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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/24 in all areas

  1. I know Bacon-Canadian and Pendred spoke about it a bit, there are also multiple people who played diverge much longer than I who claim it used to be a thing. With the release of a bigger new map, newer factions coming, and pendred maybe finding a way to increase the server population (idk I just saw him say something about entities and trying to lower them)- I feel like it would be a good time to release attachment rackets to increase faction revenue, player interaction/rp, assist in a certain power dynamics between the illegal factions, and help the factions with activity that don’t have gun rackets. They could also have serial numbers(for muzzles) on them, so they could be filed down, sold illegally, and police investigative rp can take place aswell- or sold legally but they must be recorded like gun store sales. it would also help more with taking from the economy and more into the governmental budget as the attachment stamps for gun licences can hold more meaning and power such as different tiers, and how many attachment's someone can carry/transport.
    3 points
  2. It might not matter much anymore since there will only be one gas station in the new map, but seeing a return of fuel consumption from the mafia servers-of-old would be nice. Not only does it add immersion into the roleplay but it could also be a passive money sink for the economy in the range of three to four figures. Consumption could be influenced by the speed and luxuriousness of the car as well (fast and modern 2010s cars cost more to maintain than poor people cars!) Not quite sure what it would take for this to be added though. Just a thought!
    3 points
  3. HELLO EVERYONE Thank you all for +1’ing my faction application! Promising to do something and doing something is two different things, so I do not plan to throw out a bunch of empty promises- I truly do wish to improve the server for the better and I do feel like the “legal side” of the RP on the server could benefit from it; as well as benefit it. Yap aside, the reason for this message is to update everyone that Brown & Sons Co. will not be indulging in the stock market as promised in the brochure (as the new business system created by our Governor won’t have any), so in it’s place I plan to open up 2 other successful, profitable legal operations that I will personally ensure the workers gain profit, along with the other 4 legal operations within the company that are planned- Best part is, not every person working for the company has to be whitelisted(only the main ones and oil workers have to be of course, which understandably a lot of oil workers may be alts for their own factions which is fine as long as they don’t break server rules), however I will set a swift oil production in place that will see a daily sale of oil at any given time of the day. Legal work isn’t boring, it just doesn’t pay very good- though I will see to it that it works well, pays well, and is supportive. A true “all in one stop n’ shop” company that is on the people’s side. All the people. This faction/company will guarantee a wide variety of value to anyone and everyone and touch all bases from new players to faction leaders, with a wide array of assistance from legal help, to dupe builds, to event management and help- You name it, Brown & Sons Co. has a team that can do it! Last but not least is I encourage people to dm me, and help me with whatever they’d like to help with- any ideas you may have; im willing to work with everyone! Just because the application has not been accepted yet doesn’t mean we cannot plan and prepare
    2 points
  4. With the new update I propose to change the system currently in place with Citizens and those that want to play a criminal character without aligning to a existing faction. I propose for there to be an NPC at barge or wherever the black market is to get transferred to a criminal whitelist like New York Taxis except with access to rumour. Here are some changes to the rules I could see with this addition. 1. Citizens can no longer mug no matter what 2. Those in the criminal whitelist can have Dons orders from any family on them from a faction provided they initiate a conflict with that faction (since they have no protection they are subject a higher chance of dying) 3. Groups of people in the criminal whitelist can group up and form gangs Why should being an independent criminal whitelist exist on a mafia RP server? 1. It already exists you can see gangs of bloods and crips and other citizen gangs that already live a non law abiding life why not formalize the current state of RP 2. Creates opportunities for factions to form naturally and exist in a sort of limbo state before becoming official. 3. Creates more of a divide between the lawless and law abiding citizens in the city. Allows those who do not want to conform to a faction to still roleplay as a criminal and engage in the drug trade.
    1 point
  5. Your Character or Steam Name: Character Name: Victor "Vatari" Vanson, Steam: NeverBeGameOver Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:54734199 Your Discord ID#: 530456949460959263 Reason for ban: Item Transfer/Middle Manning Length of ban: 3 Days Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I'm making this appeal in to own up and accept responsibility of my actions and looking to move forward after taking the time the brush up on the sever rules. As well Apologizing for acting out in bad faith of my actions for middle manning item transfers. I understand that I shouldn't be breaking sever economy and helping a player that's been Pk'd, swap their previous items over to a new character, so they can bypass the initial stages of building player wealth. As well circumventing the whole point of why the sever features Pk's. Why should you be unbanned? Having no priors offenses before this ban, I only intend to follow the rules and not repeat any of the same actions in the future, and not break any other rules that leads to other bans. I have no interest or will to ever try doing something like ever again, especially if encountering a similar scenario in the future, I can ensure the right actions to avoid the consequences for my self and other players acting in the same vein. Any failure to do so in the future will be my fault and failure of the lesson learned here. Additional Information (images, videos, etc): Not every item was transferred over to from the Pk'd player to the new one. I'm willing to hand over all items ASAP and have no interest of holding on to them for personal gain as well as selling them off.
