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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/24 in all areas

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Hans Hunnebun / James Spintavion Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:0:628592126 Your Discord ID#:crispytacos0438 Reason for ban: global rule 1 "hacking" Length of ban: permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):dispute Why should you be unbanned? Firstly, bc im not hacking. But, it all started when me and two other people lockpicked into Napoli and initiated a mugging with a tenant there. He broke fear rp, called a sit and got him pk'd. In the clip, later on I was told that it looks like my bullets didnt even hit him but which would sort of make sense where the pm9 is all over the place but the direct screenshot they provided was me only shooting one bullet away and blood being plattered. In the same split frame/u can also see another bullet hitting the guy which would make sense to why there was blood hitting him. In the second image you can see the bullet that hit the guy. After this altercation the guy was pk'd and I had no idea I was had no accusations of "Cheating" at this time. All my friends got off so I devoted my time to trying to help some guy run from the cops. So , I went and bought him medkits and started running back to the townhouse he was at. Once I got to townhouse 1 I was being shot at so I started looking around and noticed a guy on top of the building parallel from Napoli. To escape his bullet I hid by a tree under that section of roofs to stay hidden and to use a splint to change my appearance. Also to switch up my body group so whoever was shooting at me would quit and be fooled. Once I got my leg in tact I started booking it toward the back of the silver tounge to hit the sewers .Shortly before I started running out of the tree though a flash bang hit me. At this point obviously I thought cops were trying to kill me because who else would have a flash bang. Anyways tho I ran to the back of the silver tounge and a cop pulled up on me. Being unaware that I was being Baited , I blasted the cop because I thought cops were trying to kill me I do admit I did rdm the cop but it was a really weird situation sorry about that. Hit the sewers and started booking it. Valentina reed and Melissa white started chasing me, dont know where they came from but they started blasting me through the dark tunnels. So i put my hands up and surrendered . They took me to the end of the sewers after I explained the "weird" situation I was in.(being set up) Then , they just said this never happened and let me go so I was confused as fuck . Forgot to mention in the sewers I called a sit and asked why the fuck cops were trying to kill me and azanti just basically brushed it off. But, once we came out of the sewers the cops left me , untied me so I made my way to truttoria or however u spell it . I was outside there and asked a guy for a split, he gave me one, so I gave him 1k. Walked over to the corner across from the tire shop and was looking at a guy on a roof near city hall that was unarmed. Then, I got shot at again from who knows where so I booked it to the ghetto and rented a room and locked myself in there. Called a sit again, Azanti pulled up and told me he dont know whats happening but if the guy lockpicks I can defend my self.(getting set up because thought I was cheating) so I third person through the walls and see a black guy with a rifle. Me not realizing that I was being set up I thought I was pk active so being the top shotta I am I started listening to baby kia and when he lockpicked in I killed him. I would also like to say before I show all these clips that if I was hacking to yall think I would go in third person to take advantage of a gun fight . Live leak in de leon discord is full me of me shitting on people. Btw I use a pink crosshair that u have to download with steam u could also verify that with all my recruitment logs there is a crosshair in every id I uploaded has a crosshair on it.. I never really thought I would get banned from the server I play every day for literally just being good . Also I was not about to try to win a gunfight with a nigga on a roof with a pm9 because im not cheating . I offered to hop in a call with the staff and screenshare but he aint care and you could tell I thought he was fucking with me saying I was hacking. Being able to ban someone because they are good at the game/ off a hunch should not be allowed and should be seen as abuse of power. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ime7FoVoR0WewccUo/d1337FOlIHuY?invite=cr-MSxNWjYsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ime0KdqTe-p3vItRY/d1337e1PJ26l?invite=cr-MSxEMUIsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/imdEG2RvonICnyoBJ/d1337CtaEDTR?invite=cr-MSw1d1IsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/imbjj9u7PFjLT6T6t/d1337sTt6AfV?invite=cr-MSxWNGYsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA
    1 point
  2. were not a mugging faction
    1 point
  3. they gone forever after that
    1 point
  4. hahah gypsy gypsy!!!!!!! dirty fucking romani gypsy go back to ur caravan! of course its the romanian faction tryna mug niggas, did you not steal enough wallets today or something?
