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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/24 in all areas

  1. Name of Faction: Karabakh Syndicate Number of Members:9 Type Of Faction: Syndicate-Crime Family Ethnic Background: Armenian Name of Character running the faction: Ghazaros Karabakh Your Discord # : deadly_fox8711 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:57959186 Your Server playtime: 3w 4d 5h 52m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): What we plan on doing to provide activity within our faction is religious events such as church events and on special days we want to make boxing events, important meetings and give money to our employees to recruit other people within our faction. And we also look forward to funding crew deals that will keep our employees interested. We can also do comedy nights that we plan on doing and talent shows so people win prizes for their skills and talent. Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): The Start The Karabakh Syndicate was formed during the early but significant 70’s during the Armenian waves of immigration which many went to the sunny and prosperous state of California, but many also went to New York City -The City of the Empire State Building- where dreams either go to flourish and blossom or die like roadkill. The Karabakh Syndicate was led by key figures such as Ghazaros Karabakh -The Don-, Adam Bernard -Consigliere- and last but not least Ivan Victor - The Boss -. These key men after facing hardship in the gritty streets of NYC’s neighborhoods, were facing the challenge of finding work and trying to get past the socio-economic hardship and discrimination placed on them and due this made them seek solidarity and protection in their humble community. In NYC particularly in the neighborhood of Suburbia their influence grew as they welcomed more and more Armenian immigrants and also defectors of the diminishing Soviet Union like Ivan Victor a former KGB Senior. Offering these immigrants financial and stability support to get them started for their new lives in the big apple but also setting the stage for the syndicates rise to power. Initial Activities As the Karabakh Syndicate increased so was the need for an increase of revenue due to this the Syndicate took up small illegal jobs such as loan sharking, small scale extortion on small vulnerable businesses and protection rackets for Armenian business owners to keep their community safe. But as time went along so was the demand for more and more and more money due to this large-scale operations such as money laundering, import export operations to smuggle Eastern European weapons over to supply gang warfare and Armenian protection. But as the crackdown of the late 70’s came then came the need for legal fronts such as boxing events, restaurants and firearm shops. Cultural Ties The Karabakh Syndicate network extends beyond its criminal enterprise and has strong ties to being Orthodox Christian and providing insight into Christianity and their way of life to outsiders to spread the word of God in hopes of improving the less fortunate of New York City from hosting crowdfunding events and charitable events. But as they were a criminal organization this was used to launder illicit funds to clean money to ensure the syndicates money was clean and usable by the key figures of the syndicate. The syndicate also hoped to open an Orthodox Church to use the ability to launder even more money due to the legal loopholes in it. Conclusion The Karabakh Syndicate continues to operate and thrive today in 1988. In New York Southside. Expanding their legal ventures while they corrupt the integrity of the Department of Justice and law enforcement officers to protect their network. And with their army of lawyers who turn a blind eye to their wrongdoing for profit they somehow manage to narrowly evades the Justice system of our great nation which highlights the flaws of our nation THE END
    3 points
  2. +1, straight up amazing people. Helped me out a lot.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. +1 Been at both the Boxing and Church, Great guys. btw see that sexy man in the green suit?
    1 point
  5. +1 Never seen an Armenian family. And from the pictures I have seen they have been creating a positive RP environment for players.
    1 point
  6. +1 The faction is very interesting and I think he should have a chance. We really need a Armenian faction in the city.
