood/vending_machine.mdl models/unioncity2/props_foliage/interiorplant02.mdl models/unioncity2/props_foliage/interiorplant04.mdl models/unioncity2/props_foliage/interiorplant05.mdl models/unioncity2/props_furniture/bookshelf.mdl models/unioncity2/props_furniture/loungeseat_triple.mdl models/unioncity2/props_furniture/motel_bed.mdl models/unioncity2/props_lighting/bank_lamp.mdl models/unioncity2/props_lighting/ceilinglamp01a.mdl models/unioncity2/props_lighting/ceilinglamp01b.mdl models/unioncity2/props_lighting/hallway_lamp01.mdl models/unioncity2/props_lighting/ind_lamp01.mdl models/unioncity2/props_lighting/ind_lamp02.mdl models/unioncity2/props_lighting/interior_lamp02.mdl models/unioncity2/props_lighting/pool_lamp.mdl models/unioncity2/props_lighting/spot_lamp.mdl models/unioncity2/props_stores/ceiling_camera.mdl models/unioncity2/props_stores/magazinerack.mdl models/unioncity2/props_stores/slush_machine.mdl models/unioncity2/props_street/shopsign11.mdl models/unioncity2/props_street/shopsign12.mdl models/unioncity2/props_street/shopsign13.mdl models/unioncity2/props_street/shopsign16.mdl models/unioncity2/props_street/shopsign3.mdl models/unioncity2/props_street/shopsign4.mdl models/unioncity2/props_street/shopsign8.mdl models/unioncity2/props_unioncity/bar_shelf.mdl models/unioncity2/props_unioncity/candle_a.mdl models/unioncity2/props_unioncity/candle_b.mdl models/unioncity2/props_unioncity/chandelier_a.mdl models/unioncity2/props_unioncity/chandelier_b.mdl models/unioncity2/props_unioncity/moose_head.mdl models/unioncity2/props_unioncity/painkillers.mdl models/unioncity2/props_unioncity/lifering.mdl models/unioncity2/props_unioncity/stagelights.md models/unioncity3/props_interior/italyrest_table.mdl - best prop in the world please whitelist Here are two cool props that show up for me but I dont think are on the server. models/props/cs_militia/bar01.mdl models/props/cs_militia/barstool01.mdl
    1 point
  20. I would like to inquire about a specific system within a faction. Bare with me here If I would create a faction, that I would like to have the principal of the people in a faction have a little more power, a principal where the people can speak up if they feel mistreated, I run into a problem. The problem I find is that %51 of High Command have to decide to coup against the current leadership, and should it occur that the whole High Command are all good friends with eachother and will never go against eachother (even for RP purposes), they can practically be assholes to the bigger part of the faction who aren't high command, ruining the faction. I was wondering if it then wasn't possible to do a point system with a faction, where instead of High Command deciding, every member has a certain amount of points in the matter. Eg: High Command positions: Boss has 40 points in the say of the faction The Boss' 6 high command have 10 points each in the say of the faction Not High Command positions, but still old and experienced members: Position 1 has 6 points in the say of the faction Position 2 has 5 points in the say of the faction Position 3 has 2 points in the say of the faction If like in my hypothetical, the whole high command are with each other, they would have 100 points in the say of the faction. That would mean, that it would take 20 people with the Position 2, to equal their 100 points. So one of the sides would have to convince some of the not HC command to join them to go over the 100 points. However, if the HC are assholes to all the non HC members, then the High Command would have a tough time convincing people to join their side. And that way, the non HC members can actually start a coup and have the chance to PK the opposition, where the opposition then also has the chance to PK the *non HC* members. Also note, that in the instance that a shitload of people got the Position 2 and just abused it and trolled with a coup to ruin the faction, that the HC realistically would just kick them and not have to worry about a coup. An argument against this could also be that, if it's really that bad to play under this HC, that the faction would die out. But that isn't really a good solution, as you'd rather have interesting RP where instead of a faction fading out, people who cared for it and didn't abuse their power could keep the faction running and challenge the abusive HC.
