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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/24 in all areas

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: John Fahlistro Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): not sure Your Discord ID#:yuioq. Reason for ban: RDM x3 Length of ban:2 weeks Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I got banned for 2 weeks for killing 3little British kids who kept harassing me and I think they were friends with the admin I made reports on them and no one helped me so I shot them then they clipped it and go their admin friend on me and the dude was mad weird calling me a "nigga" seems a bit unprofessional I feel it could've been handled differently and he should've made them get away from me all I was trying to do was sell my oil and these little nerds kept saying "OYK nigga " and calling me a pussy what else was I supposed to do 2 staff where online and I made a report about it and I was never gotten back too they only clipped the part of me killing them not the shit they where saying and doing I was minding my business Why should you be unbanned? cause I was minding my business I'm just coming off a 5 day ban that was lifted for it being unjustified why would I join back just to get banned again makes no sense Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
    2 points
  2. Off yourself faggot
    1 point
  3. Guy got mugged as we were about to do the hit and we got in a shootout in public with the muggers and the guy thought we were saving him
    1 point
  4. ^ Dumb spam the person above
    1 point
  5. In terms of accuracy & distance, rate of fire, stopping power and recoil control: Semi Auto Pistol- Bren Ten Sub-machine gun- Scorpion Shotgun- Remington 870 Semi Auto Rifle- Mini 14 Automatic Rifle- AKM Sniper Rifle- Dragunov LMG- FN Mini
    0 points
  6. Please add a ATM in front of my property! I can't keep going to city hall with my Class 3!
    -1 points
  7. Hey man, as you know, I'm the banning admin in this situation. First and foremost, not only did you say this, but so did @Darkfire. How the story was told was the victim told someone of your faction to "take off their shoes," and you identified it as a mugging. However, I asked for a clip for proof and you were unable to provide anything for me. How I explained to your friend, Darkfire, in your situation you are not allowed to escalate a verbal confrontation into murder without an active imposing threat or multiple warnings be handed out first, i.e the guy is threatening you while pointing a gun at you. In the clip, you were walking down Chinatown with your friend and your AK out, and the victim stated, "Do you own him or something" and that is when you decided to kill him without any type of warning. Nowhere in the clip was he imposing an active threat or warned. I issued a 12 hour ban due to your past offenses of RDM. If you simply killed him during the alleged mugging, the possiblity of RDM would've been disregarded and the person would've been PK'd. But you had no proof to back any of your claims.
    -1 points
  8. "Solely on POs" He had 2 RDM warns with a note saying "ban on next offense" from a Senior Administrator. I'm sorry that he couldn't provide any backing for the alleged "mugging" that he was defending him/his friend from. As a former Administrator, regarding the "baiting," you should know they have full right to physically confront the gentlemen following them or give them warnings, they did neither and straight up shot them. Since you have such knowledge about Medal, you could teach him a thing or two on how to work/use it. Thank you for your concern! @Darkfire Why not kill them in a prior altercation when the alleged mugging(s) occurred? Why wait? And he allegedly mugged 2 guys with you watching one of them, how come the other 2 people couldn't possibly grab a clip of the mugging happening? Like I said, you bring forth little proof that any mugging occurec to warrant him getting shot. The photo provided is showing a mugging occur in the ghetto, you shot the person in Chinatown, these two locations are across the map. There is no possible way an altercation was continued from the ghetto all the way into Chinatown. Do you have ANY proof that a mugging occured on the corner of Chinatown?
    -1 points
  9. group of 3 people who harrassed dumb ass. you are friends with them you arent a good mod at all in fact multiple people can vouch i went to the sit and you where trolling me with them saying"niggas" mad like you dont deserve mod farfetched is crazy considering they told you to get on where were you when i tried to make a sit on them???? no sir i didint think it was a big deal i just decided to mention it but he said "niggas mad" like 2 3 times then banned me so nothing racial it was just very unprofessional that incident was after they did that shit try again. lol and multiple people have had issues with you bro its baffling knowing you are still staff you are a minge bro promise you their was a ticket bro i made 2 and my friend can confrim that he also plays the server and he was with me when they where doing that shit
    -1 points
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