    1 point
  7. In-Game Name(s): Johnny Bufalino, Paul Carbone, James Banks, Lik "Rick" Mibal Steam Name: Falcon Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/falconsdblock Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:47907104 Discord Username: ._falcon_. Age: 26 When did you first join the server: ~February, 2024 Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): "Your play time is: 1mo 2w 6d 11h 34m" Time Zone: Central Standard Time How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: Most of the time I'm on, ballpark a couple to a few hours minimum Have you read the rules?: No, I've been learning as I go with most Gmod servers I've played since it's come out, most of it's the same shit, just some technicalities to learn which I have in the time I've been here. All in all don't be retarded and you'll be pretty solid. Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: Very familiar, some might say I've worked on the script itself back in the day. Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: It's rare for a NutScript server to have more than 20ish players, let alone fuckin 120. The only 2 instances I've seen well-made servers backed by a decent community has been this one and CGC, and as I told Pendred around when I first joined, no pun intended, but the capabilities they've pushed NS to do is fucking nuts. I love this script, it forces people in a way to actually roleplay and not just hit a button on their keyboard and get a buy menu to get anything they want like in DarkRP. As someone who's played this game since it's come out, I essentially grew up on PERP back in the day. People actually roleplayed, they communicated with each other, 10% of the Gmod community were xbox live shittalkers at the time, obviously since then we're lookin at 80%+ of players who just fuck around, mass rdm, act as internet tough guys, shit's been disappointing until my buddy Hitman showed me this server and the kinds of stuff you can do, giving it an oldschool vibe from my time back in the day. I've been playing fairly religously the last few months I've been here and I like what I'm seeing. There's much potential and unlike most servers out there, the dev(s) here actually know what they're doing and come up with original ideas unlike 90% of servers that just buy Gmodstore addons and slap them together and call it a server; that's something I can appreciate and wouldn't mind dedicating my time to to assist with the riff raff that they keep at bay so they can work on more important things for the server. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: Other than small technicalities I might have to pick up staff-wise I pretty much already know the plytransfer, charset(whatever) commands, etc. If most of those are the ones that used, not trying to sound cocky, but I kinda already know what command to use in situations. I'd need minimal training with how to conduct myself in staff sits because it's pretty sporadic based on which staff took your ticket, so a handbook would be sick so I can make sure I do shit by the book. As stated in a couple of my questions too, I have a more logical approach to most situations, could be a benefit having someone level headed that isn't going to act on emotion and fuck up the sit. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long): HellZone's PERP (All staff positions up to what Canadian's position would be over there) NutScript's Community Discord (Lead mod since June 6th, 2017. Fun fact: I literally created my discord just for that position, before that I was a big TeamSpeak Stan but ya know, shit changes.) Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: No, maybe a couple prop abuse notes, but that's it. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: Probably not well known, like I said before most people are genuine xbox live shit talkers I typically just ignore them, because most of the people "well-known" are the always-angry people shit talking others over stupid shit that doesn't matter, and I don't really participate in that because I have to do most of it IRL with my job. My position in one of the bigger crime families probably has gotten my name thrown around here or there. I've been in and out of different families from CCNG, to Lucchese, French / Lavs, China, Japan, Rockefellers, etc. Most people know me by my character names, but overall I haven't had any complaints directly told to me so I'd say I'm doing alright. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: Aside from meeting the people in the family mentioned above and building relationships with them, Lie's PK reason on how they found "a polish man face down in the water floating with the waves" was funny as fuck, and then when a Lav got PKd they physgun'd him on a flying carpet playing sand-people music was pretty fun to watch, it's little things like that that keep me interested, because I can't wait to see what shit I'm gonna see next. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: Toasty, Logane ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: Make a ticket like anyone else unless I'm the only staff on the server (rare occurrence anyway) I could maybe ask a UA or Papa Pendy for permission to take my own ticket. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: Tell him to stop being a prick and then send whatever info up the food chain. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: It would generally count as bias, but like the first question, have another staff take it or ask for permission if I'm for whatever reason, the only one available.
    1 point
  8. I could absolutely expand on the backstory, Ill make one on google doc and upload it
    1 point
  9. +1 this is good, my one thing is maybe go and make a new backstory that’s a bit longer in a google doc, good way to show that you can put effort into something as you would with your faction.
    1 point
  10. +1, need an irish mob fr. genuinely this app is pretty decent, they have some nice ideas, and I think theyd be a nice addition to the server.
    1 point
  11. When your shitty minge men decided to RDM Bait.
    1 point
  12. +1 | I like the idea of Irish being in the server more. I think that you have a well enough background in the server and know what you are doing. I wish your application good luck.
    1 point
  13. +1, Already RPing in the city. Helped me and my crew hunt down a guy and they run a pretty nice Bar down by self storage.
