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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/24 in all areas

  1. In-Game Name(s): Dante “Pyro” Vittori, Senior Officer Dante Gigante, Luke "Mook" Cirillo, Danny "Pyro" Pacifici Steam Name: Pyro Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198885404540 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:462569406 Discord Username: lukepyro Age: 19 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 3w 3d 2h 36m Time Zone: PST How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: Almost every day, for 3-8 hours a day (Obviously life happens and can’t promise everything) Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Very familiar Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answers What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * First and foremost, I dedicate a ton of time to the server and would only be right for me to extend a hand to help out. I was staff here previously, if I was given the option to come back I would absolutely prove myself once again. I have a genuine enjoyment for helping people. Along with that, people have told me they like the way I handle staffing from previous experiences. This also gives me an opportunity to switch up the pace and doing something different while playing on the server. Finally, I have a handful of friends on the staff team and I think it would be an enjoyable experience to be working with people I am familiar with. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: My goal is to help other players in any way I can, so that they can better understand what is right and wrong. This allows everyone to fully enjoy what Diverge has to offer. I also want to handle staff reports and tickets in a proper way. This means investigating each situation thoroughly and taking appropriate action when there is a disagreement. I believe that it's important to get to the bottom of things and find fair solutions. In addition, I consider myself to be patient and calm when dealing with hostile individuals and groups. I try to act as a mediator, helping to resolve conflicts and find solutions to problems. Overall, my main aim is to contribute to a positive and enjoyable environment in Diverge. I want to help create a space where everyone can have a fun time with whatever players choose to do on the server. After all, we are here to play a video game and have fun. I am a dedicated player to this community and love the players within it. I believe it is important for players to see a friendly face when interacting with staff. During my tenure as staff across all the servers I've helped, I've had the pleasure in assisting in over ten thousand tickets. I am super active at hours where there is not normally staff online, before/after day time map switch. Along with being late night/early morning, I am usually on during prime hours (player peak). If given the chance I will absolutely take advantage to aid the server. This is what I like, this is the first game I get on each day and it would be a waste to not try and apply. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): Prometheus Networks - Administrator & Game Master - 1 Year Revenant Networks - Administrator & Game Master - 6 Months (Launch Staff) Revelation Networks - Administrator - 3 Months (Launch Staff) Diverge Networks - Moderator - 3 Months Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: Once, for abuse. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * I would say that I am fairly known within the NutScript community as a whole, through my prior staff experiences. People also know characters of mine through Diverge, due to the hundreds of interactions with other players. Unless an in-character enemy of mine, I wouldn’t say that many have bad things to say about me, however you can’t make everyone like you. I try my best to hold myself to a high level of professionalism and understanding. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Seasoned Administrator - Caboose Senior Administrator - Logan Administrator - Creambru Moderator - Okyes ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: Clip it, if other staff members are around take it up as a normal SIT, but if I’m the only one active/around and if I’m not directly involved I’ll take it into my own hands if absolutely necessary. Talk to the guy, have him explain his side of the story and see if what he says matches up at all with my clip. Then I would take the person he RDM’d and interview that person to collect their side of the story. Based on that outcome and by my best judgment I would punish the person accordingly. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: I would likely mention my observations to the staff member I suspect of abusing. Check and see if there's a misunderstanding, etc. If not, I will collect any evidence that I can and take it up the Staff Chain of Command, so it can be sorted appropriately. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: There is always a possibility for anyone to call bias. First and foremost, I would talk to my friend and tell them that I think that is unacceptable behavior. Because I am associated with them my course of action would be to have another staff member take the ticket/weigh in on the decision to make sure that the outcome is as fair as possible. --------------------------------------------------------- Thank you to all who choose to read and give feedback on this application. I appreciate it.
