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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/24 in all areas

  1. As of currently you need to spend 200 dollars, for a profit of 240 dollars, per plant. There is no real point growing the plant to 100%. I suggest we make it worthwhile for people to grow their Plants to 100% and introduce a 50% chance of gaining 1 extra Marijuana Bag. This would force people to wait longer, For the chance of extra money. I feel like this would be fair as Currently this is the only way to get money outside a faction. and its already pretty dangerous to do.
    3 points
  2. Ion know what the fucks happening on page 4 but +1 these niggas OG
    2 points
  3. hi! as Takahashi I -1'ed this app so did a capo, and I can say to the best out of anyone in the server that this faction is not worth it they quite literally ONLY show up to meetings and then leave after that, they also main their clown characters over their actual characters and their erm consig/UB is a idiot minge goober if needed i can provide context to anyone wanting
    2 points
  4. +1 for the reasons i quoted
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. +1 - Bring more oil!!
    1 point
  7. +1 Finally, after how long now?
    1 point
  8. My first faction was Colombo's, and I was hella new to the server. I knew nothing about the faction politics within the server; furthermore, at the time, I knew nothing about IRL Mafias and their history- only that they existed. Never watched any Mafia related TV shows/Movies. I kept seeing Underground Advertisements about the Silver Tongue like "Are you Gay? Head down to the Silver Tongue Gay Sex Bar" or something along those lines. I honestly thought that the Gambinos were behind those rumor's, so I decided to make one back. Though my retarded ass made it a public advertisement instead... The advertisement went something like "Do you like older women? Visit Gambinos Mother, she'll drink your cum like juice! No need to pay her either, she doesn't do it for the money!" I was pkd out of the colombos 1 hour later lol
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. +1 nice people great story
    1 point
  11. +1 we need an irish faction as long as its realistic
    1 point
  12. +1 Good background story , Good people , Good faction .
    1 point
  13. +1 we need a good Irish fraction
    1 point
  14. Shit man a permaban trying to start shit without knowing shit
    1 point
  15. Acting as if we are GTA larpers is funny. We have been on gmod for over 4 years at this point. We started on gmod, and are still on gmod. You consistently say that you remember MP and all of this shit but your lying. The money statement is just dumb, I’ve seen plenty of factions be accepted in recent times with members that don’t spend money on the server. And if a faction does spend money on the server then great, that’s how we get things like the new map. I know it doesn’t matter to you though since your permabanned.
    1 point
  16. this is actually the worst reason I've ever heard for a -1 +1 big dick darelee a super cool guy, would be a good staff
    1 point
  17. Pendred is 100% NOT accepting this faction app
    1 point
  18. +1 This guy is pretty mature and i think hed be good for staff
    1 point
  19. Hello! Banning admin here. I had your ban extended permanently due to the fact you doubled down on the fact you were a pedophile when I asked if you were rping as a pedo, or just thinking you're funny. Not only that, your description was also "Im a Pedo". https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i1wlEryyH9T-xPiCk/d1337rPYupzt?invite=cr-MSxnckwsMTk3MzQzNTg2LA
    1 point
  20. I was in a blackjack sesh and it never showed my cards or anything for the last 2 hands I played. table took my money though. Have this clip here. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i2otgwTuoIXwkvqJ3/d1337jqfIGAw?invite=cr-MSxoNHQsMjA4NzcxMDUzLA
    1 point
  21. Please learn how foul this is. I just don't think you are ready to return. This is a step above the normal weird shit that occurs honestly and is in large unwarranted. Take more time to reflect. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
    1 point
  22. Hello there! 1st most viewed faction application below Cassanos have 38 +1s and 3 -1s Your application has 31 +1s and 21 -1s There is a MAJOR difference between the response of the two applications. Cassanos has practically no -1s and the ones that are there are from minges, rejects, etc. All of its +1s are from a wide variety of people but for the most part all respected and valued members of the community from both the Commission and Olympus. Majority of your +1s are from new forums account or +1s being posted multiple times by the SAME people that clearly have an IC benefit from you being accepted ( ehm.. takahsai-Kai ) Meanwhile most of your -1s are from people with actual experience on the server lol. Your application is the 2nd most viewed not because of its quality, but because of its controversy, it’s stupid to make the claim that you are getting attention for being great and amazing. Since the application was put up there been a number of issues you have made - Had the mingiest name I’ve seen in some time - Poached members of multiple other factions, ruining roleplay. I myself first hand witnessed one of your members whitelisting a girl to Takashai, then seconds later the girl made a ticket asking to be un white listed because she didn’t realize that’s what you were doing. - Have shown time and time again that your faction is primarily led by minges - Wanted a legal racket while being an illegal faction, demonstrates that you don’t understand server concepts and systems while wanting to start a faction, none of your members have been above capo and it shows. - You have a guy wearing a fucking backwards pot on his head in that meeting room, great roleplay! I suggest you stay as a crew since that seems to fit your needs best, from there you can work your way up and get more experience, then put this application up in the future.