    1 point
  6. Me when I drive a truck to a gas station to refuel only to be told that it got turned into a restaurant
    1 point
  7. +1 Yes this used to be a thing and i will love to see it again in the server
    1 point
  8. iirc there was a vote on it long time ago but shrug
    1 point
  9. +1 One of the things I miss from the server is this. It was tedious I guess to those who only care about running around and PVPing but, it was super cool RP-wise and brings RP to having attachments and making it where not everyone is running around with a gun with 8 billion attachments on it.
    1 point
  10. *Idk if car shop factions are on the table for the new map, but if they are this could be a racket, otherwise it would be at car dealer.* Add nitrous oxide for cars. It would essentially be identical to the effect of the turbo tune, but cost like 5k and be on a short clock. Obv it would be nice for players that can’t afford the turbo tune, but mainly it would be to test the effect of turbo on a car in case it destroys handling, or just isn’t that impressive. (yes I know real cars would require a substantial investment into modifications before you could run nitrous. It’s gmod.)
    1 point
  11. +1 love legal rp and competition to go with it
    1 point
  12. +1 basil is the goat
    1 point
  13. +1 Bring back Legal Faction competition
    1 point
  14. Basel returns and brings oil with him. +1
    1 point
  15. This suggestion was attended to end the yapping in rumour or at least reduce the abuse used to argue through underground advert, instead of using rp rumours or adverts.
    0 points
  16. Thank you for applying to the Diverge Networks staff team. Unfortunately, your application has been denied. You may apply again in 30 days. You may apply sooner if you receive permission from a Head Administrator or higher.
    0 points
  17. While some of the things brought up in this thread may seem concerning, ive personally have had nothing but positive RP experiences with this fella and believe if given a chance would be able to fit the part +1
    0 points
  18. I believable we should go back to having it so when you show someone your license it does not actually give them your name. There has been a lot of cops just going around asking for ID for having a gun, which is fine but it would clear up a lot of problems with people getting arrested because they dont want cops to have their name. My suggestion to the change could be to have it so when you look at someone's ID when their cuffed the cop gets the name of the perp. That way when someone is legally open carrying cops dont just f3 fish and go let me see your ID and get the name of the person, this would prevent a lot of people from just outright being arrested for refusing to essentially give up their name.
    0 points
  19. Every time I see bloods and crips on RDM and mingery tends to follow
    0 points
  20. This definitely adds more RP to the attachment stamps on gun licenses, and planning out kills on people. Like if you wanna PK somebody and do it quiet, now you gotta make sure everybody has the right gear and shit.
    0 points
  21. If you are carrying a gun around, cops have every right to check to see if you have a licenses for that gun. It is not ID fishing. You don't want cops getting your name, then dont carry a gun simple as that. Why is it so bad if someone knows your name in the first place?
    0 points
  22. There is so much more properties, so much more room for RP, so much bigger, and plus the other side of the bridge could be New Jersey, and there could be a North Jersey mafia just like real life. Other than the fact that players would have to get used to it, I cant think of anything better about Southside. (Plus, it is made by the same person who made southside, so everything functions the same)
    -1 points
  23. Cops would just go around and /doorkick everyone they see sitting down to troll.
    -1 points
  24. I would love this and it would add hella rp
    -1 points
  25. Dearest Adam I am the owner of the Discord server in which the message was sent. I will not apologize for what I said but expect an apology in return for your unprofessionalism in infiltrating a discord server to find evidence against the banana guy you are meant to go based on bias not to investigate him for anything he's a part of. under section 18 U.S.C. § 2261A This law prohibits using the internet to severely harass or stalk someone. The law penalizes anyone who uses a channel of interstate commerce to engage in a course of conduct that causes substantial emotional distress to a person. Please never interact with my associate or I will be forced to take legal action into hand. Love Rizo < 3
    -2 points
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