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Everything posted by xDutchCat

  1. Get gud with aiming, y'all just don't like it because when the battle in 3rd person had zero recoil when you moved. Y'all just gotta work on that aim lmao
  2. Doesn't make any sense at all. +1
  3. +1 If flamingo's gonna be nice to me frfr, nah good luck
  4. I do believe we have another top shotta in Diverge: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2dPp7GoL7zH9VL/eN12RjLCuEji?invite=cr-MSxTdDUsMjMzODYxMjYyLA?mobilebypass=true
  5. xDutchCat

    Ban Appeal

    Don't know any other scenario hence why I don't put any opinion on that, best of luck.
  6. xDutchCat

    Ban Appeal

    How am I pointing a gun at you when it was on safety. I pulled it out since YOU STARTED SHOOTING my fucking feet intentionally as you ran away. Then when you hit me then I pulled the safety pin off because you fucking shot me for absolute no fucking reason
  7. xDutchCat

    Ban Appeal

    I was one of the men you constantly were shooting at, I was just casually trying to get to my shipment and you were constantly aiming your gun at me eventually you hit me hence why I followed you so I could kill you. You were basically RDM Baiting me out of my experience. I heard you after I sent you back to hospital shoot other people near City Hall. The green man in my final clip who was standing at your body had some issues with you earlier that night. So your story you trying to RP is bullshit to me https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2c4Lt2vU-f8gQ0/d1337HdVh6f4?invite=cr-MSxDdm4sMjE1ODg0OTI0LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2c4LOhn_SQWKMu/d1337L299pWX?invite=cr-MSxuYXQsMjE1ODg0OTI0LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2c4MbqbuggeCvU/d1337Rm3FWQD?invite=cr-MSwyNlksMjE1ODg0OTI0LA
  8. Sorry to say but there is no fixing you got riddled with bullets and then thrown down the sewers with the Ninja Turtles. We forgave you after you died. Your character is dead now. Can't un-kill a kill. Be careful what you do in public and who you're talking to etc.
  9. Hey I was the man you were talking to and I was working with the man who shot you. You were spreading false information about one of our guys for being an accused pedophile which we traced down you were the source.
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