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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/24 in all areas

  1. when i find myself needing to give id to police, i always hesitate because of the amount of metagame that will happen, the thing is, idk if you can really limit that. there is really nothing you can do to stop that. only thing you can do is to not do stupid shit, like carrying guns on your back or having a mask on. it even says in the laws that the police needs to tell him once to take it off, without asking for id. cops literally just ask for it anytime something happens and then will arrest you for not giving id.
    2 points
  2. -1 The cult aspect isn’t really something that the server needs. They usually grow to become mingey and will cause problems with other factions and will be the ultimate destruction of it or it goes inactive because most of their members get banned. I’d rebrand… Also you’re Irish…
    1 point
  3. semi-true and not at the same time. The cop wont recognize you, but 90% of the time they look at your ID, you're into the system for some sort of note or ticket and that usually jog's their memory when they see that THEY made the note/ticket.
    1 point
  4. Honestly I think the ID should only trigger recognition if the person is cuffed / restrained. It would make slightly more sense RP wise. Cops realistically are way more likely to remember someone they’ve actually arrested and handcuffed rather than someone they just conducted a pitstop gun license check on. It’s the most convenient balance between both worlds. A lot of cops *John Fraser* will just hunt the name down of as many individuals as they can, and someone (especially a cop) having your name makes you very susceptible to meta / power game. Not only can people who have your name see your face model and name on the tab menu whenever they want, but they have your faction as well. If a cop is in one faction on an alt, and they arrest someone who’s in an unfriendly faction, they’re naturally gonna be biased. Another alternative if people want the system to stay the same so bad, is to make it so when you’re on a cop character, all non gov’t factions appear as “???” because why would a cop know what faction a person is in just by looking at their ID.
    1 point
  5. We have officially edited our business name from Wonkaland to Emerald Isle Entertainment. Something a bit more green, something a bit more our scene! We had another fantastic night as well with our Paintball League! We ran our first official event today just wanting to try it out and we had an amazing turn out! Total Participant Census: 88 players among 10 matches Match #1: 5v5 Red vs Blue | Winner: Red Match #2: 6v6 Red vs Blue | Winner Blue Match #3: 9v9 Shirts vs Suits | Winner: Suits Match #4: 8v8 Shirts vs Suits | Winner: Shirts Match #5: 8v8 Shirts vs Suits | Winner: Shirts Match #6: 4v4 Shirts vs Suits | Winner: Suits Match #7: 4v4 Shirts vs Suits | Winner: Suits Match #8: 2v2 Shirts vs Suits | Winner: Suits Match #9: 1v1 Red vs Blue | Winner: Blue Match #10: 1v1 Red vs Blue | Winner: Blue
    1 point
  6. Personally, I don’t think this is a bad idea at all. This would prevent minge cops from targeting people they have names of when he/she comes online. I’ve seen the issue happen quite a few times in the past... Showing ID should only be a temporary thing so a cop or a gun store employee can check records.
    1 point
  7. +1 Here I was thinking we'd be the only Irish around. This'll add some variety to the Irish in the city for damn sure. Reading over the backstory was an absolute treat already, but to hear of the concept of working with other factions and even gamemaster things coming into play sounds very exciting. I hope that we'll be able to interact in the near future to create some real fun among the factions! Good luck to your faction and I hope to see a fellow amazing roleplay in the city soon!
    1 point
  8. +1 Good rper, good dude.
    1 point
  9. Thank you for your reply. First I want to explain that this is not going to be the IRA. We never planned on it and it never will. This High Command comes from years of Italian roleplay. There is going to be no IRA or anything of the sort happening in this faction. I have seen some Irish factions that have been accepted, and have either turned into something else or as you said turned into an IRA. While I am in charge of this faction, we aim to contribute to roleplay as a proper Irish Mob. Taking Inspiration from movies and how they acted in real life. I don't know if we know each other, but I hope with this I can change your mind about thinking this faction is going to be another IRA.
    1 point
  10. -1 IRA was a thing and was taken done, it is basically the IRA
    1 point
  11. +1 Or just introduce a fishing minigame like the one from Stardew Valley
    1 point
  12. Name of Faction: Brown & Sons Co. Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 7+ Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Legal Oil Company Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): American background; though all races/ethnicities will be hired. Name of Character running the faction: John Brown Jr II Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): baselsamarah Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:708116014 Your Server playtime: 3mo 6 day 23h 1m Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred): My top priority will be ensuring the sale of oil daily, and creating a legal faction/company completely neutral and uninvolved with any faction conflict/politics. Members of every faction is welcome and encouraged to join/participate. I hope to also shine a light on Law Firms and Security Firms, giving them an actual platform, a form of compensation, allowing for RP and hopefully bridging a gap between the legal and illegal aspects of RP. Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above): Hella oil sales, events related to Gambling such as game shows, Sports-betting and Paintball matches available to the entire server to participate, that will take place on various faction owned properties (with permission) to gain mutual positive attention, Introducing a mega-company that would induce IC RP with lawyers, government personal, members of PD, members of illegal factions regardless of "conflict/politics". Another big plus is the extensive yet simple discord server, that will be extremely supportive for newbies to Faction Leaders. The wind blows a brochure into your face… (only works on pc) Long Backstory
    0 points
  13. When somebody gets pked, players will have the ability through /me to take whatever they have in their inventory, including the clothes they have equipped.
    0 points
  14. +1 as a criminal i agree with this, but this would never be added sadly
    0 points
  15. -1, when I was a Faction Leader of a Criminal Faction I would still give out my F3 to anyone cause who gives a shit. It doesn’t actually mean anything. It’s annoying as fuck when people came trying to buy guns; and I, or an employee, would go through a whole process while the customer decides to back out at the end because we’d require his ID to complete the sale yet he feels too entitled/important to hand out his F3. Also UA already stated that anyone Made+ would usually be under a watchlist by the authorities and would definitely be a known figure in the criminal underworld.
    -1 points
  16. It literally disables the cop from shooting them when they have to (X) out of the ID prompft in the center of there screen. I actually don't have a problem with it being temporary mabye for like a week or so.
    -1 points
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