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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/24 in all areas

  1. Just an fyi playtime was never wiped
    3 points
  2. every single person in this community mocks you, you are a laughing stock
    2 points
  3. After being banned half the server already forgotten me they forgot about #007 and even my in game name they forgot what i brought and what i did for the community i do too much for this community like my time and streamer support no one congratsulate me not even thanks me. Day 2 of being banned im stuck in the dark with my thoughts thinking about things i wish i forgot something i cant explain on the internet losing my insanity the constant voice and thinking in my head of many things this game helped those thoughts because i liked the server i liked the people but someone had to mess it up for me and get me banned person who got me banned even quit the server after i got banned @RemHope you feel very good about yourself for leaving me with my never ending thoughts in my head that this server clamed down.
    1 point
  4. It's cool to see African American RP that doesn't devolve into Blood v Crips RP. Massive +1
    1 point
  5. +1 Mr. Kostas is the only reason that I am still plus one this app.
    1 point
  6. +1 I'm in favor the faction. Has a lot of opportunities, and I believe they will be a good addition.
    1 point
  7. +1 Greek Mafioso's? Sounds cool
    1 point
  8. pwetty pwease don pendred
    0 points
  9. After being banned half the server already forgotten me they forgot about #007 and even my in game name they forgot what i brought and what i did for the community i do too much for this community like my time and streamer support no one congratsulate me not even thanks me. Day 2 of being banned im stuck in the dark with my thoughts thinking about things i wish i forgot something i cant explain on the internet losing my insanity the constant voice and thinking in my head of many things this game helped those thoughts because i liked the server i liked the people but someone had to mess it up for me and get me banned person who got me banned even quit the server after i got banned @RemHope you feel very good about yourself for leaving me with my never ending thoughts in my head that this server clamed down. As Much as ive tried and did for this server just for an admin to be bias and ban me off an 15 sec clip not even an min clip i bring this community together i acutally bring the livelihood to the rp rethink about my ban. I know guys as an real street gang leader i cant show emotion but it comes down im not the monster im not the bad guy i just wanted money in game for my gang i wanted my boys to eat and thrive and live but sad trust is i failed #007 im sorry maybe in another timeline we can meet again and i can be the leader of the gang just one more one more time and the thoughts overthinking and voices in my head will soon find another garry mod server i can be myself and have fun in without being bothered or banned or even have admins fucking throw my marjiauan plants around i hope in another time line the #007 thrive in the name of Jeriah Smith The Forgotten. The End Of An Legend.... Or is it whats next will #007 faction get accepted or not HAHA untill next time we meet again youll see next time we meet again.
    0 points
  10. Name of Faction:#007 Number of Members (Minimum of 5):8 Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc):Street Gang Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc):American Name of Character running the faction: Jeriah Smith Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210):Lubaba24 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:710040755 Your Server playtime:week or two Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No):yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No):yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images): ALL THREE OF THESE QUESTIONS RECORDED ON VIDEO RECORD BECAUSE HARD UNDERSTANDING TYPED ENGLISH: https://streamable.com/3fzbto
    0 points
  11. Name of Character: Gabriel 'Bear' Gonzalez SteamID: STEAM_0:1:444435754 Your Discord ID#: 394933235051921409 Date of PK: 5/19/2024 Reason for PK: I ran away while I was getting robbed (I think, I never turned around to see him) Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: The robbery itself should be voided, as this entire robbery happened in front of an NPC right next to the Lucchese casino with the trash can. (Gas station next to the car vendor). The video provided by the the person who PK'ed me obviously shows the location, and the fact that I was there. This would mean that this situation would be voided, as the entire interaction was FAILRP. The rule that was broken was False Mug. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Every time I try and provide a picture of the NPC, it gives me an error, i can send the image through discord though.
    0 points
  12. Please take ur meds already, you’re scaring all of us. get help.
    0 points
  13. our hero remains banished from the city how will diverge networks recover?!?!?
    0 points
  14. you certainly are one of a kind
    0 points
  15. can u jus go look at the new #007 faction app alot of ppl wanna see me back and me have my own gang its not gonna last long anyway bro do it for the community let us have something to remeber
    0 points
  16. -1, Not interested in a legal faction that won't benefit the entire server. (and this ig...)
    0 points
  17. -1 There’s a reason why there aren’t any African-American organizations which is because they always get abandoned or get fucked over. This isn’t a "banger" like a certain someone said.
    0 points
  18. You were pked for killing yourself to avoid an arrest, this is considered a PK as you are not showing proper regard for your life https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2dZZBjj4CcYDOZ/ZcQqTXKMfXrE?invite=cr-MSx5MVgsNzExMDk4Mjgs?mobilebypass=true
    0 points
  19. -1 Two weeks in my opinion is not enough time. I think you should continue to grow as a player in the community time wise before making this app.
    0 points
  20. -1 Canadian-greek has to change and the name is so stupid
    0 points
  21. glad to hear it contrary to what fat ass big Jew and schizo have to say it’ll help
    -1 points
  22. -1 Name def needs work, Ranks list on your backstory looks like you spent maybe 3 minutes on it, Playtime could be higher Main reason for my -1 is because I've already had multiple encounters with multiple of the people who make appearances in your video showcasing RP for your faction. The only thing I can say about them is that they are very mingy. Imo this faction wouldn't really last long and seems like it would be run by a group of people who don't know anything about running a faction.
    -1 points
  23. So you're just like any other faction then? you have a legal front that hides the illegal side which is the main part. The vagueness wasn't necessary then.
    -1 points
  24. Pendred if i couldnt control myself in this moment when i see this i woulda beat you into an bloody pulp
    -1 points
  25. Im more active then you on your own fricking website forum do me an favor and dont ruin the game do something good for the community let the community have an laugh that no one had in a wild stuff dont last long cherish this time i bring into this server i am one of an kind.
    -1 points
  26. Listen dude just listen to faction reviews yk the faction not go last long anyway lets just cherish this moment while im here i wont do anything dumb asf if u acually accept it ima make an real discord and set all the rules up. do good for the server let the server have fun and get an laugh.
    -1 points
  27. One answer can change the whole destiny and the whole everything this is something that wont be forgotten trust me this is your time to fricking take an comeup trust me one answer itll change everything.
    -1 points
    -3 points
  29. I think about mafia game garry mod alot but cant forget where #007 got made from #LLDaGuyz always achiving new highets even while yall looking down on me keep protecint the gang and ima keep do what i do #LLThaGuyz i do this for you !! #007 Go be the biggest one ay i promise cant get on gang and rep it so i had to bring the memiors were we orginate from!! Congrats to myself for being the first Member Ranker Person to hit Loyle Capo am I the next Legend? ALways out did niggas that why they hate congrats to me big #007 shit str from 1007block w the members
    -4 points
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