    1 point
  14. -1 But let me tell you why. You have put 0 effort into this app and that is not acceptable and not wanted on the staff team. Reason #1- You got your own steam name wrong It's "A myserious Person..." Reason #2- We asked for your SteamID not SteamID64 Reason #3- You joined a year and a half ago and only have 2 days of playtime? Reason #4- How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 4 hours (4 hours a day? 4 hours a week?) Reason #5- Spelt East wrong Reason #6- Your first paragraph comes back as 93% AI Reason #7- Your second paragraph comes back as 89% AI Reason #8- I looked at your staff app on atomic and you got denied look at this link. Reason #9- I looked on Civil networks and you were never staff on there as well. You never even put up an application. But you have been banned I beleive 8 times? Reason #10- You have been banned 4 times on our server for a collective of 18 days. Reason #11- I have no idea who you are, or ever heard of you. Reason #12- You can not read fluent english which is not a requirement but it is needed as this is an english server. I say this because the questions at the end are self explainatory and you can read them clearly if you spoke fluent english. Thank you for applying for the staff, I wish your application the best of luck. If you have any questions please respond or find my discord (bdgtyreece)
    1 point
  15. We have underpaid children testing cocaine in labs so you may have an authentic experience here at Diverge Networks.
    1 point
  16. -1 I'll give you some feedback though. My main gripe with your application is that you're not telling me anything about your own faction really, you talk more about other gangs and spend time bigging your gang up. I don't want to know about 14k, I want to know about Flying Dragons. You could've mentioned in one line that you were allied with 14K, and then everything else should be about your own history, future etc. PRO - Well written. - Diverse, although I don't think at this moment we need another asian faction. - Some of the backstory is interesting. CONS - You're leaning way too heavily into the 14k. This application really comes across as a splinter faction of them. Be your own faction. - As well as the above, you straight up mention 14K and BTK more than your own faction... - I hate the name Flying Dragons. I know they're a real street gang but it sounds silly to me. - Some of the story is interesting but then other parts get a bit confusing, you also outright say that you're one of the biggest streetgangs and that you deal in Meth etc. Almost like you're picking your racket before even being approved. - 'Hardcore roleplay', this means nothing if you can't provide an example of how in depth you're expecting the RP to run. You then go on to list very soft RP events that require next to no RP involvement.
    1 point
  17. lubaba type application, +1!
    1 point
  18. -1 Just checked this myself. Some slides only have a few AI phrases, some slides are almost entirely so. It's patched in like anzati says. If you can't put in the effort in this, can you be expected to put in the effort when you need to run an entire faction? I'd suggest reworking your background to something that's entirely written by you if this is really true.
    1 point
  19. -1 It may not be 100% AI, but it is very patched in and out of AI text. 2 weeks is simply not enough time.
    1 point
  20. Your Character or Steam Name: xeay Your SteamID : STEAM_0:1:232797273 Your Discord ID : (xeayy) 914203595895869521 Reason for ban : Global Rule 12 : Sexual Misconduct by Canadian-bacon Length of ban : Permanent Reason for appeal (apology) : I have been banned for a long amount of time now. and I have came here to simply apologise and come back to the community that I once knew and loved. I know my actions have consequences but I feel like I have served my time and I am more than ready to come back and help the community thrive. I shouldn't of asked for personal and sensitive photos of members of the community and such mistake will not be repeated again. Why should you be unbanned? : I feel like I should be unbanned because I have sat through my time and want to finally re-join and become a member of the community again, that may mean that I don't completely deserve it. But I know I have changed and I wont repeat the same silly mistakes I have done in the past. I hope whoever is reviewing this is merciful and can see past these mistakes of mine. Thank you for reading. Additional Information : N/A
    0 points
  21. +/- I'm neutral. The boxing event has been done and is being done by an entirely other faction applicant who specializes in events overall, and I feel like boxing is just overdone at this point. The religious meetings seem cool, but you didn't really go into depth on what those are about and how they work. I mean, important meetings and giving employees money is just not anything.
    0 points
  22. Just add back Miami??? They had a little shopping mini outlet mall type thing by the PD.
    0 points
  23. -1, gigantic assholes and minges.
    0 points
  24. No IC names listed, AI written and I've got no clue who you are. -1
    0 points
  25. kinda decreases it irl
    0 points
  26. I'm not a Cocaine addict, I do not do drugs. Doesn't increase health
    0 points
  27. you can even see the font and background change from him copy and pasting and the format values being pasted lmfao
    0 points
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