    3 points
  2. Your Character or Steam Name: Hans Hunnebun / James Spintavion Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:0:628592126 Your Discord ID#:crispytacos0438 Reason for ban: global rule 1 "hacking" Length of ban: permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):dispute Why should you be unbanned? Firstly, bc im not hacking. But, it all started when me and two other people lockpicked into Napoli and initiated a mugging with a tenant there. He broke fear rp, called a sit and got him pk'd. In the clip, later on I was told that it looks like my bullets didnt even hit him but which would sort of make sense where the pm9 is all over the place but the direct screenshot they provided was me only shooting one bullet away and blood being plattered. In the same split frame/u can also see another bullet hitting the guy which would make sense to why there was blood hitting him. In the second image you can see the bullet that hit the guy. After this altercation the guy was pk'd and I had no idea I was had no accusations of "Cheating" at this time. All my friends got off so I devoted my time to trying to help some guy run from the cops. So , I went and bought him medkits and started running back to the townhouse he was at. Once I got to townhouse 1 I was being shot at so I started looking around and noticed a guy on top of the building parallel from Napoli. To escape his bullet I hid by a tree under that section of roofs to stay hidden and to use a splint to change my appearance. Also to switch up my body group so whoever was shooting at me would quit and be fooled. Once I got my leg in tact I started booking it toward the back of the silver tounge to hit the sewers .Shortly before I started running out of the tree though a flash bang hit me. At this point obviously I thought cops were trying to kill me because who else would have a flash bang. Anyways tho I ran to the back of the silver tounge and a cop pulled up on me. Being unaware that I was being Baited , I blasted the cop because I thought cops were trying to kill me I do admit I did rdm the cop but it was a really weird situation sorry about that. Hit the sewers and started booking it. Valentina reed and Melissa white started chasing me, dont know where they came from but they started blasting me through the dark tunnels. So i put my hands up and surrendered . They took me to the end of the sewers after I explained the "weird" situation I was in.(being set up) Then , they just said this never happened and let me go so I was confused as fuck . Forgot to mention in the sewers I called a sit and asked why the fuck cops were trying to kill me and azanti just basically brushed it off. But, once we came out of the sewers the cops left me , untied me so I made my way to truttoria or however u spell it . I was outside there and asked a guy for a split, he gave me one, so I gave him 1k. Walked over to the corner across from the tire shop and was looking at a guy on a roof near city hall that was unarmed. Then, I got shot at again from who knows where so I booked it to the ghetto and rented a room and locked myself in there. Called a sit again, Azanti pulled up and told me he dont know whats happening but if the guy lockpicks I can defend my self.(getting set up because thought I was cheating) so I third person through the walls and see a black guy with a rifle. Me not realizing that I was being set up I thought I was pk active so being the top shotta I am I started listening to baby kia and when he lockpicked in I killed him. I would also like to say before I show all these clips that if I was hacking to yall think I would go in third person to take advantage of a gun fight . Live leak in de leon discord is full me of me shitting on people. Btw I use a pink crosshair that u have to download with steam u could also verify that with all my recruitment logs there is a crosshair in every id I uploaded has a crosshair on it.. I never really thought I would get banned from the server I play every day for literally just being good . Also I was not about to try to win a gunfight with a nigga on a roof with a pm9 because im not cheating . I offered to hop in a call with the staff and screenshare but he aint care and you could tell I thought he was fucking with me saying I was hacking. Being able to ban someone because they are good at the game/ off a hunch should not be allowed and should be seen as abuse of power. Additional Information (images, videos, etc):https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ime7FoVoR0WewccUo/d1337FOlIHuY?invite=cr-MSxNWjYsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ime0KdqTe-p3vItRY/d1337e1PJ26l?invite=cr-MSxEMUIsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/imdEG2RvonICnyoBJ/d1337CtaEDTR?invite=cr-MSw1d1IsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/imbjj9u7PFjLT6T6t/d1337sTt6AfV?invite=cr-MSxWNGYsMTk3ODk5MjU1LA
    2 points
  3. Meme is a genuine guy and is fun to rp with on his cop char i think he deserves a chance to prove he isnt here to cause trouble and he was just with a bad crowd
    1 point
  4. so when this guy gets perma banned for obviously being a blatant hacker he gets a chance to send a screenshot / screenshare his shit but when I offer to rundown ALL of my shit aint no one care https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ibXSmmdtlLaprva3o
    1 point
  5. Yall really ban people bc of server desync. I legit offered to screenshare all OF MY SHIt . Obviously im not cheating. U think someone hack,ing would offer to screenshare on the dot ALL OF their files / gameplay
    1 point
  6. Hello, admin involved with the situation here. I was the "black guy with a rifle". Anyway, I highly suggest all of you do some research on how these things work before commenting. Before I get started on this, whichever staff ends up looking over this appeal, it's littered with this player admitting to multiple other rule breaks. Here's a picture of his gun, after firing 2 bullets. I left my crosshair in the image to provide a clear image as to where his would be (roughly). If you look at the lockers behind the target, you will see both bullets impact behind him. The only bullet that could have possibly hit him, is bullet #1, which is marked in the image below. If you line this up with impact #1, you'll see they don't line up. Now yes, we've seen this many times before, however it's impossible to curve / alter a bullets trajectory to this level. You'll also find another image attached of another person caught in the same situation, who had their appeal denied.