    1 point
  23. Also, I'd like to note that you were doing Hashimoto Jewelers, and once that didn't come out well because a faction that solely operates on custom jewelry-related items wouldn't pan you. You didn't even try to make it a business or any RP after that; you just kind of dumped it. And now you're doing NASA, which doesn't even make any sense. It seems like you're just hopping to trash ideas that revolve around custom ideas with no actual RP. Kinda just seems like you're trying to scam everyone for their schekles then hopping to a new idea, like all of your ideas are new ill give you credit, but if you look at it from a bigger picture, it's the same thing random custom items that haven't been done "donate to fund the business' after a week hype dies down a new idea. You make about 2m off these, and you just try to continue to grow it, and after that doesn't pan out again, as stated, you just move like you're lame, and it needs to be pointed out. (Also erm you tried to bribe someone to marry you in game which is kinda cringe)
    1 point
  24. Your Character or Steam Name: Formerly "Sam Johnson" Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:571761226 Your Discord ID#: samthestrategist Reason for ban: FailRP by Monaclu Length of ban: Permanent Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I believe it has been a while. I don't remember exactly when I got banned, but I know it has been several months at least. I felt bad when I did what I did (Doc Bombing the Bar Sheet). I know I probably won't ever be an adjudicator or even have the chance again, but I want to practice law and have fun again. I know what I did was wrong, and definitely ruined peoples ideas of me and tarnished my name and voided any past and future respect that I may have on the server. I was given many chances to change and I didn't and now here we are. I have been blaming a good for nothing probationary officer for fucking up my life on diverge. And yes while that is partly true, I still have to acknowledge my part in setting up a gay bar in cells and than when getting arrested, doc bombing the bar sheet. (Just a reminder of what I did for everyone). I have had a lot of time to reflect and think about what went wrong and how I could have acted differently or just not acted at all. I was given multiple golden opportunities by people who were my friends and I threw that away with my own stupidity. I ask for one last chance to show my reformation, to be respected again, to play the server that introduced me to roleplay, and finally to talk to the people who looked out for me and whom I let down. This ban appeal is for (Lomac, Logan, REM, Pendred, Monaclu, James, Alfred White, Enzo Rossi, David Wilson, Ayden St Laurent, Manuel Moretti, Ian Hancock/Owen Davis, Jeremiah Blackford, Canadian Bacon, Bingus, Alfred White, Edward Epstein, Muhammad Shekl Fred, Mr. Crowley, Taco, Snug Adonis, "Its been a while since I played/talked to many of you so forgive me if I left your name off of here".) Why should you be unbanned?: I got headheaded and I made a mistake. I have been regretting that mistake for a while now, and I want to try again. I know that some of the things that I did before I can never do again. But I want to try again. I know I will be starting from the bottom, getting my bar again...hopefully. Maybe being a cop again. Joining a faction. All things that I had that I fucked myself in the ass with and lost by being an idiot who decided to minge and get butthurt. I truly want to be a part of the community again. All I have to offer is the promise that I won't fuck up again, or at least do something that stupid, and I will actively put my best foot forward to work with the people who were my friends, and reach out again to them to thank them for helping me, a lost cause no more. Thank You -Sam Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A
    0 points
  25. Name of Faction: NASA. Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 9 (50+ Supporters) Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Government Space Research Facility. Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): All Ethnic Groups. Name of Character running the faction: Thomas Barnett Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): thomas.barnett Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:121066498 Your Server playtime: Your play time is: 3w 2h 44m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes. Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes. Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): There will be multiple roleplay opportunities within the NASA Facility. Multiple positions and jobs will be available for those wishing to be employed from workers that are into, Clerical Work, R&D, Manufacturing, Chemistry Development, Astronaut Training Program, Facility Management, Finances and more. There will be rp in relations to NASA Research, Rocket Ships, Orbital Space Stations, UFO's,etc. The main money part is going to be like that of Rockefeller. Citizens who gain oil will have the options to do business with us by one of two ways; Selling us the oil drums or converting the oil into Fuel and selling that to us. We on our part can accept both means of transfer to then catalog within our system. Once we reach 100 Barrels/100 Fuel Canisters we will then begin development and the creation of our rocket as the Fuel used will be converted to "Rocket Fuel". Once the rocket is confirmed and completed the Astronauts will have a set date to allow for the gathering of their crew chief, crewman, and other personnel to begin launch preparations towards the Orbital Space Station. z4RZFqA.jpeg (1920×1080) (imgur.com) QNTfTBA.jpeg (1920×1080) (imgur.com) TEKZiyN.jpeg (1920×1080) (imgur.com) W8o2TL9.jpeg (1920×1080) (imgur.com) Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): There will be multiple events taking place within the City of New York. For the Department of Communications and Outreach, our PR Manager will be holding Fundraisers and events to gather donations and help the support of the citizens. Astronauts will be holding events up in the Orbital Space Station developed by our NASA Research Facility and they will also be tasked with performing routine training sessions. Security