    1 point
  5. Quick suggestion got the idea off the credit card thing when those factions were competing to change their drug racket. Currently criminals have 2 ways to generate income by conventional racket means: Gun selling and Drugs. My suggestion is to implement a 3rd racket addition such as: forged checks, counterfeit credit cards, embezzled union bonds, etc. This would work similarly to drugs except no processing and not as much profit, similar to how oil works. You would place the order for the shipment at a pay phone rather than your typical criminal racket npc. Once you collect the shipment you gotta trade or sell it via rumour to have the other person sell it to an npc on the map (could use existing drug npcs.) Why add another criminal way of making money? 1. Way more mafia 2. More crimes for police to go after rather than guns, violence, or drugs. 3. More grinding shipments for the don
    1 point
  6. the montage was fucking dope loved the mrdm and mass mugging application sucks tho, should just stick to content creation
    1 point
  7. If someones wallet falls, who's there faster? The Romanian or the Bacteria? The Romanian
    1 point
  8. Ban reason is hacking? If you claim the guy to be cheating at least specify the cheats he used in the ban reason. But no, he is not cheating. You see crazier shit in cs-go and some of the guys are not even pros. Honestly, a lot of players including myself just suck at pvp and Gmod is an old game full of bugs, lag, etc. Not to mention the fact that PM-9 is an op gun and even I can kill anyone with it. Also the guy shooting at the wall with a PM-9 to demonstrate the guy is cheating is just outrageous. Do you want to compare a moving target with a wall? Just unban the guy and get good at pvp.
    1 point
  9. Fentanyl racket Spike your drugs to make more money.
    1 point
  10. you even type like a mud monkey gypsy
    0 points
  11. +1 I want to see some eastern european factions in the city, seems like a group that i'd have fun rping in
    0 points
  12. Sindicat din Gypsy
    0 points
  13. Let me break it down for you: me and everyone else who said the guy is not cheating, said so because they looked at every single clip, all the comments, etc and not only a singular clip of the retarded guy shooting at the wall. Me quoting that said clip just goes to demonstrate that you and everyone else is just trying to ban a regular player who does not use cheats because of ignorance when it comes to cheating. Now you said you know how to detect cheats so show everyone proof that the guy is cheating and not only base your opinion on some clips that honestly do not prove anything at all. On top of this, the fact you refused to spectate Hans gameplay and his computer files to see if he had cheats just goes to show you are so convinced that the guy is cheating that you don´t even want to investigate further. To ban someone for cheating needs substantial proof over the span of a few gameplays + investigating their pc files in real time + comparing it to different gameplays in different video games even with different settings in place + spectating ingame within different angles to properly come to that conclusion (something that you did not do, otherwise we would not have this ban appeal in place with so many people going off some clips solely). If you had done proper investigation then there would be no place for doubts.
    0 points
  14. You only looked at a singular clip, I said multiple times that this entire appeal is about him having hacks or third party software, not specifically aimbot, psilent or silent none of that but generally ESPing and gaining an advantage. It seems that everyone who has seen hacks before have said he’s also cheating, but all the people like you who just assume cheats are always spinning people and blatant are the only cheaters in the world. I’m not saying this as a flex but I have seen cheaters a lot and seen behaviours that Hans seemed to have ingame. I have not only seen blatant but also subtle cheaters who try to look legit, along with that, literally developed my own for Garry’s mod multiple times and I simply understand how they all boil down to working and how to detect them.
    0 points
  15. after watching the clip in question, the crosshair did not appear to be on the guys head at all. definitely looks like cheats.
    0 points
  16. my crosshair is not that small to start with and he was running backward so i encourage people to simulate this situation pm9's shred
    -1 points
  17. seems like u have never used a pm9
    -1 points
  18. -1 we dont need more muggers de leon is enough
    -1 points
  19. -1 Doing a complete 180 after I +1'ed the Valentine application, since y'all just went ahead and made Associates in our faction just to sell shit to your own group. Not cool roleplay at all ngl. Muie.
    -1 points
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