    1 point
  21. I mean I did say that the potential mass flooding would be obvious to a not-negligent-boss (not deserving of coup by the server rules; because they aren't negligent), and especially under tension, where the HC could just see that mass flooding will happen, and having the PK advantage, they could kill conspirators. That way the stupid move for the conspirators would be to mass hire friends, something the HC would notice, preventing mass hiring anyways. I definitely see what you're saying in terms of HC taking over Don spot, as yes, even OOC friends can often turn on each other in RP, however I'm just more saying in the event that it is a super tightly knit community of HC. I also get that my argument might only be good for a very specific type of faction with a very specific management problem, and that the 3 year time this system has been in place it has served its purpose well. I still stand by my argument that mass hiring can't happen if it is a competent Don, and that it would stay an Internal struggle no matter what, but the hiring thing is also kinda tricky. You'd need to revamp the recruiting system entirely, with a recruitment permission assigned to a char. A member who is deemed fine to recruit would be chosen by the HC, and the admins/mods would give them the entry into the recruiting system. That way, maybe a person deemed good to recruit could simply hire without the need of contacting an admin, and instead hire outright via a hire function they were granted by the HC and Admins added to their char. Then in my hypothetical, the obvious tension would lead a competent Don (not deserving of coup; because they aren't negligent) to strip away the perms from the conspirator char in their faction. (Edit): Wanted to add that a Don might not see the mass recruiting in time before they have had the chance to kill the conspirators. In my opinion, still a competent don would've done something to prevent it, like killing the conspirator before anything can happen, especially during tension. And at that point, the faction would have lost confidence in such a negligent Don, justifiably enabling a coup.
    1 point
  22. Well, with problem 1. it could be solved with 2 major things. During a coup, there would be no more allowed hiring, and only after a coup officially ended would there be the possibility of hiring. Also, the Boss/HC should be couped if they are too negligent to see who is being hired, and who has hiring perms. Obviously there is an already known contempt between HC and non HC in my hypothetical before the coup, so when under the time of known disconnect between the two groups, the Boss/HC would see that there is a potential mass hiring happening, leading them to kill the conspirators before any coup can be initiated. Hiring friends like that doesn't just go unnoticed, and if the people who are able to hire choose to go so blatant, then their inevitable downfall is their own fault. However, if the dissatisfied non HC would choose to be sneaky and not hire a bunch of people they can influence and that the HC knows they can influence, then there wouldn't be the problem of a bunch of new hire's taking the side of the dissatisfied non HC. And negligence will lose confidence in the people, and like you said, that would lead to justifiable coup.
    1 point
  23. In-Game Name(s): franko giovante, marcos portillo Steam Name: BoltRat Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199644304962/inventory Steam ID:76561199644304962 Discord Username : boltrat_83716 Age:14 When did you first join the server:early august Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): Time Zone:Central Daylight Time How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 5 to 8 hours a week Have you read the rules?:yes Do you have a working microphone?:yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA):yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?:no Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?:yes ------------------------------------------------- What is your motivation/reason for applying?: T help others in the community and help grow the server Why should you be considered over other candidates?: *my people skills and problem solving Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long):https://discord.gg/atlrp junior admin or senior about 4 to 3 months | https://discord.gg/JjUThskw senior admin 1 month Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: no Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * no idea i kinda dont do much with the community per say What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: i was driving and someone ran out in front of me and we both died we laughed so hard Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names no Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: Call another admin as i wont handle my own sit You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: in line 10 of police/goverment rule s it states “Abuse of Power/Guns/Arrests will result in removal from your job and possibly a ban” A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: yes it constitutes as a bias as i am friends with said person so i will not handle it
    0 points
  24. -1 i think you need more time than 3 weeks. Also, one of your guys shot up Trattoria. Not very RP like, especially when there was 0 reason.
    0 points
  25. I'd prefer a system like this: - Showing/searching an ID has a x amount of minutes that the person can recognize a name, so it prevents ID fishing. - But F3 is permanent no matter what. By hitting F3 you are allowing someone to recognize you. Having to get someone's F3 on 3 different occasions is unrealistic and a pain to accomplish...
    0 points
  26. If you check azanti's clip tho it does not even look like the cop is in the bush and more so on the sidewalk tbh. I feel like a better story would have been portrayed if there was a clip of the whole situation on this appeal so everyone could see everything that had happened. Also in the clip provided the windows are black so what was on my screen could not clearly be seen. Also, I said "I think the cops are outside". Meaning, more than 1 cop, so If i had esp hacks I would obviously know that there was only 1 cop instead of multiple. WIth someone rolling up to the townhouse in hearing range I would be inclined to think cops were outside because as we were running and closed the car in the garage a cop passed us .
    -1 points
  27. -1, mid (district ass faction)
    -1 points
  28. -1 points
  29. Mingiest faction ive ever seen. This is worse than the Flamingo Crime Family. They go around spamming textscreens saying some dumb shit like "Bushwick crew" or "Calabria Crew" On top. Even if this faction did get accepted, it wont ever go anywhere. Legacy Enterprise V2. Would genuinely just be another faction to war, and buy drugs from, i have no doubt they will contribute absolutely nothing to the server. -1
    -1 points
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