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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/24 in all areas

  1. Your Character or Steam Name: Jxy3 Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:47629152 Your Discord ID#: jxy33 Reason for ban: Racket Abuse Length of ban: 2 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute Well for starters there is no rule listed to even justify this ban to start. I've tried to search through the rules to find it, and no luck. As I've been trying to push my character to have limited contact with drugs I decided I only wanted guns from my friend. As she was not maining this character I figured I'd pay 1.5X shipment price and leave it at that. I gave her first character 100k and then she was told to reset and make a female PM...how annoying. I then paid her new character again to just simply stack shipments. NEVER at one point did I pay for one singular shipment - nor did I receive a price. If she was to spend all of the money I gave her, that wasn't justifying what she gave in return, but simply all I felt was needed to start. After warrants were put out on people who were connected to said bank, I put a full halt to all purchases. I was told by the UA member who banned me, Monaclu, that the reason I was banned was because "your general fund was wayyyyy below the real price of the products" & "yeah thats the issue is the alt char supplying guns for dirt cheap" , but in reality there was a general fund that was given, not a general expectation of what I wanted back. According to the records collected by Monaclu, I gave 150K to said person "racket abusing." In what way does this point to racket abuse? If I was racket abusing, I'd be paying the exact shipment price of whatever I was buying. In this case, selling drugs for a discount, guns, or anything on a character that is not considered your main, is racket abuse. Why should you be unbanned? Considering I was not intending to break any rules in any way and was simply focused on giving someone business without getting drugs...I don't think what I was doing was malicious. Mac11s buy for 15k and sell for 25k (pretty accurate to a 1.5X ratio), I was buying something worth 8k for 12k and somehow that's racket abuse because its not their main char? They make more money off me than they do selling drugs, win win, I don't see why it's considered abusing. If anything a warning on record would've sufficed, I don't quite understand banning me for a rule that is unlisted. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): n/a
    5 points
  2. We makin it outta Self Storage with this one ️
    3 points
  3. "A couple actually means two." - Just in the images Bacon sent, it was forty, and presumably more. It's still spam.
    2 points
  4. Command: !timers Output: You can't use the vendor named {vendor_name} for XXX.X seconds. You can't use the vendor named {vendor_name_2} for XXX.X seconds. Logic: It depends on how timers are stored. If they are stored on a character basis, the /timers command would launch the timers active on that character. If stored on a STEAM_ID basis, the /timers command could ideally show all timers across all characters. It'd be the same way as checking the NPC's timer when it is clicked on, but it checks all NPCs and doesn't open their inventories if the timer doesn't exist. It should just need to pull the timers. Benefits: This could help make it simpler to known how much time is left to interact with your vendor NPCs without needing to go over and click on them. It should also assist in cutting down on the need for alarms for any sort of accuracy or needing to find work arounds for the timing. If I need to explain things differently, do let me know and thank you for reading!
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. In the manner you describe its not a huge problem, but given context (the player who sold you the guns is in the same faction as you, and their intention is to benefit that faction) is now a problem. Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied. We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified. Ensure you have read our Server Rules.
    1 point
  7. Fent homeless junkie update when??
    1 point
  8. And you also poach members from other factions...
    1 point
  9. made a acc js to say stfu nigga damn sucking olympussy nuts quit the server
    1 point
  10. you guys get pked by rockefeller employees and then go back for round 2 immediately 3 days after and pk them. yeah, duh. can't be doing that.
    0 points
  11. So like I had explained to you over DMs, i'll kinda break it down for you here. Kalena, who is a takahashi main, whitelists into another faction. She proceeds to sell you guns at basically the vendor price she buys them for from the NPC. You then sell those tec-9s at the garrison for full price. This is racket abuse. You can't have one of your workers whitelist into a faction to supply you with their guns to sell at a massive profit. That's the only purpose she was in the gambinos for. She did nothing but supply your faction (her faction) with guns to resell for extraordinary profit. You had to have been fully aware that you were receiving wayyyyy more TEC-9s than you paid for. You gave her (just on her emilia char, i haven't even included her hershel char because there was just so much of this done) approximately $150,000. She gave you approximately 47 TEC-9s, using a shared bank account. This was a very clearly large operation and you probably made some hella money off it. I can't imagine anybody not stopping and thinking why they're getting really rich. If you had done things legit, and actually purchased TEC-9s from the Gambinos at full price, you would've had to have paid her approximately $470,000. You immediately profited 300 grand in the span of a couple days.
    0 points
  12. -1 I dont see the potential for the "great RP" everyone here is speaking of, seems like a generic faction app aside from the thought-out backstory "we uhh sell drugs but appear uhh legal". The example for RP you posted with the youtube link is you and your friends cracking jokes in a Townhouse, what happens when that gets boring? Im assuming all of these people have low playtimes as well. I really dont care about poaching or whatever but longevity wise I see an OOC friendgroup that would go inactive within a month or two if given a faction on the server. You also dont have a clear idea on where youre heading with the rackets, are you getting oil? are you getting drugs? you dont know. Also if youre inching into the criminal underworld, how would a "legal appearing" faction retaliate/react when inevitably an actual criminal faction comes to district/tax you once youre off cooldown? A lot of plot holes people are looking past because they think youre funny with your townhouse improv.
    0 points
  13. The commission crying over a -1 is just as embarrassing when you people when to murder.inc for them to do your dirty work when your guys got robbed by 14k and CCNG.
    -1 points
  14. +1 real ass nigga, i love the guy he has amazing leadership qualities i think it would be an amazing addition to the server
    -1 points
  15. I was there when the whole mugging happened, we wanted to mug RockerFeller for money, It wasn't even Luca's idea.
    -1 points
  16. in the situation where i was pked i was shot by the man i was holding a gunpoint so it was not a revenge pk as well as with all do respect in my clip u can perfectly see the woman pull out a weapon to kill me
    -1 points
  17. i know it looks bad but look at it from my perspective if i didn't shoot back i would have been killed and pked and i didn't want to get pked so i shot back i understand this situation looks bad but please look at it from my eyes i promise i didn't perform a revenge pk all i wanted to do was have fun with my friends on the server for the small amount of time i have left to play this weekend and this was taken away from my small retaliation to getting a gun pointed at my head if i knew i would have got banned for revenge pk even though it was a mugging gone violent i would have never went Rockefeller
    -1 points
  18. Eh Kinda Unoriginal, but would be cool to have another active faction!
    -2 points
  19. Your Character or Steam Name: Luca Lothbrok Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https://steamcommunity.com/id/MRLogicNova/ Your Discord ID#: MrLogicnova Reason for ban: Revenge pk Length of ban: 2 days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Me and a group of 5 guys because there place is right next to us and we needed to get some cash previously i got pked by a Rockefeller employee and there was 2 people online from there and we shouted at her to put her hands up and in retaliation she pulled out her gun and shot at us in doing so i shot my gun all we where trying to do is get money and the person decided to get her gun instead from surrendering as well as i wasn't pked by that Rockefeller employee i was pked by a different person and my superior advised us to mug Rockefeller as we were running short of money. Why should you be unbanned? because i didn't break any rules i was just listening to my superior Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/hYWVMBw2eeRmgo6Zv/d13377zUjbGx?invite=cr-MSxRN0ssMjE5MjgwNjg0LA
    -2 points
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