    1 point
  7. Begone, putrid worm, banished from the kingdom of Diverge, By decree of His Majesty, the honorable and illustrious King Pendred, you are henceforth exiled from these sacred lands. Your treachery and deceit have poisoned the court and sullied the good name of our noble realm. No longer shall you cast your shadow upon our hallowed halls, nor shall your vile presence corrupt the pure hearts of our subjects. Take heed, for the eyes of the kingdom are upon you. Should you dare to return, swift and merciless justice shall befall you. Henceforth, your name shall be erased from our records, and all memory of your existence shall be purged from the annals of Diverge. Go now, into the wilderness that befits your wretched soul, and know that you are forever unwelcome in this land of virtue and honor. May your days be filled with the regret and shame you so rightly deserve. In the name of His Majesty, King Pendred, Sir Shittor, Keeper of the Seal and Defender of the Realm
    1 point
  8. if yall really think he cheating from this clip then ban me too provides sus clip below https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ihDTA9Iqa7OhhH-Rc
    1 point
  9. just watched the clip and yeah, your hacking
    1 point
  10. kinda hard to toggle on and off something that aint there because im not cheating and its crazy to think i might actually be good at the game |also that the pm9 is broken like chingy said if u fight someone close range with it its like a insta kill fr btw jaceob the lockers ricochet
    1 point
  11. Doesn't look like cheats, just a very broken weapon. The clip is from his perspective which would be most damning was he cheating. I think you'd see the center of his screen tracking heads almost robotically if he was using external software, certainly if he was moving. Plus he's at near point-blank range with a bullet-hose. These clips provided are practically instant kills at those distances.
    1 point
  12. Fuck, shit, @Pendred he found out we're working for the commission! Shut it down!
    1 point
  13. +1 that amount of colour almost makes it a -1, cant have supporters on the team
    0 points
  14. +1 Too many colors! I have never had a bad interaction with Pyro since meeting him. He is a great member of the community and tries to get involved in all that he can. I think he could make a good staff member.
    0 points
  15. Jesus my eyesssss +1 personally the dude is chill and would make a decent staff member Also prometheus Honorable mention
    0 points
  16. Very devoted to his RP and has been nothing but a positive impact on the community over the 6 months ive known him +1
    0 points
  17. 0 points
  18. You would happen to be wrong , it would be great if people could actually do some pvp with a pm9 then pull up. I will say tho that was a lucky shot
    0 points
  19. this is clear hacking lol, besides that you are very clearly pk baiting.
    0 points
  20. as a reformed top shotta who used to run with him and will admit in scary situations where we think we may be pl active we will occasionally kill near people who seem like they are following us and cops who as you seen in the clip literally turned around to chase him. Hanz is the best shooter i know (glaze) but everytime me and my friends come into an altercation with italians we always seem to get banned/then unbanned commission has to much fucking power in the server and its killing it. #fuckcommision #fuckolympus #fuckeveryone #freehanz
    -1 points
  21. i understand what your getting at but trying to convince me that im hacking aint gonna work because ik im not . Also did u simulate on the wall again or lockers and a person because that shit makes a difference
    -1 points
  22. silent aim, not all cheats work they way they think they do
    -1 points
  23. dude i know how the pm9 works, ive simulated AS YOU SAID the spread, ive gone though the frames of your clip and matched the spread to each frame, ive done this around 3 times to prove my point and not a single time was any of the bullets near a target, you can argue hitboxs and desync all you want but that does NOT make up for a gap as big as in your clip, shouldve had a smaller fov circle buddy!
    -2 points
  24. so false kill would be like RDM (Random Death Match) but it would not be random. false kill would be if someone were to kill someone thinking they were in the right to kill someone when they were not because of their ignorance of the rules. so, let's say someone named "jimmy" was threating a dude named "tommy" and tommy it return shoots and kills jimmy thinking he was a threat but when he was not technically a threat I feel like having this rule would make it better for newer players who are ignorant to the rules and could accidentally break them. so if they were to break these rules accidently having a record for RDM and being new would not look good for them in the future if that accident happens again. if someone were to attempt abuse the rule it could easily be caught because of how meany "False kill" warns they have. if someone were to have 10 false kill warns is such little time you could easily say there lying because the amount of warns they have. i feel it would be a better option instead of giving someone a RDM warn over an ignorant decision.
    -4 points
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