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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/24 in all areas

  1. Name of Character: Sean "Zion" Berenbaum SteamID: STEAM_0:0:802232006 Your Discord ID#: drvnkthrutheday Date of PK: 5/5/2024 Reason for PK: we were dealing with a situation were we had a guy under fear RP, so we brought him to the fish house on the docks, while we have him there gun shots start going off, and i walk out the room to see my friend dead and the door open, so i walked out the door and 4 random guys with no F3 to anyone in the boat house came and shot and killed me, i respawned at hospital and went to bank then went afk while sitting down and came back to a PK notification Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:The guys who killed us didnt know any of us, no F3's or nothing they acted off of nothing for them, they attacked us with no reason. we had a man locked in the ladder room and they just opened up and started shooting us for no reason. If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: PK'd along Antonio Scarface Viado in the exact same situation,Mod Adam will have the same clips of the situation
    4 points
  2. Thank you for applying to the Diverge Networks staff team! It is my pleasure to inform you that your application has been accepted. Submit a ticket on our Discord for training and to get setup.
    1 point
  3. As the CEO for Rockefeller I support this being a faction. I look forward to working with you.
    1 point
  4. Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted. Your character has been reinstated and can be used again. My reasoning is that the so called "Saviors" did not have prior knowledge of who the one being "mugged" was not known to the people allegedly saving them. Due to this reason its more of RDM than associates saving associates.
    1 point
  5. +1 As the Head of HR for Rockefeller Oil, this is a well done app from what it seems, you did an amazing job with the back story, and the brochure is a beautiful touch, would love to see some healthy competition in the oil market!
    1 point
  6. I like to store my proccesed stuff in ATM's so I can just do one big sell at once but the whole drag and move thing getting a lil annoying so I think a good way to save time and conveniance is to be able to sellect a group of single unit items and then move that all at once
    0 points
  7. +1 Same Shit That Happened To Antonio "Scarface" Viado. Exact same scene, Other side just tryna take out the competition, (Adam Metagame definitely)
    0 points
  8. If someone elects to go into the water to avoid arrest and ends up dying it can easily be a PK as they intentionally put their life at risk. PK is the deterrent consequence.
    0 points
  9. Hello, I was the one who PK you and your associate. So I will say my side of the situation and then give why I decided to PK you. You made a ticket about a potential metagame which I took. I then looked into this claim and got the person who was involved in the situation and got the clips needed. I found there to be no metagame whatsoever in any clips I had gotten nor did you provide any clips. I then looked at the situation again seeing that there may be cause for further investigation. This is the situation and can be confirmed by clips and evidence. You and your group as well as a white shirt walked past the scrapyard which was under supervision by the property owners and their allies. While they were on the roof you said some things that caused them to become cautious of the situation. They saw you go down to the boathouse and over their radio someone said along the lines of "There is a gaggle of Jews at the boathouse". This would lead them to go down and start an interaction with you guys. They had no weapons out on safety or anything just wanting to go inside of the property. No one owns that property and can't be owned by anyone till it's sold by the government. They wanted to go inside but your guys would not let them. This resulted in your guys pointing weapons at them which they would leave the boathouse area but stay on the docks/docks parking. They radioed for more people to come over to help and more came. Once they came back one of the guys managed to get inside with his weapon on safety. Your guys started the altercation by taking his gun off the safety and pointing at him resulting in him retaliating. You then come out of the ladder room saying "Kill that guy, Kill that guy". This means you and your guys started the altercation. Seeing as they did not shoot till their life was threatened by an active threat. Now why did you get PKed? Simply because you were holding someone under FearRP and there is solid evidence showing that you intended to have him under FearRP same with your associate in the room with you. I see no "vigilante justice" in this situation they had no intention of trying to free this guy and the reason they did not kill him was because he caused no threat. The only people who were killed in this situation were the ones with weapons out off safety. If I remember correctly there was even one of your guys who left without dying because he did not have a weapon out and did not attack. Nowhere in any clips do I hear anything about saving this guy, They saw a group of you guys with a white shirt going to the boathouse which is unowned and they wanted to investigate. The way I see it you and your associate had someone under FearRP not 10 seconds later you both died. I understand this is not an ordinary situation but myself and other staff agree. YOU had him under fearRP, YOUR guy started the altercation. Also, you were in an unowned building meaning anyone can just stumble upon you guys. This is everything I took into consideration when I decided to PK you and your associate. In my opinion, I feel there was enough there to make a final decision to PK you.
    0 points
  10. Maybe even add an auto sorter for donators?
    0 points
  11. something like a shift right click like in minecraft to add anything in the ATM would be great
    0 points
  12. yeah no thats not what happened. Hi! i was involved in the shoot out that led to your death. so, that confrontation started when your people pointed guns at us from the boat house, since we was threatened, we decided to come over and see why you decided to aim at up! when we came over to see why you fellas was pointing guns at us, one of your guys pulled on us! causing him to be shot! notice how everyones gun is on safety, apart from his. when he got shot for threatening me, the rest of you pulled your guns and started shooting our group, causing you all to get dropped. we had no knowledge of the black fella there and was simply coming over to ask why you was aiming firearms at us, you decided to shoot. nothing "vigilante" about protecting yourself! its almost as if the man wasnt pointing a gun at us and had his hands up, not too sure what your trying to suggest here, learn better trigger discipline
    0 points
  13. Play time is a big deal but its not a deal breaker. All because you only got 4 days worth of play time does not mean I'm going to -support your app. I would like to know more about you since I have never met you it would give me a picture of who you are. I don't recognize you which is not a bad thing or a good thing you just don't stick out to me and I'm in PD as well. Spell checking your app is also good so I would do your app in like a google doc next time. NEUTRAL
    0 points
  14. this pendred guy doing literally anything but putting out the new map
    0 points
  15. Name of Character: bryan "can" smith steamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/1244444444444444444444/ Your Discord ID#: qrpe Date of PK: 07/05/2024 Reason for PK: i dont even know i woul guess mugging or something i didnt get told Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: i got pkd from someone who i took money from and ran away i left my car with him and ran away he didnt find me until over 30mins and where is the rule for this? supposedly 9 seconds before 30 mins he hadnt seen my face and recognized the car i left with him that despawned then i had to go get it and i changed the tire color on it so he wouldnt recognize and changed my outfit he then finds me kills me without saying anything and then rdms after killing me as pk and i didnt even get fully told why the pk was happening i have a clip of him killing me also he had a friend who they where metagaming with and he was telling him where i was u can hear it in the clip and him also laughing at the end of the clip saying im about to pk this dude https://streamable.com/m6y1lu clip of him rdming me whilst metagaming https://streamable.com/uriw35 clip of his friend walking in and without saying anything he walks out and his friend comes in so they are also metagaming and killing without conflict so this proof and my pk should be lifted because of the rdm/ooc voids a pk in rules and the fact he was metagaming and the rule abt 30 mins isnt even in the rules
    -4 points
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