will be tasked with maintaining the security and confidentiality of the Facility perimeter and interior, as well as conducting training exercises within their conducted "shoot house". Chemists and Researchers will have separate labs to conduct experiments, development of plans and blueprints for future tech. Example as above is that of the Cockpit V Type 1 which is still in development. ZtYEviy.png (1111×762) (imgur.com) This link shows the current hierarchy and allows for those within the Management positions to host events as well as conduct various exercises to their discretion. Other event ideas as referenced from the photo above could be that of UFO sightings leading to a UFO "crash". Once the crash site is found, we will work alongside the NYPD to section off the area so our scientists and security teams can take reports and findings over any detail involving the crash site. Afterwards all remnants that are not retrievable will be signaled for a control burn to remove any evidence leading the site to UFO presence. The Fundraising Events will have prizes for citizens to earn while money is donated towards the cause of Space Research, Exploration and Travel. Events involved with the PR Team will consist of and include Bean Bag Toss, Marathon Racing, Facility Tours, and Internships that are involved with document handling, research finding, chemistry lab work and product procurement and development. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): The New York NASA Research Center and Facility was created in May of 1988. The Facility out in Florida being overwhelmed as is decided to place Thomas Barnett in charge of a new project, that being the Ethereal Program. The Program is tasked to instill young minds of people to join the help in showcasing their ideals and fundamentals. With this mission of NASA's space exploration developing day in and out and New York still being on the East Coast, the Florida branch thought it would be a genius idea to establish another facility just North of their current one. The recent job hunting has been excellent as multiple citizens have begun applying for multiple positions and titles within the Corporation. As days go by multiple citizens within New York are supporting of the Space Program. With donations reaching over $1 million dollars, the facility is slowly being planned and blueprints for its development are being constructed. The expected completion date for the Facility is July 1st. If for some chance the facility is not able to achieve that deadline, the date will be pushed back just one week. Upon completion of the facility all prominent members of the City will be invited for a Red Ribbon cutting event to unveil the City to the facilitated guests that have the proper permissions and clearance access to enter the facility. The Astronauts will prep themselves to partake in a practice simulation to showcase the progression and efforts of the NASA Research Team and Crew Team to show where the money donated, given through grants and funded from has gone to. If through choice from the Governor, the facility will abdicate and remove itself from New York if the progression, development and ideals are not in leu with the ideals and productivity of New York.
    0 points
  26. I may or may not be wrong but wasn't the meta always to grow to 80% than harvest..?
    0 points
  27. In the sit it was like 3 am for me and I was just being retarded, so I will apologise for that but like I said i wasn't in game rp-ing as a pedo, I really do want to get back into the server I honestly wont do any retarded shit like that again. I've been doing suit trading for weeks on my other chars, this was just a slight slip up I've learnt my lesson and would happily accept a 2 week or even month ban if it means I can come back. Also ill add that as far as im aware I have no priors.
    0 points
  28. I have clips of you walking around threatening to rape kids.
    0 points
  29. fuck search bars, add pages so that shit doesn't crash new hires who are learning how to get the faction car
    0 points
  30. "Never able to attend scheduled meetings" is an outright lie. Heres photographic proof from the last two company meetings, where both times we were the Takahashi crew that showed up with the most people.
    0 points
  31. A 2:43pm Eastern Standard Time today Anzati's body was pulled from the river. It seems he showed up to a park late at night unarmed and was killed in a cartel style execution. His family will never know justice... Thank you for applying for a faction. Unfortunately your application has been denied. We do not believe your faction or application is sufficient enough to be accepted. You may re-apply with the above issues rectified, when re-applying keep in mind that a well written application with good grammar, and a detailed backstory will help in getting accepted.
    0 points
  32. clowns are now kos in new york
    0 points
  33. + 1 ! Yes why TF not we already have goofy ass clowns running around
    -1 points
  34. -1 points
  35. There is only one distinguishing factor that I found causing me to lean to a -1 due to it either being you being mistaken or could be faulting. You say you have been an active member of the Gmod Community since 2009 and yet whenever you go to your Steam Profile it says you have only have Steam since 2012. Which begs to differ on your lapse of memory. Just my opinion.
    -1 points
  36. I believe Cobson should be not be permanently banned but given 2 weeks as stated . I do understand the Administrators response as Cobson was not thinking straight at the time but the guy has no previous bans and to my knowledge no warnings just because he made one stupid mistake shouldn’t mean he loses days worth of grinding with suits and money. ( I was the other mugger )
    -1 points
  37. I'm not judging, I'm just pointing out one of the main reasons why flamingo's faction will get accepted.
    -1 points
  38. Pendred is going to accept it, the amount of money the commission is going to spend on that faction is going to be ridiculous, this is their priority. Pendred is going to make 1 or 2k on this faction and potentially bring gta larpers to diverge.
    -3 points
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